Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1087: Hurting Princess

"It's a pity, it's a pity that such a temper is a tigress even if you marry it back. [Starter]" Xiao Yun said to himself.

"Eh, no, it's a mother unicorn." Xiao Yun shook his head again and again, regretful.

Princess Kirin is preparing to deal with Xiao Yun.

But at this time Xiao Yun stared at him suddenly.

And he seemed to say what princess your armor and clothes melted?

After hearing this, she was surprised for a while.

But after hearing the following words, she soon realized the problem.

After she felt it carefully, she realized that her clothes had become nothing.

"Ah!" Princess Kirin exclaimed, the ears were all blushed, and then anger appeared in those eyes.

But when she was angry, the unicorns in her body bloomed, dangled on her skin and turned into a coat of gods.

After doing all this, she stared angrily at Xiao Yun ahead.

Look at the appearance of this young man, apparently just looked at himself just now.

She was ashamed and angry at the thought.

"I'm going to kill you!" Princess Kirin was furious. Her blood was so strong that a giant unicorn evolved behind her.

Then, the flash of that unicorn flew towards Xiao Yun.

The unicorn stepped into the air, the iron feet fell, and a godlike pattern bloomed.

This divine pattern seems to suppress one side.

When this unicorn stepped down, Xiao Yun felt great pressure.

"You madwoman!" Xiao Yun said silently, "You looked at me just now, and I haven't bothered you yet?"

"Huh, little thief, you said, if you don't kill you today, what is the princess's reputation?" Princess Qilin snorted, and the weather burst out.

"I retreat!" Xiao Yun quickly retreated.

At this time, the **** pattern in front of them bloomed, and the nine Kirin guarding the blood of Kirin's blood finally set off.

The unicorn shot and suppressed Xiao Yun.

At the same time, Princess Kirin was also attacked.

The nine Unicorns are all extremely powerful, and each one is comparable to the Great King.


With a loud noise, Princess Kirin's evolved unicorn body was defeated.

"So strong?" Xiao Yun's eyes were surprised, and the strength of the nine unicorns was beyond his imagination.

Such a momentum, it can crush the peak king!


I saw the flash of unicorn light flash into a real fire and drowned Xiao Yun directly.

Not only that, Princess Kirin was also overwhelmed by the real fire of Kirin.

The real fire flashed into a ball, detaining Xiao Yun and Princess Kirin to the blood of Kirin.

The **** pattern was folded, and their bodies were constantly approaching each other.

"What's going on?" Xiao Yun's eyes were surprised when he saw that **** pattern close up.

"I can't move anymore." At this time, Princess Kirin was also shocked.

The unicorn turned her into a real fire and wrapped her, and the flames of fire bound her.

Under this pattern of fire, she couldn't move, she couldn't even activate her blood.

This made Princess Kirin horrified.

However, under this horror, she found that she and the Xiao Yun's body were constantly attracted.


Only momentarily, Xiao Yun was only three meters away from Princess Kirin.

Then they were only one meter away.

In this way, both of them are bound by the fire pattern, so they face each other.

"Ah!" Seeing this, Princess Kirin could not help exclaiming.

"What's your name?" Xiao Yun glared at the princess Kirin and said, "Did you not stare at me before?"

"Who looks at you?" Princess Kirin was speechless for a while, but at this time she couldn't help but look at Xiao Yun who looked at the opposite side.

At this time Xiao Yun's body was covered with fire, but he was covering himself.

The same is true of Princess Unicorn.

But these fire patterns are constantly thinning.

Only those bound godliness were left on them.

In this way, Princess Kirin's arrogant figure is clearly visible.

After seeing her situation, Princess Kirin's ears were ashamed, and she even had a dead heart.

"Damn, why does this divine pattern bind me?" She cursed in her heart, trying to sense the breath of the nearby unicorn with her mind. Unfortunately, the nearby divine power was so vast that her mind couldn't blend in with it, thereby pulling the divine power.

"What the **** is this?" The **** pattern bound himself, Xiao Yun was also surprised.

How could this happen?

"Hehe, both bodies have been tempered by divine fire. If they occupy any body, they can become supreme in the future." When Xiao Yun was surprised, a slightly hesitant voice came from outside the flames. In your ears.

"Who is it?" Xiao Yun was wary.

I can only see a phantom in the blood of the unicorn.

This is a ghost that looks like a unicorn.

It's not that big, it's just the size of a fist, but there's an amazing wave coming out of it.

That fluctuation has already reached the level of the king.

This is an ethereal spirit.

A spiritually born virtual spirit was born.

This is no longer comparable to the virtual spirits that Xiao Yun had refined before.

"Kirin Void!" Princess Kirin's eyes were surprised, and the expression began to panic.

"Xu Ling was born wise and wanted to live on weight?" Xiao Yun blinked, and immediately knew why he was bound.

"Oh, two people, which one should I choose?" The green eyes of Kirin Xuling glanced back and forth between Xiao Yun and Princess Kirin, "Well, it ’s rare that you are not a Kirin tribe, you must have this Outstanding. "

This unicorn virtual spirit looked at Xiao Yun.

"Unfortunately, this seat is the spirit of Kirin. If you occupy your body, it may be difficult to exert the full strength of this seat, but this seat wants to see what you can do. How can this be good?" The spirit showed embarrassment.

"You go to death!" Just as the unicorn ghost stared at Xiao Yun, the unicorn princess sulked.

She could only see the light lines on her brows flicker, and a forbidden seal flashed out immediately.

This is a forbidden seal, which is reserved by the old emperor of the Kirin tribe, in order to prevent princess Kirin from accidents.

If ordinary people urge the forbidden seal, it will lead to divine power restriction.

However, the seal of this unicorn is reserved by the old emperor of the unicorn family, and the breath in it is very compatible with this **** of unicorn.

What's more, if the seal reached the level of the emperor, it would naturally be afraid of the shackles of the virtual spirit.

When a unicorn seal comes out, it flashes out like the same unicorn.

All I saw was a giant claw coming out, and it was shooting at that unicorn ghost.

This sudden attack greatly changed the face of Kirin Ethereal.

"You still have these cards!" The light of Kirin's virtual spirit flashed, and the vast divine patterns came together.

These divine patterns directly turned into a light curtain to resist the unicorn seal.

"Oh, this little Nizi is really a madwoman!" Seeing that the princess Kirin directly sacrificed such restraints, Xiao Yun felt scalp tingling for a while, just when the Kirin Ethereum resisted the Kirin Seal, The source of God's pattern within the sea of ​​knowledge immediately evolved.


At the same time, Siyuan Ling was in front of Xiao Yun.

Although his physical strength was restrained, his soul remained safe.

Although this unicorn virtual spirit can control the divine power here.

But it is not so easy to bind Xiao Yun's soul.

After all, the realm of virtual spirits is not high, and it is the power of the rules of this world that can bind Xiao Yun and Princess Qilin.


Just at this moment, a loud noise came out, and the flash of the unicorn mark was to defeat the **** pattern of the virtual spirit evolution.

It was just in this blow that terror waves erupted immediately.

That kind of wave oscillated, and directly sent Xu Ling and Xiao Yun to Zhenfei.

At the same time, this horrible wave sent Princess Kirin herself out.


The vast waves oscillated, and Xiao Yun was almost wiped out.

Fortunately, Siyuan Ling was urged to resist the horrible aftermath.

Rao is so, Xiao Yun was still vomiting blood.

But the divine pattern that bound him was broken apart.

Not only that, Princess Kirin himself also vomited blood.

When she was at a loss, the unicorn seal fell into the sea of ​​knowledge.

Even though this kind of forbidden seal has a unicorn atmosphere, if she continues to be exposed, she is also afraid of causing divine repulsion.

"Abominable, this girl actually carries a forbidden device!" Qilin Xuling glared at Princess Kirin with a horrified expression. I thought these two humans could easily be taken down, but I didn't want to be attacked, but it could also pull the divine power. I'm afraid that the soul will fall apart.

"Huh, smelly girl, I killed you first today, and went to study the kid's body." Kirin Xu Ling hummed, and then his body moved into the drop of Kirin's real blood. The blood fluttered, and the **** pattern flickered and evolved into a huge unicorn.

This unicorn is lifelike, with a supreme power spreading out.

Even the emperor was frightened in that momentum.


All I saw was that the unicorn's big claw was moved towards Princess Unicorn.


With this shot down, the flames inside the Kirin Pool tumbled, revealing a vacuum, and the force of terror shook Xiao Yun back.

Unicorn Seal!

Seeing this, Princess Kirin hastily shot, urging the forbidden seal.

The Unicorn Seal evolved.

This time Kirin is very powerful, and it is obviously that he has exerted all his power.


The two Kirin battled, sending out horrible waves.

The loud noise was felt even by people far away.

"what happened?"

"It seems that a war is going deep!"

"Is it such a fluctuation, is it the battle of the emperor?" Many people looked surprised.

At this time, Kirin's virtual spirit was extremely powerful, and even if Princess Kirin urged Lingyin's attack, it was just to repel it.

"It's just a forbidden seal, condensing my mighty power!" The unicorn's ghostly eyes were shining, and its giant claws pulled it. This unicorn pool had a bunch of fire patterns coming together, and the endless unicorn real fire was also pulled by it. Climbed and reached the rank of Emperor.


Kirin Ethereum shot and directly defeated the Kirin Seal of Princess Kirin.

After the Kirin Seal was defeated, the vast waves swept through, the Princess Kirin was shocked to fly, and the blood in her mouth was spit out.

This blow made Princess Kirin seriously injured ~ ~ The blood in the body collapsed, and the divine pattern was restrained, revealing her proud body and fair skin. At this time, the blood in her mouth kept spitting out, and the eyes It was dim again.

After Kirin Ethereal has been incorporated into the blood of the god, it is equivalent to having the blood of the god.

Not only that, it can also play some of the mysteries of the gods.

Based on this, the fluctuations emanating from Princess Kirin's forbidden seal are simply not comparable.

"Well, in this world, who can compete with this seat?" The Kirin virtual spirit is extremely proud.

It is the birth of Kirin Essence and a little residual soul.

It can naturally draw the momentum of this world.

Here it is the king, when looking down on all directions.


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