Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1116: Nirvana

Phoenix is ​​a powerful race among the monsters.

Legend has it that the phoenix is ​​an undead bird and can be reborn by fire.

This is comparable to the true dragon.

"There is indeed a phoenix in the demon realm." Kong Siye next to him laughed, "But now all the races in the demon realm have no pure blood, so even if there was a phoenix, it would be like the peacock in ancient times. One tribe, my tribe is also a holy beast, but the blood of the children in the tribe is gradually fading, and the power of the ancestors is no longer there. "

Talking about this, the Kong Siye could not help but sigh slightly.

Xiao Yun nodded slightly.

Just like the human race, many children of the great tribe also lost their former glory.

And all of this is because no one in this world has become a god, causing the blood lineage to be cut off a little bit.

After hearing what Kong Siye said, Father Chu's eyes groaned.

"In the ancient times, Phoenix can indeed be reborn, but it must have a strong enough blood of Phoenix. Tianming is not a Phoenix, how can it be reborn?" Father Chu asked with a bit of doubt. The legend of the pulse is also somewhat understood.

It's just that the Phoenix is ​​reborn, too misty.

Even the old emperors of the Phoenix clan could not do this.

Otherwise, there will not be so many puppets ridiculed because of the exhaustion of Shou Yuan.

"Oh, Brother Chu, this is what you don't know." Grandpa Kong smiled and said.

"Oh?" Chu Father's eyes asked.

Even the swallowing **** and Xiao Yun also showed curiosity.

"It is said that the Phoenix can be reborn in a vein, not only because of blood, but also in this vein there is a classic called Nirvana Shintra. If you practice this script, Nirvana can be reborn, perhaps Tianming can be derived from the soul rebirth Fine blood is not necessarily. "

Kong Siye laughed.

"Nirvana Sutra." After hearing the words, Father Chu's eyes flashed.

"Nirvana Shintra, this should be a town classic of the Phoenix vein." Chu Laohuang frowned slightly.

"Yeah." Kong Siye nodded.

"This is indeed a classic ancient book in the Phoenix vein. Legend has it that there is no complete Nirvana true scripture in the Phoenix vein."

When the words fell, Chu's eyes were obviously lost.

Will this Phoenix betray his own township skills to others?

"What are you in a hurry?" Seeing the loss of his father's face, Kong Siye rolled his eyes and said, "According to the ancient books in my clan, there is a place in the Tian Yao ancient realm where the Phoenix **** left the ancient times. It contains the Nirvana True Scripture. If you can comprehend this scripture, you will get Nirvana fortune, and the ancient domain of the demon will be opened this day. I can see Tianming to try it. "

"Tian Yao Gu Yu!" After hearing the words, the father's eyes finally lighted up.

"This ancient domain was left in ancient times, and there are many delicacy relics in it, and maybe there is a phoenix heritage in it."

Emperor Chu was also excited.

"Tian Yao Gu Yu?" The tenacity appeared in the eyes of Swallow Sky Sparrow. "Nirvana Sutra ... I must get it."

"Of course, Tian Yao Ancient Realm is also in danger. It is not so easy to get the Nirvana True Scriptures." Kong Siye said, "Every time Tian Yao Ancient Reality is opened, Phoenix will send its own talented children to find that. Nirvana Sutra, but no one has received the Sutra after these ten thousand years. "

"No matter how fierce the demon ancient realm that day, Tianming will make a breakthrough."

"Okay, now that we have embarked on the path of cultivation, Bento has this fearless spirit." Kong Siye nodded with satisfaction.

Father Chu also nodded slightly.

"When I return to the clan, I will print a map of the ancient land of the demon, so that you can find the ancient land of the Phoenix."

Kong Siye said.

"Thank you, Shibo." The gorilla was grateful.

"Why do you and me need to be polite?" Kong Siye waved his hands. "I and your father are a life-and-death relationship. Besides, you have a marriage contract with Tianshuang. I ’m also an elder as well as my face. ”

"Um." Nocturne nodded.

"Oh, of course, you don't have to be too stressed, even if you can't set foot on the peak, I believe that girl will not say anything. In recent years, you have no news. See her. "Kong Siye said.

"Tian Frost?" Thinking of that young girl, the complexion of Tian Que's eyes was revealed.

It was also quite proud then.

However, when facing the young girl, it didn't taste very much.

Because this young girl is so talented, she has a lot more potential than her cousin Chu Tianzhao.

Now that it was physically lost, how did it deal with this heavenly girl?

Several elders shivered and then dispersed.

Kong Siye and others stayed here for a few days.

Kong Qigongzi also talked with Swallowing Sky Sparrow and Xiao Yun, explaining some of his experiences and understandings on cultivation.

Grand Prince Kong was with Chu Tianxia, ​​and the relationship between them was slightly ambiguous.

"Oh, Brother Xiao, remember to come to my Peacock City some time later." A few days later, Kong Qigongzi and others left.

"Sure." Xiao Yun held his fist and had a good opinion of this peacock family.

Especially the seven sons of this hole.

In the face of the emperor at the beginning, he never retreated, and it can be seen that he is also a man with a strong bone.

"Tian Yao Gu Yu will open in about half a year, and I will enter into it at that time." Tian Tianque said to Xiao Yun.

After being included in the clan, the larva was judged as two birds.

Today it is gone without the previous laughter.

At this moment it was unsmiling and heavy, and seemed to be carrying a lot of pressure.

In this regard, Xiao Yun also deeply appreciates.

A former genius, now physically ruined, still has powerful competitors.

How could it be easy under such circumstances?

"You can rest assured that you and I have come all these ways. You will find the Nirvana true scriptures in the future. When you add the Nine Turns to God, you will be able to reshape your body. So, after you have gone through many grinds, Achievement is naturally not worse than that of Chu Tian. "Xiao Yun said.

"Um." Nocturne nodded and said, "I will stay closed for a while, so you can live here with peace of mind."

Xiao Yun nodded.

"Here you have any questions you can ask, my father should try to be satisfied." Swallowing eyes flickered, and suddenly smirked, "Of course, if you see which beauty in my family, I can also help Introduction. "

"Hee hee, there are still many ordinary sparrow nymphs nearby, but one by one is also charming and touching!"

It was only a few days before the swallow was revealed.

"Go to your demon girl." Upon hearing that, Xiao Yun rolled her eyes.

The **** next to him smiled.

"Eh, forget, you already have a demon girl by your side." The swallowing larva yelled at Manju, grinning smirkly.

This made Manju's cheeks red.

"You are so **** and slutty, do the peacock princesses know?" Xiao Yun dared to laugh at himself, but Xiao Yun smiled. "I will meet her when I see her, and I will tell you every day when I am outside Looking at the **** beauty of Yaoyu, she didn't miss her. "

"Do you dare!" After hearing the words, swallowing the **** immediately anxious.

"Hehe." Xiao Yun smiled, but did not expect that the cockroach would be so confused when mentioning the peacock princess.

Swallowing finches retreat.

Xiao Yun also started to cultivate.

At this point he has reached the dual state of the infant market.

Only relatively speaking, this realm is far from enough.

"This time I came to the demon domain, I can also be harvested." In a delicate house, Xiao Yun crossed his knees, looking inside himself.

At this point his physique was much more horrible than before.

In the Unicorn Pool, he got more Unicorn Real Fire than Unicorn Princess.

Furthermore, he also obtained a drop of Qilin's blood.

Based on this, his five unicorn **** patterns are also filled with unicorn essence.

This is where Princess Kirin cannot compare.

In addition, it strayed into the trapping forbidden pattern and obtained the trapping divine pattern.

"This divine pattern will become a big life-saving means for me." Looking at the divine pattern inside, Xiao Yun smiled slightly.

Not only that, Yi Yi also collected the bone ring of the three emperors.

There are many imperial spirits among them.

Based on this, he does not need to worry about the lack of spiritual extraction supplies.

Then Xiao Yun made some elixir for Yiyi, Longevity Turtle and Phantom Worm.

The continuous restoration of the Longevity Turtle and Phantom Worm made Xiao Yun relieved.

However, these two statues helped him out of danger several times. If they couldn't help them improve, Xiao Yun felt guilty.

After taking some elixir, Yi Yi was quite satisfied and fell into retreat.

It incorporates many unicorn **** blood and has not been fully refined. At this time, it still needs to be fused slowly.

The last time I slept, the little guy's strength has improved a lot, but he has not yet reached the king level.

If it weren't for the siege of the emperors, the little guy would not wake up.

"Yi now has the inheritance of the gods. In the future, he will definitely be able to make rapid progress and even set foot on the royal road directly." Xiao Yun secretly said, "I must work hard to practice, or I will be pressed by this little beast, but my face will look a little unsightly. Now. "

With a slight smile, he began to retreat.

Time passed quietly.

The swallowing **** and even the entire demon domain seemed quite calm. It seemed that the storm brought by the Kirin Temple had subsided.

Chu Tianzhao sits on the top of the mountain, on a mountain top, looking at the void in the distance.

It is personable, quiet and elegant, and every move has the power of a king.

At this moment, there were silhouettes coming on this mountain.

"How?" Chu Tianzhao held the glass in his hand and took a sip. It didn't look up, just said looking at the glass slightly.

"Return to the son, the son Ming has been retreating these days." The comer is a young man who has reached the half-step king's realm ~ ~ It salutes Chu Tianzhao, and said, "He came with the son Tianming That young man has also been retreating. "

"Are you all retreating?" Chu Tianzhao smiled slightly. "Ming brother, Ming brother, after all these years, do you still want to compete with me? But now what do you use to compete with me?" Muttered, This Chu Tianzhao is drinking all the wine in his hand.

"It is said that the son of Ming Tian intends to enter the ancient domain of Tian Yao." Said the young man.

"Tian Yao Gu Yu?" Chu Tianzhao smiled slightly. "It's a place full of chances."

"Shall we take action?" Said the young man.

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In addition, the outbreak on the 19th will change tomorrow, at least ten chapters, everyone will wait and see, the more monthly tickets, the more outbreaks, the monthly tickets will soar!


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