Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1118: Peacock pond

The ancient trees in Peacock City are full of glory, but there is a stone platform in the void.

The stone courtyard is full of terrace courtyards, among which there is a huge peacock phantom evolved.

This peacock's shadow is dazzling with bright lights, covering the four sides.

That colorful light blooms like a peacock dancing, making people feel as if they have come to the fairy fantasy world.

Ordinary Peacock children live on those giant trees.

As for the core children, they live on suspended platforms in the city.

This is an ancient tree carrying a huge stone platform.

There are palaces above the stone platform.

In addition to this, there are empty platforms beside the void.

These suspended tables are shrouded in colored light patterns, making people unable to see through them.

After entering the city, everyone can see a peacock dancing.

This is to welcome guests. The peacocks let some ordinary birds fly here.

Xiao Yun and others were arranged to an exquisite residence.

"Tian Shuang has been in retreat to impact the magical realm, so it will be out in a few days." There is a platform hill above the stone platform. At this time, Xiao Yun and the Tunque are standing on the cliff of the hill overlooking the peacock city below , Next to Kong Qigong whispered softly.

"Um." The swallowing bird nodded slightly, but there were a few waves in those eyes.

Don't spend eight years now, but don't know if the Iraqi people are the same?

"Oh, now it's nothing to do now. Brother Xiao came to my clan for the first time, so I'll take you to visit my clan."

Kong Qigong laughed loudly.

After the Battle of Kirin Palace, he also felt good about Xiao Yun.

"Just what I want." Xiao Yun smiled slightly. He was also curious about this ancient tribe.

"Um." Nocturne nodded.

Later, under the leadership of Kong Qigong, Xiao Yun and Manju headed towards some core areas of the Peacock tribe.

"My peacocks have always been low-key, and they have not shown much prestige among the major races. But in ancient times, the world changed greatly, and the turmoil started suddenly. The gods of all races are going to fight for the supreme goddess and to find the way to heaven. This caused a great riot. "When taking Xiao Yun to visit the ancient monuments in the clan, Kong Qigong also explained some secrets of the ancient times." At that time, the wars of the gods did not ridicule many gods, even many quasi-gods. Demigods were also involved in that battle. "

"But my Peacock family has not forgiven, so it retains a strong heritage."

When it comes to these ancient secrets, Kong Qigongzi is not very sighing.

In ancient times, the sky and the earth suddenly changed, and the calamity descended, and the gods fell down. Finally, some quasi-gods and demigods were almost robbed ...

It was a troubled time.

Listening to the explanation of the peacock son, Xiao Yun seemed to see the scene of the melee fighting.

"The world was restored to peace a long time ago, and my peacock tribe survived the most quasi-gods. The same is true. My peacock tribe has become a well-deserved royal family in the demon realm. As for the other big tribes, because the damage in ancient times was too heavy for a long time, they could not restore their vitality.

Remembering the ancient things, the peacock boy didn't sigh too much.

Since then no one has become a god.

Even demigods and quasi-gods did not appear in this world.

Those surviving quasi-gods also fell down in a very short time.

Because this world can no longer consolidate the rules of Shinto.

That quasi-god suffered a condemnation in his old age.

"This is the Peacock Pond. There were gods bathing here, which made the water bring a touch of divinity!" Said the peacock son Xiao Yun and others beside a giant pond. "This is a forbidden area of ​​my tribe, only Only the core children can come here, and practicing here can help people realize. "

"Unfortunately, with the passage of time, the breath of God has gradually weakened." Kong Qi Gongzi sighed, and now the forbidden ground is now available for outsiders to observe. It can be seen that the ruthlessness of the years is the same. generation.

"Is it the Peacock Pond?" Xiao Yun's eyes condensed and he looked forward.

Only to see a huge pool.

The pool was full of bright lights and mist, and there seemed to be peacocks dancing, and a strong vitality permeated.

Even an inexplicable presence of power can be sensed.

That kind of power makes people awe-inspiring, afraid to give birth to a trace of arrogance.

Even though the mystery of God is no longer here, standing here has a feeling of being in harmony with the avenue.

Coming here, Xiao Yun couldn't help but stop to realize the kind of rhyme.

Although the mystery of God is no longer there, there are still some Tao Yun remaining here.

This is definitely a rare place to cultivate.

Kong Qigongzi brought them here, which is quite interesting.

In this way, Xiao Yun felt here.

The next **** is also caught in an inexplicable realm.

The peacock pool was misty, and there was a green willow flickering next to it, and occasionally a breeze rolled up people's robes.

Heaven and earth are natural.

Dao Yun Tian Cheng, Xiao Yun has a feeling to be integrated into this world.

In this case, that kind of rhyme is more intense.

Inexplicably, he felt his mood improved a bit.

This is also true of the swallowtail.

Although it has been here before, it was not enough for that time, and it could not sense the charm of heaven and earth.

The peacock boy is very indifferent.

It stood by the lake, as if it were the Peacock Pond, and the Peacock Pond was it.

Its realm is beyond ordinary people.

At this time, it has stepped into the quasi-kingdom realm, and can at any time impact the magical realm.

It is also ambitious, otherwise it is already a king-level figure at this time.

A day later, there was a ripple on the lakeside, and the ripple was like a stone hitting the heart, which disturbed the mood of Xiao Yun and others.

Suddenly, his eyes opened and he turned to the side.

But it is seen that there are several young people walking towards this.

Headed by a young man, only in his early twenties, is a rising star of the Peacock clan, named Kong Danchen.

"Hehe, Brother Qi, you are here!" Kong Danchen laughed loudly.

Beside it, there are several young men and women of different races following.

When these people came here, Xiao Yun's eyes narrowed slightly.

Because the person who came is the Kirin tribe.

Princess Kirin didn't come here, but Lin Lin was in it.

In addition, there are several young people of the Kirin tribe.

When these people came, Xiao Yun looked at Xiao Yun with a bit of badness.

"His Excellency is a human race, Xiao Yun, right?" The first young man was carrying his hands on his back, staring coldly at Xiao Yundao.

There is an overwhelming momentum in it.

Vaguely, a wave comparable to the king permeated from him.

"Exactly!" Xiao Yun said lightly.

"There is no time in Yang!" The young man stared at the light, saying, "I am Princess Kirin, the brother of Yang Yihong!"

"Brother of Princess Unicorn?" Wen Yan said, Xiao Yun's eyelids flickered slightly. It seems that this person wants to take the lead for Princess Unicorn!

"You suppressed my sister for a month, shame my Kirin tribe, this beam, I think it should be settled." Yang Wuxu has a slender figure, his eyebrows are like silkworms, and the whole person sends out a calm breath, There is a general overturn in its discourse.

That momentum made Xiao Yun slightly oppressive.

This is a half step king.

"How do you want to end it?" Seeing Yang's immense frustration, Xiao Yun's mouth evoked a radian, and asked playfully. Today, he is not like he used to be, no matter whether he is a cult or a layman, he is not a casual visitor. You can crush him.

Therefore, even in the face of the genius of the Kirin tribe, he still has no fear.

"By then, you will dare to fight in the battle on the sky monster stage?" Yang Wuxian said coldly.

"Tian Yaotai battle?" Xiao Yun frowned, not understanding this.

"Tianxiutai is the battleground for the Tianxiubang." Kong Qigongzi said, "Once logged in to Tianxiutai, anyone will be suppressed to the level of the infant market, even if the king is the same. Moreover, Tianxiutai In World War I, you ca n’t rely on any external force to fight. You rely on personal blood vessels and martial arts uprights. If you fight with it, although there is no gap, it is a half-step king after all. The blood vessels are mostly fused. Suppression to the infant market is not comparable to ordinary people. "

"Will it be suppressed to the same realm?" Wen Yan said, but Xiao Yun's mouth evoked a faint smile.

"So if you want to go to war, you have to be careful." Kong Qigongzi cautioned, "This Yang Wuqian was still young when he participated in the Tian Yao ranking, but he also won the 29th place. Three years have passed. I'm afraid it can already hit the top fifteen. "

"Anyway." Xiao Yun smiled indifferently. "The stronger it is, the more interesting it is when I fight."

Seeing that Xiao Yun was well-formed, Kong Qigong didn't say much.

"Why, don't you dare to fight?" Seeing Xiao Yun and Kong Qigong's spiritual exchange, Yang Wuji frowned for a long time, "If you dare not even fight, you kneel in public. , Apologize, otherwise my Kirin tribe will cut you off.

"Kneeling?" Xiao Yun laughed and said to the sky, "Kirin son, Kirin son, I said you got water in your head or what, just because you want me to kneel? Oh, even if you want to Kirin What about beheading me? Do you have this ability? "

Xiao Yun laughed and looked up to the Qilin boy.

This Yang has no time, even if he is a genius.

But it is only a half step king.

Even if the old emperor in their clan was shot by Yi Yi, what could they do?

So Xiao Yun has no fear at all.

"You ..." After hearing that, Yang had no time to turn his face blue, even though it was talented, and it was the second Kirin princess's existence, but at this time, I did n’t know how to speak. Indeed, they wanted to take Xiao Yun is not so easy!

It is to look at the demon domain ~ ~ any big demon wants to win this youth is not so simple.

Unless an emperor comes with an artifact.

Read it today for free. You do n’t know how to add my Wei. You can also search for the official account of Immortal Wu Zun directly in the signal. It ’s me, and I do n’t know if there are book friends who can draw pictures. Add me too.

"What are you arrogant!" Seeing Yang's time full of excitement, a young youth of the Kirin tribe next to the lunar calendar, stepped forward and yelled, "You just rely on that little beast, what a hero? If you fight alone, I Children of the Kirin tribe can crush you in minutes. "

"Crush me?" Xiao Yun frowned and laughed, "Is it you?"

"Yes, I'm enough to crush you!" The young man shouted coldly.

"The baby market is fourfold?" Xiao Yun touched the bridge of his nose and looked at the young man.

"Why, are you afraid?" Seeing Xiao Yun's appearance, the young man sneered at the corner of his mouth, and said, "If you are afraid, I can suppress the dual state of the infant market." He also felt Xiao. That's why Yun said at this time.

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