Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1126: Is this human or ...

Clouds condensed above the sky, with vast expanses of heaven and power covering this world.

A catastrophe fell suddenly, hitting Xiao Yun, and the dazzling calamity bloomed, as if Guanghai was drowning it.

The dazzling light makes people dare not look directly. Under this dazzling sea of ​​light, the demon can no longer see the young among them.

Seeing this, the nerves of the demon's whole body also tightened for it.

They can hardly imagine. Can Xiao Yun, who is seriously injured, still have the power to withstand the calamity?

"This Xiao Gongzi will not be hacked into this, right? (Pig) (Pig) (Island) novel" There is a female demon frowning, her face full of worries, so she looks full of charm and looks The infinite style has caused a lot of young people's eyes to look at each other, especially the women of the Cai Dai ethnic group.

At this point, even the seventh son of Kong frowned.

Only the tanuki was clenched in jade hands, and the narrow and charming eyes had the expected light flashing.

"If Prince Xiao can resist this calamity, he should be able to defeat that unicorn boy!" Man Beveled secretly.

"Resist this calamity?" The murmur of Manju was heard by the youth of the Kirin tribe next to him. After hearing this, when someone even glared, "Well, at this moment Xiao Yun's bones broke and he was seriously injured. How can we resist this disaster? "

"I think he will be hacked to death by the sky." The people of the Qilin tribe echoed.

"Oh, I want to avoid the attack of the Prince Kirin with the sky, but I don't know that he will fall under the sky, this Xiao Yun really is a cocoon to restrain himself!" Qian Yi Shen Peng also has a youth sneer, that The eyes were full of gloom.

The talent shown by Xiao Yun just now is too scary.

Even Kirin's son couldn't easily take it down.

How many people in this world can fight with the same level?

Moreover, the little beast around the young man was against the sky, and even the emperor could not wipe it out.

At this time, if he can fall under the scourge of heaven, it will also relieve the resentment in their hearts.

An emperor was wiped out, which is destined to be a shame that cannot be erased from the veins of Qianyi Shenpeng!

So these people also want to watch Xiao Yun fall.

Also when everyone's minds were different, the thunder that broke on Xiao Yun dissipated.

Then, the horrible Tianwei was temporarily restrained, and the dazzling light was not there.

At this moment the light disappeared, and the young man's body finally appeared in the sight of everyone.

"Have you been hacked?" The big demon of all races stared tightly forward.

Looking around, Xiao Yun was still standing there.

At this time, there was a flash of cataclysm on him, and he was integrated into the body and into the sea.

With this integration, his breath actually began to rise continuously.

Not only that, his eyes became brighter.

A stream of Tao Yun permeated from him.

Looking from a distance, it makes people feel that this young man seems to be out of the world and has been integrated into the world.

"This kid isn't dead?" Seeing this, the young people of the Qilin tribe all widened their eyes and showed an incredible look. Just now, this young man has been beaten to death by his own son, how can he resist such a powerful man? God of calamity?

Could this day's disaster be fake?

Several youths of the Qilin tribe even rolled their eyes and turned to the void.

At this time, I felt away, only to see the thick clouds in the void, the vast sky covering the heaven and earth, the kind of sky that shocked their souls were trembling. Such a horrible power is by no means common to the sky. Could it be a fake godsend?

"Xiao Gongzi is all right?" But those young girls watching the incident in the distance were secretly relieved.

"Xiao Gongzi is truly extraordinary!" After a sigh of relief, the twinkling light in the demon's glamorous eyes became brighter, and when they turned towards Xiao Yun, they seemed to have a little more crazy admiration, so Characters, demon domain is also rare to see!


Just at this moment, the robbery cloud above the sky squirmed again.


Then he fell.

The fall of the sky robbery seems like a heavenly palace suppressing towards Xiao Yun.

The sky in Tiangong Town was shaking, and the vastness of Tianwei made the distant practitioners frightened and retreated.

"What a strong disaster!" Kong Danchen said with surprise, "This disaster is a possible disaster for the practitioners in the dual market of the infant market?"

It showed his face staggered.

"The stronger the scourge from the sky, the more upset the practitioner is!" Qing Zi distantly looked at the void in front of him, and murmured, "The scourge from the sky led by Xiao Yun is stronger than me, is it ... am I Is it really worse than him? "Thinking of it, it looked bitter.

Although unwilling, it had to admit that it was far inferior to the young man who had been brought in when the infant market was two-fold.

"This day rob ..." At this moment, the son of Kirin looked into the void, and there was a dignified color in his eyes.

It didn't even think that the gangster just now did not hurt the young man.

Just then, his eyelids jumped, and he felt a little uncomfortable.

Because at this time the young man who was going through the calamity turned to it, with a bit of evil charm in the eyes of the former.

"He wants to ...?" Prince Kirin's heart jumped.

Just as the son of Kirin was groaning, Xiao Yun stepped forward and walked towards the Kirin boy.

At this time, the calamity was repressed that day.

In the void, Zia Wen wriggled, and an inexplicable secret locked the Kirin boy.

"Suppression!" Xiao Yun's mind moved, seeming to merge with Tianjie.

Under his traction, that gangster actually suppresses towards the Prince Kirin.

"This ..." Sudden changes made all nearby practitioners discolored.

"Isn't Tianjie to Xiao Yun from this town?" Everyone looked at each other.

The hegemony that had been suppressed actually changed direction?

Such a thing is unheard of!

"What's going on?" Kirin was even more astonished.

It hurried back, but the robberies were too fast that day, and they suppressed immediately.

Under such a scourge, it cannot retreat at all.

In desperation, it only had to resist.

Suddenly, a unicorn arm waved out, bombarded towards that day.


The loud noise was soaring with sweeping waves.

But Kirin's son trembled and was shaken by a kilometer.

When the son of Kirin was shocked and flying, there was a cloud of cohesion in the void, and the vastness of Tianwei was even more terrifying than before.

"The cloud is thickening!"

"Yes, the Kirin son was induced by the sky robbery, leading to a passive response!" Seeing this, the people of the Kirin tribe were astonished.

"This Xiao Yun wants to deal with Kirin's son with the help of Tianjie?"

Originally they thought that Xiao Yun just wanted to evade the unicorn boy by the sky.

But at this moment, this young man obviously wants to use it to deal with the son of Kirin!

At this time, the robbery in the void squirmed, and another heist fell.

This time two consecutive days of calamity fell.

Take straight from Xiao Yun, take straight from Kirin.


The sky is falling, the power is extremely powerful.

Xiao Yun's face was indifferent, the light patterns flickered within the sea, and the Yuan infant emerged, calmly coping with the calamity.

On the other side, the boy Kirin frowned and tried his best to deal with the disaster.

Because it was passively robbed, it caused Tianjie to be powerful, which completely corresponds to its momentum at this time.

But this is Xiao Yun ’s robbery. The Tao and Yunyi are not in line with the son of Kirin, which makes it unable to cope with the calamity as Xiao Yun does. In this way, every attack on this day ’s raid is for the son of Kirin A heavy blow.

Under this repression, Kirin's son was extremely embarrassed.

"Hehe, let's play with Tianjie first!" Xiao Yunlang laughed loudly, then began to cross the gang.

This time he has accumulated too long, it can be said to be accumulated.

This time, it was a battle with the son of Kirin. After being sharpened, the potential of blood in the body was fully stimulated.

It is undoubtedly the best time to cross the robbery.

Sky robbery fell, one after another.

The palace was suppressed that day, and Xiao Yun's momentum became stronger when the robbery dissipated.

At this time he suddenly stepped into the triple state of the infant market.

It's just that the Jieyun in the void is only one-fifth thinner.

The robbery stopped that day, and the son of Kirin was relieved.

At this time, it was already very embarrassed, and the blood and blood in the body were exhausted too much, and it was no longer the momentum of the previous battle Xiao Yun.

"Why is there a robbery cloud?" The boy Kirin was relieved, but he looked up, but he saw a thick robbery cloud covering the void, and the heavenly shock made it extremely depressed. It's like descending from the sky at any time.


That's when the hegemony came again.

This is the calamity of Binghuo Wuhun.

Sky robbery fell, as if ice and fire capsized.

That fluctuation frightened people.

Not only that, but another Tianjie fell together.

This is the scourge of Phantom Eye.

After the fall of that phantom's eyes, the fall of life Wuhun also fell.

Then, the scourge of Zhan Wuhun followed.

A powerful soul scourge also fell.

This time Xiao Yun tried his best to let Tianjie fall together.

This movement caused the nearby big demon to widen their eyes.

But it was seen above Xiao Yun's head that the Zhan Wu soul emerged, and Yuan Ying emerged, and the existence of that soul body also emerged in the air.

An old tree phantom appeared.


Various visions manifested and were greeted by the calamity.

Such a scene is shocking.

"This ... what kind of monster is this kid, how can there be so many days of disasters coming down together?" Countless big monsters were shocked.

Such a scene, they have never seen it before.

"He ... is he a human or a monster?" Many big monsters were caught.

Just one person, how can there be so many means at the same time?

"What is that? A tree?"

"Is that ice fire?"

"That's an eye?" Many people stared in wonder at the martial spirits that emerged from Xiao Yun's head ~ ~ What is this? "At this point, even the seventh son of Kong was stunned.

It also seems difficult to imagine, how can a human race have so many strange things?

"This is the martial spirit of the human race!" Said the swallow queen lightly.

"Martial spirit?" Kong Qigongzi showed curiosity.

It knows too little about Terran.

In fact, the demon domain is too far away from the Tiandu domain, and there has been little communication for thousands of years.

As a result, the two domains have little understanding.

The same is true. People in the demon domain do not care much about the martial arts of the human race, and so on.

Therefore, even if there are ancient books, few big demon will read it.

[Tenth more, everyone's monthly tickets have skyrocketed, crazy, the more monthly tickets, the more updates today, rush! 】

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