Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1088: Amazing turn

Princess Kirin was seriously injured, but Xiao Yun did not have a hint of excitement.

This Kirin Ethereal is too strong.

At this time, even if there is an emperor here, you can not compete with it.

Because this virtual spirit can draw the might of this heaven and earth.

Who can resist under the might of God?

"If you occupy this little girl's body, use it awkwardly, and you can't push down the female Kirin. I will see what is special about this boy's body before I say anything." Kirin Xu Ling glanced at Princess Kirin. , And then its paw moves with a pig-pig island-fiction .. bound by a **** pattern.

After restraining Princess Kirin, she turned her eyes to Xiao Yun's body.

"This boy just resisted the aftermath of the forbidden seal. It seems that there must be a means in his hand. Hey, let me swallow your soul and see what is the difference between you, right?" It was Xiao Yun.

"Want to take me away?" Seeing that Qilin Xuling rushed, Xiao Yun's eyes were cold.

But at this time, the unicorn virtual spirit dragged the divine power of this heaven and earth, and also contained the power of divine blood. It was only the radiating momentum that made Xiao Yun's mind tremble. The huge divine power made his soul and Yuanying feel Heart palpitations.

"If you let it enter my knowledge of the sea, it will be difficult to control." Xiao Yun's mind flashed thousands of thoughts.

This unicorn virtual spirit is not that kind of existence.

At first, the longevity turtle was injured, but after Xiao Yun took it down, it was difficult to completely remove it.

Now this unicorn virtual spirit has a drop of **** blood.

If it were to ignite the power of this blood, I am afraid that the large array within Xiao Yun's knowledge of the sea would also be difficult to resist that horrible force.

So once you let it enter the sea of ​​knowledge, no doubt it is.

"But if I don't suppress it with that big array, I wouldn't be able to fight this unicorn virtual spirit." Xiao Yun's eyes were exposed.

At this time he suddenly fell into a dilemma.

By this time, the unicorn ethereal spirit had come with a mighty divine power.

There is a bloom of divine patterns on it, a strange power to restrain Xiao Yun's true element.

There are even divine patterns to invade his sea of ​​knowledge.

"His mother, fight." Seeing this, Xiao Yun took his heart to the side and was about to break the dead web with this unicorn virtual spirit fish.

At this point, he obviously had no way back.


But at this moment, a soft sound suddenly sounded.

However, the fire pattern over the unicorn pond was torn apart, and then a small claw appeared.

This is a white fluffy paw.

When this claw appeared, a mighty divine power fell down.

When the claw moved, a strange force fell over.

The void seemed to be imprisoned under this power.

The unicorn ethereal body's body meal, the **** pattern on his body stopped flowing.

At this moment Xiao Yun immediately felt the pressure from Kirin Ethereal weakened.

"This is it?" Xiao Yun looked surprised, and when he moved his eyes, he was empty.

"Oh!" Just then, a soft voice sounded.

But he saw a small white beast carrying a huge Baoding at this time and smashed at the unicorn ethereal spirit.

"Yi?" Xiao Yun hesitated after seeing the little beast. "The momentum on the little guy's body has skyrocketed and has also drawn the power of God?"

At this moment Yi Yi was coming, and it was surrounded by the **** pattern, with multicolored light patterns blooming.

When it appeared, the fire patterns over this unicorn pool collapsed.

It looked like a mortal who had met the king's initiative and gave way.

When Yi Yi appeared, it seemed as if there was a world of repression.

There is infinite power of God in heaven and earth.

"This little beast dragged the divine power on the **** stage?" After seeing this scene, Kirin Xuling's eyes could not help showing surprise, "How could it be, even this seat can't pull the unicorn **** power on that **** stage, How can this little beast do? "


When the Kirin Ethereal was surprised, Yi Yi was already holding up the Baoding and smashed towards the Kirin Ethereal.

Bao Ding suppressed, and the momentum was amazing.

"What a terrifying power!" Seeing this, Xiao Yun stepped back quickly.

Just as he stepped back, that Baoding fell, and slammed into Kirin Ethereal.

In this Kirin Pool, the flames rolled, and Bao Ding passed by, which caused a wave of flames. The infinite flames overflowed the pool.


With a scream, the Kirin Ethereal was smashed firmly.

Under this attack, its soul was wounded and its consciousness was about to dissipate.

This virtual spirit is not a complete soul, it is not fully formed.

At this time being hit like this, the injuries suffered are unimaginable.

Not only this virtual spirit, but even the unicorn princess next to it was affected by the horrible aftermath.

She was taken out by Zhenfei, and the blood in her mouth continued to spit out.

It is her distance and physical strength, otherwise this aftermath is enough to make her stunned.


After a blow, Yi Yi lifted Baoding.

I can see that in the Qilin Pool, the breath of Qilin Ethereal is very weak.

However, it blended into the blood of God, at this time trying to absorb the power of God's blood.

"Yeah!" It seemed to see that the Kirin Ethereal was absorbing the power of the blood of God. When Yi Yi's little paw moved, a force of imprisonment fell down, and the Kirin Ethereal was imprisoned immediately. It has no power to absorb the blood of God.

In this way, the powerful Kirin Ethereal has been reduced to fish.


Yi Yi took the picture of this unicorn virtual spirit, and when it moved, it swept towards Xiao Yun ahead.

"Yeah!" Yi Yi smiled, and the little guy took Kirin Ethereal into Xiao Yun's side, and seemed to be asking him to handle it.

The unicorn **** blood is blooming with the **** pattern.

The virtual spirit was hidden inside, but at this time it was already very weak.

Seeing this, Xiao Yun could not help but take a deep breath.

Just now I was preparing to break the dead net with this unicorn ethereal fish.

Unexpected, but a shocking change occurred, this unicorn virtual spirit has become his prisoner.

"Kirin **** blood!" Xiao Yun absorbed this **** blood around him, and he was inexplicably excited.

"If melting and melting this **** blood, can I get a trace of unicorn magic power?" Xiao Yun's eyes were hot.


Seeing Xiao Yun's joy, Yi Yi's eyes narrowed with a smile.

It looked like it was doing something very proud.

After seeing this cute look of this little guy, Xiao Yun also smiled slightly.

"You got the inheritance of that unicorn god?" Xiao Yun said, stroking Yi's fluff.

"Yeah!" Yi Yi nodded, pointing the little paw to the goddess.

"Do you want to continue to enter?" Xiao Yun gave a slight stun.

"Yeah!" Yi Yi nodded.

"Okay, then you go!" Xiao Yun laughed. "I'll wait for you here."

"Yeah!" Yi Yi landed on Xiao Yun's shoulders, rubbed Xiao Yun's neck with that little head of melon seeds, and then turned into a white light glanced at the goddess that seemed to connect heaven and earth. Obviously, the inheritance of the true **** of unicorn has not been Yi Yi got all.

The little guy is ready to continue to inherit it.

"It seems that Yiyi has the hope to obtain the inheritance of this god." Looking at Yiyi who had fallen into the stage, Xiao Yun evoked a smile. The inheritance of this unicorn true **** is no less than the ordinary inheritance of God. The Unicorn True God has left true blood!

Although Xiao Yun had obtained the phantom at the beginning, he did not get the blood of God.

So Xiao Yun followed his realm and ascended accordingly.

When Yi Yi rushed into the Shentai, the breath in this unicorn had recovered.

When Xiao Yun's eyes turned, his eyes fell on the princess Kirin.

At this time Princess Kirin was seriously injured and she was secretly breathing.

"Oh, princess, aren't you hurting so badly?" Xiao Yun stepped toward the unicorn princess.

"This little thief!" After seeing Xiao Yun coming, Princess Kirin's beautiful eyes were raised, and her eyes were a little bit stubborn.

This change happened too fast just now.

The unicorn ethereal drew the might of God.

Under this mighty power, she had almost no battle.

The original ambitious Princess Kirin was seriously injured at this time.

On the other side, Xiao Yun resolved the virtual spirit with the help of the snow-white beast and obtained the unicorn **** blood.

This makes Princess Kirin really hate jealousy again!

"How can that little snow-white beast pull the power of Shentai?" Princess Kirin was depressed.

However, at this time Xiao Yun came step by step and had appeared beside Princess Kirin.

After seeing the young man with a bit of a bad smile on the corner of his mouth, Princess Kirin had a feeling of dying.

Because she had expected that her results would not be too good.

"Oh, princess, what do you think I should do with you?" Xiao Yun looked at the princess Kirin sitting in the sea of ​​fire, his eyebrows were bent, and the corners of his mouth were full of playful smiles. Before that, he was melted by the flame by the flames This unicorn princess took the opportunity to kill.

At that moment, he was speechless.

At that time, he was forced to break into the blood of God.

But at this moment, it was his turn and finally it was his turn.

"You, what are you doing?" After seeing Xiao Yun staring at him with a smirk, Princess Qilin showed a tense face.

"What?" Xiao Yun looked up and down at Princess Kirin.

At this moment, the princess unicorn was covered with fire patterns, covering that fair skin.

It was just these fire patterns that revealed her perfect figure.

"Good figure, but unfortunately you have a bad temper, even if you are kept as a maid, you have to beware of being given by you." Xiao Yun looked at Princess Kirin and murmured, "You said that I killed you, or stay Sold? I wonder if there is a place for wind and moon in your demon realm? "

He smirks.

"Little thief, if you dare to move this princess, this princess will let you smash the corpse!" Seeing Xiao Yun's threat ~ ~ Princess Kirin can't help panic, she is a dignified princess, why? Can it be sold to those wind moon places? If she was known, how could she live?

"Right now?" Xiao Yun squatted, and he reached out and dragged Princess Kirin's chin. "It's a beautiful female Kirin!"

"Dare you touch me, my Kirin tribe will not let you go!" Being dragged by Xiao Yun's chin, Princess Kirin finally panicked.

It was just that she was too badly injured and could hardly move.

Not only that, the **** pattern left by the previous unicorn ghost is still there.

"So fierce?" Seeing this, Xiao Yun frowned, and said, "I wanted to let you go, just to see how you look. Once you let you go, it will definitely lead to the killing of the Kirin tribe. In this case, I I had to leave you behind. "

[Brothers were very powerful yesterday, the monthly pass was over a thousand, but the target of the old demon is two thousand, to have a super burst. Now let ’s write down these ten chapters. May 1st to 7th are double monthly passes. The monthly ticket has reached 2,500. The old demon is adding ten chapters. How about that? I have never made a promise, and I will be desperate to speak this time. Would you like to fight? Let's go crazy in May! 】

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