Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1098: Come here

In the distant void, Xiao Yun and the Peacock people appeared.

As soon as he appeared, he felt an air-lock locked himself.


Just at this moment, a king shot and a huge rat paw extended from thousands of miles away.

"The king is really powerful." Xiao Yun's eyes were shocked. "Swallowing the sky connects with my soul and urges Tissot!"

Although his soul was extremely powerful at this time, the urging Tissot was only able to reach thousands of miles away.

"Okay!" The Skyfinch didn't hesitate, it went into the Skyfight Tower and immediately connected with Xiao Yun.

At this time, the peacock boy's eyes were frozen, and a restraint was sacrificed.

This is a peacock bone.

The peacock's bones swept out, and when it crossed the void, it turned into a huge peacock to welcome the giant claws extended by the king.

Bone like a blade cuts into the great claws of the void.

At the same time, the peacock evolved, and the colorful light bloomed to dissolve the vast Wang Wei.


All I saw was a flash of light from the void, and a giant palm was cut off and fell between the mountains.

But at this time there are still a few king shots.

These people shot together, the peacock collapsed, and the bone blade was blocked.


The loud noise concussed, and the void burst into horrible waves.

That kind of fluctuation, even the king feels daunted.

"The boys of the Peacock clan have some details." Several kings in the distance frowned slightly.

"Damn it, cut my palm!" A king withdrew his hand, and his eyes were full of dim light.


At this time, the front was trembling, Xiao Yun had taken the peacock son and others towards the distance.

"Escape again!"

"Chasing, my king wants to see where he can escape?" A few rat kings' eyes were cold, and they immediately looked away.

The king is extremely fast.

However, Xiao Yun's speed is not slow.

He continuously urged Tissot, and finally got rid of the kings of the You Mouse.

"Oh, your Excellency is the young man who won the Kirin Temple?" Just when Xiao Yun was relieved, a king appeared on the right side of the void. This is a monster full of scale armor, which looks horrible .

This is a Red Winged Crocodile.

"I didn't expect that the King met you." On the other side, another black tiger appeared.

This black tiger has a tiger's head and a height of eight feet. When he walks, he has four arms dancing behind him, which looks extremely terrifying.

"You guys, I have no resentment, do you really want to cut off my way?" The peacock boy glanced at the Quartet.

"Hehe, the boy can go, but the boy has to stay."

"That little beast? Give up that little beast!" Just momentarily, two more big monsters came.

These two demon are a black hawk.

They circled in the air, spread their wings, and covered a distance of 100 feet.

"What kind of cat and dog are here?" Seeing this, Xiao Yun's eyes showed a chilly light.

Ancient ruins were originally obtained by those with fate.

But these kings want to kill and win treasures, and take advantage.

This makes Xiao Yun's eyes filled with a sense of murderousness.

"Don't entangle them first," said the peacock son. "My emperor is about to come. Who will dare to act by then?"

"Go!" Xiao Yun nodded, urging the Tissot.

"Want to go?" Seeing Xiao Yun going, those kings shot.

The peacock son had no choice but to sacrifice his restraint.

A moment later, they appeared in another place.

It was just such a battle, the news of Xiao Yun's appearance in this area had spread to the Quartet long ago.

"Did that kid appear in the Tianshu field?" The eyes of the one-horned black cow's tribe were cold.

"Exactly." The king of the one-corner bowed.

"Go, today we must wipe it out!" The old patriarch's eyes lightened and he set off.

"Tenshu domain?" Not only this vein, many big monsters heard the sound.

"The young man is with the peacock boy, can we leave?" In Tianshuyu, there is a castle-like cave in the deep abyss. Inside, in the hall, there is a big demon eye rising and looking forward. Road ahead.

At the front sits a rat-headed demon with a gold crown.

"What about the peacock boy?" The rat demon's eyes flashed, "We are dealing with that boy, not the peacock tribe."

"Call someone right away and leave!"

The rat demon grinned, "If you get a corpse, this seat will feel the god's rhyme every day."


This time, Xiao Yun appeared among mountains.

The heaven and earth in front are dark, with obscure waves permeating.

There is even a strange wave in the void.

The fluctuations caused a scalp of hair.

"What is this place?" After appearing here, Xiao Yun and others were all iron-blue.

Because just now, Tissot was almost swallowed up by a turbulent space when he shuttled space.

This made the people of the Peacock clan and Xiao Yun startled.

"Is this the empty and chaotic area here?" After the crowd appeared in the void, an elder of the Peacock clan sank.

"Trapped in chaos?" Wen Yan said, the peacock boy frowned, showing his face completely.

"What's wrong?" Xiao Yunmulu asked inquiringly.

"This trapped area has a lot of people," the peacock sighed. "If this is really a trapped area, I'm afraid it will be trouble."

"Oh." Xiao Yun Mulu asked.

"It is said that the trapped chaos area is an ancient battlefield. There are celestial clans, the gods trapped in the veins of trapped rats, and the rules of the gods left after the battle of the strong. Trap, "said an elder of the Peacock tribe." For thousands of years, I don't know how many people have strayed into it and sneered at it. Even the emperor did not dare to go into it. "

The peacock's elders were embarrassed when it came to this trapped area.

"A space trap?" Xiao Yunmu revealed sourly, "No wonder he was affected just now."

"Oh, the front of convenience is a chaotic space of space, where are you going?" Just then, a murmur sounded.

But they saw a few kings coming from the void in the distance.

This is the eight rat kings who first hunted down Xiao Yun.

"Junior, you beheaded me. Even if the peacocks come, don't want to save you!" One of the kings stared coldly at the peacock boy, his arm was cut, and even as a king, he could not regenerate the flesh. Not mortal.

Unless there is a **** of heaven.

"My master is coming soon, and your lords will dare to offend my son, don't you want to live?"

Elderly of a quasi-kingdom of the Peacock tribe hummed.

"Your master?" The faces of several kings changed slightly.

"Afraid of what, beheaded them, we entered a forbidden area, and the emperor who forgives them can do nothing for us." The king who was beheaded in the middle hummed, "This is not the Peacock tribe. What about the royal one? "

"Well," Wen Yan said, and the kings looked at each other. "Each side, cut them all."

At the moment, the eight kings were looted.

All three locations were blocked.

As for the front, it is a trapped area.

"Kill!" The eight kings shot, all are kings who have reached the great realm, each of them is extremely powerful.

"You are looking for death!" Xiao Yun's eyes lightened.

Within his knowledge of the sea, the phantom worm flickered out.

An illusionary force suddenly permeated.

That magical power permeated and evolved into a magical space.

Then, the eight kings shivered.

"Dead!" The phantom worm shot, and there was a flicker of gods in those eyes.

At the same time, the giant palm of Changsheng Turtle protruded and swept the three palm kings.

Bang, bang!

Just momentarily, there are four kings ridiculed.

The other four were all swept by a mighty Wang Weizheng.

"This is Wang Wei!"

"This boy has a strong man in his body!"

"Kill!" Slightly surprised, the four kings immediately shot.

They also actuated the restraint.

The first offering was a piece of rat skin.

This rat skin extends indefinitely, as if the sky is generally blocking the void where Xiao Yun and others are.

The light pattern flashed on the rat skin, and a giant rat rushed out.

The mice's mouths seemed to swallow the sky.

At the same time, there is a giant mouse with blooming eyes, also killing Xiao Yun in the past.

The four kings shot with all their strength, and the mighty king even avoided the peak king.

Fortunately, the phantom was restored to repair.

It flickered through the void and appeared in front of a rat king.

Then the power of magic fell over.

When the power of magic fell down, the rat king's mind was immediately affected.

"Dead!" The next moment, Phantom Worm's eyes moved, Shen Mang beheaded the demon.

At this time, the longevity turtle shot.

Its giant palm was discovered, but three turtle palms have evolved.

Each palm evolved like a mountain.

There is also the suppression of the tortoise.

The attacks that evolved from the immobilizers immediately collapsed.


The three rat kings were all slapped with a palm.

How powerful is this long-lived turtle?

It is a power of the pseudo-queen level.

At the time of the Golden Dragon Tomb, it could already shake the Snow Emperor's life card by virtue of the pseudo-emperor realm.

That kind of combat power, suddenly reached the rank of ordinary emperor.

You know, the strength of the Snow Emperor can crush even ordinary emperors even with a life card!

However, the long-lived turtle exhausted the power of Liu Hanyan's life card.

Had it not been for the Yao's emperors, it would have spurred the battle of the gods, and the longevity turtle would not have been seriously injured.

At this time, its combat power has recovered, is it comparable to the average king?

With a blink of an eye, the eight kings scoffed.


At this time, the void sounded continuously in the void.

A great demon heard the sound.

In the void next to it, ripples appeared, and a king suddenly appeared.

"Even the number of kings?" Seeing this, those big demon eyes were dignified.

But the demons did not retreat ~ ~ Blinking eyes, there are more than twenty great demons in this void.

Among them were prospective kings.

However, some prospective kings have retreated in the distance and are afraid to shoot.

"Oh, a junior race dare to come to my demon domain to commit murder, and today let the king take you down to boost my demon power."

Just at this moment, there was a flash of golden light above the sky, and a thick voice sounded like a thunder.

Then a powerful power swept through.

"This is a false emperor?" Xiao Yun and the people of the Peacock tribe looked at each other after the vast waves swept through.

[On the last day of the double monthly pass, everyone has a monthly pass, there will be more than a dozen chapters on the 19th]

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