Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1099: Storm

A strong man appeared, and suddenly the atmosphere of the void changed.

When all the demon eyes moved, they followed the sound.

Only a flying puppet was seen in the void ahead.

There is a big flag on this flying owl, with a golden rat engraved on it, and the flag is dancing in the wind, with a little bit of Huangwei spreading.

Sitting in the middle of a man wearing a gold robe.

Behind this man, a demon followed.

~ Pig ~ Pig ~ Island ~ Small ~ say ~ www ~ zuhu ~; That looks almost like a king on a tour, and the immense power of the emperor spreads out, making people frightened.

"This is the Jin Lingzi of the Tianling Rat, a puppet emperor!" When the man in the golden robe appeared, many big demon eyes were exposed.

"Jin Lingzi, this big demon is only a hundred years old, but has already reached the quasi-passage heaven. It is one of the big demon who is most likely to set foot in the royal road in Tianshu domain. There is no chance to compete for that Kirin Temple. "

Seeing the appearance of this demon, many kings sighed slightly, after all, they lost this opportunity!

At this time more and more big monsters gathered here.

But after this Jin Lingzi came here, the big demon actively gave way.

This big demon came, even the peak king did not dare to presumptuously.

But those kings were reluctant to leave.

"Give up that little beast to spare your life!" Feiyu stopped a few kilometers away from Xiao Yun, and the Jin Lingzi blinked coldly.

An unquestionable momentum burst out from it.

It was just a momentum that permeated the void space where Xiao Yun was located.

There is no air to circulate there.

A feeling of palpitations immediately poured into my heart.

The elders of the peacock tribe were frightened.

"Is this the strong man who can reach the heavenly realm?" Manju's body shivered, and there was a horror in his beautiful eyes.

She has been in the sea for many years, and the strong man she has met is only the king.

For example, this kind of quasi-passage practitioners saw this for the first time.

"Tian Ling Rat's pulse, Jin Lingzi?" The peacock stepped forward, but still looked very indifferent. "It is the peacock family below, Kong Yan, this Xiao Gongzi is a friend below, but I do not know if the emperor can Stop, let me wait. "

"Kong Yan?"

Jin Lingzi's eyes flashed, and he stared at Kong Qigongzi with interest, "Kong Qigong, ninth ranked in the Heaven Demon Ranking, Kong Yan?"

"It's down!" Kong Qigong said, not humbling or humble.

"Is this the seventh son of Kong?"

"This is the existence of the top ten in the list of Tian Yao!" After Kong Qigongzi became famous, many big monsters couldn't help but glance at this young man, but more big monsters were sternly watching, compared to them, More interested in that Kirin Temple.

"It ’s been a long time since the famous son of Kong Qigong was seen, and now it ’s considered fate, then this seat will give you a face. As long as the young man surrenders the little beast seat to spare him, what do you think?" Jin Lingzi smiled slightly, But the mighty imperial power on him was still undiminished.

"Is this true of the emperor?" He heard that Kong Qigong's face turned black.

"This young man even killed several kings of my rat clan. He left him alive, and it has given you a little bit of noodles. Did the peacock boy see the things in this boy's hands?" Jin Lingzi said coldly, "Although you are a genius, you have the opportunity to set foot in the imperial path, but you are still a genius who has not grown up at this time. Here, for my mouse clan's world, you have to know how to move forward."

Its tone is extremely cold.

"It's damn, are we really going to bully us?" Swallow's body flickered out, glaring at the golden rat in front of it.

"Tianming doesn't need to worry." The peacock said, "You are my brother, this Xiao is your brother, then he is my brother, this Jin Lingzi has to ask me if he wants to move him." When this After the words fell, the eye-catching eyes of Kong Qigong, who was always approachable, became cold.

"This seventh son of Kong Kong has a bit of righteousness." Seeing that the seventh son of Kong Kong was so tough, Xiao Yun was also slightly surprised.

The atmosphere of Xiao Yun, who had been preparing for the **** battle, gradually calmed down.

"Since he is a genius of the Peacock tribe, he must have a good foundation," he said secretly.

Although Xiao Yun's background has improved.

However, in this demon domain, he has no roots, and he should not expose his hole cards.

At this time, Yiyi's access to the temple has attracted countless people to hunt.

If it is known that he still has such a long-lived turtle, I am afraid that it will really set off a storm in this demon realm.

Longevity turtles, but the gods who have the opportunity to preach longevity!

This is greater than the temptation of the temple.

After all, even if Yi Yi is taken down, no one can guarantee that he can control the temple.

The peacock stepped forward and ran across Xiao Yun's body.

"You may be in a battle?" The swallowing eyes are worried, after all, the other party is a hypocrite.

"Tianming is assured that your brother and I still have this information." Kong Qigong smiled slightly.

Then, as soon as his eyes lighted, his eyes fell on the golden spirit.

"My father respects you as an elder, and then we call you a golden emperor. If you do not respect you, you will be nothing in front of my father."

Kong Qigong's long hair fluttered, with colorful light patterns blooming on his body, although he was not very handsome, but there was a dusty temperament on his body. At this moment, he stared forward, his eyes were sharp, and his eyebrows revealed A little heroic.

The words were not high, but it showed the determination of the peacock boy.

"What!" After hearing the words of the peacock son, the big demon in the vein of the spirit rat were all angry.

How extraordinary this golden son is, he is now only a hundred years old and has reached the level of quasi-passage.

The demon tribe originally had a long life. It can reach the quasi-passage heaven at this age, and it is very likely to achieve the emperor.

How many of these characters dare to underestimate?

But at this time, the peacock dared to say that in his eyes the gold spirit son was nothing?

What that means is that he just called him the Golden Emperor just now.

What arrogance is this?

Not only were the people of the Tianling Rat stunned, but even those nearby kings were moved.

"This peacock boy is so arrogant!" Someone sneered, "This Jin Lingzi is a quasi-strength heavenly powerman. The banner above the flying owl is a royal treasure. With his cultivation, once Shot, how many people can be blocked below the King? "

This peacock boy is not in the king's realm at this time, how can he compete with it?

"This Kong Kui is an anti-Sky character on the Tian Yao list. He must have been the key player in the clan. I'm afraid he really has a bit of background. I'll wait a little longer, but don't be killed by this peacock. It ’s good to be. ”There are secrets in the heart of the king.

They had thought about coming to fish in muddy water.

But after seeing the peacock's energetic spirit, he immediately remembered his identity.

The Peacock clan is no shortage of emperors!

"Haha, Kong Yan, since you see this seat as nothing, then this seat has to see what kind of ability you have?"

Hearing that Jin Lingzi smiled from the sky, the sound wave was like thunder, every laughter passed into the ear, shook the human soul.

Suddenly, the nearby kings retreated.

"It's just rats. Since you're so open-minded, today my son will chop you here." The peacock son carried his hands on his shoulders, and he took a step forward, his whole body bloomed, those lights became a peacock hovering in the air, a vast The blood of the blood swept out.

The bloodline made many of the big demon eyes present cold.

"Hehe, the peacock is so temperamental." Just then, a cold hum sounded.

But he saw a big demon in a black robe riding a black bull in the air.

There is also an imperial power spreading on this demon.

"One-horned black cow?" When that big enchanter came, many people's eyes narrowed suddenly.

When this great enchanter came, the void and black mist in the rear rolled, and Wang Wei shook.

Only eighteen cattle kings appeared here.

"This is the patriarch of the one-horned black bull!"

"This is a hypocrite!"

"His car is the corpse of an emperor, and it has been refined into the imperial treasure of the emperor!"

Another pseudo-emperor came, but the scene is getting stronger and stronger!

The former kings had to sigh.

Now that so many big monsters are alarmed, they want to seize the opportunity of the Kirin Temple. They are getting smaller and smaller.

But no one retreated.

Instead, there are more and more big monsters here.

"Hey brother, you are in Kurosawa, but you came to my Tianshu domain, and your hands are so long!" When the big demon with a single horned black bull appeared after this, Jin Lingzi's eyes The light was slightly gloomy, the golden light flashed in its eyes, staring at the black bull.

An opponent appeared at this time, making it a little less likely to get treasure.

So there was a hostility in it.

"Brother Jin's words are bad." The patriarch of the one-horned black cow flashed his eyes, and said, "This young man chopped off my brother's two sons, and even one of my king's pulse. It ’s for revenge and resentment.

"Even killing several kings?" Hearing this, some big monsters nearby shivered and wondered, "This young man is just a baby market, how can he kill the king? I'm afraid it's the one-horned black bull. The patriarch is talking nonsense, but just want to use it? "

"My brethren don't know, this young man can indeed be the king-slayer. Earlier he even chopped more than a dozen king-rats in a vein."

A big demon said.

"So evil?" Wen Yan said, many big demon's faces were jealous.

"It seems that only the pseudo emperor can take it down ~ ~ At this time, many big demon secretly murmured.

In the end they all set their eyes on the two pseudo-emperors.

"So, my brother is just for revenge, not for the Kirin Temple in this young man's hand?" At this moment, the gold spirit's eyes flashed, and he turned towards the one-horned black with a bit of coldness. Said Niu Yimai's hypocrisy.

"Oh, revenge is natural." The puppet emperor with a single-horned black cow laughed. "It's just that this kid killed so many people of mine. This place naturally needs to receive some interest. Otherwise, the king of my family would not have died in vain. "Speaking, a mighty emperor's power permeated from him.

But it saw its car dazzling in black, sweeping in all directions.

This imperial power permeated, making the void tremble.

Suddenly, the kings within a thousand miles of the neighborhood felt a shocking wave.

"This imperial power is extraordinary!"

Countless monsters stepped back.

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