Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1117: Demon Race!

"Action?" Chu Tianzhao frowned. "What action is needed at this time?"

"Oh, Mo said that Chu Tianming now is that his physical body was not my opponent. What can it do now?" Chu Tianzhao laughed. "I want to see where my brother can go and want to beat him. I'm not so easy! "

"Tianzhao's talents are different, he is a wizard of the world, and he is invincible from day to day." The young man flattered.

"When born in the world, you should have no fear of any enemy."

"However, according to the news, the young human race Xiao Yun has a small beast. This little pig, the pig, the pig, the island, and the novel, www.huhuom, won the Kirin Temple and once crushed the emperors." Slightly groaned, the young man slightly Frowning, he said immediately, "If this little beast grows up, Tianming Son will undoubtedly get a lot of help."

"A small beast, even if it is powerful, but it is not Tianming's own strength after all." Chu Tianzhao still doesn't care about this, "This time the ancient world of the demon opens, I will also explore this, maybe I can It finds the mythical heritage that swallowed the tits. "

There was a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

If it is inherited by the gods, its achievement will be a step closer. How many people can compete with it in the demon domain?

"Tian Zhao's talent is different, and he will surely inherit the ancestors!" The young man nodded again and again.


Three months passed in a blink of an eye.

At this point, Xiao Yun had left Tianduyu for half a year.

"Kirin's blood is still incapable of refining." Xiao Yun's eyes opened this day, revealing a trace of loss.

Three months later, his cultivation has suddenly reached the peak of the two peaks of the infant market.

At this time, his accumulation of each realm was quite strong.

The stronger the accumulation before reaching the magical power, the more powerful the magical power will be in the future.

"It seems that this unicorn **** blood, at least have to step into the magical realm before refining a trace." Xiao Yun sighed lightly.

There is not enough realm to integrate the blood of God.

It's not Yi, after all.

Yi Yi was rebuilt by Nirvana, a powerful man in the world. He already has the blood of Kirin in his body, and naturally he can blend with that blood.

"Cultivation still has to be gradual and orderly. Only in this way can the foundation be consolidated. Only after that can we build thousands of tall buildings and embark on the peak."

Xiao Yun took a deep breath and began to look inside the sea.

At this time, the long-lived turtle is still in cultivation.

It returned to its peak, but it was too difficult to go further.

The Phantom Worm still has a tendency to progress, and it seems that it is about to step into the realm of the pseudo-emperor.

Xiao Yun knows the sea, but there is a source of origin.

This divine order blooms the flavor of the avenue. Phantoms and long-lived turtles practice under the divine order every day and can appreciate the avenue.

In time, they will set foot on the royal road.

After feeling this benefit, they are also happy to cultivate within Xiao Yun's knowledge.

After a long retreat, Xiao Yun moved his muscles and walked out of the house.

The vitality of heaven and earth is very strong here.

It can be said that the richness of those vitality is comparable to the aura.

The devouring supernatural powers of the Devouring Clan and the special terrain make them a sacred place of cultivation.

At this time, the Skyfinch had entered and forbidden several times in the clan after being included in the clan.

There are many old emperors buried in the forbidden land, which contains a strong soul spirit, and the Sky Finch is constantly absorbing those spirits. Under this kind of supply, the power of its soul has reached an ordinary person. To the point of comparison.

But no matter what, the disadvantage of losing its physical body cannot be remedied.

Retreat in March, it is also out of customs.

After exiting the level, the swallowing bird got a message.

"The younger generation of Yaoyu is competing for the list of heavenly monsters?" After hearing the news, the expression of Swallow Sky was slightly complicated.

If its physical body is still there, it must be going to impact the demon list.

Is it just now?

It sighed slightly, can it now compete with those people?

To what extent did those geniuses grow up?

"The fifth day of next month coincides with Tian Shuang's birthday, and the Tian Yao list contest will also be held in Peacock City!" Chu Tianxia said.

"Is Tianshuang's birthday?" After hearing the words, the swallowing sky's eyes were complicated.

"Would you like to go?" Chu Tianxia Mulu asked. "If you don't think it's right to meet now, don't go."

"I told her that you were retreating." She knew that the brother had always been proud.

Now that it has lost its flesh and lost its genius name, how can it make it face its former lover?

"Go, why don't you go?" Swallowing the sky's eyes, he said, "I Chu Tianming will dominate even when the body is gone."

Its eyes were determined.

"Okay." Seeing that the younger brother was still so proud, Chu Tianxia didn't know whether it should be happy or sad.

"Sister A rest assured, I am no longer a child, and I still have this tolerance." Teng Que said calmly, "Daddy ’s foundation is destroyed. If I have a chance, I will find Divine Essence to help it recover Foundation, set foot in the royal road in one fell swoop. "

For it this is the most important thing of the moment.

As for the cold eyes of others, it doesn't care.

"Um." Chu Tianxia nodded, she was very relieved.

This brother has been quite sensible since he was a child.

It's just a pity that it bears too much, resulting in suffering and falling to the point where it is now.

But after seeing her brother still fighting, she was relieved.

As for whether it can find the Nirvana scriptures, it is only up to God.

After a cold greeting with Auntie, swallowing the sky **** found Xiao Yun.

"Go to Peacock City?"

Hearing that Xiao Yun's eyes were also bright, "The Tian Yao list will also re-rank?"

After hearing this, Xiao Yun couldn't help feeling bloody.

The geniuses on Jiu Wen Tian Yao list are all shocked and brilliant, but he also wants to see.

It is also good to know the gap between yourself and others.

"In three days, we will leave for Peacock City," said the Skyfinch.

"OK." Xiao Yun nodded.

Three days later, many young people had already gathered in the vein of the swallowtail.

This time, not only the Skyfinch, Chu Tianzhao and many of the younger generation's youngsters will also go to Peacock City.

The demon is not only to congratulate the peacock princess, but there are many people who want to compete for the sky demon list.

The Tian Yao Bang is a list with high gold content in the Demon Domain.

Many young people are proud to be among the top 100 in the Sky Monster list.

If you could step into those thirty, it would be enough to call yourself king.

The characters who rushed into the ten will all become famous in the demon domain, known to countless people.

Such as Chu Tianzhao, it is the sixth-ranked existence in the last Tian Yao list.

The Tian Yao list is only once every three years, and only the big demon under the age of 30 can participate.

Of course, there are also restrictions in the realm. If you step into the magical realm, you will no longer occupy the sky monster list.

Chu Tianzhao is only 25 years old and Xiu Wei is only a quasi-god, so this time he can continue to compete for the sky monster list.

Many people on the school ground swallowed their eyes.

These people want to meet the genius of the demon domain.

Man Tan is also looking forward.

Originally Xiao Yun wanted her to stay in the swallowing **** family.

But after thinking about it, letting this girl know more about the outside world is also of great benefit to her cultivation.

So I stopped by her.

Over the past three months, Manci's cultivation has also improved a lot, and it has suddenly reached the triple state of the infant market.

Xiao Yun could have made a breakthrough.

But he wanted to accumulate more, so he didn't rush to break through.

In fact, even though Xiao Yun had only the dual state of the infant market, the combat power was decided to be stronger than that of the raccoon in the infant market.

This is the benefit that he has accumulated with a strong foundation.

Whether Xiao Yun's physique, true Yuan, or his perception of heaven and earth, has reached the extreme in this small realm.

The leader was the father Chu and the five Lord Chu.

Since the foundation was damaged, Father Chu rarely went out.

But this time it was leading the team in person, it was surprising.

"Let's go."

Wu Wuye smiled lightly, and his big hand flicked, with a colorful light blooming, bringing everyone into a teleportation array.


At this time, the elders of all major demons had their elders and their younger brothers heading towards Peacock City.

These people are of course not just celebrating the birthday of the peacock princess.

That day's battle for the monster list was the goal of the major monsters.

Not only the younger generation's younger brothers, but also the elders paid much attention to the demon list.

Because not only can you see from this point how your descendants' weight in the demon domain, but also the potential of various ethnic groups.

The peacock family is the royal family of the demon domain.

This is the foundation laid by countless sages of the Peacock tribe.

It is located north of the middle of the demon domain.

This is a mountainous mountain range, with birds hovering in the air from time to time, and you can even see peacocks opening screens in the mountains, blooming with colorful rays of light. These are some ordinary peacocks with thin bloodlines and no wisdom. They cannot be cultivated. .

Between the mountains is the Maping River, a huge plain.

Peacock City is located on this plain.

This is one of the oldest cities in the demon realm.

It is also the most splendid ancient city.

Hey, hey!

From time to time there was a glimmer of light in the void.

One by one, the demon rushed towards this place.

However, after coming to the place where the plains are located, these demon slowed down.

In front of it, you can see an ancient city bathed in colorful light.

"This is Peacock City!" Under the leadership of several elders of the Chu family, Xiao Yun and others came to the area of ​​the Peacock clan.

"Peacock City!" Xiao Yun looked away, but saw the vicissitudes of the great city ahead.

"Oh, Brother Chu!" A loud laugh came when Father Chu and others came outside the Peacock clan.

But it was the Kong Siye who personally came out of the city to greet him.

The seven sons of Kong and the eldest son of Kong followed.

The two emperors met each other, showing how profound the friendship between Kong and Chu was.

"Brother Kong!"

"Uncle Kong!" Everyone salutes ~ ~ Please! "Finally, under the leadership of Kong Siye, everyone entered the Kong city.

Peacock City!

It is a city, but the vastness of the area inside it is comparable to some mortal kingdoms.

In addition to some ancient buildings in the city, there are more towering giant trees.

On this giant tree, dragging the building.

The peacocks live on these giant trees.

The tree carrying the temple on the tree is somewhat similar to the swallowtail.

However, the place where the peacocks live is relatively scattered. It seems that the swallow queen is just living on the mulberry tree.

At the request of book friends, today ’s super explosion, the next update is at twelve o'clock, and there is a surge in monthly tickets.

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