Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1102: The Emperors Coming

"Today, you all stay!" The Rat King snorted coldly, and patted at the place where Xiao Yun lied away.

It didn't go all out with this blow.

But the power was still strong enough to break the void and obliterate the false emperor.

"Explosion!" The peacock boy's eyes lightened, and the fan flew out, turning into a peacock and flung directly at the big hand, and then when it touched the big hand, the peacock exploded directly. The next moment, the big hand shook, Was stopped.

By this time, Tiansuo had already communicated with each other, and Xiao Yun and others disappeared here.


In this void, the vast aftermath gradually weakened.

"Then Xiao Yun left this place?" Seeing this, the kings were all stunned.

"Empty?" Mouse King smiled coldly.

Then, his powerful mind permeated.

A moment of mental enthusiasm immediately enveloped the whole world.

The horror of the heavenly powers has reached an unthinkable level of ordinary people.

Just in a flash, it discovered the area where Xiao Yun was.

"Where!" At the moment, Mouse Emperor's eyes flashed, locked thousands of miles away.

The other kings also released their minds.

Many demon have found the trace of Xiao Yun.

"How can a junior junior escape the palm of the emperor?" The rat emperor smiled coldly, and his big hand was out.


The palm reached out, extending endlessly, as if penetrating through space.

Only momentarily, Xiao Yun, who appeared in the void, and others felt a horrifying airlock to lock themselves.

"It's damn, this dead ghost is still chasing after him." After feeling the fluctuation, the swallowing queen was angry.

"Flash!" Xiao Yun immediately moved to rush away.

At the same time, he also urged Siyuan Ling.

Before the Rat King's offensive arrives, Siyuan Shenwen blooms, which is transformed into a sky to resist in front.


The big hand hit, making Shiyuan Shenwen tremble.

Just waiting for the Siyuan Shenwen to fall apart, Xiao Yun took everyone away.

The next moment, he appeared thousands of miles away.

"This boy is also carrying heavy treasure!" Seeing his own blow was resisted, the mouse emperor slightly stunned.

"It's the best. If you win him, the emperor can get more treasures." The mouse king's mouth evoked a slight smile, and then he continued to walk away. A thousand miles away.

At this moment, he was locked in his heart and locked Xiao Yun.

"I think you can resist the Emperor a few times." The Rat Emperor continued his shot.

"Let's go!" Xiao Yun was well prepared and urged Yuanyuan.

It was only this time that Tissot flickered into the space, and everyone felt a turbulent flow of space.

A crack appeared in that void, and it seemed like a world evolved.

Their bodies were swallowed up instantly.

"Oh!" This scene was also discovered by the Mouse Emperor. "Is that a trap?"

Seeing this, the mouse king's eyes were condensed, showing a certain calmness.

It looked ahead, and stood still.

This trapped forbidden pattern was left by the gods. Once caught in it, even the emperor could not guarantee that he could return safely.

"They are trapped in the trap line?" Some kings came and saw the touched line in the void ahead.

That forbidden pattern opens like a world.

But no one knows where the world leads.

The terror waves emanating from it made the people frightened.

The trapped chaos can be regarded as a Jedi in Tianshu domain, and few people dare to get involved.

"This trapped area has the rules of God. If you rush in, even the emperor may be swallowed up by the **** pattern. The **** guy is actually caught in the forbidden pattern. Unfortunately, the emperor missed it. The Kirin Temple. "The Mouse King sighed slightly.

"They are trapped in the hollow **** pattern, and they will die for a lifetime!" Sighed the king.

A man who bears the temple will scorn here.

It's sighing.

"Shall we just leave?" Some people were unwilling.

"Wait here first." Many people decided to stay.

There are also big demon walking forward.

"This space is full of trappings!" Just a few miles away, I felt a horrible wave.

Suddenly, the big monsters evacuated quickly.


Just at this moment, the void shuddered, and the figure flickered.

A hot breath filled the world.

In that hot breath, there is a vast imperial power.

"This is Huangwei?" Suddenly, those big demon pupils who had withdrawn from the empty chaos suddenly shrank.

In the rear they felt an immense amount of imperial power.

After feeling this fluctuation, even the mouse emperor frowned.

The demon with a look of surprise, followed the void where the wave was.


Only in that void, silhouettes flickered, a group of men in fire robes flew towards this area.

"This kid was here just now, why didn't he disappear in a blink of an eye?" This is a middle-aged man wearing a fire-colored battle armor. At this moment, he is holding a bone mirror in his hand. This kid finds out. "

The osteoscope flashed with light, and there was a picture appearing, but it couldn't be deduced.

The picture is very blurry, making it impossible to see the scene clearly.

"How can this be?" Seeing this, the man in the armor was staring.

"Yihong's little girl hasn't been born or died, so there should be no major problems." An old man said with a flash of light next to him.

These two elders are the emperors of the Kirin tribe.

When they appeared, a king came after him.

The woman named Liner also appeared here.

"Go ask those people." As soon as Yang Xiao's eyes lighted, he set his sight on the big demon in front.

Suddenly, the big demon of the Kirin tribe rushed forward, and a vast imperial power pervaded to make the void solidify.

Under this kind of imperial power, those big demon trembled one after another.

"Have anyone seen this young man?" At the moment, Yang Xiao moved a large hand, and Xiao Yun evolved in front of him.

"This young man is trapped in a trap!" After seeing the Emperor of the Kirin tribe speaking, a big demon returned.

"Stuck in a crack in the hollow?" Wen Yan said, Yang Xiaomu Lu was surprised.

"This hollow crack is caused by the rules of the gods left by the gods!" The old emperor of the Kirin tribe frowned slightly.

It is such a presence that all eyes are jealous.

"How can this happen?" Wen Yan said, Yang Xiao frowned.

They finally found the place of Xiao Yun by virtue of the blood pulse induction.

I didn't know that these people would fall into the hollow **** pattern.

"It was caused by the persecution of the rat emperor." The king of the Qilin tribe fixed his eyes and gazed at the rat emperor not far away.

At this moment the mouse emperor was also gloomy.

The emperor of the Kirin tribe came here, making it full of dread.

Besides, the opponent is still two emperors.

But he didn't want to leave.

"Most of these monsters want to get that Kirin Temple!" Said a king of the Kirin tribe.

"A bunch of black people." Yang Xiao looked indifferent, and then said, "It's just a little trouble for the kid to be trapped in the hollow **** pattern at this time!" This trap rat is an extremely powerful mouse family in ancient times. presence.

This vein can set a trap in the void, that is, the gods are to be consumed in it.

How many people dare to break into this Jedi?

"The princess's breath is still there, there should be no ridicule, we can wait for a while." Na Lin constantly looked at her dominoes, in which the soul of Princess Kirin was still very strong, even compared to leaving the Kirin Miracle It was a little stronger.

"Go ahead and check it first!" Slightly groaned, the old emperor next to him said to a king.

"Yes!" The king nodded, heading towards the empty chaos.


At this time, the silhouette flickered in the void, and a big demon appeared.

This is a tall and white white ape. It seems to have a green sky behind it. It took a step forward, the world in front of it was shaking, and the horrible imperial power spread to make the big monsters on all sides feel scared. Ten straight miles back.

Bai Yunfei suddenly followed.

"This is the emperor of Qingtian White Ape!"

"It seems that the emperors of all races are coming!" Seeing this, many big demon sighed.

Now the emperor is coming one after another. Even if the young man is still alive, the Kirin Temple has no part of them.

"Here is the young white ape!" Seeing this, the king of the Kirin tribe was cold.

"It doesn't matter." Yang Xiao and the seven ancestors seemed to be indifferent, and they didn't seem to care.

The dignified emperor of the Kirin tribe, are those ordinary emperors comparable?

After a while, the king of the Kirin tribe came.

"How's that?" Several royals asked at the moment.

"Thousands of miles ahead is still good. After two thousand miles, there will be spatial disturbances. After three thousand miles, there will be a lot of fluctuations in the space **** pattern. It is no longer human. Who can touch! "

The king's eyes were open.

Just three thousand miles ago, it almost fell into the space **** pattern.

"It seems only to wait and see what changed." After hearing the words, the old sighed slightly.

At this time, the world was filled with an insanely fluctuating atmosphere.

"Who ... who shot at my brother?" A cold and domineering voice echoed through the void.


Accompanying it is a vast wave of fluctuations.

The wave was like a hurricane sweeping the sky.

The kings nearby felt the horror, and quickly retreated.

"Who is this?" After everyone looked up, they saw a flame coming towards them from behind.

Wait until the fire is close to ~ ~ but you can see that it is a huge fire bird.

The fire bird was surrounded by fire, and the fire turned into a huge cyclone devouring the vitality of the world.

Suddenly, many big monsters felt the passing of the true elements in their bodies.

"This ... is this a swallowing bird?" Seeing this, many big demon eyes were jealous.

"Swallow the queen?" It was the rat emperor who was so moved, looking at the area where the fire passed.

"Seven sons disappeared here!" And when the fire bird appeared, a colorful light pattern also flickered out.

Several peacocks circled behind the fire bird.

I can only see a middle-aged man wearing a peacock costume walking in the air, stepping towards the void ahead.

Behind it, more than a dozen big demon followed.

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