Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1124: Physical fitness

The Unicorn Prince evolved into a real body.

At this moment it stepped on the sea of ​​fire, the road was dangled in mist, and the fog was sulking.

That looks like an ancient unicorn Linchen.

After the evolution of the real body, the momentum of the son of Kirin skyrocketed. The power from the bloodline spread to make the distant practitioners feel hairy. When the **** stood in the distance, he felt the soul tremble. Shivering.

This is the oppression from the blood.

She was worried at this time.

& | Pig | Pig | Island | Fiction www. [Zhu] [zhu] []; "Can Xiao Xiaozi fight this Kirin boy?" Manju's heart was tense.

The Kirin boy at this time is too powerful, even more powerful than the black wind monster when he came to commit the crime.

How can Xiao Yun fight now?

"Gong Xiao can push Kirin to this point, and even if he loses, it is enough to be proud." Kong Qi Gongzi laughed, "Presumably after this battle, he will truly become famous in my demon domain and become That character. "

Even Qing Ziyao's emotions are inexplicable at this time.

When Xiao Yunli defeated Niu Qingtian, he didn't take it seriously.

But at this moment, it had to give this young man a high look.

"For so many years, you are the first person who can push this boy to this one." The boy Kirin evolved his real body, with a flash of fierce light in his eyes, and the huge beast's body looked down at Xiao Yun. Violent colors permeated.

"Next, you can bear the anger of my unicorns!"

After a cold hum, the boy Kirin stepped forward.

Its pace trembled, the void trembled, and the sea of ​​fire rolled behind, with a towering wave of fire rolling away in front of it.

Haven't shot yet, but this momentum is enough to scare the monsters below countless kings.

The waves of fire rolled up and distorted the void.

"Who can fight against one another like this?" When the son of Kirin stepped in, the youth of the thousand wings of God Peng backed up, although they have been separated for several kilometers, but the horrible fluctuations still made them frightened. .


However, in the face of this horrible momentum, Xiao Yun was trembling with ambition.

His eyes were fiery, and only the outrageous warfare burst out.

The terrible momentum on the opposite side caused the blood in his body to boil, and the endless war-fighting spirit of the war-fighting spirit in the sea came out. Under this war-fear Xiao Yun suddenly forgot the fear, the gap of strength, Only combat intentions.

war! war! war!

Xiao Yun stepped forward and took the initiative.

The battle intention blessed him, and his palms split forward.

Palm Splitting the Stars!

In a split, the void was cut through a crack.

At this time, Xiao Yun combined the unicorn flesh, the Tianyan **** armor, and the battle Wuhun with the town's three types of heavens.

It can be said that this type of power was maximized by him.

Splitting out, the sea of ​​fire in front was torn, and then Xiao Yun took advantage of the situation to kill the past.

"If you can still beat me this time, my Kirin son will meet you in the future and will retreat!" Seeing Xiao Yun's killing, Kirin son's eyes lightened, he snorted coldly, and took a picture of Xiao Yun in front At this time, its height can be more than ten meters.

Photographed by that big palm, he stood high, and a fire pattern bloomed in it, just like the sky canopy Xiao Yun.

The Kirin boy is already the strongest at this time.

Kirin really urged him to fight the king with a random hit.


Xiao Yun's palms crossed the void and collided with the giant palm of the Kirin boy.

The two giant palms collided, sending out a fierce confrontation, in which there was an outbreak of horrible power and a breath of god.

Both the blood of Kirin spurted out, and the violent force shook the void.

Under this confrontation, the void is crumbling, and the terror waves are pounding like a huge wave.

At the moment of the confrontation between the two sides, Xiao Yun's palms trembled, and a violent force struck him, causing him to almost shift his internal organs. The horrible power caused his blood to roll and his body was directly shaken by thousands Meters away.

boom! boom!

Xiao Yun's body was shaken by the fly, the speed was so fast, the shock of horror actually shook the void behind him.

It's not hard to imagine that if there were mountains behind him, it would certainly collapse.

Xiao Yun was shaken by the fly, but Kirin's son was as imposing as a rainbow, and its huge soles were covered with road patterns.

The sea of ​​fire rolled at his feet, carrying it toward the front.

At the same time, when he moved with a huge palm, he patted toward Xiao Yun ahead.


Xiao Yun got up, the robe danced, and when the sky was flashing, he went to kill the Unicorn Prince.

Zhentian three styles!

This time he urged Zhentian three styles continuously.

Kirin holds the moon!

The son of the unicorn shot, and his giant palm moved, extending endlessly.

Can kill thousands of miles away after the supernatural powers.

Nowadays, although it is only a half-step magical state, when it is shot, it is enough to extend a thousand meters.

This type of martial arts has become more powerful, and the arm holding the moon blooming endless unicorn fire pattern almost trapped Xiao Yun.

That powerful attack was such that it couldn't be cracked.


Attacks hit him, and Xiao Yun vomited blood.

However, it is more and more courageous, even if he vomits blood, it has not been completely taken down.

Instead, he killed directly after several shots.

Suppress the world!

Photographed with a palm, the momentum is amazing, a little stronger than before.

"Break me!" Kirin hummed coldly.

Then she saw only one volume of her unicorn tail, as if the whip struck Xiao Yun, who was down with repression.

Become a beast, although the body loses its flexibility, but it can be turned into a weapon throughout the body, killing people by surprise.

The unicorn struck his tail, breaking the void.

Then fiercely hit Xiao Yun's giant palm.


I only heard the loud noise, Xiao Yun's huge palm trembled. If the whole person was bombarded by thunder, his body was shaken, and he flew upside down. There was a mouthful of blood in his mouth. He vomited blood twice, and in the face of the Kirin son at this time, he has lost his advantage.

The boy Kirin killed.

However, although Xiao Yun vomited blood, he was still zealous.

Such a scene is shocking.

"This boy bleeds blood several times, and he is going to lose. Why is he still fighting?" Kong Danchen was suspicious.

"This little thief is really an undead monster!" Lin Er pursed her lips, and she was quite uncomfortable.

This Kirin boy has evolved even his real body. Why ca n’t he easily take it down?

"Have battled Kirin Boys for 300 rounds, Xiao Xiao Xiao is really amazing!"

"Who said no, didn't they say the human race was weak?" Some young people of the Peacock people were puzzled.

It stands to reason that under the kind of attack of the Prince Kirin, even the quasi-king, even the king, will drink and hate it!

But this ethnic youth is getting more and more brave and surprisingly powerful.

They did not know that Xiao Yun's physical strength at this time was no worse than that of Kirin.

Even its bones were tempered by Kirin's real fire and blood, and it has long been as powerful as the royal soldiers.

With such a strong physique, even if Xiao Yun wants to lose, it is not so easy.

"Xiao Gongzi entered the Unicorn Pool and tempered the flesh with the Kirin under the god's platform. I was afraid that at this time, his physical strength was beyond ordinary people. See his palm split away and confronted with the Unicorn Prince, but there was no fracture. Does that physique have reached the level of the king's spiritual soldier? "Seeing Xiao Yun's undefeated battle for a long time, Kong Qigong's son looked more and more shocked, and his face looked astonished.

It has also entered the Kirin Pool itself.

With the Qilin Real Fire Kong Qigongzi also tempered his body much stronger than before.

Think about it at this time, but Xiao Yun entered the Kirin Pool under the Shentai.

The Kirin Real Fire and Kirin's blood are very strong there. If you use this to temper the flesh, how terrible will it be?

Therefore, Xiao Yun can fight the king is justified.

"Is Xiao Yun ready to fight the king?" Qing Ziyao's eyes were complicated.

When Xiao Yun fought with Niu Qingtian, he didn't take it seriously.

Because Niu Qingtian is extraordinary, but he cannot compare it with it.

So it did not take Xiao Yun seriously.

However, at this time, Xiao Yun was able to use the repair of the two layers of the infant market to evolve the unicorn boy of the unicorn.

Still long undefeated.

Such a record, even it dare not imagine.

By comparison, this young man is obviously stronger than it.

This made Qingzi Yao feel inexplicably bitter in his heart.

At the same time it has a reluctance to fight against this young man.

"My Qianyi Shenpeng has this extreme speed. If it is a war, this Xiao Yun may not be better than me." Qing Ziyao secretly thought.

Just when everyone was shocked by Xiao Yun's fighting power, a shocking wave broke out.

But it was seen that the unicorn horn light pattern on the forehead of the unicorn boy flickered, and a supernatural power struck it.

The rainbow hit and Xiao Yunzhen flew into the distance.

At this moment, his huge palm skin flickered, and finally blood flowed out.

Before he fought with Kirin, all of them were bleed after being shaken by blood.

But the flesh and the meridian bones didn't matter much.

This was the first flesh wound.

"Oh!" At the same time, a large mouthful of blood spewed out of his mouth, and a bit of surprise appeared in those eyes.

The Kirin boy just struck a moment ago, and his power suddenly reached a peak.

"This is the unicorn magic power!"

"I didn't expect that the Kirin sons even urged the town's magical powers of the Kirin tribe!" After seeing the unicorn magical powers, the young people of the Peacock and Qianyi Shenpeng tribe were shocked. This is really great magical power!

"It is said that once the unicorn **** rainbow comes out, even the sun can be shot down!"

"Is Xiao Yun a monster? Why is his palm just fleshy ~ ~ hasn't been broken directly by this supernatural power?"

Surprised, everyone turned to Xiao Yun.

Originally, they were still impressed by the magical power of the Kirin tribe for Xiao Yun's being shot.

However, when the eyes moved, Xiao Yun's palm was only broken open to reveal the bones. Their faces were all changed, showing strange colors. It is hard to imagine that the palm of a human race would be so hard, even this magical power. Didn't break him?

"Nothing?" After seeing that Xiao Yun's palm wasn't broken, the eyes of Kirin's eyes were also surprised. At this moment, it felt angry and angry, and the handsome Kirin's son was fighting a baby with half-step magical power. The repairer of the market duality.

At this time, even the town's supernatural powers of the Qilin people urged.

But the opponent's palm wasn't broken, which made it pale.

"How can this little thief be so perverted?" Liner couldn't help but sigh gently.

Xiao Yunzhi's strength far exceeded their expectations.

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