Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1100: Five colors Shinko! [Megumi ...

"That being the case, then see who can win this kid first." In the face of the vast kingly power, Jin Lingzi smiled lightly, his eyes flashed, and the flag flying on Feiyu was agitated. The golden light ripples shook.

This light pattern immediately vanished the imperial power from the one-horned black bull mount.

Obviously, the two monsters are also testing each other.

"That being the case, then you have your own skills," said the puppet emperor's eyes, a one-horned black cow, cold.

Through the temptation just now, it also knows that the Jin Lingzi is not so easy to deal with.

The next moment, its mount flashed, turning into a giant bull.

Its body is even bigger.

Just in the blink of an eye, it turned into a giant cow several hundred meters high.

It is a cow-headed person, and looks very embarrassing.

The unicorn wriggled at this moment, with a mighty power spreading out.

Obviously, this is always ready to use magical powers to obliterate Xiao Yun and others.

"Unicorn power?" Jin Lingzi smiled slightly, "Look at my **** rat gold ring!"

At this point, it was surrounded by gold lines.

The golden pattern immediately turned into a golden giant ring.


A killing sounded, and the two pseudo-emperors shot at the same time, both of whom wanted to kill Xiao Yun as soon as possible.

At the same time, they are also preparing for each other, and they seem to be preparing to give each other a fatal blow to seize the Kirin Temple.

"The two puppet emperors shot, this young man is afraid of danger!" Seeing this, many big demon secretly murmured.

"Is this a puppet emperor?" At this moment, Manju's heart was also trembling, and his eyes were dignified when he looked at the one-cornered black bull. Their beavers offended the one-cornered black bull and were destined to suffer. The calamity, if we want to get rid of this doom, we must first have the strength to deal with this pulse.

But after seeing the power of the false emperor, she felt that the pressure on her body was as heavy as the sky.

"Moving my brother? Don't even want to leave alive today." The two puppet emperors shot at the same time, but the peacock son looked cold, and the cold voice rang out, only to see his pace move forward. One step forward seems to have two big demon alone.

"Peacock boy?" The elder of the unicorn **** cow hummed. "Since you are going to be my enemy, the old man will teach you something."

The words haven't fallen yet, only to see that the bull demon's big hand moved, a giant black-lined palm appeared out of thin air.

This big hand writhing in black, like a black sky covering the four sides, suppressing down to the peacock boy

At the same time, a light pattern flashed out of its one-corner, sweeping towards Xiao Yun.

This light pattern wriggles and has great power to communicate the trend of the world.

That power is not to obliterate Xiao Yun, but to drown it.

This one-cornered black bull seems to want to win Xiao Yun.

Only this time, Jin Lingzi also shot.

A gold ring flew out of his eyebrow, and appeared directly on the supernatural power of the one-horned black bull to suppress it with Xiao Yun.

The two pseudo-emperors shot and used magical powers from the beginning. That kind of combat power can swept many powerful people below the emperor. A quasi-king can't fight it, but the peacock boy made a big move at this time. , A colorful **** feather fan appeared.

The divine feathers are dazzling, and there are obscure fluctuations in it.

Divine feathers bloomed and turned into a colorful treasure fan.

When the two puppet emperors shot, the peacock boy brushed with a treasure fan.


When the treasure fan was swiped, when looking at it from afar, the fan-like fan with large ears was now blooming in color, and continued to evolve into a giant fan. There are endless colorful patterns blooming.

There seems to be a world evolved within the colorful patterns.


As the peacock's fan danced, the entire void was shrouded in colored light.

The palm of the one-sided black bull's puppet emperor was first flooded with colorful light.

Suddenly, the puppet emperor felt that the rune on his arm was worn away, and the true elements in his body began to flow away.

"What magical power is this?" The big demon's face suddenly changed.

Under that colorful light, his pattern was actually worn away.

This scared him.

Not only that, the volume of the colorful light, even the divine pattern blooming from his unicorn, was taken into the colorful world.

Not only the magical power of the unicorn bull demon was swept away.

Even the golden ring evolved by the Jin Lingzi was flashed into the world of light patterns evolved by the treasure fan.

How horrible is the magical power when the two pseudo-emperors shot together?

Who can resist below the Emperor?

But it was easily resolved at this time!

The void power that had previously been shrouded in terror disappeared.

The pressures on Xiao Yun, Man Tan and others are also indifferent.

"This treasure is so strong?" Xiao Yun secretly murmured.

"This is the magical power of the Peacock family imprinted in the treasure. It should be regarded as an imprisonment for the emperor." Said the swallowing bird.

"The emperor is imprisoned." Xiao Yun's eyes lightened, he couldn't help but glance at the peacock, then nodded slightly.

This emperor's restraint should be a certain emperor imprinted his original magical power in this fan.

This is just like the famous brand that Xiao Xiong gave to Xiao Yun.

The power of this restraint is by no means comparable to that of the imperial soldiers.

At this time, the peacock boy was holding a colorful treasure fan.

I saw the bright lights blooming, as if there was a world brushing towards the two pseudo-emperors facing forward.

Under this brush, heaven and earth changed color, and countless heaven and earth vitality was involved.

Even the two puppet emperors felt that the true elements in their bodies were passing away.

"This is the peacock **** light!" When the colorful light came, Jin Lingzi's eyes finally showed the color of terror.

"Peacock light?" After hearing that, the puppet emperor with the one-horned black bull's veins was also in panic.

This is the great magical power of the Peacock!

The peacock was also a powerful race in ancient times.

This is a demon race that can compete with the holy beast.

Legend has it that the swarm of the peacock tribe can sweep everything.

It's just that this clan is too powerful, and it is difficult for these clan to fight against it.

Only the unicorns, the dragons, and the phoenixes can compete with this peacock tribe.

The same is true, although these demon have heard of the power of the Peacock clan.

But because he has not fought it, it is only a vague impression.

Fighting now, they know the terrible things of this peacock tribe.


When the colorful light was swept away, the two demon felt that their bodies were to be swept by the light like the colorful world.

The true elements in their bodies are diminishing.

"This ..." At that moment, the one-horned black bull was frightened, and he quickly urged the mount.

This is a treasure made from the body of an emperor.

Suddenly, the mount evolved into a giant bull, and when it was empty, it swooped towards the colorful light.

The savage cow hit the mountain, and even the void was shattered by that terrible force.

Its giant tail swept across the sky, as if swept across the sky by a whip, and the void was torn apart wherever it passed.

At this moment, heaven and earth changed color.

"The puppet emperor urged the emperor to strike him, it was really shocking!"

Seeing this, those kings in the distance were all frightened.

Such attacks are too powerful, and these kings cannot compete with them at all.

At the same time, the Jin Lingzi also shot.

I only saw it grasping the big hand and holding the big banner on the flying puppet, and then it took a step, the banner agitated, and swept away towards the peacock boy ahead. The high banner immediately turned into a kilometer high and large banner.

The flag was swept away, and a light pattern bloomed.

That light pattern is transformed into a sea of ​​gold that is devouring the world.

This offensive is a little stronger than the patriarch of the one-horned black bull.

It is hard to imagine that the two puppet emperors shot so powerfully. How many people can resist under the emperor?

At this moment, the nearby kings of the void all put their hearts in their throats.

They stared awkwardly, waiting for the shocking confrontation.

"Peacock light, brush everything!" The peacock son's eyes condensed, and the whole body's blood burst out into the fan. Behind it, a hundred-foot-tall peacock evolved, only to see his steps out Lupin brushed.


Light and shadow flickered within the fan, and a peacock flew out with wings spread.

The wings of the peacock trembled, and there were colorful rays of light.

Only momentarily, the attacks of the two puppet emperors were overwhelmed by this colorful light.

Then, a colorful sky behind them fell down, swallowing up the two puppet emperors and their emperor treasure.

From a distance, the two puppet emperors were engulfed in a colorful light, and then absorbed into the colorful world.

Even the flying maggot, and even the corpse of the emperor cow demon were involved.

This colorful light can brush everything, people, and treasure.

Even if the strength is strong enough, even the stars can brush into the colorful world.


After falling into that colorful world, the panic of the two pseudo-emperors suddenly sounded.

The colorful light patterns inside are constantly eroding their true elements.

Only momentarily, their realm fell and they were not in the realm of the pseudo-emperor.

At this moment, they are full of fear.

After being trapped in this inexplicable space, he couldn't quit at all.

"Is that just taken?" After hearing the terrifying voice, all the nearby kings were in fear.

"Peacocks are really amazing!"

"It's worthy of being the royal family of my demon domain!" Many big demon did not sigh.

Just the swipe of the fan took two powerful men who could pass through the heavenly realm. It was so amazing that it was amazing.

"Five colors of light!" The eyes of the swallowing queen could not help but stare.

It is also very clear about this magical power.

But at this moment seeing the peacock boy urged out, after all, he couldn't help but feel shocked.

"This is the real power of the great clan!" Even Xiao Yun sighed a little ~ ~ This is the supernatural power of the world.

When the five-colored **** light comes out, how many people can be stopped in the world?

"Peacock, please release Jin Lingzi!" At this moment, a low voice sounded completely empty.

The voice was not high, but the sound wave shook the void. The horror of the power weakened the momentum of the peacock, and a man with a gold crown suddenly appeared in the void, and all the demons followed. Look away.

The man was obviously thousands of miles away.

But between the steps, he has come thousands of miles away.

The next step was to appear ten miles away.

Such speed, even Xiao Yun frowns.

"Is this King?"

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