Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1096: You mouse ambush

You Mouse City, the void of the inn.

At this moment, it was completely shrouded in the formation method, and outsiders could not see the situation inside.

"All are below the king." Zhao Ping, the Lord of You Mouse City in the void, flashed his eyes, which was the perception of Xiao Yun's group of people. At the moment, the corner of his mouth had a sharp arc: "Oh, it seems that God The corpse will be owned by the king. "

Who can fight against the king?

He is a small king, reaching the peak of the supernatural powers.

The next two kings are also eye-pig-pig-island-fiction ww. {Zhu} {zhu} {} Well cold, powerful Wang Wei capsizes downward like Tianwei.

Under this kind of Wang Wei, many big demon in the inn shivered.

"Give up the corpse of God." Zhao Cheng's eyes narrowed and his eyes fell on Xiao Yun.

From the news he learned that the snow-white beast was very close to Xiao Yun.

So when Yi Yi was not seen, he dropped his eyes directly on Xiao Yun's body.

"Some small kings want to kill and win treasures, too?" Seeing this Wang Wei overturned, thinking of Xiao Yun's frown, and the corner of his mouth evoked a sense of coldness, the three young kings thought of him. Anyway, it's really whimsical.

"Is this Xiao Xiaozi too high-profile?" Seeing Xiao Yun so high-profile, many big demon of the Peacock tribe frowned slightly.

The other party is a little king!

The three kings are juxtaposed, and the combat power is not a normal infant market.

"Crazy!" One of the king's eyes was cold, and when he moved his hand, he approached Xiao Yun.

The big hand fell down and turned into a mouse paw.

This is a king of supernatural powers.

Although only supernatural powers are important, but this catch falls, the lines are dangled, and the lines of the road are contained.

The lines permeated the block of one side of the void.

It can be said that under this attack almost all monks in the magical realm will be wiped out.

"Even if you are king, do you really think you can be reckless here?" Just as this man shot, a cold hum sounded, but he saw Kong Qigong take a step forward, blooming on his body, his big hand Hit the air, blooming a colorful light pattern.

The palm of the hand is dazzling, and it seems to have evolved into a colorful world.

The colorful light bloomed, and it collided with the rat's palm.


The tremor of the void shattered, and the light shattered, and the king's body trembled slightly in the void, taking two steps back.

And the seventh son in the hole just shuddered slightly.

After the two confronted, the aftermath raged.

But the oppression from the King just now also disappeared.

"The son of Kong Qi is so powerful, he can use the realm of a half-step king to harden the powerful man who has a great power!" The powerful oppression was weakened, and Manju's long and narrow eyes blinked, and his eyes turned towards Kong Qi. When the son can not help but admire.

"However, if Xiao Gongzi has a half-step king, he will definitely be stronger."

With a slight praise, Manju dropped his gaze on Xiao Yun next to him.

Only at this time Xiao Yun looked indifferent, without any fear of facing the three kings.

His body was repulsed, and the king's face changed slightly.

"People of the Peacock family!" Zhao Ping's eyes flashed, and he stepped forward, and the momentum of the supernatural fourfold began to burst out.

The powerful momentum oppressed, and the repression trembled in the void.

The son of Kong Qi was carrying his hands on his back, and the colored lights behind him were blooming. As if a **** was on the dust, his clothes fluttered and he seemed to be away at any time. He stared at the young king faintly. Quit from time to time, and the matter can be uncovered otherwise, otherwise I will be blameless. "

His words were light, but the threat was self-evident.

Even if the opponent is a small king, Kung Chih-gung is also fearless.

"The peacock son?" Before seeing the seventh son of Kong leaning back and forth, Zhao Cheng's eyes lightened, he groaned, "Peacock son, although you are distinguished, the peacock family is also the royal family of the demon domain today, but the world is still big Not the peacock family can cover the sky with their hands. If the king beheaded you today and then took the **** corpse, there would be nothing else to do to get away from the demon realm. "

"Let you have no grudges and vengeance, so King will give you a chance this time. If you step back, King will not hurt you."

Zhao Chengzhu's attitude was extremely cold-hearted.

Although the Peacock clan is the imperial clan royal family, it is the size of the demon clan that neither the peacock clan can control.

Here he is the king.

What dare not do it for the corpse?

If you feel a trace of avenue from this **** corpse, you may be able to make rapid progress and set foot on the royal road.

Once you set foot in the emperor's way, and there is a dead body in your hand, why should you fear others in this world?

Therefore, after hearing the news from Xiao Yun, the Zhao Chengzhu immediately sent someone to investigate thoroughly.

Then someone came to report, and some people were crossing the street a few days ago.

After all clues, they finally found Xiao Yun and were in You Mouse City.

"Presumptuously, even a king who is in the vein of your rat is also disrespectful to my son? I think you want to be exterminated?"

After hearing that, there was a middle-aged man stepping out from behind Kong Qigong.

The man's eyes were cold, his body was full of bright light, and the momentum of the quasi-king burst forth.

The half-step king next to him and the peacocks in the baby market are all embarrassed.

Because of the restrictions on Kirin ’s forbidden grounds, the people who followed Kong Gongzi were all powerful men below the king.

Otherwise, if a peacock tribe casually comes to a strong one, the person with this vein of the mouse can be discouraged.

"Since they are obsessed, let this son give you a ride!" Seeing the elders behind him, Kong Qixiong waved his hand, and then he took a step forward, his body was full of colorful light, and there were flowing patterns. These patterns The evolution behind him seems to open up the world.

A powerful bloodline burst out from the peacock's body.

"Is this the magical power to urge the peacock?" Xiao Yun, who was about to make a shot, saw the peacock son come forward, he froze slightly, and simply stepped back with a curious look on his face. Top ten characters.

He wanted to see how strong the peacock boy was.

In this way, he can also infer the truth of the monster list that day.

The peacock boy stepped forward and saw the lines on his body. The lines intertwined behind him and evolved into a colorful halo.

This halo is intertwined with road patterns, and it seems to contain a sky and earth, from which ancient divine power permeates.

Vaguely within this aura can be seen a peacock looming.

This is the magical power of the peacock tribe.

Although there is only a half-step king, but the peacock boy has a strong background and has been suppressing the state without making a breakthrough.

Otherwise, it has already set foot on the paraquat.

Rao is so, his power at this time is still not worse than that quasi-supernatural power.

Even after the evolution of the bloodline supernatural power behind, it is already comparable to the king chaser.

"Kong Shentong!" Zhao Cheng's eyes were cold, and he took a step at the moment. "Since you don't know how to be so good, then you should blame the king for being ruthless, even if you are a genius, but what is the power of my little king? Are you a half step king? "

Right now, his eyes were cold, and his big hand hit the air.

The big hand hit, as if with hundreds of palms.

Only momentarily, Kong Qigong was completely blocked by this offensive.

This is the magical power of the shadow mouse.

Under one blow, the shadows were thousands and they attacked the opponent together.

It's just that the blood of Zhao Chengzhu is not too strong, and he has not fully exerted the power of this supernatural power.

If the ancient Youmo shot, it would be absolutely shocking.

Rao is so. Under the four layers of magical powers, the attack can still destroy the mountain.

"If the four levels of magical powers let me fight with one, I'm afraid there will be some difficulties." Xiao Yun's eyes condensed, and his body was slightly retreated by the horrible momentum. His state was still not enough after all, facing this magical power The practitioners of the Fourfold Realm lacked momentum.

Of course, under the pressure of this breath, Xiao Yun's blood was inexplicable.

He had the urge to go up and fight with one another.

However, that urge was quickly suppressed.

Then his eyes fell on the peacock.

"But I don't know if this peacock boy can fight with one of them?" Xiao Yun secretly thought.


Thousands of giant rat's claws fell, and they instantly appeared in front of the peacock.

The horror has broken in the void.

Vast waves of volatility raged like hurricanes.

The kind of fluctuation was frightening, and the inn house next to it was almost swallowed up by the light of extinction.

Many demon monks were directly obliterated.

"Is it King War?" Many people stepped out of the courtyard, showing their faces in horror.

It is a pity that this place is blocked by the formation method. They cannot leave at all. They can only watch the battle beside them.

Peacock God Screen!

Wang Wei was mighty, but the peacock son ignored the magical power of Zhao Chengzhu. His big hand moved, and the colorful light patterns flickered behind him.


Behind a peacock evolved.

The peacock brushed its wings, and the colorful lights bloomed. It seemed to be tolerant of the heavens and the earth, and immediately engulfed the shadows.

This colorful light passed, and the vastness of Wang Wei was resolved, and there was a flash of road pattern that absorbed the aftershock into the colorful ring.

"It's rumored that the Peacock family can be used for everything, but now they see it, it's really worthy of the name!" Seeing this, the master Zhao Cheng's face showed horror. Who can resist?

The two kings next to each other with awesome powers were even more shocked.

It is not difficult to imagine, if they shot, can they fight this young Peacock tribe?

The peacock strolled, and it continued to shoot.

It flicked with both hands, like a breeze blowing the moon, but the multicolored light pattern in that hand was filled with strange powers.

Although it is only half step king, but the peacock boy has the power of the king when he raises his hand.

Today it is just suppressing the realm and preparing to make a lot of money.

"The Peacock family is indeed strong, worthy of being the hegemon among the demons, but after all, you have not set foot in the kingship, and you want to compete with the king, you are a little worse." Zhao Cheng's eyes were cold, and the faint lines on his body were flashing, Wang Wei burst out.

The next moment, he saw his body skyrocket and turned into a giant rat up to ten feet high.

The giant rat looked emaciated, with fierce eyes, and faint lines lingering on its fur.

This is a you rat, a very mysterious gopher.

"Is it the body?" Seeing this, many people in the Peacock family took a breath.

Someone was also determined ~ ~ seems to be full of confidence in the peacock boy.

"You mouse?" Xiao Yun stared at the rat king with interest.

He doesn't know much about the magical powers of the monsters.

This visit to the demon domain can be an eye-opener.

Only in this way can there be more battle experience.

call out!

Just at this moment, the body of Zhao Chengzhu disappeared out of thin air.

"Gone?" Xiao Yun frowned.

"Is the Youmo's genius supernatural power?" The peacock's eyes blinked.

"Kill!" At this time, the other two kings shot and attacked Xiao Yun respectively.

These two kings have never shot, apparently they are looking for opportunities to win Xiao Yun.

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