Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1125: Are you going to be hacked ...

The son of Kirin urged the magical powers of the town clan and wounded Xiao Yun.

But this did not make the Kirin people happy.

Instead, everyone was astonished at Xiao Yun's physical strength.

"It looks like I have to do my best!" Kirin's face became more and more gloomy.

At the moment, it doesn't care much about it.

If the true body can't take over this young man, it will really be ashamed.

& $ 猪 $ 猪 $ 岛 $ Novel (www). (Zhu) (zhu) (). () Nbsp; "Kill!" Suddenly, Kirin's eyes became scarlet.

A cold humming sounded, and his body was so full of blood that a burst of bloodlines burst out.

Today, its mighty power makes all the monsters in the magical realm feel fear.

That kind of momentum even jumped to the eyebrows of Kong Qigong next to him.

The strength of the Kirin tribe is by no means a fame.


After the cold hum sounded, the giant palm of Kirin's son stretched out and was photographed in the air.

At the same time, his unicorn fluttered toward Xiao Yun.

Although it was only a tail, the void was broken by this blow.

Under such an attack, the quasi-kings would scorn.

When the tail was pulled off, the unicorn horn fire pattern on the forehead of the unicorn boy flickered, and the vein pattern was condensed immediately.

In the end, the pattern turned into a ray of light and went towards Xiao Yundong.

This is one of the magical powers of the Qilin town.

Legend has it that the true **** of the Kirin tribe can shoot down the stars in the sky with this supernatural power.

Imagine how powerful this magical power is?

Although the son of Kirin has not yet stepped into the magical powers at this time, but with his strong blood, this prestige is not something that ordinary people can resist. Even ordinary kings must retreat, but Xiao Yun is facing such attacks It is inevitable.


Xiao Yun's eyes were frozen, and after a long drink, he moved forward.

At this point the flesh and blood of his palm had healed.

He flicked his hands and hurled at the unicorn boy.

At the same time, he knows that the soul element in the sea is agitated, and the power of the vast soul element is turned into a sharp blade and cut forward.

It was just that his attack was scattered under the fierce offensive of the Prince Kirin.


That **** rainbow struck and pierced Xiao Yun's palm, with a lot of blood flowing out.

This time Kirin's son seems to have used all his strength.

The big hand was penetrated, and the bones were sensational. At the same time, the unicorn's tail struck, smashing the bones of Xiao Yun's waist and abdomen.


Xiao Yun's body collapsed and blood spit out from his mouth.

But the boy Kirin took advantage of the situation and did not give Xiao Yun a chance to breathe.

Bang, bang!

In the void, the son of the unicorn shot. Every effort was used, and the giant palm shot, directly breaking the void.

Its feet came out, and the ground shook.

Near the Peacock Pond was completely overwhelmed by the momentum of that bully.

Everyone in the field was discolored.

"This Xiao Yun is going to lose!"

"Now Kirin is trying his best, he can't blame him if he fails!"

"This is Xiao Yun, but it's pretty good to be able to stick to the baby market dual realm." At this time, there are more and more demon monks gathered near Peacock Pond, among them there are many Peacock women, and Ling Ling Women collection.

These people saw Xiao Yun retreat at this time, but still awed.

Even many of them are full of admiration for this ethnic youth.

How can the monster Kirin who can fight the half-step supernatural powers with the repair of this baby market dual realm?

In particular, even though he was bleeding, Xiao Yun was still frightened.

Every time he was hit, he fought with blood.

It looks so distressed.

His aura is awesome.

Many people have a bad taste in their hearts.

"Oh, this Xiao Yun will be defeated at this time!" The youth of the Qilin tribe sneered.

"This kid is also hard-boned, but he hasn't been killed yet?" Lengheng, a young man with a vein of Qianyi Shenpeng.

Qing Ziyao's mind was not very good.

At that time, Yiyi had wiped out the emperor in their clan and shame the Qianyi Shenpeng clan.

It also wanted to find a chance to deal with Xiao Yun.

But at this moment, after seeing this young man so brave, his eyes could not help but admire him.

How many people dare to fight the unicorn boy with the repair of the baby market duality?

But this young man has this courage.

I would like to ask, how many people can continue to fight after the defeat?

But at this time Xiao Yun was still fighting tenaciously.

Even if he bleeds blood and breaks his bones, blood stains his shirt, but he is still fighting.

"Why doesn't Brother Xiao admit defeat?" Seeing that Xiao Yun, who was constantly bleeding, Kong Qigong frowned.

It was worried.

According to the situation at this time, if this continues, there is no guarantee that this young man will not be seriously injured and dying.

If so, it would be far less beautiful!

"It's best to kill him." Several youths of the Qilin tribe secretly murmured.


At this moment, Kirin swung her tail in the void and drove it fiercely on Xiao Yun's body.

An astonishing force came and shattered Xiao Yun's bones.

Then his body flew out.


Xiao Yun fell to the ground, shaking the ground, and the ground was shaking, a spit of blood spit out of his mouth.

He was extremely embarrassed at this time.

To outsiders, he was already dying from serious injuries.

But at this time Xiao Yun's eyes still had fiery light flashing.

"This Kirin boy's combat power is already comparable to that of magical powers, but he tried his best at this time, but he could only break my bones without breaking, only his unicorn magical powers could break My bones, but I'm wearing the top royal armor, and I'm not afraid of it. "

Xiao Yun's heart was dark.

His palms were not guarded by Wang Bing, and his bones were broken by the magical powers of the Prince Kirin.

At this point he had a hole in his palm, which seemed extremely scary.

But he was not afraid.

With his life and soul, those broken bones in his body were quickly repaired.

This palm wound is slowly healing.

However, although Xiao Yun can guarantee that he will not die, it is obviously impossible to defeat the unicorn boy.

"Xiao Yun, this battle is over!" After Xiao Yun was repelled, Kirin's eyes were cold.

Its unicorn came from the sea of ​​fire.

Even Xiao Yun's tenaciousness was surprised.

Just now, he made strong shots again and again but failed to obliterate the young man.

This has made Kirin son impatient.

At the moment, it took a step forward, and the whole body was surrounded by endless fire patterns.

There is a general cohesion in it.

Vaguely, it seems to evolve into a world of fire.

An inexplicable Tao Yun followed, only to see the son of Kirin carrying a sea of ​​fire to suppress Xiao Yun down.

It's not a magical power this time.

It directly uses itself as a magical power to suppress Xiao Yun.


When it stepped down, a pattern of fire capsized down towards Xiao Yun.

Suddenly, the void was blocked.

"Half-step magic power, this is the way to approach the magic power!" Someone exclaimed when the momentum spread.

Xiao Yun also felt a tremendous pressure.

At this moment, his eyes narrowed.

"So, let's break out!" Xiao Yun looked up, looking at the Kirin boy who wanted to suppress down, a low voice came out of his mouth like a thunderous thunder, and then there was a terror in his body like a flash flood. Out.

When this momentum broke out, the void shuddered, and the momentum from the Prince Kirin was immediately resisted.

Then the sky and the earth changed colors, and a vast sky came together.


Above the sky, the clouds stirred, thick clouds came together, and a blessing of heavenly power made the air in this heaven and earth solidify for it. The majesty of that day caused countless monsters to look up and look After getting the thick clouds, the demons changed color.

"This is a robbery!" The big demon of all races by the peacock pool changed color.

"This ... this Xiao Yun is going to break through?" Seeing this, Liner's small face of the Kirin tribe showed a confused expression.

I thought the boy Kirin could immediately suppress this youth.

But this thief is going to break through?

"Breakthrough now, is it useful?" Qing Ziyao's eyes flashed with suspense.

At this point, Kirin has been killed, is it too late?

Moreover, Xiao Yun has been seriously injured at this time. With this gesture, can he survive the disaster?

I'm afraid that in this state, he will be split into soot, right?

"What is this Xiao Xiaozi going to do?" Those distant Qilin women and Lingling women were surprised.

Each of these girls will be careful about their livers in their throats.

The son of Kirin was hesitant, and he was still suppressing towards Xiao Yun.

"Zhang the stars!" Xiao Yun's eyes flashed and he shot strongly.

This formula contains all his power.

Within his knowledge of the sea, the Zhanwu soul pattern flickered and turned into a monstrous battle intention to bless him.

That palm split out, tearing the sea of ​​fire and hitting the giant palm of Kirin's son.


The loud noise trembled, and the void trembled. The giant palm of Kirin's son just trembled slightly and was not repelled.

Even if Xiao Yun tried his best, he couldn't defeat it.

An anti-shock force instead gave Xiao Yun to Zhen Fei, and there was blood in his mouth.

"Let's finish!" Xiao Yun was shocked by flying, and Kirin's eyes were cold, which was a step forward to step Xiao Yun under his feet.

It was only at this moment that the roaring clouds roared above the sky, and a loud noise suddenly sounded.

Immediately following the blessing of the vast Tianwei, that kind of Tianwei made the Kirin boy horrified.

"Not good, this guy ’s sky robbery came down." When the robbery came down that day, Kirin's body flickered, and he quickly retreated.

If others were to be dragged in while he was robbery, the consequences would be terrible.

Moreover, the day of the blaze that Xiao Yun had drawn from him was too powerful.

This day's prestige made the son of Kirin feel daunted.

The same is true, it will immediately back off.


Lei Lei flashed, and slashed towards Xiao Yun.

"Are you here?" Xiao Yun's eyes narrowed when he fell that day ~ ~ He slowly got up, filled with an inexplicable charm.

He stood on the ground like that, and seemed to merge with the heaven and earth, and seemed to communicate with the sky.

Xiao Yun looked up, and just let it fall that day.


There was a loud noise, and the light flashed.

Under the gaze of countless eyes, the demon looked at Xiao Yun with a thick bucket.

When the thunder fell, the void was split and twisted.

There was a startling wave beside it.

It is hard to imagine what kind of talents can take over this disaster.

"Will Xiao Yun be hacked to death?" After seeing Xiao Yun refusing to resist and letting Tianxia fall, many big monsters secretly murmured.

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