Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1093: Condemnation

For the Skyfinch, becoming the next patriarch is its obsession.

It is a pity that his cousin Chu Tianzhao was astounded, and the richness of his blood was close to his ancestor who swallowed the sky.

Under this advantage, Chu Tianzhao's magical ability to swallow the sky is also stronger than it.

In order to surpass this brother, it did not hesitate to go into the forbidden area of ​​God, in order to find the remains of God who swallowed the Supreme Supreme.

Get the perfect Devourer there.

Unfortunately, after being swallowed by the Sky Devourer into the forbidden area of ​​the shrine, the treasure was destroyed, and the foundations were severely damaged, causing serious injuries to his body.

After diving into Fengyue Kingdom, Ling Xi destroyed his body with a restraint.

It can be said that the experience of swallowing larks was extremely miserable.

It was also when Xiao Yun was encountered, they supported each other together, and now they are able to walk step by step.

Otherwise, relying on it alone, I do not know when it will reach the point where it is now.

Seeing the perseverance of the swallowing sky bird, Kong Qigong sighed.

They are world friends, and their father was born to death together with the father of the Skyfinch, and they are considered dead brothers.

It's a pity that the devourer's father ruined Daoji while entering and leaving the forbidden ground, and he still stagnates in the realm of the pseudo-emperor and cannot move forward.

The same is true, causing it to lose its qualification to inherit the position of patriarch.

The old patriarch began to look for candidates among the children of the next generation.

The amazing and amazing Chu Tianzhao naturally became one of the candidates.

Because of his father's relationship and his own talent, the old patriarch also gave Chu Tianming a chance.

It was just that the two were competing from an early age, and the Sky Finch was faintly distanced.

"In fact, why do you have to be stubborn?" Sighed Kong Qigong. "Our generation should aim at preaching the eternal life. As for the patriarch's position, it's just a sham name. Look at my father. Don't care. "

"The patriarch is located in me and is also a cloud. I am fighting for one breath. I can't lose my father's face. I have to let people know that even if my father is injured, his son is as amazing as his son. I look forward to it. "

What shocking dad was his father back then?

At a young age, he became the king, but was unfortunately injured when he entered the restricted area.

"Well," Kong Qigong sighed, and didn't say much.

"I don't know where it is?" At this moment, some young people around Peacock's eyes blinked and looked around.

But Xiao Yun frowned at this moment.

Because at this time there is a strong Tianwei gathering above his head.

This kind of Tianwei is getting stronger and stronger, and in the end the Kong Qigong and the Skyfinch who are talking are discolored for it.

"Is this condemnation?" When Wei came together that day, the other seven sons of Kong Kong and others also frowned.

"In the Kirin Temple, we have incorporated too much of the breath of God. That breath is not melted by the heavens and the earth. Power is yours. "

The eyes of the young peacock tribe flashed, and Xiao Yun stared at it with a bit of weirdness.

Then everyone moved and hurriedly retreated, far away from Xiao Yun.

Among these people, Xiao Yun has the most fused godliness, so the divine atmosphere is the strongest and attracts the strongest predatory power.

Not only that, Yi Yi also incorporated a large number of divine patterns.

At this moment, the little boy crawled on Xiao Yun's shoulder, and the vastness of Tianwei was superimposed to make this sky seem to freeze.

The clouds agitated in the void, and the storm clouds condensed, so that the clear sky that had just been cleared was darkened immediately.

The power of terror pervaded, causing the people of the Peacock to retreat.

Under this kind of prestige, the monsters within a thousand miles nearby dormant, those little demon all stared at the sky with fear.

"These two guys." Seeing Xiao Yun pulling so powerful Tianwei, swallowing the **** and rolling their eyes.

It knows, however, that the stronger Tianwei means the more divinations of Xiao Yun's fusion.

"How many godliness should he incorporate?" Kong Qigong was secretly surprised.

However, at this time it also has Tianwei collection.

"It's better to go through this disaster yourself first." Kong Qigong frowned slightly, and rushed into a distant mountain.

The clouds stir in the void, and the clouds converge, which contains the vastness of heaven.

This heaven and earth is no longer tolerated by gods, so after the breath of God has diffused, it will cause condemnation.

Of course, if the breath of God is too weak, it will have no effect at all.

However, at this time, most of those who entered the Kirin Temple and were tempered by the Kirin Pool were integrated into the Kirin Godprint.

So when these people went out, Tianwei came almost immediately.


Above Xiao Yun's head, Jieyun condensed, and Tianjie fell.

At this point Yi Yi has been looted.

The little guy holding Baoding is robbing towards that day.

That fierce look looks amazing.

Clouds wriggled above the sky, and seemed to be suppressed by a unicorn **** beast.

This beast is so powerful that he split Yiyi into one hand.


Yi Yi was fearless, and the little one slammed Baoding lightly and smashed at the beast that evolved that day.

At this moment, Xiao Yun also had a sky fall.

The Zhuangwen squirmed and evolved into a unicorn.

This is because he fused too many unicorn **** patterns and led to this unicorn robbery.

The unicorn on the sky is lifelike, and there is the coming of divine power.

If you look at it from afar, it seems that there is really a **** falling from the sky.

There were many people crossing the robbery at this time.

But many people have evolved just a unicorn ghost.

Some people are just pulling ordinary robbers.

Only Xiao Yun and Yi Yi's Tianjie are extremely powerful.

"His mother, this kid ’s sky robbery is actually so powerful." In the distance, the sky swallow was crossing the robbery, but he could not help cursing after seeing Xiao Yun that day. The seven sons of Kong couldn't help it.

Others are thinking that the power of the calamity is smaller.

This way you can easily get through, but this Chu Tianming is okay, but also jealous of the strength of others?

Shaking his head, Kong Qigongzi is preparing for the disaster.

Although the raccoon was not strong, it also attracted the sky.


Sky robbery is very strong, and it has the power of destruction.

That is to wipe out the breath of God, so every time Skyfall falls, it is like annihilation of heaven and earth.

Few people can resist under such robbery.

"Will the divinity in the body be worn away?" Xiao Yun's eyes lightened and he was groaning and feeling the mystery in the face of Tianjie.

"Heaven and earth are no longer allowed to have gods, so we must wipe out the breath of God."

"Should I conform to the meaning of heaven and earth, or go against the sky?" Xiao Yun was feeling.

At the same time, he hit the sky with a big hand, and violently confronted the unicorn evolved from that day.

Tian Jie was powerful and unmatched. Even though Xiao Yun was hard to resist, the palm of his hand struck directly with blood and bone fracture.

At the same time, the grave pattern flickered into his body like a spirit snake.

The zombie pattern began to wear away the breath of God in him.

"Heaven will destroy the breath of God, but there is a sense of mystery within this calamity. As long as I take advantage of it, there will be no loss, but a huge benefit." After integrating into the body, Xiao Yun realized something.

"That being the case, then why should I be afraid of you?"

All he could see was his full shot.


Behind him, the **** pattern flashed, and several unicorns evolved.

Although this unicorn **** pattern is fused by him, it still contains the breath of God.

This is not your thing after all.

At this time, Tian Yun fell to Xiao Yun, which could be used to wipe out the breath.

In this way, the remaining **** pattern will become his possession.


It is just that the unicorn **** pattern is more powerful after being spurred.

The thunderous thunder flashed in the void, like a savage beast.

"Zhang the stars!" Xiao Yun shot and killed the unicorn.

He used Zhentian three styles!

That palm split out, and the astonishing momentum actually split the unicorn flying.

But after Xiao Yun's momentum became stronger, Tianjie became stronger.

"Sweeping the world!" Xiao Yun continued his shot, urging the second of Zhentian's three styles.

In this style, Tianjie was defeated, and Void Tianwei was swept away.

It's just that there is a stronger fall from the sky.

That is also a respected unicorn. The martial arts they urged, and countless unicorns swept across, which is actually similar to Xiao Yun's Zhentian Three Forms.

Under this disaster, Xiao Yun was struck and unable to resist.

The immense calamity invaded him and destroyed him.

This robbing pattern is irresistible. It must wipe out the breath of God in the human body and also kill the vitality of people.

"I do n’t want to die, even if you cut off the breath of God, how will you cut off my war will!" Xiao Yun's battle was utterly stunned when the breath of God was worn out, but he resisted the catastrophes. Wen was actually suppressed.

Then Xiao Yun's flesh and blood squirmed and merged the calamity pattern.

This day's calamity was completely used by Xiao Yun to temper the physical body and realize the avenue.

But on the other side, people of the Peacock clan were killed.

This is still good.

In the demon domain, many people who entered the Kirin Hall at this time attracted the sky.

Someone was directly obliterated by Tianjie, and the corpse was extremely dark.

There were also people who were seriously injured and fortunately avoided the disaster, but hurt the foundation.

"Oh, now I'm hardened by Tian Jie, my physique is even stronger!" In one place, Niu Qingtian smiled.

At this moment, his body was restrained and his momentum became magnificent.

"Damn, it almost ruined the foundation." Long Fei's son climbed up from a valley, muttering and cursing in his mouth.

"Finally passed this calamity." Liner's tattoos were restrained, her eyes flickered, and she looked at the distant void. "Now it is time to return to the clan and ask the old men to suppress the guy named Xiao Yun. Yeah, huh, how about a princess? "


"This time my body has become stronger ~ ~ The peacock's eyes flashed, and there was a sharp light flashing in those eyes. The next moment, his breath was restrained, and when the light moved, he moved to the side The void not far away flew away.

"Still crossing the robbery?" At this time, Xiao Yun was still crossing the robbery.

Most of the peacock youths have already completed the robbery.

And this kind of sky robbery also attracted the attention of many big monsters.

"What kind of man is this? How could it lead to such a terrible scourge?" Many great monsters in the distance were alarmed.

"Finally passed the scourge of condemnation!" After a little while, the swallowing queen was over.

It looked quite tired after the robbery, but the breath on him grew stronger.

"Restore it again, you can continue to cross the ravages of the infant market!"

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