Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1104: The rest of the life after the disaster?

The emperor's blood was dyed empty, and the bloodline was blooming with dow patterns, with glittering light patterns.

At this time those practitioners who watched the war were shocked.

"This rat king is about to lose!"

That's the emperor!

But is it so difficult to fight under Master Kong?

"This hole call is getting stronger and stronger!" Yang Xiao's eyes flashed.

"Kong Siye is really a blessing!" The old kings of + pig + pig + island + novel + www + z + Kirin tribe are also very booing.

The four masters of this hole had unique talents and had set foot on the emperor's path in the early years. Now the sons and daughters they gave birth are also amazing.

Just ask three children to have a chance to set foot on the road.

In this prosperous time, it is rare to see it in the demon domain.

But the fourth son of Kong Kong had so many talented children.


At this moment, the peacock swept and knocked the mouse king to fly.

The King of Rats was terrified. Even though he was the emperor, his combat power was not comparable to that of Kong.

Just in a flash, it was already blood-stained and blood-blooded, leaving scary scars on his body, and the bones were clearly visible.

"Kongzi, please keep your hands." The Mouse King was smashed with flesh and blood. At this moment, there was a distant void, and a big demon came towards him.

This is an emperor.

Its body was golden and glittering, emitting terrifying waves.

"This is the king of the bite!"

"Golden Rat, this is an ancient tribe. It used to dominate one's existence!" Many people exclaimed when the emperor appeared.

Even the emperor of the Kirin tribe was slightly moving.

"Keep your hands?" Kong Dagong's eyes lightened coldly, and he cried, "If I keep my hands, where is my royal peacock family?"

The Rat Emperor forced his seven brothers into the trapped trap, how could he let go of this demon?

On hearing that, the demon looked somber.

"Destroy me!" The peacock snorted coldly, and the colorful patterns on his back flashed into a world that swallowed the Rat King with a single mouth, and the bloom of light continued to wear away the lines and blood in Rat King. Just momentarily, the momentum of the Rat King was sharply reduced.


The screams sounded, and the rat emperor showed horror.

The dignified emperor, after being trapped by the peacock's supernatural power, had almost no power to fight back.

"Why, why did the emperor want to be greedy!" The Rat Emperor regretted it.

I thought it would be easy to deal with the young people of this ethnic group.

"Kongzi!" Seeing the peacock son still making a strong shot, there was angrily in the emperor's eyes that ate the rat.

It paused only after a slight groan.

They have such a strong vein that even the gopher can be compared to those holy beasts.

It is just that their breeding ability is too poor, and it is even more difficult to give birth to those **** offspring.

So there are very few gold rat bites.

Even though it is strong, it is not afraid to rip the skin with the Peacock family.

Especially in the vein of Kong Siye, one door is four peerless geniuses.

This does not include Kong Siye's other brothers.

It is conceivable how powerful this Peacock family was.

"I hate it!" The Emperor of the Celestial Rats screamed with regret.

Under that supernatural power, it has no power to resist, and even the power of the true Yuan Daowen cannot be urged. It is only to watch its own power be worn away, and to watch its flesh and blood be refined. Eventually, its strength continues to decline. Soul consciousness is being eroded.

In that colorful world, the voice of the rat king gradually weakened, and finally dissipated.


A corpse fell in the void.

On this corpse was a vast royal power permeating.

An emperor scorned.

Seeing this, there was a silence in the field, and countless big enchantments like chills.

It wasn't until a few breaths that there was an uproar.

"Even the Emperor has been refined to death?" Countless people were shocked.

"The granddaughter Kong is really strong, I'm afraid that he has already reached the two heavens, right?" Someone whispered secretly.

"Kong Si had a good son!" Yang Xiao blinked slightly.

He and Kong Siye are regarded as ordinary, but they are only nine years old.

But the four masters gave birth to geniuses.

But its son-in-law did not even have a foot in the royal road.

"I don't know if the kid from Kong Si came here?" Beside him, the seven old masters of the Kirin family glanced towards him, secretly heading towards this heaven and earth, but he did not find a trace of Kong Si ’s fluctuation.

Someone came from time to time in the void.

Be no shortage of emperors!

"If anyone dares to touch my Peacock family, whether it is the king or the emperor, they should be amnested!" After beating the rat emperor, Kong Zhao flashed his eyes, it glanced in all directions, a powerful momentum Out of nowhere, even the emperor was shocked.

The people of the Kirin tribe do not speak.

The emperor in the vein of the blue sky white ape was also silent.

The King Eater's face was gloomy and didn't say much.

There are too many strong players here, and it is not advisable to shoot.

Although no one left, no one retreated.

Seems to be waiting for something.

"But I don't know what the younger brother is like now?" Although the mouse emperor of Tian Ling Rat was beheaded, Chu Tian Xia still looked sad.

"Ming brother disappeared for eight years, and now it is luck to return. I think it has its own good looks. There will be nothing happening." A good-looking talent, no more domineering.

"Um." Chu Tianxia nodded slightly, but her eyes were full of worry.

At this time, Grandson Kong continued to take out the bonescope and began deduction.

Not only is the grandfather Kong, but also the people of the Kirin tribe.

Because Princess Qilin was captured by Xiao Yun, they were also worried about the safety of the princess.

You know, this unicorn princess is very talented and rich in blood, but she can perfectly stand by with the dragon boy!

Once such a genius grows up, it is enough to crush the emperors and be an invincible existence.

As the picture evolves.

Finally, some people began to appear in the fuzzy mirror.

It was a deep world.

There, a young man appeared at this time.

"Not dead?" After seeing this young man, the elders of the Kirin tribe were startled first, and then his eyes turned bright.

"It's good to die, it's good to die, so this little girl who remembers red should be safe and sound!" The seven old masters were also relieved, and then he stared at the area where the youth appeared, where is this place?"

His eyes groaned.

"This seems to be a relic?" The Emperor's eyes were also bright.


Within a strange space.

"Where is this?" Xiao Yun's eyes were surprised when Xiao Yun's body appeared in this strange space.

The swallowing bird's eyes were exuberant and did not emerge from the swallowing tower.

"It's so good not to die!" The swallowing queen hovered over Xiao Yun's shoulder, not sighing.

Previously, they were engulfed in the hollow crack, and there was a sense of God in the terrible turbulence.

That kind of horrible mess can even be shredded.

To this end, the peacock son destroyed several treasures.

In the end, the crowd was also submerged in the tower to escape the disaster.

Of course, Xiao Yun urged Siyuan Shenwen to resist that divine power.

"My brother is okay!" At this time, the outside world, after Chu Tianxia looked at the flying swallowtail, her eyes became red. At the same time, her hanging heart was also able to be let go. Better than anything.

"What is this place?" At this time, Kong Qigongzi and others did not emerge from the Tuntian Tower.

"Hehe, the Seventh Brother is also safe and sound."

"These guys are trapped in the space **** pattern, but they are not dead?" The emperors in the distance also watched the matter secretly. After seeing the young people through the bone mirror, everyone was surprised, especially Those who have previously seen Xiao Yun sink into space.

But they know deeply how terrible the hollow **** pattern is!

"It seems that this young man of the tribe has protected the seven sons!" The peacock king's eyes brightened and murmured.

"It seems that this youth is also extraordinary!" Grandpa Kong nodded slightly.

Even Chu Tianxia couldn't help glancing at Xiao Yun.

"Is this young man the same tribe who came along with the younger brother?" She stared at Xiao Yun with a little curiosity. At this time, the big demon who swallowed the larvae behind her could not help but Towards this youth.

They are all curious about this human race.

"Hum, this kid is really long-lived." In the Kirin tribe, Liner girl couldn't help secretly pursing her lips.

She was angry and hated at this youth.

It's the first time she has grown so angry.

Especially this young man dare to capture her princess?

"Is this the kid who captured Yihong?" Yang Xiao whispered a smile, staring at Xiao Yun in the bone mirror. "It's a brave kid, I hope he can walk out safely, so also See how he waits for me? "

The kings next to them nodded slightly.

Even the princess of their family dare to capture.

They wanted to see if the young man still had that confidence when oppressed by the emperors?


The unfamiliar space was so dark that no end could be seen, and the earth was dark under their feet.

Behind him is a turbulent stream of space, and the radiating waves make Xiao Yun and others feel scalp tingling.

After the crowd appeared, they dared not act lightly.

Even though Kong Qigong was staring forward with vigilance.

In the first battle, he exhausted his hole cards and destroyed several imperial soldiers in the chaos.

Today it doesn't seem to have a winter card.

Therefore, no one acted lightly.

Xiao Yun flashed his eyes ~ ~ Phantom's eyes urged.


The lights and shadows flickered ahead, and a little bit of the picture appeared.

When this picture emerged, Xiao Yun's eyes brightened.

"Come with me!" At the moment, Xiao Yun was heading forward.

Swallowing the **** without saying a word immediately followed Xiao Yun away.

For Xiao Yun, it has two hundred percent trust.

A little hesitant, Kong Qigong also quickly followed.

The light veins flickered ahead, and the waves of horrible gods pervaded.

If you sense it carefully, you can find that the space is unstable, it seems like a huge black hole is about to engulf people at any time.

"Is this a forbidden pattern?" Induced by those fluctuations, many elders of the Peacock clan showed their faces with a look of astonishment.

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