Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1103: Kimiko Daiko!

Light and shadow flickered in the void, with dozens of fire finches flying.

In addition, a dozen peacock monsters appeared.

The imperial prestige of these demon heads was permeated, and the whole world was filled with the vast imperial power as soon as it appeared.

Under this imperial power, even the two emperors of the Kirin tribe moved.

The mouse emperor was shocked.

The fire flashed, a fire bird flickered, and finally turned into a woman wearing a fire-colored battle armor.

& n "Pig", "Pig" and "Island" novel www.zhuzud.ombsp; This woman holds Tian Ge, her eyes are sharp and she glances around.

This is a puppet emperor, but the momentum she exudes is not as strong as that of the previous unicorn black bull and Jin Lingzi. The kind of fluctuation seems to have a tendency to compete with the emperor, which makes the Quartet's repair The person was frightened.

When the woman appeared, there was another man wearing a peacock pattern dress beside her.

When this man strode forward, there were colorful lights blooming behind him, and a vast royal power spread out, making people feel shocked. Obviously, this is an emperor, and the momentum is not as strong as that of the rat king. Times.


From time to time, silhouettes settled behind the two men.

These people are all in the state of kings, among them there are several pseudo-emperors.

Such a huge battlefield makes many kings trembled.

"This is the peacock and the gorilla!" Some whispered.

"That is the prince of Kong, one of the youngest emperors in my demon domain!" When I was looking at the peacock son, many people were jealous. The peacock family was the emperor of the demon domain. Master Si is not only the emperor, but also gave birth to a few amazing children.

Like the grandfather Kong, he has set foot on the royal road at a young age.

And the seventh son of Kong is also the ninth in the rank of the demon, and it seems that he has the potential to set foot in the royal road.

Not only that, Princess Kong Jiu is one of the three celestial beings in the Demon Realm, and her talent is no worse than her two elder brothers.

As for the other boys, although they can not set foot on the emperor's road, they should not be underestimated.

"Kong Zhao!" When the grandfather Kong appeared, it was the emperor named Yang Xiao of the Kirin tribe who was also moved.

"It seems that this grandfather Kong is from Kongqi Gongzi!"

"Now the emperor of the Peacock family comes here, I'll just have to stand by the side!" When Grand Prince Kong appeared, the kings sighed. At this moment, they have no trace of the heart of the Kirin Temple, otherwise this Grand Prince Who can save his shot?

At this moment, the woman who swallowed the **** was full of killing, and was looking around.

This woman is the sister of the swallowing tit, named Chu Tianxia, ​​and a genius.

Unfortunately, she is a daughter, and her blood is thinner than that of Chu Tianzhao.

Otherwise, she could be one of the candidates for the patriarch.

"Tianxia, ​​you don't need to worry." The granddaughter Kong looked indifferent, his hands flicked, and a osteoscope appeared immediately in front of him, only to see it throbbed a spirit mark, and a colorful pattern was submerged in the osteoscope There was a ripple above.

Then the osteoscope was continuously enlarged, and a picture evolved.

That is the picture of Kong Qigongzi fighting against the strong.

In that picture, the swallowtail also occasionally made a splash.

"Brother!" After seeing the swallowing tit, Chu Tianxia's red eyes flashed with tears immediately. When she was young, her father was a generation of genius, and she could set foot on the royal road. Unfortunately, her father was in the forbidden area once. The foundation was injured.

Since then, their status in the clan has continued to decline.

At that time, her brother was only two years old.

At that time, his father was cold-shouldered, and was called a waste by many people.

She faintly remembered that his brother had stubbornly said many times that it would be ashamed of his father and become the most powerful emperor who swallowed the tits. Unfortunately, his brother ’s bloodline was thinner after all, and he could n’t communicate with that. Chu Tianming is comparable.

For this reason, her younger brother is especially hard-working.

Even after learning that the Supreme Devourer had the Great Devourer, it rushed into the forbidden area without anyone.

That was the time when her stubborn brother lost her voice.

This difference is eight years.

Seen now, the younger brother has lost his body.

After seeing the younger brother who was only in the form of soul, her heart was extremely sad.

After seeing the picture, it was the granddaddy of Kong that was also cold.

Behind those peacock tribe, the king of the swallow queen tribe, there is pervasive killing in the eyes.

The eyes of the kings fell on the rat king.

"It's you!" Chu Tianxia was even more murderous, with hot flames permeating her body. The blood was soaring, and a fire sparrow evolved behind her. She held Tian Ge and pointed at the mouse king in front of him. "You How dare you persecute my brother? "

The strong killing sentiment permeated, making the practitioners of thousands of miles frightened.

Many kings stepped back and did not dare to stagnate here, for fear that it would be affected by the anger of this strong man.

When the savage killing permeated, the rat king felt a numbness in his scalp.

"Why did the Peacock people come so fast." It looked somber and thought it would be easy to win those younger generations, but it did not expect that it would be a misfortune, and now it is waiting for the strong Peacock people, which makes its situation Extremely bad.

A trace of greed blinded the emperor's mind.

Otherwise, how could such a person's mind put himself in danger.

It's just that the temple is too seductive, enough to make countless emperors fight for it, not to mention that this treasure is in sight?

"Oh, Grandpa Kong, Miss Chu, I think this is a bit misunderstood." Although the heart was depressing, but the King Mouse was fixed, his mouth smiled, and he fisted towards Grandpa Kong and Miss Chu, facing this It is also a daredevil who is not proud.

"Misunderstanding?" Chu Tianxia looked coldly. "The truth is here, what misunderstanding is there?"

"The emperor came here only because the young man of the human race cut off the ten kings of my rat clan. How can Kong Qigong insist on protecting the young man, and the emperor had no choice but to take a shot." The emperor's eyes fluttered, although he was unhappy But still said with a smile.

"The king who cut off your rat clan?" Kong Dagong said with a blink of his eyes, saying one word at a time, "Why the king of your rat clan should be cut off, so there is no need to say more. As for your shot, don't make any plans, no matter Why, my 7th brother was persecuted by you and fell into that space **** pattern. If this feud is not reported, I am afraid that all people think that my Peacock people have no one. "

"So don't make any misunderstandings." Kong Dagong, Feng Shenruyu, is gentle and elegant, but in this faint discourse there is an endless domineering. After the discourse, it took a step Step out.


As its steps took off, the void ahead shook.

At the same time, behind the grandson Kong Guangguang blooming, strong blood is also rising.

A powerful machine locked the Rat King.

Under this kind of opportunity, the Rat King has almost no chance to escape.

If he flees, it will surely be hit with a strong blow by this grandson.

"Gongzi, do you really want to do this?" Seeing this, the Mouse King frowned, and said, "This is the Mouse Domain, not just one Mouse King."

"What about the rat field?" Kong Dagong said coldly, "Dare to touch my brother, even if he is a great emperor."

"Can I commit the coercion of my peacock tribe?"

When the cold hum sounded, the peacock boy shot directly.

It moved with a big hand and slammed at the Mouse King in front.

It's just one palm, ordinary, but in its palm there are five-colored light ripples, and a strange wave pervades.

That kind of fluctuation seems to wipe everything out.

Seeing this, the Rat King's face changed suddenly, and he immediately took the golden spear and killed him.

The Golden Emperor shot, and the momentum was also very strong. The Golden Spear was an imperial soldier, and the might of that blow seemed to fall apart.

Even the void was pierced by this hole.

But Grand Master Kong was very indifferent. He stepped forward without urging any imperial soldiers, but only intersected with the palm.

The big hand moved as if with peacock wings.

That colorful light bloom will continue to wear away from the King of King Mouse.

Under this supernatural power, even if there is an emperor soldier, he can not occupy a slight advantage.

Instead, Grand Prince Kong stepped forward, the horrible momentum shook the void in front of him, and the Rat King's body also retreated.

In the battle between the two emperors, everyone evaded.

"It seems that the Mouse King can't compete with this grandson!"

"Of course, the peacock is an ancient tribe. The supernatural powers can be juxtaposed with many sacred beasts, isn't that rat king comparable?"

The sound of argument came out of the demons.


The battle ahead was shocking, and Grandpa Kong shot very powerfully.

Its body is dazzling with light, as if a **** sparrow came to the dust, the powerful blood veins spread, even if the emperor next to the blue sky white ape felt a throbbing heart, the oppression from the blood veins was more letting than the state People are powerless.

"Dare to bully my brother on this combat power?" Grandpa Kong shot, his eyes were cold and his tone seemed unparalleled.

"Try your best, otherwise you won't have a chance."

The words fell, and the body was covered with colorful patterns, and a colorful world evolved behind it.

This is truly the most powerful magical power of the Peacock.

Seeing this, the rat king was shocked. He shot with all his strength and evolved a giant spirit rat. The whole body was shining with gold light, and it was also bursting with momentum. Only this momentum was diffused and was slightly changed by the colorful light. It is impossible to compete with Grand Master Kong.

Peacock Light!

I only saw the shot of Grand Master Kong ~ ~ The colored light behind him breathed out and turned into a huge world to suppress the rat king. The colored light is really like a world in which there is a peacock evolution and Out, rushed towards the rat king.

God of Mouse Seal!

The King of Rats tried his best, and a giant seal evolved to suppress the front.

Unfortunately, before the giant seal touched the colorful world, it was torn by the evolved peacock.

Then the peacock shook its wings and swept across, tearing the road pattern on Rat King directly.


With wings like blades, they struck the waist of Rat King, leaving two deep mouths, with blood flowing out of them.

At the same time, the King Mouse was struck.

The granddaughter Kong was killed.

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