Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1108: Bullying

Among the mountains, there are many demon of various ethnic groups, among which there are many emperors.

Like the emperor of the Golden Rat tribe.

Such as the blue sky white ape, stepping on the **** cow, such as the thousand wings of God Peng.

The king is even more numerous.

At this time, people of all ethnic groups were attacking Xiao Yun.

To this end, the peacock son was furious, and the vastness of the majesty shook and shocked many kings.

"Oh, this is the word of Grandpa Kong." At this time, the emperor who laughed at the pig} {猪} {岛} 小说 www {zhuzhu] [} laughed, "If it were not for this ethnic youth to suppress it How can Princess Kirin have the chance to obtain the Temple of Kirin? I think he must have used any mean means to succeed. "

"Otherwise, who can fight with Princess Kirin in the forbidden area of ​​Kirin?" The emperor grinned, but the words uttered caused an uproar. Many people knew that the emperor was about to come forward, and he was not afraid of the shock of Grand Prince Kong.

"That's right, such a person, be a puppet!"

"If you are not of my own kind, your heart will be different.

"Dangyu!" It was just a moment, and the whole void shook with the words when fighting.

When the word "Dang" is thunderous, it is shocking.

At this time, those young people who were still weak in the Peacock tribe were shocked and pale.

Manju was even more terrified.

At this moment, the emperor persecuted and the king reconciled, and the vast power completely drowned their area.

Faced with this kind of power, Mo said that the king, that is, the emperor must feel trembling.

"Brother, I'm afraid these guys won't let it go!" Kong Qigong frowned, even though he was very talented, but he felt quite powerless in the face of this dilemma. After all, there are a lot of big families in the demon domain. King.

Faced with this situation, even the emperor is difficult to control.

"What's wrong with being unwilling to stop?" Grandpa Kong hummed, "Is it letting them be fierce?"

"That's it." Kong Qigong nodded and said, "When will my Peacock people be afraid of others?"

At the moment it is also full of pride, looking at the emperors ahead.

"No more nonsense, this Xiao Yun is my friend of the Peacock tribe. Whoever dares to touch him is the enemy of my Peacock tribe. Kong is not talented, but he still has a little blood. Who wants to fight, then Come on! "As soon as Dagong Kong stared, the step was a step forward.


When its stride stepped forward, the vast King Wei shocked.

Suddenly, the sound wave brought by the word “Dang” was scattered a little.

Not only that, the blood on his body was soaring, the robe was hunting and hunting, a colorful pattern bloomed behind it, and a five-colored world evolved behind it. There seemed to be a peacock dormant in that world. The peacock's momentum was obviously at this moment. Burst out completely.

"Tongtian dual realm?" When this momentum burst out, Yang Xiao across the other side smiled slightly. "Xiang nephew is a very talented man, worthy of being one of the youngest emperors in the demon realm in the past century, but you just repair it." It ’s still worse than my uncle. ”

Yang Xiao smiled lightly, it took a step forward, and his body was so bloody.

The flames rolled behind it, as if a sea of ​​fire had evolved.

There was a fire unicorn in the sea of ​​fire setting off waves of fire.

Their pulse is a fire unicorn among them.

When this unicorn evolved, the horrible imperial power also swept out.

The wave and the imperial impact of the peacock boy made the void behind it tremble.

Xiao Yun and others felt a tremendous pressure.

"This person is stronger than Grandpa Kong." Xiao Yun frowned.

Now there is only one emperor on their side, but there are many emperors of various ethnic groups. Once the consequences of the war are unthinkable, only Xiao Yun at this moment is still not in a hurry, he just stared coldly at the emperor of the Kirin tribe.


When the Grand Prince Kong moved, he walked towards Yang Xiao of the Kirin tribe.

Even though the realm is not enough, Grand Master Kong dare not fight.

For its genius, it also needs to fight against the strong, and only by constantly sharpening itself can it take itself one step further.

"Oh, then my uncle will accompany you for fun!" Yang Xiaolang smiled, and the big hand probing was hitting the granddaughter Kong, the palm was passing, the fire was blooming, the horror was shaking, as if there was a saint. The beast came.

With the movement of both hands, Grandpa Kong's wings spread out, as if the sharp blade cut across the unicorn arm in front.


Suddenly, the two emperors fought fiercely.

The peacock boy is extraordinary, but he can't get a slight advantage.

That Yang Xiao is older, at this time has reached the state of quadruple heaven, even if the talent is not as good as the grandson of Kong, the combat power is still amazing, but it did not try hard to shoot, but to suppress the strength to a point, it seems that its goal is only to drag Staying with Grandpa.

The battle ahead was terrifying, and the aftermath of terror swept away, making many kings afraid to approach.

Xiao Yun and others withdrew thousands of miles away.

Looking at the big warriors, Manju looked sad.

"Don't worry." Xiao Yun was holding the woman's jade hand, smiling indifferently.

Seeing Xiao Yun's calm and calm appearance, the nervousness of Manju was relaxed.

"Seven grandfathers, take the little thief for Honger."

After seeing that Kongzi was entangled, the unicorn laughed at the corner of Princess Qilin's mouth, and then begged the Qilao to say.

"Oh, don't worry, will my princess of the Kirin tribe be suppressed for a month in vain?" The seven old masters smiled.

Then his eyes narrowed, his gaze locked on Xiao Yun ahead.

An expanse of imperial power fell down.

"Is this old ghost going to shoot too?" When this Emperor Wei capsized, Xiao Yun's mouth sneered.

"The people of this Kirin tribe are so shameless." At the same time, the Skyfinch could not help cursing.

"Anyway." Chu Tianxia looked indifferent.

"Haha, can the little friend ask the little beast to sell the old and watch it over?" At this time, the ancestor of the Kirin tribe stepped forward, and it was very fast. It just appeared in the blink of an eye in front of Xiao Yun. At the same time, a mighty Huang Wei oppressed, and Xiao Yun and others retreated.

Many big monsters have blood in their mouths.

"Oh, I ca n’t think of the dignified Kirin tribe, but it's shameless." Xiao Yun laughed. "I and Princess Kirin were in distress at the same time in that Kirin Pool. If I hadn't solved the danger, she would be afraid of drinking hate. Thanks, I also want to kill me, so I will take it down. Now you say she let her go, but do n’t want to oppress me with the power of the emperor after I let Princess Kirin. Temple, is it the nature of your Kirin tribe to be indifferent and ungrateful? "

Xiao Yun's words were not high, but the words were heart-warming, the sound waves were cold, and there was a sensation of killing that began to permeate.

The pride and arrogance of this Kirin tribe has reached the limit of his patience.

"Well, you're dead, you're still talking here." Hearing Xiao Yun's words, Princess Qilin was ashamed and angry.

It was indeed Yi Yi's attempt to obliterate the unicorn ethereal spirit before she was able to get out of trouble.

It was just that she always thought of her own divine princess Kirin, but she ate in the hands of this personal tribe, but it was incomparable.

The same is true, she thought about winning Xiao Yun.

"It turned out that this Xiao Xiaozi once saved Princess Kirin." Hearing Xiao Yun's words, the people of the Peacock clan were astonished.

At this point they also understand why Xiao Yun wanted to win this unicorn princess.

Kong Qigong smiled bitterly.

At first, Xiao Yun brushed Princess Qilin's face a few times, and it would be normal to make this young lady angry.

But he did not expect this woman to be so overbearing, to deal with Xiao Yunxia's killer.

At this time, those in the nearby clan did not care about this.

These are the children of the big clan, who usually dominate.

Instead, they thought that Princess Kirin's shot against Xiao Yun could not be more normal.

Who wouldn't let this young man provoke Princess Kirin without opening his eyes.

What is his identity?

What is Princess Unicorn?

A human child, as long as the princess is not happy, kill it.

So no one disputed Xiao Yun.

Instead, these people were anxious to take down this young man immediately.

For all of this, Xiao Yun was very indifferent, and he just casually told what happened.

He never thought about the outcome.

"The little friend talked a lot. He just wanted to see the little beast, maybe he was also a child of my Kirin tribe?" The old ancestor of the Kirin tribe smiled and said, "If it is a child of the Kirin tribe, we are Family. "

"If I didn't hand it over?" Xiao Yun frowned, and his eyes were cold, staring at the old royal road ahead.

"If you don't hand it over?" After hearing the words, the smile on the old emperor's face began to fade away, but instead appeared with a little sensation, and a mighty emperor's power on it burst out. "If If you don't hand it in, you will blame it for being rude. "

The mighty Emperor Weiwei trembled, as if swept by heavy waves.

Under this kind of imperial power, ripples rippled forward, Xiao Yun and others just felt that the blood in their bodies was rolling.

Even the existence of a baby market has vomited blood.

"Did I really bully?" Seeing this, Xiao Yun's eyes were completely cold.

"Oh, Yang Chengqi, will you bully the junior?" Just as he was about to take action, a cold humming sounded suddenly, the sound was rolling, the trembling sky was shaking, and then everyone felt The vitality to heaven and earth is agitated like an air dragon.


But when he saw the void in the distance, an old man strolled around. When the old man appeared, the flames around him turned into a huge cyclone, which swallowed the vitality of the nearby world, even those nearby kings felt themselves. The true elements in the body are being lost.

"This is the emperor who swallowed the tits!" When that weird force of engulfment drew in ~ ~ The kings within thousands of miles were all faced with calmness, and then the demons He hurriedly retreated and did not dare to stay in this area.

Otherwise, under this horrible supernatural power, I am afraid that my own cultivation will be swallowed.

"Is this the uncle?" When the mighty Huangwei spread, his eyes swallowed up.

"Is it the emperor who swallowed the sky?" Xiao Yun's tense nerve was also relieved.

Then he looked up at the void where the wave was.


When the horrible devouring force swept the sky and earth, it was seen that the void had a giant claw when it was scouted.

This giant grab straight to the old emperor of the Kirin tribe.

At the same time, there was a colorful light blooming in the back, which surrounded Xiao Yun and Kong Qigong and others.

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