Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1094: Baby Market 2

The swallowing queen is over.

After a little while, Xiao Yun also succeeded.

"Now the breath of God is worn away, but the Tao pattern is still there. It contains the mystery of God, and everything is for my use."

After crossing the calamity, Xiao Yun's eyes flashed, and he could clearly feel that he was closer to the unicorn **** pattern.

"Now I can go any further." Xiao Yun's eyes lightened.

But he was not in a hurry, and began to cross his knees in the air, absorbing a lot of vitality.

Island> fiction www.zuzud; At the same time, a large number of spirit stones were also taken out by him.


When Xiao Yun adjusted his interest rate, the swallows of the sky swallows gathered on top of the swallows, and the ravages of the infant market had already come.

It could have been robbed.

But in that unicorn forbidden place has been suppressed.

Going out at this time, suddenly broke out.

The sky is coming, and the power is sky-high.

This world was completely submerged by the thunder for a moment.



When the queen was crossing the robbery, a light sounded, and Yi Yi finally finished the robbery.

After the robbery, the little guy was full of colorful lights, and his veins were dazzling.

It has a powerful breath.

After passing the calamity, it merged that Qilin blood more thoroughly.

"The double robbery of the infant market!" At this moment, Xiao Yun got up and started crossing the robberies.

This is the second most important thing in Duying Market.

For the mystery of the infant market, Xiao Yun realized a little more when Kirin was forbidden.

As soon as his mind moved, the power of heaven and earth came together,

Jieyun began to gather in the void.

The cloud is thick and mighty.

The kind of fluctuation made Kong Qigong, who was secretly recovering his vitality, moved.

"So powerful!" Kong Qigongzi looked surprised.

"This is how heavy the ravages of the infant market?" Seeing this, the people of the Peacock people were alarmed.

"This kind of Tianwei should be comparable to the Seventh of the Baby Fair, right?" Many people secretly thought.

"The son is getting stronger and stronger." Man Tan looked at Xiao Yun, his heart secretly.

When she was at Beaver Island, she saw a place where Xiao Yun was against the sky.

But at this moment, her heart still couldn't help being shocked.

Later, she was also preparing to cross the infant market.

At this time, the sky disaster that Xiao Yun's drag from above had come.

This time Xiao Yun entered Kirin's forbidden area and obtained a large amount of Kirin's essence, his flesh and soul were transformed.

That Yuan Ying was also nourished by Qilin's blood.

Not only that, but the perception of heaven and earth surpassed many people.

Therefore, this robbery is much stronger than when he first entered the infant market.

Above the sky, the light of the calamity flickered, and a Tiangong suppressed it.

This is Xiao Yun's disaster.

This palace is very strong, it seems to crush the king.

"How can such a powerful Tianjie survive?" Many people squeezed sweat for Xiao Yun.

But at this time, Xiao Yun calmly and calmly dealt with the calamity.

Leaving the sky strong again, he is still boxing.

In fact, Xiao Yun's physical strength at this time was comparable to Wang Bing.

In him, every meridian and every bone is integrated into the unicorn **** pattern.

The fusion of these divine patterns with bones made them all look like Wang Bing.

Even stronger than the average Wang Bing.

Xiao Yun smashed into the air with his palm, directly smashing the heavenly palace evolved from that calamity.

The celestial palace was shattered into a smashing pattern.

"Rong!" When the catastrophes spread out, Xiao Yun pulled the force of heaven and earth into the body.

Then, it was fused by it.

Dozens of scourges have been so broken by him.

"Tianjie can still cross in this way?" Seeing this, the peacock son was also stunned.

"This guy is so arrogant!" Some big monsters who heard the sound in the distance also jumped.

They have never seen such a robbery.

After a while, Tianjie disappeared.

But then there is still the calamity.

The sky robbery of the battle martial spirit, the sky robbery of the life martial spirit, the sky robbery of the phantom eye.

Several robberies continued to fall, but Xiao Yun calmly coped.

I don't know how long this calamity lasted.

Xiao Yun was still crossing the sky when he swallowed the sky bird.

"Your brother is not easy?" Kong Qigongzi said to the swallowing tit.

Rao is the top ten genius in the list of Tian Yao, but after seeing Xiao Yun's tragedy, his heart was shocked.

This is definitely a rival.

"That's nature." The swallowing bird's eyes condensed and said, "This boy is so talented that he will have infinite achievements in the future."

Even though the swallowing **** is naturally proud, it has to admit Xiao Yun's extraordinaryness.

Of course, it is also known that Xiao Yun's achievements today are inseparable from his own efforts.

Which chance in these years has not come from his own risk?

Without that courage, how can there be great opportunities?

boom! boom!

Tianjie is constantly being defeated.

Even though the Zhanwu soul ghost image evolved that day was very powerful, Xiao Yun shot it, but he easily crushed it.

After realizing the mystery of the potential of heaven and earth, he can resolve the power of heaven and earth.

He even made the power of the disaster for his own use, so how could it hurt him?

After a long time, Jieyun finally dissipated.

At this time, Xiao Yun's body was restrained and kept being absorbed by him.

"The baby market is two-fold!" Xiao Yun's eyes flashed. Although he only made a disaster this time, he felt that his foundation had never been strengthened. Today, his soul and Yuanying are both extremely powerful. It is comparable to that of the infant market.


Seeing that Xiao Yun had completed the robbery, Yi Yi fell lightly on his shoulder.

At this point Xiao Yun became stronger, and it seemed very happy.

Xiao Yun smiled and caressed Yi Yi.

He knew that although this little guy was introverted, he was definitely stronger than himself.

Wouldn't Yi Yi with the blood of God be simple?

"Congratulations to Xiao Gongzi on his successful crossing, and he will dominate the demon field in the future!" At this time Kong Qigong strolled and smiled at Xiao Yun.

At that time, Xiao Yun easily obtained the unicorn fire lotus, which made Kong Qigong son look at him.

But at this time, after seeing the disaster that Xiao Yun had crossed over, Confucius son suddenly regarded it as a character.

"Oh, compared to my son, I'm still far behind!" Xiao Yun laughed with a spread of palms.

At this point, leaving Qilin's forbidden area, the breath of Kong Qigongzi was restored, and under careful induction, it was found that this person had reached a half-step magical state, stepping into the quasi-psychic state was afraid of any time, adding his blood, absolutely Not to be underestimated.

"Let's leave this place first?" Kong Qigongzi blinked, glanced around and said.

"OK." Xiao Yun nodded slightly.

Then everyone left the place together.

Passing this mountain, the city gradually appeared.

Each of the major demons in the demons is divided into areas, and each of them controls one party.

But there are also cities between the monsters.

Because Yao Xiu also needs to cultivate, they also need to exchange resources.

And some cities have naturally become the best place for trading.

When that giant city appeared, Kong Qigongzi ordered people to explore the area where it was located.

"This is the place in the south of the demon domain named Tianshu Domain." After receiving the news, Kong Qi Gongzi said to Xiao Yun and the Skyfinch, "This area is more than a thousand miles away from my peacock family. It is also far away from the Tuntian tribe. It can be said that this is the southernmost area of ​​my demon domain. The demon tribe that governs this large area is the Tianshu family. "

"Tianshu domain?" Xiao Yun frowned, and he didn't know about this demon domain.

"But the one-horned black cow's pulse is a little closer to the place, and the stepping god's pulse is only two million miles away."

Kong Qigong said.

"One-horned black cow?" Swallowing his brows frowned, and didn't take it seriously.

Why should a clan not even the emperor fear it?

"If you want to cross from here for tens of thousands of miles, you must pass through the inter-regional array. This type of array is only available in the veins of trap rats and sky-eaters. I'm afraid that Yiyi's acquisition of the beast has spread to all ethnic groups. "Kong Qigongzi said," So I informed the elders of my tribe to come here to cope, and I also informed the uncle Shi. "

"My dad?" Wen Yan said, and the complexion of Swallowtail's eyes showed.

"Well." Kong Qigongzi said, "Your father is in retreat, so there is no contact, but I contacted your sister."

"Sister A." Thinking of these loved ones, the look of the larva was slightly complicated.

It has been eight years since home.


You Mouse City.

This is a city of the Tianshu tribe, a squirrel.

At this time, Xiao Yun and the big demon of the peacock family lived in an inn.

After staying in this inn, Xiao Yun began to take out many medicinal materials.

The rarest of these herbs is the soulful nine-leaf branch.

Divine breath permeates this medicine.

"Oh, if this medicinal material is refined into Dan, the king will be restored to its peak state!" After Xiao Yun took out the medicinal material, the phantom insect's eyes flickered, but Xiao Yun's knowledge of the sea was not full. His face stared fiercely.

"Finally, we can restore our strength." Changsheng turtle sighed slightly, and continued to adjust his interest rate under the tree of life.

Xiao Yun took out many herbs.

This time in the forbidden area of ​​Kirin, he is not small.

At the same time, he cut off the one-horned black bull and many big demon also gained a lot of spirits.

At this point, it can be taken out to make a few furnaces of elixir.

"The nine-leaf branch of this soul is quite rare. The nine-leaf branch contains a strong soul essence. The branch is also bred from endless essence. At this time, the four leaves can be taken, and the rest is left to the little sister and mother. They will definitely need this divine essence. "

Xiao Yun's heart was dark.

These spiritual extracts contaminated with the essence of God are hard to find.

It will be of great benefit if it is trained into a panacea.

So he didn't waste the medicine.

At this time, Xiaoshimei needs him to help wake up.

The mother's life and death are unknown.

The Skyfinch also had to rely on him to help reshape the meat.

Therefore, at this time, Xiao Yun desperately needed all kinds of gods.

When the medicinal materials went into the tripod, Xiao Yun began to refine carefully.

Although his soul power increased at this time, the medicinal power of this divine extract was not controlled by ordinary people.

Fortunately, the dew of life can neutralize many heaven and earth essences, otherwise this furnace of elixir is afraid that he can not make it.


After two hours ~ ~ Elixir was refined.

Four in one furnace!

The elixir of spirits is lingering, such as flowing through the road.

This is a panacea grade higher than before.

"My son, give me, give me." When this elixir was refined, Phantom rushed forward.

"Slightly." Xiao Yun handed a phantom.

Long-lived turtles stretched out their giant claws in a hurry.

Immediately after receiving the elixir, they started taking it.

The elixir enters the mouth, and the elixir is submerged into the body like an air dragon.

The breath of the long-lived tortoises and phantoms was significantly enhanced.

"If they return to their peak state, they will not be afraid even in the face of the Puppet Emperor."

Xiao Yun smiled.

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