Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1123: Xiao Yun

By the peacock pool, the unicorn's legs flashed, defeating the blood power of the unicorn's son.

Kirin holds the moon very delicately, once caught in it, few people in the same level can be rivaled.

It is Xiao Yun who has to admit that the martial arts supernatural power created based on blood is extremely powerful.

It is just that this powerful martial art is still unable to trap Xiao Yun.

The three forms of Zhentian are the martial arts of the gods. Now Xiao Yun has stepped into the infant market, and has become more conscious of the heaven and earth uprights.

Therefore, the martial arts became more powerful.


After performing a sweep of the world, Xiao Yun's body stood up and appeared in the sky.

"Avoided by him?" Seeing this, many young people of the Qilin tribe were surprised.

How powerful is the unicorn hug of the unicorn boy just now?

The attack evolved by each ray of road pattern is comparable to the king.

Under this attack, even half-step kings, even quasi-kings, were hanged.

However, Xiao Yun defeated the attack and then stood up.

"This young ethnic group is very strong!" Many people secretly thought.

At this moment, few people dare to underestimate Xiao Yun.

Suppress the world!

At this moment, Xiao Yun, who jumped into the sky, swooped down and fell down.

Then everyone saw that in the void there was a huge unicorn giant palm photographed in the air.

This unicorn is huge and can be as big as a hundred feet.

The giant palm scale armor is vivid and lifelike, and it also exudes a unicorn power.

This is really like a unicorn giant palm.

Even the power of the unicorn radiated from it is stronger than that of the unicorn genius Yang Chengan.

This creates the illusion.

This Kirin boy is not fighting against a young human race, but is playing against a Kirin demon.

The giant palm fell, and the light pattern bloomed, which contained a strong warfare, which was like the waves of the sea capsized.

Under this momentum, the void trembled and shattered.

As the giant palm passes, the demons can see the void crumbling.

An astonishing fluctuation pervaded, and it was comparable to the king.

"This ... what kind of monster is this Xiao Yun?"

Such a powerful offensive surprised many young people of the Kirin tribe.

Obviously a human race, but more fierce than their Kirin tribe.

"Is the infant strength of the second infant market the same combat power?" Seeing this, several young people of the Peacock tribe showed their faces with utter anger.

At first they thought that this young man was nothing great, and at the beginning he could only defeat the king by relying on a strong hole card.

The crushing of the emperors was because of the little beast.

But at this moment, this young man is strong enough to break into the top 20 of the Sky Monster list!

There is even a tendency to top ten.

Thinking of this, the demon shook his head and could not help feeling a little baffled.

How could a human kid be so cruel?

Are all Terrans so powerful?

Didn't the ancient books left by the ancestors say that the human race was weak?

"It seems I have to go back and look through the ancient books." Kong Danchen murmured inwardly.

However, they did not know that Zhentian's three styles were martial arts of the gods. Although there were only three simple styles, each style was better than one style. Now Xiao Yun tries his best to make a shot. Is that power comparable to ordinary martial arts? Under this formula, even Kirin's son felt a tremendous pressure.


The void above it was breaking up.

Not only that, a horrifying force oppressed, causing the blood in its body to tumble.

It felt like the sky was cracking down, and the bones were crackling.

The colored lights bloomed on the ground, and a forbidden pattern emerged to dissolve the force of terror.

If it weren't for these forbidden patterns, I'm afraid the earth would collapse at this time.

Rao is so. Under this horrible power, a raging sea has set off in the peacock pond in the distance.

The waves flickered and dazzled with lights, as if there were peacocks dancing in that pond, and they looked beautiful.

The powerful force suppressed the downfall, and Kirin felt that his meridians were about to break.

At that moment, the whole body's blood gas skyrocketed, the fist blasted out, the arm extended, and it turned into a giant unicorn arm that blasted away towards the giant palm. Suddenly, the giant palm that was suppressed down hit him with the unicorn arm , Issued a violent impact.


The palm fists clashed and dazzled in the void.

One is Kirin Palm, the other is Kirin Boxing.

One is a young man of ethnic origin, and the other is a descendant of Kirin.

But Xiao Yun of that race did not show any sign of defeat under this impact.

Instead, the unicorn within the palm of the unicorn sent a terrible war.

The war was like a wave, and it fell over and over again.

Under the blessing of this war, the blood of Kirin's son was weakened a little.

Eventually, war will invade its arms and start to ravage its meridians, qi and blood.

This style has the mystery of the gods, and in conjunction with the warlike spirit of Wuhun, Xiao Yun is as pervasive as Hong Hong.

Finally, Kirin's fist trembled and the dow pattern collapsed, and his extended fist was suppressed.

A monstrous war will fall over.

The war will drown Kirin's son immediately.

The giant palm also fell.

When the giant palm fell, everyone saw that the son of Kirin was suppressed.

Its body, which had been three feet tall, started to be one foot shorter.

Such a scene, many people were shocked to see.

"Kirin boy couldn't resist this attack?" Exclaimed.

The young people of the Peacock and Qianyi Shenpeng are all shocked.

The dignified Kirin son took the half-step king's cultivation as a shot, but was unable to win the young man of that race.

Not only that, but it was suppressed by that ethnic youth?


Just then, a roar sounded.

I saw the unicorn boy who was struggling to support under that huge palm and gave a loud roar.

This roar shook Jiuxiao, and it attracted the attention of countless monsters in Peacock City.

"what's going on?"

"This seems to be Kirin's roar!"

"There!" Countless big monsters came along in sonic induction in surprise.

"It's Kirin, he's fighting against people!"

"Who is that young man?"

"That's Xiao Yun, a young man of ethnicity!" Suddenly, many people found the son of Kirin.

Many people came to this moment.


At this time, the boy Kirin roared, the blood in his body tumbled, and the road pattern lingered around like an air dragon.

Its body began to rise steadily, with a terror of blood bursting out.

Under the shock of that terrible momentum, Xiao Yun's huge palm finally stopped the repression.

Then everyone saw the ripples around the son of Kirin, and it turned into a giant unicorn.

This time it's not humanoid unicorn.

It turns into a real unicorn.

This unicorn is ten meters tall, with scaled armor on his body, a single horn on his head, and a dragon whisker in his mouth, which looks quite mighty.


The roar shook, the momentum of terror burst out, Xiao Yun's huge palm was lifted off, and a raging fire wave rolled up, causing his body to be affected as well. In surprise, Xiao Yun flew to the rear with the momentum, and the foot shocked. He settled down after a thousand kilometers.

At this time, a unicorn roared in front of him, glaring at Xiao Yun.

"Kirin's real body?" Looking at the unicorn male who evolved into Kirin's real body in front of him, Xiao Yun's eyes showed a faint color. After the evolution of the real body, the blood power of this Kirin's male body was completely stimulated. come out.

At this time, it is strong enough to defeat the king.

"Kirin's son actually evolved Kirin's true body!" After seeing this scene, the youthful eyes of the thousand-winged god-peng's veins were astonished, and awe-inspiring light appeared in their eyes, because at this time the son of Kirin The momentum coming out is really too strong.

That momentum made them frightened.

"What happened?" In the void, a middle-aged man strolled.

The man's colorful light bloomed, it was a big demon of the peacock tribe.

When this person appeared, a powerful momentum capsized down.

This momentum made the air in the Peacock Pool seem to be frozen, and the demons cast their eyes in fear.

"Uncle Ling, a friend of mine is here to discuss, and it is not a big deal." Kong Qigong looked up and smiled slightly after seeing someone.

"Oh." The middle-aged man stared at the light, glanced at the young man in the field, and later said, "It's okay to learn, but don't make a life, after all, at this time, all ethnic groups are in my family." When my eyes move, I take everything in the field into my eyes,

"Yes!" Kong Qigong nodded.

"Kirin's true body?" After seeing that Kirin's son who evolved the true body, the big demon's eyes showed surprise.

"This ethnic young man has some means." The demon secretly murmured.

Then it left here.

But even though he left this place, it is still watching this war.

In fact, at this time, there are many big monsters who have released their spiritual knowledge and are paying attention to everything that happens here.

They are also curious about this battle.

When the demon left, the atmosphere by the peacock pool was slightly weird.

Xiao Yun fell to the ground with blood in his mouth.

The unicorn boy evolved the unicorn real body just now, and the momentum is amazing.

He almost got hurt under the sudden burst of power.

But also at this time, the magic of Tianyan Shenjiao was fully exerted.

Even though that power is vast, it still cannot hurt Xiao Yun's physique.

The strength of his meridians, bones, and muscles is already comparable to that of the king.

Based on this, Xiao Yun and the people have been defeated in the first battle.

Of course, the kind of powerful oppression also made his blood veins rupture, and the real element was restless.

It's just that this oppression has made its warfare more powerful ~ ~ it is waiting for this moment.

Only in this way, his potential can be constantly stimulated.

Only in this way can he reach the extreme.

At this time, the people of the Qilin tribe were all gloomy.

Kirin's son evolved Kirin's true body, although powerful, but for them there is nothing to show off.

Instead, it is a shame.

The dignified Kirin boy, half-step magical realm, was forced to evolve into a Kirin real body by a baby boy in the two layers of the realm under the best efforts. At this time, even if the Kirin boy won, there is nothing to be proud of. The tribe's eyes were gloomy.

"It's time to abolish this Xiao Yun." Some people secretly wondered, hoping that the son of Kirin would abandon Xiao Yun in one fell swoop.

Only by eradicating this youth can this disgrace be dissipated.

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