Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1090: God's Legacy

The cyclone of Shentai stirs and absorbs the power of the **** pattern of this heaven and earth.

This amazing mutation immediately caught everyone's attention.

Countless people think that Princess Kirin has inherited the true God of Kirin.

"Oh, your princess Kirin has been detained by me!" After hearing those voices, Xiao Yun first froze, and then a weird smile evoked at the corner of his mouth. At the same time, he was also muttering. What kind of storm?

The fire pattern squirmed above the stage and was continuously absorbed.

At this time, [Pig_ 猪 _ 岛] novel w.zhhuo.m many people gathered together to watch the scene.

"Xiao Yunzi, did you actually come here?" After swallowing angrily, the swallowing bird turned to see Xiao Yun in the front, and when it flickered, it looked at the past, and among those eyes With a little surprise came out.

"How?" Seeing the swallowing queen, Xiao Yun's eyes moved slightly, and he looked at the former.

"Oh, this time, Heaven ’s Lord merged a lot of Kirin real fires. Although it did n’t get the magic fire, it also strengthened the Fire of the Origin." Strength must be ok. "

Here it not only blends Kirin Real Fire, but also a lot of Kirin Essence.

These spirits are of great benefit to its soul.

At this time, the swallowing sparrow was full of energy and spirit, and it had already surpassed the quasi-baby market.

This world is still there, or it is enough to make it break through.

"You?" The swallowing eyes of the swallowing bird flickered towards Xiao Yun. "You guy has actually come to the front of the Kirin Pool, and you must have learned a lot?" Although it entered the penultimate Kirin Pool, However, many of the Kirin Real Fire and Daowen have been ingested by Xiao Yun, resulting in that it is not as scary as Xiao Yun. At this time, he was a little depressed when he turned to the latter.

"The harvest is okay." Xiao Yun smiled slightly.

This harvest made him extremely satisfied.

"That little guy?" The gulf's eyes flickered, and he asked.

It remembers that the snow-white beast once dragged God's might against Princess Kirin!

It stands to reason that this little guy should also get excellent real fire.

"It?" Xiao Yun's eyes narrowed and he smiled when he heard the question, "You will be surprised when it appears."

"Surprisingly?" Murmured the swallowing queen, and then the eyes moved, "Why isn't the little girl of the Kirin tribe here? Could she really have entered the stage?" Thinking of this, there is a gloomy light in its eyes. The expression was slightly gloomy.

It remembers that the princess Kirin almost lost her chance to obtain a unicorn ghost when she entered this unicorn pool!

"She?" Xiao Yun smiled slightly. "You will be surprised when you see her!"

"Are you surprised?" The swallow-tailed bird rolled his eyes and said, "Did she and Yi Yi both enter the Shentai?"

Hearing words, Xiao Yun smiled and said nothing.

At this time Manci also stepped forward to Xiao Yun.

Her bloodline also undergoes transformation after being trained by Kirin's true fire.

Although the divine power was weakened at this time, although the power of the rules was still there, the realm of suppressing the demons was gradually decreasing.

"This actually appeared in the unicorn pool in front."

Long Fei's eyes flashed, and his face was full when he turned to swallow the tit.

You know, the more the real fire and blood in the front of Kirin Pool is, the more you can gain by entering it.

At this time the swallowtail is in front, and it is naturally not stingy.

"Long Fei little reptile?" Long Fei's eyes flickered, immediately arousing the alertness of the swallowing larva.

At the moment it is also cast out of the cold light.

"Sooner or later I will swallow this reptile."

Long Fei's son exuded a strong momentum, a look ready at any time.

Just then, came.

"Hehe, Xiao Xiaozhen is really a hero, and he can actually come to this step." The peacock boy is very personable, like a king, and he has a smashing momentum on his body. At this time, his breath is clearly compared to It was stronger before.

After being quenched by Qilin's real fire and blood, it's physically stronger.

"Better luck." Xiao Yun smiled slightly.

"If Xiao Xiaozi is free to go to my clan, Kong Yan will be a good hospitality in order to thank this love." Kong Qigongzi hugged fist.

Xiao Yun benefited him greatly from gaining Kirin Ethereal.

"Kong Qigong is polite. Since you are an old man who swallowed the sky, why talk about this?" Xiao Yun waved his hands.

"Oh, it's me outside." Kong Qigong smiled.

"But I don't know who logged in to the goddess?" Then he stared at the goddess, and the corner of his eyes looked at Xiao Yun, revealing the meaning of inquiry. In his opinion, he can log in to the goddess. There is only such a character as Princess Kirin.

This is, after all, a Kirin heritage.

Xiao Yun grinned without saying a word.

Seeing this, Kong Qigong is also not easy to ask.

When the dragon-fly boy saw Kong Qi-gong next to the swallowing tit, the thought of the shot was also dispelled a little.

"This Chu Tianming has lost his physical body. After all, his achievements are limited. I can crush it at any time. There will always be opportunities." After a secret whisper in his heart, Long Fei returned his sight and began to observe the fluctuations on the **** stage. .

Time passed, two days blinked.

At this moment, there was a horrible wave of shock when the Shentai moved.

The kind of wave that swept away seemed to wipe out everything.

"This is Shenwei!" Xiao Yun felt a great deal of pressure after the fluctuations started.

"Rewind, it is estimated that someone touched the corpse of Kirin True God!" Kong Qigong shouted with a brow.

"Retreat, retreat!" Now everyone retreats.

Xiao Yun didn't stay much, and quickly backed away.

The power of this divine shock is by no means ordinary people can resist.

At present, the demons evacuated the Kirin Pool.

Xiao Yun also withdrew.

At this time, there was a constant shock on the **** stage.

This mighty wave is stronger than the wave.

Xiao Yun and others immediately knocked out the Kirin Pool.

Then came out of that Kirin Bridge.

"What's wrong?" Someone was surprised outside.

"The corpse was touched, inspired the divine power, retreat!" Someone said, and immediately exited the place.

Then everyone passed through the curtain of fire.

Some people didn't go in time, and they were directly affected by the horror of the terror.

Others were smashed by divine power.


Divine power shocked and swept the Quartet, and Xiao Yun was also affected.

His body trembled, and he was thousands of kilometers away with blood spit out from his mouth.

Fortunately, he has a strong physique, and Tianyan Shenjia evolved automatically, resisting 40% of his strength.

Then the unicorn **** pattern bloomed and resisted 50% of the power.

Under this kind of power resolution, Xiao Yun didn't suffer too much injuries, and the movement of the body swept into the light pattern.

The next moment, many people began to flash out of the Kirin Hall.

At this moment, if you look at the top of the mountain next to the Kirin Sea, the Kirin Hall is constantly rippled.

"Quickly retreat!" Many people quit through the long bridge.

In all directions, all are practitioners.

As for those who did not enter Kirin Hall, they stared there in astonishment.

"Divine mighty, is Yi Yi refining that corpse?" At this time, Xiao Yun stood on a mountaintop and looked forward.

At this moment, the geniuses of almost all ethnic groups are gathered here.

Because this is the front of the Kirin Hall.

God was shocked for a long time, and finally began to be calmed down.

The flames within the Kirin Sea are no longer as violent as before.

But no one dared to step forward.

Because no one can guarantee that the might will continue to oscillate.


Two days later, the **** pattern within the sea of ​​fire was subdued into the Kirin Hall.

The eight long bridges also dissipated in the flames of fire.

At this time, the light pattern of that unicorn hall flickered and began to become illusory.

"Is Kirin Hall disappearing?" Many people looked surprised.

"It's just how the lines in this sea of ​​fire dissipate?"

"Even before the Kirin Hall dissipated, but this sea of ​​fire is still awesome!" Many people were puzzled.

"Someone should have inherited the inheritance of God!" Someone blinked and said.

"Now that princess Kirin didn't come out, it should be her!" Qing Ziyao and others said.

"If the princess succeeds, she will become one of the future masters of the demon realm!" Lin Er's mouth slightly angled.

"The divine power is restrained and the breath is absent. Should inheritance be obtained?" At this time, Xiao Yun was also fiery.


Suddenly, there was a ripple in the sea of ​​fire ahead.

When the ripples started, everyone stared at them.

Then a little white beast appeared in the sight of the demons.

This little beast is not big, but it is surrounded by colorful light patterns. Not only that, there is a strange beast evolution behind it.

This strange beast looks strange.

It is shaped like a unicorn, but has two wings on its back, the first like a true dragon, and a single horn.

There are scales all over it, and colorful patterns are blooming on it, even its tail has a colorful pattern.

The most surprising thing is that there is a colorful cloud under the feet of this strange beast. At first glance, it looks like a beast traveling, giving a feeling of nobleness and inviolability. An inexplicable wave spreads across the square.

This fluctuation made the big demon on the top of the mountain all shocked, and his eyes were desolate.

It felt like facing the emperor among the demon clan, their blood was trembling, and they could not help but worship.

This breath permeated even the seventh son of Kong frowned.

"What a powerful bloodline!" Kong Qigongzi looked surprised.

"This bloodline is comparable to the gods!" The demons were all surprised.

The veins of blood touched their souls, and the feeling seemed to be facing the gods.

"Isn't this Xiao Yun's little beast?" However, the Liner of the Kirin tribe locked her brows deeply.

Yi Yi had previously fought with Princess Unicorn, so she had some impressions of the little beast.

Seeing her now surprised her.

"It's not the princess who has inherited the God's inheritance. How could this beast be?" Everyone of the Qilin tribe was stunned in place.

Even the dragon monsters, Qing Ziyao, Peng Yuan and other big demon are puzzled.

Yi Yi appeared, and UU read the book that the gods within the unicorn sea were all incorporated into the body.

Suddenly, the inner world of Kirin was dazzling, and it turned into a respected Kirin and fell into Yiyi's heart.

"Is this the little beast?" When Yi Yi appeared, the swallow-tailed **** appeared with a look of surprise.

Only then did it understand why Xiao Yun said what.

"Princess?" When Yi Yi appeared and began to absorb the gods in the Unicorn Sea, the people of the Unicorn family were surprised.

Shouldn't it be Princess Kirin who has inherited the true God of Kirin?

The scene before him shocked countless people.

"The princess's breath is still there, and there is no snore!" Some Qilin people took out domino induction.

"Well, the princess seems to be there!" Lin Er's eyes moved, her heart suspicious.

At this moment her domino light pattern flashed, showing that Princess Kirin was next to her.

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