Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1101: no way no money?

Void trembled, and a man with golden light walked.

The man's body was not tall, and he was not handsome either, but the golden light bloomed on him, and his spirit was soaring. Since the momentum of an emperor spread out, he walked that way but gave it to Xiao Yun and the peacock It brought a great deal of pressure.

Not only them, but those nearby monsters couldn't help but retreat thousands of miles.

Because this person is really too strong, the emperor's power spreads out, making people dare not get close.

"This is an emperor!" The elders of the Peacock tribe were all staring.

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"Is the emperor?" Even Xiao Yun frowned at this moment.

If it is a false emperor, he can still handle it with confidence.

But now the King is coming, but it is a bit tricky!

"Is this the Emperor of the Tianling Rat?" When the Golden Crown Man appeared, there was an uproar immediately.

"But I don't know how the peacock boy will handle this matter?" Many kings' eyes were playful.

Now even the emperor is here, can this peacock boy compete with him?

This is the true emperor!

"The emperor?" When the emperor stepped forward, the pupil of the peacock also suddenly shrank.

"Please also ask the peacock son to release the gold spirit son." The king of the Tianling Rat clan came step by step, his momentum was getting stronger and stronger, his eyes were like a blade, and he stared coldly at the peacock son in front of him. Said that a wave of Huangwei fell down.

The Emperor's power was shaking so that the void was shaking.


The peacock boy was in full glory, resisting all that mighty emperor.

He frowned, but his eyes were unusually sharp, and his eyes were staring at the stepping King of the Tianling Rat clan ahead. "This Jin Lingzi wants to kill my brother. I'm afraid I won't be able to agree to this request from the Mouse King. "

While talking, the colorful light pattern squirmed, the bound golden spirit son and the unicorn black bull yelled.

The multicolored light patterns inside can not only obliterate the dow patterns, but also refine their flesh at this time.

"You are presumptuous." After hearing the yelling from the colorful light pattern, the Emperor of the Heavenly Rat hummed coldly, "Here is the rat territory. Even if you are dignified, you must not prey here. Today I will teach you something on behalf of the peacock emperors. "

After speaking, it reached out with a large hand and grabbed the peacock boy.

The palm reached out and appeared in front of the peacock boy out of thin air.

There are lines flowing on this palm, and the multicolored light lines are a bit clicked.

The powerful means of the emperor can reach the sky. Under one blow, the avenue lines are blooming, and the potential of the vast world is drawn.

The heavens and the earth changed color, and the hurricane stirred, as if there was a gas dragon breathing towards the void.

The magical powers of the supernatural powers can kill thousands of miles away.

However, the strong man in Tongtian Realm can take the shot, but he can completely turn the potential of heaven and earth into his own use.

This is the real situation of heaven and earth, as if the power of heaven and earth has been drawn.

Under that blow, the mighty sky was so powerful that the enemy seemed to be fighting heaven and earth.

It can be imagined, who can compete with it under the sky?

"The emperor who is in the sky?" When the big hand struck, the peacock's eyes were frozen,

This emperor's simple hit is not as powerful as the two puppet emperors' procitation of supernatural power.

"Is the emperor? It's just that this boy hasn't been able to learn from you!" The peacock boy strode forward, and the fan was empty again.

Suddenly the glory bloomed, as if there was a world brushing away.

As far as the five colors of light were concerned, the trend drawn by the emperor was engulfed a little bit.

A peacock fluttered its wings in the last colored light, hitting with that big hand.


The wings of the peacock swept away, as if the iron wings were empty, directly tearing the road pattern bloomed by the big hand, and then the colorful wings were cut on the big hand like a sharp blade, and a voice like a golden iron and iron clash suddenly sounded in the void. .


The big hand trembled, and there was some blood in it.

"The power of this imprisonment is not weak." The mouse king's hand retracted, his eyes flashed, and he glanced at the palm of his blood dripping. At this moment, there was mist on the blood, and there were a few lines in it. Like a drop of **** blood.

After reaching Tongtianjing, the perception of Tiandi Avenue has exceeded ordinary people.

The heavenly powerhouse has begun to transform itself, and if it is further, it can turn itself into a **** body.

The mouse emperor smiled slightly. The palm of his hand moved, and there were striated patterns. The drop of blood was re-submerged into the body, and the wound was gradually healing. After reaching this point, as long as it was not a particularly serious injury, there would be no effect on them.

This is the power of the sky.

"The Peacock tribe is really extraordinary, but you are not even the king of Kong Qigong. With a restraint, you can't stop me." The Mouse King smiled lightly, his hair flying, the corner of his mouth evoked a touch of pride, Give it up, I can let you alone. "

Although the Mouse King's mouth laughed, there was an unquestionable momentum in its tone.

"My son, why don't you let the gold spirit son go first?" At this time, some elders of the Peacock family said carefully.

"Let the Jin Lingzi be released?" The peacock brow frowned. "How can I be so intimidated by the existence of the ninth place in the Kong Yao Nai Heavenly Demon's List? An emperor, even if he is not the enemy, he should fight hard!" Kong Qi The boy's eyes were cold, and he stared at the mouse emperor.

"Give me death!" I saw a flash of light from the peacock's eyes, and the colorful patterns that the fan developed evolved to speed up the refining of the gold spirit child.


A scream sounded.

The one-horned black bull and the gold spirit son were gradually refined.

Their bodies and souls are beginning to be worn away a little.

"Do you dare!" Seeing this, the Rat King was furious, his whole body flashed with gold, and a golden spear appeared in his palm.

At this time, the rat emperor was imposing, and his whole body was glittering with gold.

As he stepped forward, the void in front of him was shaking and seemed to be broken.


As soon as the golden spear moved, he went directly through the hole.

The golden spear flickered through the void, and looked far away, as if a giant rat was coming.

The vast imperial power was crushing the void.

This is a top imperial soldier, an imperial treasure made from the bones of an ancient adult rat emperor.

The imperial power of this imperial soldier contains the power that the emperor understands.

Now being urged by the rat king, who is also the emperor, that power has the potential to break the world.

The horrible imperial power spread, and the kings thousands of miles away were frightened.

"Battle!" The peacock urged the fan and swept away.

The five-colored Shenguang bloomed and brushed everything, and the vast emperor's power was engulfed a little bit.

Then the peacock evolved and slammed the golden spear.

The situation of the imperial soldier was immediately blocked.

Not only that, the flash of color on the back seemed to fall down in a time, and it was necessary to brush the rat king into this world.

The King of Rats printed with his hands, and the light pattern flashed in the seal, as if there was a **** rat dormant. The vastness of the king was strong and powerful, and the sky was shaking, but it was momentary, and the giant seal was suppressed towards the colorful world. It also resounded through the void.


The colorful light bloomed, and the world brushed out by the fan was shaken, and it did not brush away the immortal spirit of the rat king.

Even though the peacock's magical power is very strong, the rat king's combat power is also extraordinary.

The Lingyin suppressed, not only contained the power of the terrible world, but also a giant mouse was thrown out.

The giant rat has the power of the emperor.

"After all, when the imprisonment is exhausted, I see how long you can resist the emperor." The mouse emperor sneered and continued his shot. He killed the past with a golden spear, and at the same time his body pulled with imperial dynamism. Cohesion, turned into a giant Indian repression.

Reaching this realm, you can kill thousands of miles away with one thought, and you can evolve a powerful attack without any action.

boom! boom!

The peacock boy keeps firing, the fan blows out, and the endless colorful light blooms, but its momentum is constantly weakening.

At this time, the gold spirit son and the unicorn black bull have been worn away by the multicolored **** pattern, and they are ridiculed.

But this also exhausted a lot of power.

Now facing this emperor, even if he can fight, he cannot win it.

"It seems this peacock boy is about to lose." Man Tan Dai frowned, and the jade hands were clenched tightly.

"After all, the forbidden device cannot continue the war." Xiao Yun also sighed softly.

Although the imprisonment is strong, if the emperor cannot be killed in one fell swoop, the situation will no longer be in control.

Like the original Liu Hanyan.

Although she was holding the Emperor's Life Card, she was eventually seriously injured by the Longevity Turtle.


The loud noise shook the sky, Kong Qigong was shocked, and his body backed up again and again.

"The seventh son of Kong Kong is going to lose!" Seeing this, many people's eyes brightened.

"Kong Qigong's defeat, there will be no one to save that Xiao Yun!" The king of all parties moved.

"Well, it seems that the Kirin Temple will fall into the mouse king's hand." Many people sighed.

The King of Rats is the emperor, who can compete with it here.

"Kong Qigong, please step back." The Mouse Emperor stepped forward and said lightly.

At this time, the whole body was surrounded by road patterns, and every strand of those road patterns had the tendency to crush the mountains.

This step made Xiao Yun and others shake back.


Then he reached out with his hands and hit the peacock.

The fan of the peacock was not able to resist the mouse king.


The loud noise came out, and the peacock boy was directly shocked by Zhenfei, with blood spit out in his mouth.

"My son!" Suddenly, several elders of the Peacock race hurried away.

Xiao Yun also appeared next to the peacock boy.

"Are you okay?" Asked the swallowtail.

"唉 ~ ~ Brother I'm afraid I can't deal with this mouse king." Kong Qigong sighed slightly.

"This mouse is daring." The swallowing sky's eyes flickered, and there was a pervasive killing in them.

If it was the strong one who swallowed the Celestials here, which was the rat king's turn.

"What to do?" Manju looked worried.

"Now Yiyi is still asleep." Xiao Yun's eyes flickered and he felt a swallowing tower.


At this time, the rat king made a big hand to grab Xiao Yun.

The terrible Emperor's power shrouded it.

"Retreat!" Xiao Yun's eyes flashed, prompting Tissot.

This Tissot flashed, and everyone wrapped up was about to leave.

"Oh, under the Emperor, do you want to run too?" The Rat Emperor sneered, and his big hand shot directly towards the void.

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