Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1122: Hard to shake the unicorn ...

The sea of ​​flames at the peacock pool rolled, and the waves were soaring. I could only see that Kirin's son shot with all his strength. The punch blasted out, but it contained magical power.


When the punch blasted out, the void in front of it was broken like a mirror.

Such a punch can completely break the top spirit soldier.

Under this fist, the mountains must be turned into powder.

"Already the power of the king!" Feeling the power of that punch, Xiao Yun's eyes flashed with fiery light.

& nb, pig, pig, island, fiction ww.zhuzhudasp; but, even though the unicorn boy in front of him is coming down like a mountain, he is still standing still.

Palm Splitting the Stars!

Facing Kirin's aggressive attack, Xiao Yun did not retreat. He split his fist with the palm of his hand.

This palm split, the momentum is amazing, there is a divine mystery permeating.

Not only that, Xiao Yun's palm flickered like an iron palm cast from fire gold.

This is the evolution of the Yan Shen armor that day, making the palm extremely hard.

After being tempered by Tianjie and quenched by Qilin's real fire, Xiao Yun's physical strength has reached an astonishing level.

Not even the top spirit soldier can match his physique.

A pair of meat palms, at this time, looks like golden jade.


I saw Xiao Yun split it with one palm, leaving a beautiful arc in the void.

This style is very simple, the palm across the void is like a breeze blowing over the green willow.

At this time, this attack is in stark contrast to that of Kirin's aggressive attack.

Seeing this, the young people of the major demons all showed cold smiles.

"This simple attack can also fight with Kirin Boy?" A young boy of the Kirin family sneered, as if he had seen the scene where Xiao Yun was crushed, that is, the seventh son of Kong was also surprised, staring at Xiao Yun incredibly .

"Why Brother Xiao shot like this?" Kong Qigongzi looked puzzled.

"This is the human martial arts, which contains infinite mysteries." But the swallowing **** were narrowed, staring closely.

Many monsters in the demon domain know nothing about human martial arts.

They repaired the supernatural power of blood, so Xiao Yun's palm splitting of the stars urged him to come out of Kong Qigong.

Only the big demon who has been in and out of Tiandu District and has seen a lot of strong human races can know the extraordinaryness of this palm.

"It's not enough just to repair Xiaoyunzi."


At this moment, Xiao Yun's palm crossed the void, and the palm of his hand was torn a little from the veins of the Unicorn Prince, and the light veins bloomed by the Unicorn were torn, and then his palm took advantage Then confronted with the unicorn in the sea of ​​fire.


This palm was unstoppable and defeated the unicorn.

"Actually defeated the unicorn evolved from my flesh?" Seeing this, the eyes of the unicorn boy revealed surprise.

Although this unicorn just evolved from its flesh, its powerful attack power is enough to sweep the infant market.

But at this time, this unicorn was actually defeated by this young people.

It surprised him.

"It's a bit tricky," said Kirin's eyes, and he snorted coldly. "But how do you take my unicorn arm?"

After a cold hum, its unicorn arm had bombarded away.

In the void, the light and shadow flickered, and Xiao Yun's palm flicked against Kirin's fist.


A loud noise shook, and an astonishing wave erupted at the place where the palm and the fist met.

The kind of volatility that swept through it actually contained a breath of palpitations.

The breath seemed to carry a hint of mystery.

"How could there be a kind of trembling soul in that aftermath." Kong Danchen's eyes showed surprise in the distance.

Xiao Yun's style contains the mystery of God.

Therefore, the aftershock swept through with an inexplicable divine power.

This kind of power made the young people of the monsters next to them jump in their hearts and felt inexplicable fear.

"Is this the martial arts upright meaning?" Kong Qigongzi stared at the light, and at this moment felt the Yun of Xiao Yun's fist.


Only at this time, the palm and the fist confronted, and the two horrible forces violently confronted in a short period of time.

Zhang Xing is worthy of the martial arts of the gods.

It was just one style that made the veins of the unicorns evolved by the bloodline supernatural powers of the unicorn masters constantly collapse and disappear.

It's just that the son of Kirin is too powerful.

Its majestic blood, like a dragon like a tiger, seems to have infinite power.

It seems that there is a unicorn in his fist, which will destroy the mystery of God in Xiao Yun's palm.

Under this kind of entanglement, Xiao Yun was finally unsupported and was knocked out by a vast unicorn blood.

He flew backwards, Xiao Yun stabilized his body from a kilometer away.

He kept his pace steady, with blood spilling from the corners of his mouth.

This unicorn boy is too strong, there seems to be infinite power in that fist.

One is a half-step king, and the other is just the peak of the baby market.

The strength of the two is not at a level.

Even though Xiao Yun's palm was strong, he could not beat him.

"Half-step king, really strong!" Xiao Yun stepped forward, slowly raising his head after holding his body.

Although there was blood in the corner of his mouth, he was full of fiery light in his eyes when he looked forward at the young man.

Although it was a little bit windy at this time, Xiao Yun was still full of confidence.

Just a blow, if ordinary people are afraid of even breaking their arms.

Under the impact of that force, even the viscera was broken.

But Xiao Yun resisted.

Not only that, there was almost no discomfort in his palm, and his bones didn't break.

"My meridians and bones have indeed become stronger than the royal soldiers after being tempered by Kirin's true fire."

Xiao Yun's eyes were hot.

At this moment, the blood in the corner of his mouth was just because the blood in his body was reversed by the powerful force of the son of Kirin.

It can be said that he was not injured at all in this blow.

"This kid isn't a big deal?" And when Xiao Yun's figure stabilized, the young people of the Kirin tribe next to him were all surprised. According to what they thought, the hit of the Kirin kid was enough to kill the youth of this tribe Immovable!

But at this time the blood in the youth was still strong, and there was no sign of serious injuries.

"How can he resist such a powerful attack?" Even Kong Danchen was surprised by Lulu's eyes.

It asks itself to be a genius.

But if you let it face the hit of the Kirin boy just now, it will also be seriously injured.

That's it, but the young people of the opposite ethnic group in Caiying Market are safe and sound?

How can this not be shocking?

"It seems that Brother Xiao is indeed superior!" Kong Qigongzi secretly murmured.

"It's a tough enemy." Qing Ziyao's eyes flashed, showing a stark color.

Being able to persevere under the powerful attack of Prince Kirin, such characters are scarcely even seen in the demon realm.

"This Xiao Yun actually resisted this blow from me?" The most surprised man was Kirin.

At this moment, his eyes moved slightly, and Xiao Yun's eyes were full of shock.

The feeling brought about during the confrontation just now makes it hard to forget.

The young man of that ethnic group split it with one palm, which was obviously very simple.

But when the two confronted each other, the momentum diffused in the palms of the palms caused its veins to burst a little, and the momentum that broke everything made it feel terrified. It is difficult to imagine a baby market How can the youth of the dual realm have this power.

What if he reaches the half-step king state?

"You have to go all out." Kirin's eyes lighted, and he felt an inexplicable pressure.

If you don't try your best, I'm afraid it will be difficult to hurt the young man in one fell swoop.

After a secret whisper in his heart, Qilin's blood rolled in his body.

If you listen carefully, there is a roaring beast roaring in it, and the pounding blood bursts out, making its momentum soar. At this time, scale skin emerges on its skin, and the entire person is inexplicably elevated Three feet.

Although no Kirin true body has evolved.

But at this time, the unicorn boy looks like a human unicorn.

Kirin holds the moon!

The unicorn boy's eyes condensed, and he pulled with both hands to evolve a powerful martial art.

This is martial arts and a supernatural power.

But he saw that this unicorn boy's hands were moving endlessly.

The lines between the two hands are dangled to make the moon hug.

Xiao Yun was like that month, completely blocked by it.

Then, between its hands, the pattern was blooming, turning into a flame blade strangling towards Xiao Yun between those hands.

The blade of fire was cut, and the momentum was amazing, with the power of a king.

Every slash came to tear the void.

When he deceived him, he looked like a unicorn.

Such a powerful offensive is almost irresistible.

"This unicorn hold the moon was created by an old emperor of my tribe. The power is endless, and you can hang the enemy in one fell swoop!" Seeing the strong shot of the unicorn son, the youth of the unicorn tribe sneered. Can you resist it? "

"Oh, I think he's probably going to be torn." Many people grinned.

Half step king shot with all his strength, can't he still win this young man?

"Kirin holds the moon?" Seeing this, Xiao Yun felt a little stunned in his heart. He did not expect that the Kirin tribe also had such a strong martial art.

This blood-based martial art is more powerful than many ethnic martial arts.

"Sweep the world!" Xiao Yun's eyes lighted and his body moved, which prompted the second of Zhentian's three styles.

This type of urging, the leg shadow flickered across the field.

If you look closely, these legs are turned into unicorn legs.

Obviously, Xiao Yun merged Qilin's vitality with Tianyan Shenjiajue, and the three styles of that town.

Not only that, but a powerful war will be blessed.

Under the blessing of this kind of power, his power of this type was suddenly exerted to the limit.

Bang, bang!

Kirin's legs swept the square ~ ~ In this game, there seem to be countless Xiao Yun shooting together.

As far as the unicorn's legs, the void shattered, and the flames were kicked and shattered, almost unstoppable.

This style really has the potential to sweep the world and break the mountains and rivers.

"This kid is so fierce!"

"It actually merged Kirin's legs with martial arts!" Seeing this, the big demon's eyes next to him were surprised.

"This is borrowing the strength of my Kirin tribe!" The youth of the Kirin tribe looked dumbfounded.

Although this young man's martial arts is extraordinary, it is difficult to sweep the world without the cooperation of Kirin's legs.

But they just had to stare.

Because it's a fact Xiao Yun's integration of Kirin's blood, it's useless to yell and curse.

"Suppressing the world!" Xiao Yun urged in a martial arts style, swept the four sides, and then he moved suddenly and suddenly rose up.

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