Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1095: Demon field situation

Within Xiao Yun's knowledge of the sea, Phantom Worm and Longevity Turtle began to take Jundan.

The elixir came into the mouth, and its power was surging, and at the same time, there were still lines in the elixir.

These road patterns contain the flavor of the road, which will benefit the emperor a lot.

It can be said that this elixir is of great benefit to the phantom insects in the realm of kings and the long-lived turtles in the realm of pseudo-emperors.

After seeing the two king worms started to take the elixir, Xiao Yun began to practice alchemy.

This time he got a lot of medicinal materials, all of which were refined.

= Pig = pig = island = fiction = www = zhuua =

"Yeah!" Yi Yi started taking pills with a happy face.

After taking the medicine, the little guy's light pattern flickered and he fell into a deep sleep.

If you go away, there is a divine pattern gradually fused on it.

There are too many unicorn **** patterns fused by the little ones, and they have not been completely fused before, and it takes a long process.

Just like the blood of Xiao Yun.

With his cultivation at this time, it cannot be thoroughly refined.

This is the lack of realm.

Even if you have a piece of divine meat in front of you, how can you bite when your teeth are not working?

The Skyfinch also stepped into the baby market, and at this time the foundation was much more stable than before.

Its soul blends Kirin's true fire and **** pattern, and even if it fights with the enemy in the form of soul, it will not be weaker than others.

In addition, Manci has also undergone metamorphosis.

Although her bloodline is not as good as those of the big races, but because she has the bloodlines of the beavers close to their ancestors, it is not to be underestimated.

Now in the unicorn pond, the blood of her unicorn is constantly being stimulated.

It can be said that she chose to follow Xiao Yun to bring herself a huge opportunity.

"Now that my soul has set foot in the infant market, he can start the heavy prohibition in the swallowing tower."

Xiao Yun's heart moved, sinking his soul into the tower.

At this time, with the improvement of his strength, his control of the Tuntian Tower became more and more handy.

"Shock!" As soon as the mind moved, Xiao Yun began to move towards the sixth shock.

When his soul power rushed away, the towering tower shuddered, and there was almost no delay, and the forbidden pattern collapsed directly.

Then a vast wave of soul swept out.

"What will it be?" Xiao Yun's eyes rejoiced as the wave swept out.


The imaginary soldier did not appear.

Within that forbidden pattern, a map evolved.

It contains many detailed information.

"This is the map where the Heavenly Supreme Supreme Mansion is located?" After that map appeared, Xiao Yun moved a little inside.

He then began to look at the map carefully.

After obtaining these materials, fiery colors appeared in his eyes.

"Sure enough, it is the relic of swallowing the sky." Xiao Yun murmured with bright eyes, "This swallowing tower is the key to unlock the miracle."

Only then did he understand that the tower that the father left behind was a huge opportunity.

With this tower, he can enter the inheritance land left by the Devouring Supreme.

This supreme legacy of swallowing the sky, but swallowing the sky **** has been thinking!

But the swallowing larks did not have the key to unlock this miracle, so they had to drink hate and return.

"Swallowing the magical power of Heaven is extremely powerful. If it can be obtained, it will surely sweep the four sides." Xiao Yunmu showed expectations.

"But now the most important thing is to improve your strength first." The joy in her heart was soon calmed down, and Xiao Yun began to cultivate.

Now that he has set foot in the infant market, his heritage is already very strong.

The perception of the power of heaven and earth is far from comparable.

But this kind of perception must be accumulated continuously, so that we can prepare for stepping into the king.


When Xiao Yun set foot in You Mouse City, the demon domain had already set off a wave.

"What! The Kirin Temple has been ingested?" A big demon's eyes flashed, and his face was shocked. "But Yang Yihong of the Kirin tribe obtained it?" Descendants of the younger generation who entered the unicorn.

After hearing the news, he was shocked.

If the Kirin tribe is to have this temple, the richness of the tribe's heritage is afraid to transcend many clans.

"That shrine was not earned by Princess Kirin." Qingzi Yaofeng Shenruyu, with blue light on his head and a thousand wings behind him, he hurled at the old man and said, "It's a little beast, I don't know which clan , But it got the corpse of God. "

"A little beast?" After hearing the words, Qianyi Shenpeng also looked surprised in the eyes of the emperor.

In the northern part of the demon domain, within a giant city.

This is a large hall with a fire pattern above it.

These fire patterns wriggle, like a giant unicorn galloping and dancing above the hall.

At this moment there are several old men sitting in the hall.

The head is an old man with white long beard.

It sits on the throne, mopped the ground, and there are light lines on it. Each hair is dormant like a unicorn, and it looks like a fairy is sitting on the throne from afar. , There is an overwhelming domineering in him.

"What! Yihong was suppressed, and the Kirin Temple was acquired by others?" At this time, the Lord His Highness was shocked by several old men, and it seemed difficult to believe the news. In their opinion, no one in this world was easier than them. Gained the heritage of the unicorn god.

But at this time, the heavenly daughters of their clan were suppressed in the Kirin Temple?

That shrine was also taken by a little beast?

"How do you think?" The old chief of the Kirin tribe flashed his eyes, glanced around and sank.

"The corpse of God may not even be able to reach me. Since the ancestors can obtain the corpse of God, there must be something good about it. At this time, its realm is still low, and we still have the opportunity to take it down. Afraid to carry that corpse, it will be difficult to suppress. "

An emperor said.

"Yes, when it was suppressed immediately, the corpse was taken." Another middle-aged emperor stood up.

"Who are you willing to go out?" Shen Qilin chief said.

"I'm willing to go!" Said the middle-aged emperor Shen.

"Okay, then I will leave the matter to you, but Yi Hong is in the hands of that young man. You have to pay attention to it. Although the corpse of the **** is rare, but not everyone can control it, but a genius has unlimited potential and must not have any Missed, "said the old patriarch.

"Yes!" Yang Xiao bowed.

"Lao Qi, you should also go there." Slightly groaned, said the chief of the Kirin tribe.

"Is it worth it to deal with a junior?" Someone asked.

"The corpse of the gods is bound to attract all ethnic groups and not to be careless." Chief Kirin said, "Lao Qi, you remember to take your piece of Kirin with you in case the royals of various ethnicities intervene!" He darted to the hall An old man on the right hand said.

"Yes!" The old man's eyelids tilted, and he said slightly.

It was just that his vision flashed with amazing vision evolution.

There seemed to be a unicorn in his eyes.


"All of my people have fallen into the shadow of Kirin?"

In a black cave in the land of Heize, the eyes of the patriarch of the one-horned black cow were cold.

"Not only that, according to the news from the God of Niu Tatian, that young man named Xiao Yun still beheaded my family in the presence of Prince Qingtian." Under the black cave, a king's face was gloomy and said, "This person doesn't give me any face."

"Look, find him, the king will suppress it in person!" The patriarch's eyes, Guang Senhan.

"Yes!" Suddenly, the unicorn black bull sent out a large number of men and women looking for news of Xiao Yun.

"Did the corpse be obtained?"

"This is a great opportunity!" At this moment, Yi Yi's acquisition of the corpse of the **** has spread throughout the entire demon domain.

"Look, you must hurry to take this young man when you find it!" Many royal clan enthusiasts are enthusiastic.

For a time, the situation in the demon field began to rise.

Inside You Mouse Town, in an inn.

"Seven sons, it's not good." An elder of the Peacock family walked anxiously into a courtyard.

"What's up?" The delicate door was pushed open, and the colorful light on Kong Qigong's body bloomed like a **** sparrow. When he moved his eyes, he saw the anxious elder in the courtyard. He frowned suddenly There was an ominous feeling in my heart.

"Now the major realms are being transmitted by the little beast Xiao Gongzi in the temple, and the emperors of all races are moving to seize the gods. Now the news has reached this ghost town. The demon came, I was afraid that things were not good. "

The elder said.

"Is the news so fast?" Kong Qigong frowned slightly. "My father, I have to come tomorrow at the earliest."

"I hope you can spend today safely." Kong Qigong sighed slightly.

When he obtained the corpse from Yi, he thought of the situation now.

The same is true, he will immediately allow the elders of the clan to come here to cope.


Just when Kong Qigong was preparing to enter the house, a strong wave capsized down here.

"Wang Wei!" After this wave swept, Kong Qigong's eyes condensed, and there was a bit of cold light flashing in it.

"Any enemy is coming?" At this moment, Xiao Yun, who is practicing retreat, is also moving.

Immediately after he sensed the ventilator, he released his mind.

call out!

But in the inn, a glimmer of light flickered, and finally turned into a canopy to completely block the inn.

Under this gloom, there are several big demon appearing one after another.

The three great monsters headed by them all exude vast king power. Behind them are also followed by twenty black armored soldiers who have reached the half-step king. A fierce atmosphere permeates the bodies of these great monsters. The void is frozen for it.

"People with a vein!" Kong Qigong raised an eyebrow and looked up at the several big monsters that suddenly appeared.

"Did these guys find us?" The middle-aged man of the Peacock family glanced down ~ ~ But Kong Qigongzi was quite indifferent.

At this time Xiao Yun also pushed out the door.

"I didn't expect to be here so soon." Xiao Yun looked up at the big demon with a slight smile on the corner of his mouth.

"My son." Manju walked to Xiao Yun with a dignified expression.

"Three kings, nothing to worry about." Xiao Yun smiled slightly, begging Manju not to be nervous.

"But at this time, you will definitely attract more monsters." Manju said with a frown.

"What about more big demon?" Xiao Yun chuckled, not paying any attention to it.

Once he even cut the emperor, how would he be afraid of the emperor?

After experiencing so many ordeal, Xiao Yun's state of mind suddenly reached the state where the mountain collapsed in front and remained unchanged.

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