Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1107: Cruel?

The appearance of the emperor of the Qiqilin tribe made this void atmosphere solidify.

I just faced this kind of imperial power, but Xiao Yun seemed quite indifferent.

He once went in and out of condemnation, would Xiao Yun who had seen the descendants of the gods be deterred by this emperor?

"It was the predecessor of the Kirin tribe, but I don't know what advice the predecessor could find for the junior?" Xiao Yun smiled, touching his nose.

"What's the advice?" After hearing that, Yang Xiao frowned, and his heart was a little annoyed, "This young man will pretend."

"But now Yi Hong is in his hands, and he will be polite with him first." The emperor's heart was secretive.

"Here you are here, you must know, let Yihong come out!" Frowning, Yang Xiao said with a grimace.

"Released Yihong, I can't blame this matter before." The seven old masters also spoke.

"Cough, this?" Xiao Yun coughed, "I did save a woman. Is it the red memory in your mouth?"

"Boy, let it go!" I heard that there was an old King of the Kirin family who couldn't help it, he said one step forward.

This is Yang Yihong's second elder.

"This ... I have saved the princess of your clan, why do I have to give a gift?" Xiao Yun said, spreading his palms.

"Gift?" After hearing that, the kings of the Qilin tribe were all mad.

"This little ∵ →, ww⊕w. Before the thief let us redeem the princess with spirit extract." Lin Er said with a small mouth.

She was angry.

The thief apparently wanted to blackmail, but he even said he saved the princess?

Is there such a thick-skinned person?

"Brother Xiao, let's let the princess unicorn." Kong Qigong next to him felt a big head for a while.

"Let it go?" Xiao Yun was reluctant.


At this moment, the figure flickered in the void, and Grandpa Kong appeared.

"Seven brothers!" Kong Dagong's eyes flashed, and after seeing Kong Qigong's eyes, he looked happy.

"Tianming!" Then his eyes fell on the swallowing tit.

"Little brother!" Behind Kong Dashi, Chu Tianxia followed.

After seeing the swallowing larvae, tears flickered in her eyes.

"It's the son of Tianming!" The king who swallowed the **** also sighed.

After seeing the swallows, the demon felt very happy.

"Sister!" When the clan appeared, swallowing the **** was not very sighing, and the words were almost choked when they spit out.

"Brother, you are finally back." Chu Tianxia's eyes already had tears flashing.

She walked in the air and went towards swallowing the tit.

At last, the swallow-winged bird flickered and walked away as if it were a youth.

I just don't have the flesh.

"Brother!" Chu Tianxia hugged the young man who was formed by the flame, and the tears in the corner of her eyes could not stop.


The reunion of sister-in-law made the previous tense atmosphere nearby alleviate.

"This kid has something to do with the queen **** peacock tribe." The kings of the Kirin tribe are all indifferent.

"That unicorn temple, we have to win it." An old king said to the seventh father.

"But the situation is not good at this time!" Someone frowned.

"You don't need to worry." The seven old masters' eyes narrowed for a moment, and there was a flash of coldness in it.

A little, Chu Tianxia separated from the swallowing tit.

The eyebrows of Grandfather Kong Kong blinked, and they probably knew what happened.

"Son Xiao, can I let Princess Kirin be released?" Kong Dangzi condensed and smiled.

This matter is even tricky for him.

"This is also possible." Xiao Yun spread his hands and said, "Just, I'm afraid that this Kirin tribe will come to trouble in the future!"

"Hehe, this is okay." Grandpa Kong laughed loudly.

"Oh, Uncle Yang, this Xiao Gongzi is a friend of my seventh brother. As for his relationship with Princess Yihong, it must have been a misunderstanding. I don't think my uncle would end up with these small fights among the juniors, right?" Hold a fist to the emperor of the Kirin tribe.

"Oh, I will not intervene in disputes between juniors." Then Yang Xiaoyi smiled, and then he took out a bone precept, "This is a bit of my mind." When the words fell, the bone ring was forward. Xiao Yun floated away.

Xiao Yun flicked the palm of his hand and closed the bone.

I waited until his heart felt away, and a strong spirit of heaven and earth swept away.

"I have a lot of spirits." Xiao Yun's mouth evoked a smile.

"Hum, hold you to death." Seeing this, Liner gritted her teeth and cursed, her heart was extremely depressed at this moment.

But the two emperors looked indifferent.

Only the princess Enron, so what does a little medicinal matter matter?

"Since the predecessors have this heart, let the princess go down." Xiao Yun smiled slightly, only to see the light pattern flickering in front of her, and Princess Kirin did not emerge from the swallowing tower. After the appearance of this world, Princess Kirin The flames bloomed on her body, and she immediately wore a fiery red dress.

The flames lingered on her, making it impossible for people to see her true face clearly. From a distance, she looked like a vulcan god.

"Uncle Yang Xiao! Grandpa the Seventh Grandpa!" After seeing those people, Princess Kirin was showing aggrieved eyes.

This princess, who had always been proud, ran towards the two emperors like a little daughter.

"Oh, Yihong!" The seventh old man smiled a little, and he was quite fond of this younger generation.

"Seven grandpa, the little thief actually suppressed Honger for more than a month. You can learn from him!"

Princess Qilin pulled the old man's arm, and Zhu Zhu pursed her lips, coyly.

At the same time, her beautiful eyes blinked, and toward Yun Yun with a little anger, the killing in those eyes was self-evident.

"Hehe." The seven old masters smiled, and there was a bit of strange light flickering in the eyes when they looked at Xiao Yun.

Woo! call!

此时 At this time, the emperor appeared from time to time.

Like a family of blue sky white apes, such as the veins of Qianyi Shenpeng.

Many emperors appeared here.

Some kings also followed.

"That's Princess Unicorn!"

"This kid really captured Princess Unicorn!" Many young people were surprised when they saw Princess Unicorn.

"This guy is so brave, even princess Kirin dare to profane?" Some young people snorted, showing their faces.

Jain Longfei is one of them.

Princess Qilin is one of the three celestial beings in Demon Realm, and is the object of many young talents in Demon Realm.

This kind of character is usually regarded as a goddess by them, and he loves it, who dares to suppress it in this way?

"This kid is crazy!" Qingzi Yao of the Qianyi Shenpeng tribe smiled coldly.

"Look for death!" Na Pengyuan was also cold.

"I don't know if this princess Kirin will stop?" Bai Yunfei also showed his face and made fun of him.

Yak Qingtian watched silently from a distance.

When the big demon of various races arrived, the elders of the Kirin tribe had obvious fluctuations.

Is that Yang Xiao also frowned slightly.

This trip is not only for Princess Unicorn.

I still do it for that unicorn temple.

But there are so many emperors here now, but they make their pressure multiplied?

Furthermore, the young man was with the peacock boy, and if he forcibly shot, the peacock boy would definitely not give up.

The peacock son is just a junior, this old emperor doesn't care.

I just worry that Kong Siye is also paying attention to this matter.

是 如此 If so, once the war breaks out, the situation will be difficult to control.

The grandfather of Qi Qi was indifferent, with a brazen appearance.

公主 After Princess Kirin surrendered, the grandfather Kong smiled and hugged his fist, "So I will leave first."

After seeing so many emperors gathered here, Grand Master Kong also felt that the situation was a little bad.

So he intends to leave here immediately.

After seeing the peacock son ready to leave, many big monsters were ready to move.

角 Even the corners of the emperor's mouth evoked a bit of evil charm.

But everyone did not rush.

They seem to be waiting for something.

"Oh, Kong Shi nephew, please walk slowly!" Suddenly, Yang Xiao's eyes of the Kirin tribe condensed and laughed.

"Oh." Seeing Xiao Yang opening his mouth, Grand Master Kong looked coldly and said, "But I don't know what Yang Shishu has to say?"

"Hehe, I dare not see teaching." Yang Xiao smiled, and then his eyes narrowed, staring at Xiao Yundao, "I can't blame the youth for suppressing Yihong, but he also robbed Yilin's Kirin Temple, Uncle Shi But I have to discuss it. "

"Did the old ghost really speak?" After hearing the words, Xiao Yun's eyes flashed with cold light.

In this regard, he had long anticipated that he knew that most of these people would let the princess Kirin cross the river and demolish the bridge.

However, the situation was so, Xiao Yun had to do the same.

At least, I have got some spirits now.

"I'm going to see how many people do it?" Xiao Yun's mouth turned cold.

"Uncle Yang Shi's remarks might be a bit far-fetched, right?" Hearing, Kong Qigongzi's eyes were cold, he stepped forward and said humblely, "This unicorn shrine is the relic of God. Those who have fate have it. Why? Become robbed by Xiao Xiao? "

"Yes, we saw the little beast who had won the Unicorn Temple with my own eyes." Those peacocks next to each other spoke.

They are quite dissatisfied with the discourse of the Kirin tribe.

"Well, if this thief did not suppress the princess, this unicorn temple must be in the princess's pocket." Na Liner said coldly, "How many people in the world are more suitable for this unicorn temple inheritance than my unicorn family? Is it? "

"Yes." After Liner spoke, someone rushed in the distance.

This is Qing Ziyao in the vein of Qianyi Shenpeng.

"If it wasn't for Xiao Yun's suppression of Princess Kirin, how could the little beast have this opportunity?"

"This man is despicable and shameless!" Beside, Peng Yuan, UU reading book Long Fei and others also came over.

He also came with the kings of their clan.

Although no emperor appeared.

瞧 But look at their full-bodied looks, it is obvious that the emperor is hiding nearby, ready to release the muddy water to feel the fish at any time.

A single stone caused a thousand layers of waves.

He was just a moment, and there were youths from all ethnic groups.

Whether or not these people have been to Kirin's miracles, they are fighting Xiao Yun there.

声音 These voices became louder and louder, and the faces of the Peacock people became somber.

It is by virtue of his ability to get in and out of the forbidden area.

But at this time, these people actually want to attack Xiao Yun because the little beast has obtained the temple?

By doing this, the purpose of the demon is already obvious.

That is to want to win this young man, so that he can compete for the Kirin Temple again.

Now these younger generations are provoking trouble here, and their old emperors are hiding in the dark.

After those sounds went out in all directions, the eyes of Grandpa Kong also began to flash coldly.

"Everyone, the miracles are obtained by those who have fate, so wait for such a strong word, I'm afraid it's overdone, right?" He glanced at all directions, saying word by word, the words were like thunder, and the sky was shaking. The powerful Emperor Wei then permeated.

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