Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1106: Hollow **** pattern

The darkness ahead is boundless, and the power is magnificent.

No one can rest assured that they are trapped in such a space trap.

However, at this time Xiao Yun was cross-legged in the void, and began to absorb the blood that overflowed from the unicorn **** blood.

Not only that, he was also secretly practicing the God of Destruction.

Faced with so many powerful enemies, he didn't want to delay for a minute.

As time passed, the breath of Qilin's blood was little bit blended into the flesh by Xiao Yun.

&! Pig! Pig! Island! Novel. Zuzudo.nbsp; The five unicorn **** patterns became stronger and stronger.

Xiao Yun's strength is also steadily increasing.

And at the moment, he was still in the darkness.

"Did you really fall into the darkness?" Xiao Yun muttered.

At this moment, he stood up arrogantly, his eyes glanced at the Quartet.

The front is still dark.

Xiao Yun could only feel the horror of the mighty god, but could not find a way out.

Even here his mind could not be released.

Otherwise it will be swallowed up by an inexplicable force.


Outside, there are more and more monks gathering near the trapped area.

Emperors of many clans appeared.

Even the geniuses who had entered Kirin's dense territory at the beginning followed the elders of the clan.

Niu Qingtian, Bai Yunfei, Na Pengyuan, Qing Ziyao, these geniuses all appear here.

Many people sighed slightly after learning that Xiao Yun was caught in the forbidden pattern.

There are also gloats.

Half a month passed in the blink of an eye.

"Damn, this kid won't really kill Princess Unicorn?"

Many geniuses are angry.

Only Xiao Yun couldn't get out, they had to secretly yell.

"Hehe, it's good to be dead." The dragon boy also grinned.

It has old grudges with the Skyfinch, and now it is trapped inside the forbidden pattern to prevent it from shooting later.

"It's just a pity that Princess Unicorn." Many people worry about Princess Unicorn.

At this time, another half month passed.

Many big demon began to leave one after another.

Only the Kirin, Peacock, and Swallow-throat people remain here.

The elders in the dragon's veins departed, leaving only some kings.

"Trapped, trapped!" At this moment, in the dark space, Xiao Yun was continually meditating.

At this point he felt like he had been here for more than ten years.

But he still didn't find a way out.

At this point, he had to use his heart to understand.

"Since it's a space, can I fit myself into this space?" Suddenly, Xiao Yun had a clear realization in his heart.

But when his mind is released, he will be swallowed up by the rules of that god.

"It can be sensed by the yin and yang patterns." Suddenly, Xiao Yun's eyes lightened.

The yin and yang qi is the ancestor of all things and can tolerate everything.

Xiao Yun has already been verified.

At this moment, he released the spirit of yin and yang around his mind.

Then he clearly felt that the power of that rule was no longer going to repel his mind.

"It really works." Xiao Yun was glad.

Later, Xiao Yun's mind was released and continued to extend, and induction tried to merge with this world.

I don't know how long, his heart felt a pattern of origin.

There was a strong breath of God there.

That's the smell of rat god.

As soon as he left, Xiao Yun felt a great danger.

The **** pattern is like a terrifying black hole in space, it seems to devour everything.

At first glance, it seems that there is a **** rat coiled in front, to hunt all living things.

That terrifying atmosphere made Xiao Yun's soul tremble.

"It doesn't exclude me?" Xiao Yun secretly murmured.

After a little groaning he continued to stretch his mind away.

When he was about to touch the divine pattern, the divine pattern actually started to merge with Xiao Yun's mind.

Then, Xiao Yun's mind began to merge with that **** pattern quite smoothly.

When God was fused with that divine pattern, Xiao Yun felt that he seemed to be part of the space.

As far as his heart is concerned, he sees the intricate and complicated patterns.

These divine patterns interweave and evolve into an inexplicable space.

Although he couldn't control these divine patterns, his vision was also somewhat broadened.

"Is this a trapped god?" Xiao Yun felt like he had come to a magical place.

This divine pattern interweaves, like countless spaces connecting, and finally turns into a complete divine pattern.

As its heart blended into it, it felt that it had an inexplicable connection with the **** pattern.

"Close!" Xiao Yun's mind moved, trying to control the divine pattern.


At this moment, the space shook, and Xiao Yun's eyes flickered with light.

The darkness began to dissipate.

The next moment, a divine pattern flickered and flew towards it.

If you look closely, this divine pattern is like a piece of rat skin, but it is like an innumerable line.

In the end this divine pattern fell into Xiao Yun's knowledge of the sea.

"This is the hollow **** pattern?" After that **** pattern didn't enter the sea, Xiao Yun showed a weird expression.

At this time, the space in front of him was turbulent, with turbulence.

The next moment, he felt like he was being transported to another space.

At this time, it was trapped outside the chaos.

"The princess's breath has begun to recover." Nainer rejoiced, staring constantly at her domino.

At this time, the domino on the soul of the princess Kirin became more powerful.

"Restored, recovered, the princess should be fine!" The monks of the Kirin tribe next to him were also happy.

At the same time, the people of the Peacock tribe are also happy.

"The soul fluctuations of the seventh son also began to recover!" Many kings frowned.

"Restored?" After hearing the words, Grand Master Kong was finally relieved.

In the demon domain, many big demon are trapped inside the forbidden pattern, all of them are dead, and very few people can return safely.

Now Xiao Yun breaks into the horrible divination, and the hope of living is even more dim.

Now that he felt the breath of Kong Qigongzi, he was very excited.

"Study!" Then, with his fingers, he started deducing Kong Qigong's son.

The osteoscope flickered with light, and there was a flicker of people.


But there was a figure in the mountains.

Soon after the youth appeared, the seven sons of Kong also appeared.

"Finally came out alive!" Looking at the nearby mountains and rivers, Kong Qigong could not help showing a smile of soothing expression.

"The trapped **** pattern was collected, so the space was dissipated." Xiao Yun's eyes were stunned.

"That's the Mountain Rat Mountain!" Suddenly, the king's eyes lit up.

"Go, go there!" The Emperor's Order of the Kirin tribe was released.

Grandson Kong also quickly carried the tribe away.

At that time, the emperors of all races moved, and countless kings followed.

"This should still be in Tianshu domain." After the re-emergence of the void, Kong Qigong murmured around the Quartet.

"Finally, I left the ghost place." The Skyfinch did not emerge from the Tower, and murmured with his wings fluttering.

Just fell into that forbidden pattern, and even it felt a palpitation.

The vast space, the endless lines, made it fear.

However, they only appeared shortly after they felt that a powerful machine began to lock themselves up.

"It's Huangwei!" The swallowing bird's eyes condensed, and his face was dignified.

Kong Qigong also noticed the fluctuation.

"So fast?" Xiao Yun frowned, and now he followed the reassurance that the machine was in.


However, the distant void flickered in the distance, and a vast wave of Huangwei did not come to Xiao Yun and others.

The emperor of the Qilin tribe and a group of people immediately appeared in Xiao Yun's sight.

"This is a Kirin tribe!" Eyes of Kong Qigong suddenly shrank, "They come so fast?"

"Kirin tribe!" Xiao Yun's mind moved quickly to sink into the tower.

At this point, he began to communicate with Princess Unicorn.

"Little thief, don't let go of this princess!" After Xiao Yun's mind sank into the tower, Princess Kirin yelled and grunted.

At this point she had been trapped in the tower for a month.

This month almost didn't make her crazy.

Dignified Princess Kirin, but never before.

"Is it still so fierce after being imprisoned?" Seeing this fierce look of Princess Qilin, Xiao Yun couldn't help rolling his eyes.

"Huh, my people have come here, you can't escape." Princess Qilin said fiercely, "If you let me go, you can still save your life, otherwise you will be careful where you are dead." The mind has sensed that his waist tag is trembling.

Although she couldn't take out her waist tag, she could also guess that it was her own tribe.

Otherwise, this young man of ethnicity would not be so coincidental that he would sink his mind here.

"Dead?" Xiao Yun smiled slightly. "How can I die with you? Before I die, I will kill you first."

"So you better let your clan do not act lightly." Then Xiao Yun began to slowly control the **** pattern that swallowed the tower.

The lines were loose, making Princess Kirin's body begin to get rid of the shackles.

After getting rid of the shackles, Princess Kirin immediately took out her waistband.

"Sure enough." Taking out the dominoes, Princess Kirin slightly sensed that she had seen the news from that tribe.

"Grandfather Qizu and Uncle Yang Xiao are here." Princess Kirin showed a sly expression, "You can learn that kid now." Thinking of this, she smiled and frowned, as if she had seen Xiao Yunbei The situation that the emperor won.

By this time, an immense amount of imperial power had been put on Xiao Yun.

"You are the young human race?" Yang Xiao walked in, his body was full of fire, the blood was soaring, and a giant unicorn evolved from behind. He walked in the air step by step ~ ~ like Xianting Walking is generally indifferent.

It was just the vast imperial power that oppressed, but the void beside Xiao Yun was shaking.

"Your Excellency?" Huang Wei oppressed, Xiao Yun's body receded slightly, but he didn't show much fear, but instead frowned, staring at the emperor in front with a playful smile. The appearance of this kind of thing makes the people of the Kirin tribe stunned.

"This kid is so bold." The seven old masters' eyes narrowed slightly.

"I am the Kirin tribe Yang Xiao!" Yang Xiao is also a stunner. He became emperor for many years. Which of the younger generation's sons didn't see him afterward, even though those geniuses didn't dare to be so indifferent, but the young man was under his oppression. So light and light.

This is really surprising.

"This kid doesn't know the heights and heights of the sky." Many kings of the Qilin clan murmured secretly.

"This little thief dared to be so arrogant when she captured the princess. How will he die after that?" Lin Er's eyes narrowed slightly, Zhu lips froze, staring at Xiao Yun with a playful look, and now the two emperors appeared, she was about to see How dare this young man be arrogant?

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