Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1080: Peacock boy

The Skyfinch meets Long Fei.

When the identity of the Skyfinch was pointed out, there was an uproar in the field.

"This bird is actually a swallowtail?" At this moment even the **** could not help showing a surprised expression on his face.

Although she is just a clan.

But I have also heard about the big races in Yaoyu.

Swallowing the sky is clearly the kind of hegemony.

The skyfinch evolved a huge cyclone, its eyes were cold, and it stared at the dragon who could not fly.

Look at this, it is obviously ready to fight with this reptile.

"Hehe, how do you fight with me in this state?" Seeing the sky-winged bird evolved a devouring cyclone, Long Fei seemed rather indifferent. "You're not afraid that you haven't stepped into the baby market yet? I have already entered the baby market for a long time, and it won't take long for me to set foot in a half-step magical realm, or even become a king, but you? How can you grow without the flesh? "

He had a weird tone and was running on a swallowtail.

"You can crush you like no physical god!" The swallowing finch was furious, and when the wings moved, it swept away towards the dragon. The wind was suddenly rage, with a fiery flame sweeping forward. The fluctuations made Scary.

Here, the realm of everyone is suppressed in the palace reads ;.

Therefore, many swallows felt the pressure when they swallowed the tits.

"Even though the realm is suppressed, but my physical body is the Sixfold Realm of the Infant Market, how can you be compared?" Seeing the Skyfinch shot, Long Fei grinned, only to see him step forward, the fist was fierce Bombarded towards the swallow.


He blasted out with a punch, and the light veins on that fist flickered, and immediately a dragon came out.


The dragon was roaring, making a loud noise, and the vast sound waves shook, making the space tremble.

That supreme power made many great monster souls tremble, could not help but want to worship.

This is majesty from the bloodline.

In Demon Clan, strong blood is enough to oppress those lower blood.

Under the prestige of blood, many demon races are often defeated without a fight.


At this moment, the swallow-winged bird struck across, just chopping on the dragon.

The flames engulfed the dragon.

But Long Fei Quan's light flickered, and the momentum was astonishing, and the flames would be shattered.

The fleshless larva could not fight the dragon at all.

Without the physical body, he would have no foundation. How can he compete with others?

The wings broke up, but Long Fei was as imposing as he was. He stepped forward, and his fist rushed directly into the body of the swallow.

"Swallow it to the heavenly god!" The swallowing skyfinch was furious, and he shot all out, turning it into a huge cyclone to swallow the dragon.

Suddenly, Long Fei fell into a huge cyclone.

In the cyclone, there is a swallowing striated wrinkle to swallow the dragon.

"Is this Long Fei swallowed?" Seeing this, many people looked surprised.

"It is truly extraordinary to swallow up the magical power of God!" The cyclone of fire wriggles, swallowing up the gods pattern to bloom an amazing wave, which is a kind of wave that can swallow up everything. After this kind of wave has spread, the nearby repairs Everyone was frightened.

This is still the destiny that urged in the state of losing physical body.

Wouldn't this magical power be more powerful if the swallowing sparrow was still physically?

"Although it is low-key to swallow the sky tits, the blood veins are indeed simple and indeed worthy of the ancient clan!" Many big monsters showed their solemn faces.

"Hum, but the dragon boy is ranked 16th in the list of heavenly monsters. How can he be swallowed up by this fleshless bird?"

When the exclamation sounded nearby, the young man with a vein of dragons smiled coldly.

As a tribe of dragons, they know the place where Dragon Fei's son is against the sky.

"Swallowing the sky and losing the physical body, even if the magical powers are still there, after all, the realm is too low, I'm afraid it is difficult to cope with this dragon fly." Xiao Yun's eyes widened, and he closely followed the battle ahead.

The swallowing **** was so anxious that he didn't get involved.


A roar came out, but saw the devouring cyclone oscillate, with a horrible breath swinging.

Then everyone saw that the cyclone of fire broke up, and Long Fei's body appeared in the sight of everyone.


The cyclone broke up, swallowing the sky sparrow into a ray of fire, and then condensed into a body again.

But at this time, its breath has obviously weakened.

"This Chu Tianming is defeated!"

"Without the physical body, there is a gap in the realm. It is normal reads that Chu Tianming will lose." Seeing the devouring defeat, but no one underestimated it. The engulfing cyclone agitated, and the nearby vitality whistled. Almost everyone felt it. The terrible power of magic.

It's not hard to imagine how terrifying it would be if a **** swallow who had reached the magical power urged him to swallow it.

"You are vulnerable today!" Long Fei's brow lightly frowned, staring coldly at the swallow-tailed queen who reunited with the fire bird, "I have a pair of dragon punches against you and I don't need to procure magical powers Chu Tianming, Chu Tianming, today you are already a residual bird, haha, presumably at this time you are not able to compete with your cousin for the position of patriarch? "

After fighting back the swallowing queen, the dragon-fly boy still did not forget to ridicule the former severely.

"His mother, ca n’t you blame you? You really ca n’t win you that day?" I heard that the swallowing finch was so angry that the whole body was in full bloom, so I had to shoot again. Obviously, the dragon-fly man was talking about swallowing the tit. The most depressing thing.

"Swallow the sky, why are you in a hurry?" Xiao Yun stepped forward and ran across the sky swallow. "Wait for another day to help you recover your body. When you have crushed him, you will now shoot. If you hurt yourself, The source is worth the loss. "

It was said that the atmosphere of the swallowed **** was weakened.

"Why! Are you afraid? You have the unruly momentum that year?" After seeing the swallowing larynx's breath gradually weakened, Long Fei raised a brow and sarcastically said, look at this look, so that the swallowing larva is not ugly, he It is difficult to vent the grievances in my heart.

"Such a character is difficult to be a big weapon." After seeing Long Fei's attitude, Xiao Yun shook his head.

This Long Fei's state of mind is not yet comparable to Niu Qingtian.

Even though he is strong now, it is only by blood.

But if you want to be a real strong person, your mood is also very important.

"Long Fei, when this is your North Island Osawa?" Just as Long Fei was aggressive, a chilling voice sounded, but he saw a man wearing a colorful robe stepping behind him. The whole body of the man Blooming with multicolored light, he wore a crown of God, and his steps moved like a dragon and a tiger, and he had a world-wide power.

Behind him were several youths.

"This is Kong Qigongzi!" When this young man appeared, many eyes brightened.

"Kong Qi, son, this is the ninth existence of the last Tian Yao list. Reads ;!"

"Each of the top ten geniuses in the Tian Yao list is shocked and brilliant. Although there is a ranking before and after, the real gap is not large. Now two years have passed and it is presumed that the ranking will change again. This hole is a peacock vein. He has always been a low-key genius, and he didn't do his best in the Tian Yaobang competition last time. "


"I didn't expect that the seven sons of Kong also came here."

When Kong Qigong was here, Kong Yan came here, and there was an uproar.

This is the ninth genius in the genius list!

Legend has it that he has been a quasi-king for a long time.

"Kong Yan!" When the seventh son of Kong Kong stepped forward, Long Fei's brow, who was preparing to deal with the sky tit, could not help but jump slightly. Although he was very arrogant, he himself broke into the Tian Yao list, but facing this Kong Yuan There is still a bit of fear in my heart.

"Is this guy here too?" Not only Long Fei, but also the two young eyes of Qingtian Shenpeng and Golden-winged Dapeng, they seem to have a bit of jealousy for the coming people. The top ten people are all big monsters!

However, when this hole came here, there was a little embarrassment in the eyes of Swallow-tailed Sparrow.

"Tianming, is that really you?" Kong Qigongzi walked on and on, with colorful lights blooming on his body, his eyes flickered as if he could see through the heavens and earth, and his sight moved, and after falling on the swallowing tits, his eyes showed a little bit The color of booing.

"Oh!" Seeing Kong Yan coming, he sighed slightly.

This is one of his old friends.

Just how shocking was it at first?

The skyfinch at that time can be compared with that of Kong Kong.

It's a pity that when it's goodbye, it's not physically present, and the realm can't match it.

This makes Swallowing Tit slightly awkward.

"Oh, it really is you. It's okay. You're good to be alive. You know that for the past eight years, Shibo hasn't known how old he is for you. His condition is much worse than before. If he knows that you have returned safely, he will be very happy. After confirming that swallowing sky is indeed an old man, Kong Qi Gongzi smiled, and when he turned to swallowing sky tits, he was not very sighing.

"My nine sisters have missed you all these years!" Kong Qigong glanced at the swallowing tit, with a different color emerging.

"Tian Frost?" After hearing the words, the complexion appeared in the eyes of Swallow-tailed Sparrow, and many past events came to mind.

But at this time it was sad.

Even though it is still arrogant, but it is an indisputable fact that the physical body is not present and the state is not as good as the old man.

Now I think of my old friend, how can I not feel depressed?

"It doesn't matter if the body is destroyed, as long as the soul is still there will be a chance to reshape the body." It seems like knowing what was in the mind of the swallowing queen, Kong Qigongzi condensed, and said, "You must not be able to compare your mind after such suffering, The future is limitless. "

The paw swallowing the paw spread out, but didn't say much.

It seems that at this time, it is not willing to meet these old people prematurely ~ ~ Is this your friend? Kong Qigongzi turned his eyes and looked at Xiao Yun and Manju.

"Well." The swallowing bird nodded. "This is Xiao Yun, who was born to death with me. He is also a character."

"Xiao Yun?" Kong Qigong turned his eyes, looked at Xiao Yun more, and then arched a hand and laughed, "It seems that Tianming has not been taken care of by you all these years, so I thank you for him." Looks personable.

"You're welcome." Xiao Yun hugged his fist. "I and Tuntian just support each other and can't talk about who cares for whom."

Kong Qigong smiled slightly, and then said, "You are here to temper yourself?"

"Kirin is extremely powerful. If you temper your soul in this way, you can make your soul perfect." Tengque said.

In addition, the Qilin Real Fire has great benefits to it.

[Tanque's identity is revealed, and finally he wants to go home, let's send it home with a monthly ticket]

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