Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1119: 3 lose you!

By the peacock pool, the breeze swayed and rolled the green willow.

At this time, several descendants of the Kirin family and Kong Danchen came here, and after seeing Xiao Yun, they all showed their hatred.

One even provoked directly.

In this regard, Kong Danchen did not mean to stop.

Instead, he stared at Xiao Yun with a playful smile.

It also heard about what happened to Mouse Field that day.

& n $ 猪 $ 猪 $ 岛 $ 小说 (www). (zhu) (zhu) (). () bsp; It's also very curious for this young ethnic group. I want to see if this person is really talented, or Relying solely on that little beast, fierce Xiaoyun was provoked by this Kirin tribe. It not only did not feel embarrassed, it also brought a few promises.

After seeing these people so provocative, Xiao Yun's mouth turned a little cold and radian.

"Hehe, since you want to fight, then I will complete you, but the suppression of the realm is not necessary, the quartet of the baby market, you don't have to be so troublesome, three tricks are enough to deal with you!" Xiao Yunlang smiled, said.

"Three tricks?" Wen Yan said, but the young eyes of the Kirin tribe became gloomy.

Although it is not as stunning as Yang Wuxu, it is also a genius of the Kirin tribe, and its rich blood is rarely comparable.

Characters like it, without mentioning emperor in the future, exist as hegemons among kings.

But at this time, the young man who was only in the baby market duality said that he only needed three measures to deal with himself?

Is this ignoring it?

This is simply contempt of it!

Suddenly, the person's eyes were cold, and the step was taken forward, Shen said, "Since you are looking for abuse, then don't blame me." After the words fell, there was a strong unicorn on it. The pulse of blood burst out.

"Kirin tribe, Yang Chengan!" The young man stared at the light, and said.

The general trend of it began to condense, ready to shoot at any time.

There is a big gap in every aspect of the baby market.

Although this person is only the fourfold realm of the infant market, but it has strong Qilin blood, the momentum burst out, which is enough to be comparable to those big demons in the sixfold realm of the infant market. It is no wonder that this person will understand Be proud.

Only in this regard, Xiao Yun seemed quite indifferent.

The momentum of the other side swept, he did not even move.

It seemed as if the horror was blowing in the breeze, and it had no effect on him at all.

"Let's do it!" Xiao Yun said with a brow lightly.

"Take the move!" Yang Chengan's eyes flashed, and he took a step forward and blasted Xiao Yun into a punch.

The fist flickered, and there was a vast trend behind him.

It looked like it was being pulled by it.

Not only that, it blasted out with a punch, the light pattern on that fist flickered, and a unicorn evolved out.

The flash of this unicorn flew towards Xiao Yun ahead.

This is the bloodline supernatural power.

After reaching a certain level, with the blood in the body, as long as the mind is moving, magical power can be evolved.

When this unicorn came out, it was fierce and imposing. It was like the same unicorn flew, with a huge ancient Wei swept away.


A punch punched, the void shook, and ripples ran forward.

A violent wind swept away, accompanied by a hot flame.

The flames were like stormy waves, and the momentum seemed to drown the world.

With such a blow, the power is amazing, it can already break the mountains, and with one punch, it is enough to sweep all directions.

"My Kirin tribe has tremendous strength and strong physique. One punch can smash mountains and rivers. Few people in the same realm can compare, but I don't know if this Xiao Yun can take the Chengan fist?" Grinning and murmured.

"Hehe, the rumor is that the human race is weak, the flesh is soft and weak, and I think most of this Xiao Yun can't take this punch."

A young youth of the unicorns laughed.

The unicorn boy carried his hands on his back and stared at the front lightly.

"I hope this little thief will not use the treasure." Lin Lin stared at Xiao Yun tightly, for fear that the latter would use the treasure to defend the enemy, but she knew that this young man had once cut off the king, and most of them had Powerful restraint.

So she paid close attention to Xiao Yun.

But facing this punch, Xiao Yun looked very faint.

He just stared at Yang Chengan lightly.

Xiao Yun took a step forward when the fist wind rolled in, blowing his robes.

Then he punched out.

This is a simple punch, and it doesn't use any martial arts uprights, let alone any precious things.

"He didn't use the treasure?"

Seeing this, several young people of the Kirin tribe were all surprised.

"There is no martial arts mystery in this fist?" Even that Kong Danchen was also surprised.

"The human race is weak. He does not use the treasure, and does not need martial arts. How can he fight against the powerful blood of my demon race?"

Everyone looked suspicious.

You know, the blood of the demon clan is powerful, and even with an ordinary punch, the blood of the blood can burst, and it can collapse the mountains and rivers.

What's more, after reaching the infant market, the body is also extremely powerful, and it can also pull the heaven and earth. Is the punch of a fist a human race boy? So I can see that Xiao Yun is also a simple one After the boxing, everyone in the Kirin tribe was stunned.

Although they have not competed with the human race.

But they also know from ancient books that if the human race wants to compete with the demon race, they must urge the powerful martial arts supernatural power.

At this moment, Xiao Yun was fighting with flesh and blood. Is this fighting?

Fighting with the Kirin tribe, isn't that trying to die?

Then Liner was staring at Xiao Yun tightly.


When the demons were surprised, they saw Xiao Yun's fist flash, and he struck the unicorn ghost that Yang Chengan had evolved. Now, since the figure collapsed.


A muffled noise came out, and the ghost trembled, and then everyone saw a flash of ignition light burst, the original flames rolled, the fierce Kirin actually broke up, and then the young man's fist flashed, and it was with Yang Chengan. Fists confrontation.


One person, one demon, two fists confronted each other, and a vast force burst out from between the fists, making this void shudder, and the shocking waves oscillated, turning into a horrible storm that swept the four sides, and in Under the impact of this kind of force, the sound of bone fracture also came out. When this sound came out, those young demons who watched the war next to them were shocked.

"Whose bone is broken?" The young people of the Qilin tribe widened their eyes.

"It must be the bones of the young man of that tribe." A young man said firmly.

How powerful are the physical bodies of these Kirin people?

After reaching the infant market, he can use a pair of fists to crush the spirit soldiers, even if he does not use his blood.

How can the cowardly people be compared to it?

It was just when the youths of these Kirin tribe spoke firmly, Yang Cheng'an's arm trembled and his body receded. Every time he stepped back, the soles of the feet trembled and the ground was blessed. Grain, otherwise it is necessary to leave a few deep footprints. I can imagine how much strength this Yang Chengan has endured at this time.


After seventeen steps back, Yang Chengan was able to stabilize his figure.

Just after stabilizing his body, the corners of his mouth should even spill a little blood.

He slowly raised his head, and turned forward, his face paled slightly.

In addition, there are incredible expressions in its eyes.

After seeing this scene, the youth of the Kirin tribe were even more surprised.

Because at this time the young man in front of the people seemed to stand still like the mountains.

Apparently, Yang Cheng'an fell into a disadvantage with this blow.

Such a scene, contrary to their expectations, how can everyone not be surprised?

"Cheng'an, did you show mercy just now?" Seeing this, a younger man couldn't help asking.

Suddenly, all the young people of the Kirin tribe headed for Yang Cheng'an.

"He is merciful?" Wen Yan said, then Yang Cheng'an looked bitter, and he couldn't help snarling. "You mother is only merciful, and Lao Tzu clearly shows his full strength, okay?" It ’s just depressed, but it is also embarrassed. speak out.

Therefore, it had to cheek to Xiao Yun opposite.

"Yes, I didn't expect you to have two more sons." The Yang Cheng'an stared at the light, and looked at Xiao Yun. "It's just that I didn't use my Qilin tribe's blood power. Next, I won't show mercy on you. You have to be careful. Now. "

After that, its momentum soared again.

And this time, his whole body was tumbling with blood, the robe agitated, and a sea of ​​fire evolved behind him.

At the same time, its body is futile, with a unicorn appearing beside it, and it looks like a unicorn.

The sea of ​​fire rolled, and Kirin walked on the sea.

This Yang Chengan agitated the blood power of the Qilin tribe.

The unicorn is tall and can be more than ten meters. It advances on the sea of ​​flames, and every step is a burst of breath that comes from the wildness. The momentum of the tyrant shakes the void in front of it. The horror momentum makes many The youth of the Qilin tribe is utterly stark.

In particular, those young people who are only one-two and two-state in Caiying Market have awe in their eyes, their fists clenched tightly, and their faces are full of excitement.

"Cheng Ange has evolved the Kirin true body, multiplying its strength ~ ~ This is enough to crush the big monsters in the sixfold realm of the infant market." A young eyebrow enviously said, "In its current state , It should be easy to win this ethnic tribe! "

You know, the six big demon in the infant market it said are the great blood demon.

For those ordinary monsters, even the strongest in the Seven-Border Realm of the Infant Ruins are not as powerful as their unicorns.

This is the advantage of bloodline.

The unicorn is a sacred animal. In ancient times, it was a domineering party, allowing the demon to exist in awe.

Big monsters such as the sea shark and the **** tribe come out, they are not enough to watch.

"Is Kirin really?" Feeling the momentum that Yang Cheng'an sent out, Xiao Yun's mouth evoked a little smile. At this time, he finally had such a trace of interest, but this was only a trace to crush this. People ’s interests.

To defeat, we must defeat the unicorn that has evolved its peak combat power.

Only in this way can this demon persuade.

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