Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1091: Incredible

The people of the Kirin tribe took out their waist cards and deduced, and suddenly found that Princess Kirin was next to them. Copy this address to browse% 77% 77% 77% 2E% 62% 69% 71% 69% 2E% 6D% 65

"Within a kilometer!" Lin'er's eyes flashed, feeling constantly.

"Oh!" Oo, she set her sight on Xiao Yun's side.

But there was no figure of her princess there.

"What's going on?" The Kirin people were all surprised.

"This seems to be a bit troublesome." After feeling a glance of eyes gathered on his body, Xiao Yun felt a chill on his back, and could not help but snored. This hot potato is finally causing trouble for himself!

"Why are they screaming at you?" Seeing the people of the Qilin tribe staring, they swallowed the sky and looked suspicious.

Kong Qigong next to him was also suspicious.

"Little thief, is my princess?" Liner frowned, glaring at Xiao Yun.

At this moment her domino light pattern flickered and kept jumping.

That is what happened to Princess Kirin.

There are so many people here that only when they are close to Xiao Yun have such strong fluctuations.

So Liner focused on Xiao Yun.

"Isn't your princess on the stage?" Xiao Yun smiled, touching his nose.

"Huh." Liner snorted coldly. "I rely on the ancient brand induction, you have the flavor of my princess. Quickly say, have you imprisoned my princess?" When she said this, the unicorn's People glared at Xiao Yun.

"What! The boy has the breath of Princess Unicorn?" Wen Yan said, all the practitioners beside him were glaring with fierce eyes.

"Well," the Kirin nodded and said, "our dominoes can sense the breath of the tribe."

"Boy, even Princess Kirin dares to be detained, don't you want to live?" Suddenly, that dragon-fly boy stepped forward.

A powerful momentum burst out from him.

At the same time, the practitioners of Yilong stepped out.

"This brother, Princess Kirin is the darling girl of my demon domain, are you so afraid of it?" The golden-winged Dapeng's Peng Yuan's eyes were cold and he took a step, with a golden-winged big behind Peng evolved, and the dazzling golden light bloomed, rendering the void behind him into a golden color. The powerful momentum is not as strong as that of Long Fei.

Beside this Pengyuan, Qing Ziyao also stepped out with a cold face.

Not only that, many big monsters stared at Xiao Yun coldly.

Suddenly, the void was completely shrouded in a wave of horrible breath.

The sky was shaking with the kind of wave.

"This is too exaggerated, right?" Seeing this, Xiao Yun frowned.

"Xiao Yunzi, wouldn't you really have held this Kirin Princess in prison?" Seeing this, even the sky **** feel scalp hair, but here is a collection of big demon of all races in the demon domain, that Peng Yuan, that Qing Ziyao All are the strongest in the Tian Yao Bang.

If these thousands of monsters are in trouble together, how can they resist?

"Cough!" Xiao Yun coughed slightly after hearing the words.

At this moment he felt depressed.

If the Kirin Princess was killed at the beginning, it would be difficult to guarantee that the Emperor of the Kirin tribe would not have deduced it through mystery.

Without killing her, people of the Kirin tribe can sense the presence of this woman.

Just like now.

"Have you really detained her?" Seeing Xiao Yun's expression, swallowing the sky **** and rolling his eyes, "I served you, even if this princess Kirin is beautiful, and you want to push her down, you have to find a good opportunity. At this time we It ’s not appropriate to do this alone! "

"You just want to overthrow her?" Xiao Yunlian rolled his eyes and whispered, "It's not for you to fight for the Kirin Ethereal that caused the girl to hate me. This is not the case, she wants to ambush me in the Kirin Pool. I got it. "

"That's because of me?" Swallowing a smile, "Don't you really want to topple her?"

"That's natural." Xiao Yunlian rolled his eyes and said, "Although the princess unicorn is beautiful, she is a demon, after all, I don't want people to love you."

"Go, the guy who hasn't seen anything." But the Skyfinch spoke with a look of disdain. "What kind of monster is in love, although this unicorn princess is a demon, but after reaching this state, she was born humanoid, and is similar to a human woman. What kind of person and demon do you have? "

"Cough!" Seeing the swallowing queen and Xiao Yunmei frowning, Kong Qigong beside him coughed, and he said, "Brother Xiao, is this Princess Unicorn really in your hands?" At this time, it can also guess One or two, otherwise how will Xiao Yun show such a look.

In addition, the people of the Kirin tribe must feel right.

"Ahem, everything is a misunderstanding. Misunderstanding, how could Princess Kirin be beside me?" Xiao Yungan coughed and said with a laugh. "However, Princess Kirin can lead Kirin's might. With my strength, how can I compete with it in Kirin Hall? ? "

"Your strength is of course impossible, but you still have the little beast to help." Lin Er snorted coldly.

Before entering the Unicorn Pool, the little beast once crushed the Unicorn Princess.

So she also values ​​Yi Yi's strength.

"Yes, you must have won the princess." The Qilin people hummed.

"Give you a chance, hand over the princess, otherwise my Kirin tribe will crush you!" A young youth of the unicorn tribe stepped forward with a strong momentum on him, this is a half step king Big demon.

At this time, the divine oppression here gradually weakened.

Therefore, many strong infant market realms can show their momentum.

"Say so much, just chop him off, and you will rescue the princess!" At this moment, Long Fei son hummed coldly.

"That's right," echoed the demon. "So brave, why should you keep him?"

At the moment, many big demon echo.

The powerful momentum capsized towards Xiao Yun.

The horrible momentum was that even the seven sons of Kong felt powerless.

"Master Xiao, let me see you hand over this unicorn princess." Kong Qigong said in a voice.

"Give her up?" Xiao Yun shook her head. If she held the Kirin Princess, she might be able to let the people of the Kirin tribe cast their rodents.

Once you surrendered this woman, wouldn't it be left to others to kill?


Just then, a soft sound sounded.

The sound immediately attracted a lot of eyes.

But in the sea of ​​fire, Yi Yi's eyes flickered, and the whole body was covered with godliness.

Looking from a distance, it is like a respected unicorn roaring.

Then all these divine patterns were fused by it.

Strong breath fluctuations permeated.

"This little beast blends all the **** patterns here?" Seeing this, many people's eyes were envious.


Just then, Yi Yi's little paw shot.


The sea of ​​fire rolled with a dazzling light bloom.

The mighty mighty eruption erupted like a gushing volcano.

Then, everyone saw that a huge unicorn hall was photographed in the sea of ​​fire.

"This is the Kirin Temple!"

"How is it possible that the Kirin Temple has disappeared?" Seeing this, many people looked at each other.

Golden-winged Dapeng, Qianyi Shenpeng, and other geniuses were also moved.

Now the temple is being towed out for the first time in a thousand years!


Just when everyone was surprised, Yi Yi's little paw took a photo, and the flash of the Kirin Temple fled towards it.

"What! This unicorn temple floated towards this little beast?" The people of the unicorn family were shocked.

"How is this possible?" Lin Lin couldn't believe it either.

Even if she is a Kirin, she cannot do this!

The Kirin Temple floated, and the light patterns on it continued to evolve and were merged by Yiyi.

The closer it gets to the eyes of everyone, the clearer it becomes.

If you look closely, this unicorn shrine seems to turn into a unicorn corpse.

On this corpse, the divine patterns linger, and endless divine power blooms.

But another look, this is obviously a temple.

"This, this is the Unicorn God Corpse!"

"The Kirin Temple evolved from the true **** of Kirin and is its destiny artifact, so the corpse and the temple are one."

Qing Ziyao's eyes revealed the light of wisdom.

"The corpse of the true god!" Niu Qingtian's eyes were full of fiery color.

God Corpse!

This is the fiery existence of even the emperor.

Even many emperors cannot reach the corpse.

However, at this time, the corpse of the **** and the real device of the destiny were photographed by the beast.

What kind of opportunity is this?

"Here, is this little beast yours?" At this time, Kong Qigong also forgot about the Princess Qilin. His eyes flickered and his breathing became a little sharp. He asked Xiao Yun, There was a complex look in his eyes.

"This ... it's true!" Xiao Yun spread his palms.

At this moment, he was shocked even after seeing Yi Yi shooting the Kirin Temple.

You know, he encountered several so-called corpses.

But the divine power was too strong, even if he had the original source order, he could not approach.

Not to mention getting a corpse.

But at this time Yi Yi got the corpse.

How can this not be shocked?

The temple was like a corpse with blooms of divine patterns, and then Yi Yi's little paws shot, the light lines on his brows flickered, and the divine corpse was not in it.


I saw Yi Yi's eyebrow flashing, and the corpse disappeared.

The power of this world has begun to weaken.

"What! The **** corpse was directly ingested by it?" Seeing this, the eyes of the big demon of all races burst into flames.

"This is a corpse!" Many people set off a stormy sea in their hearts.

God Corpse!

If it is refined, it will become a magic soldier.

Even if it does n’t work, it can become a pseudo-soldier!

Waiting for the treasure is that only those kins have demon domains!

At this time almost all the monsters had forgotten the matter of Princess Unicorn.

In contrast, Yi Yi's access to the corpse is more interesting.


Just at this moment, Yi Yi's light pattern was restrained, and he blinked with satisfaction, and then swept toward Xiao Yun.


With a flash of white light, Yi Yi fell on Xiao Yun's shoulder.

Alas, alas!

After falling on Xiao Yun's shoulder, Yi Yi rubbed Xiao Yun's neck with joy.

Such a scene is simply envy and hate.

"How close is this little animal to this guy?"

"This is the beast that has been inherited from God ~ ~ How can it be so intimate with a low-level practitioner?"

In surprise, many people find it difficult to accept this.

It stands to reason that Yiyi at this time should be a variety of cold and noble!

But how can I please Xiao Yun?

"This ... this!" At this point even the seventh son of Kong was holding back.

Judging from the breath emanating from this little beast, I don't know how many geniuses have surpassed the demon domain.

Perhaps, at this time, the potential of the beast is so great, I am afraid that even the Dragon Teng of the Tian Yao Bang can not be compared with it.

But this kind of existence is so intimate with Xiao Yun.

This is incredible.


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