Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1079: Titmouse exposed

The True Lotus Containing Kirin Ethereal!

The so-called virtual spirit is the body of a unicorn born from the spirit of the qilin **** who is flowing away. (Starting)

This virtual spirit contains a strong Qilin spirit, and even a hint of God's breath in the Qilin true god.

If this kind of virtual spirit is obtained, it will be a great opportunity for any practitioner.

"Every unicorn ethereal spirit contains a hint of God's breath. Although this breath is restrained, there is still a chance to discern it." Bai Yunfei smiled and said ambiguously. When he spoke, he turned his eyes and swallowed the sky. Tit and Yi.

"But I don't know which clans the two are from?" It wondered.

"This is also true. If you are intentional, you can tell the difference between reality and reality." Xiao Yun smiled indifferently.

Then he continued to observe the fire lotus ahead.

This Bai Yunfei didn't want to say more, and naturally he wouldn't say much.

"Get out of here, get out of my house!" Just then, a rather tyrannical voice sounded by the river, but there was a group of men wearing python robes walking towards this, headed by Where is a young man wearing a golden dragon crown and wearing a dragon robe.

At this time, there were two middle-aged men arrogantly driving the people next to him near the Golden Crown youth.

When this group of people appeared, the monks by the river could not follow the sound.

"This man is so arrogant!"

"So domineering, who is he?" Suddenly, many people nearby were curious.

"This is Long Fei, the dragon's pulse!" Someone's eyes brightened, and he found out who was coming.

"Longfei son?" After hearing this, the crowd suddenly boiled, and many big monsters were jealous.

"Is this the vein of the dragon in the demon domain?" The big demon such as the sea lion and the sea shark tribe were completely shocked.


This is the real hegemony of the demon domain name!

I don't know how many strong men in this vein have once dominated the demon domain.

Long Fei stepped forward. He was wearing a golden robe with two imposing dragons embroidered on it.

The dragon's claws are extremely sharp, as if to break through.

A swell of Longwei shook the void and shivered.

"Long Fei!" When the young man came, Niu Qingtian's eyes flashed, and he could not help looking at this person.

"Yilong's pulse?" At this time, Xiao Yun, who was watching Huo Lin, frowned slightly, and couldn't help but walk towards the person who came.

"I didn't expect this one to come." Bai Yunfei's face was stunned, and when he turned towards that dragon flying, his eyes were stunned.

"The blood of the dragon is like a dragon." Xiao Yun sensed away carefully, although he was a little displeased with the tyrannical attitude of the dragon, but he still felt a bit amazing from the dragon fly fluctuation.

That kind of fluctuations is noble and noble, how many times stronger than the dragon's blood in Chendu's body.

Chen's ancestors only refined the true blood of the dragon, making them own the blood of the dragon.

But the vein of the dragon in the demon domain is completely passed down to the bone marrow and blood.

This is real blood, a true descendant of Chen Long.

The dragon blood contained in their bodies is naturally not comparable to the Chen family in Tianduyu.

"Long Fei's elder brother Long Teng is the champion on the list of contemporary demon!" Bai Yunfei's eyes narrowed and said.

A bit of inexplicable awe emerged in its tone.

"Crown?" Hearing words, Xiao Yun's eyes were surprised.

This Bai Yunfei was also a genius, but at this time he was in awe when talking to others. I can imagine how extraordinary this dragon is.

"It is said that this dragon got a trace of true dragon blood in an ancient battlefield. Now he has unlimited potential and has the opportunity to reach the level of the ancestor of the dragon dragon. Unfortunately, this world cannot be a **** today, otherwise it must It can be a god. "

Bai Yunfei said.

"Become a god!" Hearing this, Xiao Yun's heart moved even more.

In Tiandu Yu, it is quite amazing that a person has the potential to claim the emperor.

No one has heard of anyone who has been called a chance to become a god.

But this dragon Teng actually enjoys such a reputation, you can imagine how extraordinary he is!

"Become a god?" But the sky swallow next to him even rolled his eyes. "If there is no restriction on the rules of heaven and earth, God can claim to be a god, what can not be done to show off?" It seems to give the world a dragon Evaluation is very dissatisfied.

Xiao Yun nodded slightly.

Since the world can no longer become a god, what else is there to talk about as a potential god?

It is the same when I think of it. Tianduyu has no elders to give such evaluations to the younger generations.

Because these elders cannot become gods themselves, how can they give such praise?

"How do you know the talent of my brother Longteng?" At this moment, the dragon's eyes turned and his eyes flickered with gold. There seemed to be a dragon flying in the sky. Swept towards Xiao Yun.

He stared fiercely at the swallow.

Apparently, the dragonfinch's words were just heard by the dragon fly.

When Long Fei stepped forward, the people of Xiaolong also came towards Xiao Yun.

This pulse entered 37 people.

These people are very powerful. The blood in their bodies is so strong that their souls are trembling.

"These guys." Even when Bailong Fei came here, even Bai Yunfei frowned.

"My son." Someone in Qingtian White Ape motioned to let Bai Yunfei back.

Bai Yunfei hesitated, and he looked at Xiao Yun next to him.

But at this time Xiao Yun was still indifferent.

"It is still so indifferent in the face of strong enemies. This is no longer comparable to me." Seeing this, Bai Yunfei's heart was dark.

He immediately knew the gap between himself and Xiao Yun.

"If you want to set foot on the top of the path, how can you grow up if you are still afraid?" Bai Yunfei's eyes flickered, and his foot that had wanted to leave was in place and did not leave. At this moment, only the dragon came. If he is already afraid, how can he be strong?

"My son." The people in the vein of Qingtian White Ape were anxious.

"No need to say much." Bai Yunfei waved his hands.

He just watched Long Fei coming that way.

At the same time, he smiled at the corner of his mouth and turned to Xiao Yun.

He was really looking forward to what would happen next.

At this time, Niu Qingtian, Jin Wutai, and others who had seen Xiao Yun's shots were all stunned.

Although this Long Fei is not as famous as his elder brother Long Teng, he is also in the top 20 of the Tian Yao list!

At this point Long Fei went away, obviously with anger.

Not only Niu Qingtian and others, Qingzi Yao, Peng Yuan, etc. also cast their eyes.

These two are also the top 20 characters in the Tian Yao list.

"A fledgling bird?" Long Fei stepped forward, his eyes flickered, staring at the swallow finches carefully, and a little curiosity appeared in his eyes. From the swallow finches he Feel a little familiar fluctuation.

"Look, Believe it or not, God swallowed you." Seeing Long Fei staring at himself like this, the swallowing sky appeared in the eyes of the swallowing queen, how great it was then, if it was not in the forbidden place of the god, repair In order to be destroyed and hurt the source, will it be reduced to the present?

What makes it even more depressing is that the flesh was destroyed when it was restored to cultivation.

At this point, seeing the aggressive bullying of Long Fei, it's not to mention how depressed.

"You?" Long Fei's eyes flashed, carefully sensing the atmosphere of the swallowing larva. He frowned slightly, and then couldn't help smiling, "Haha, you are Chu Tianming who swallows the larva. Yes, even if you are physically Not here, but the breath cannot change, you are Chu Tianming! "

Long Fei's son laughed at the sky, and the sound went all around.

This caused many people in the vicinity to look up.


"Who is Chu Tianming?" Many demon children looked at each other and didn't seem to know the name.

After seeing the dragon fly to the sky and laugh, Xiao Yun was also stunned.

"Do you know each other?" He darted to swallow the tit.

"One of those men was defeated." The Skyfinch said, rolling its eyes.

"The defeated man." Xiao Yun frowned, but did not expect that the swallowing bird would know this dragon flying.

But now thinking about it, he also understands why the larynx just ridiculed the praise of Longteng.

I want to come to these two festivals.

"Chu Tianming! Chu Tianming, I haven't seen you for a few years. I don't want you to have fallen to the point where you have lost even your physical body, haha, thanks to the son who has been thinking about you for all these years, hey, now seeing this really makes my son happy! "Long Fei's eyes narrowed, and he stared at the swallow with a playful face," Haha, I wonder if you can fight me now? "

"Less proud, God can fight your reptile even if he loses his physical body." Seeing Long Fei's son provocative and swallowing the sky tits, his eyes had the original fire pattern flickering in his eyes, and then turned into a side beside him. Horrible fire cyclone.


The cyclone of fire agitated, and a huge sparrow evolved.

Immediately, a hot flame was swallowed up nearby.

Not only that, the practitioners by the river felt that the true elements in their bodies were passing away.

"This is magical power!"

"Tanque, this is the titan of the titan!" When the titan evolved a huge cyclone to devour the flames of the Quartet, the big demon's eyes were astonished. At the same time, everyone darted to swallow the tit. It was also a look of awe.

The swallow of the skyfinch is an ancient tribe.

Although this pulse is very low-key, no one dares to underestimate them in the demon domain.

It is said that the ancestors who swallowed the sky **** swallowed the dragon.

The same is true. So far, there is a lot of resentment in the veins of swallowing larks and dragons.

Even the dragons have eaten. Who would dare to underestimate this ethnic group?

"This bird is actually a swallowtail bird?" Bai Yunfei frowned, staring at the swallowbird in surprise.

Earlier he felt that it was a bit unusual to swallow a sparrow.

But the Skyfinch has been restrained and has not shot, and he cannot guess its identity.

Now identified, he was in his heart.

"Chu Tianming? Isn't this one of the patriarch candidates that swallowed the sky queen? How could he be so lost?" Niu Qingtian's eyes were wrong. Geniuses of all races also have some understanding.

Although it was not famous because of its young age, many people knew it.

"Chu Tianming? Isn't he missing?" At this time, the monks of the major demons by the Qilin River were staring at the swallows, the golden-winged Dapeng, Qingtian Shenpeng, and so on All have weird expressions.

Chickadee is definitely a big family.

The supernatural power of this vein is also extremely amazing.

Legend has it that the ancestor who swallowed the sky **** could swallow even the sun and moon.

Therefore, the emergence of the skyfinch has attracted many people's attention.

These geniuses want to see the devouring magical powers.


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