Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1127: Poor unicorn ...

Clouds wriggled in the void, falling down one after another.

Every calamity is extremely powerful.

Not only that, but those who are demon are also eye-opening.

Such as the robbery of the martial spirit of life, which contains the momentum to destroy everything.

But there is still vitality in this killing trend.

That phantom's eyes evolved into a phantom, which almost made people fall into it.

A variety of Tao Yun permeated the% pig% pig% island% fiction ww., Which made many practitioners look forward to it.

At this time, the boy Kirin couldn't help snarling.

Because at this time there are countless scourges falling towards it.

The sky fell to the ground, hitting it from time to time to spit blood.

"Kirin son is so pitiful!" Murmured in the distance, a demon woman.

"This Kirin boy is really pathetic, but the young man named Xiao Yun is so prestigious!" Many demon girls seem to have lost interest in Kirin boy, instead they turned their eyes and focused on Xiao Yun.

"But I don't know if this young man of this ethnic group is willing to find a demon woman as a companion?"

"Oh, Lan Linger, are you thinking of spring?"

"You're thinking of spring!" The woman named Lan Linger pursed her lips and glanced at the demon girl next to her.

"Oh, I think Sichun, but this Xiao Yun is too good, but I don't know if he can look at others!"

The demon girl sighed.

Because at this time many demons were alarmed.

The Peacock, Linghe, Linghu ...

The women in these clan are all beautiful, and they are like fairy.

But at the moment, many women stared at Xiao Yun fiercely.

This makes these demons know that even if they want to win the ethnic youth, the competition is not small!

As Tianjie fell, Xiao Yun kept feeling.

When only one-fifth of the robbery cloud was left, his eyes moved, and his eyes fell on the Kirin boy not far away.

At this time, the son of Kirin was being robbed, and seemed to be embarrassed.

"Now it's over!" Xiao Yunlang laughed and walked forward.

"What is he going to do?" After seeing Xiao Yun walking towards the front, the people of the Qilin tribe showed a nervous expression.

"Through force, you can break everything!" Xiao Yun's eyes froze slightly, and then the battle martial spirit sensed, and his mind merged into the sky calamity. The next moment, the giant evolved from the battle martial sky calamity turned and locked Kirin son.


Then the giant robbery blasted out that day and took the son of Kirin straight.

"This kid is so despicable!" Kirin's eyes were gloomy, but he only got his hand.

Only when it shot, there were ice and fire on the sky to suppress it.

Phantom eyes are also urged.

Several Tianjie shots together, making Kirin son overwhelmed.

Even though it spurred the magical power, at this time its combat power was no longer there, and the power of the magical power began to gradually weaken.

In this way, the sky robbed in the midst of the void, hitting the boy Kirin.


A mouthful of unicorn blood fell and sprinkled on the ground, with a hot breath permeating in it.

Just a moment later, the boy Kirin vomited blood more than ten times.

Under Xiao Yun's urging of Tianjie, the son of Kirin has no power to fight back.

"Master Kirin is miserable!"

"Yes, it's terrible!" Many people showed sympathy.

"What a terrible thing, Xiao Xiaoren's bitter battle with the repair of the infant market dual territory just now is called miserable." After hearing those people's sympathy for the son of Kirin, a banshee said, "You see Xiao Yun's son is so smart, he is clearly crossing the robbery, but it is like walking in a courtroom, and can also lead Tianjie to deal with this unicorn son. It is too chic. "

"Later I have to find a chance to ask how Xiao Xiaozi can deal with him as easily as he did during the robbery. In this way, I can also be as easy as him when he crosses the robbery. Hee hee, when that time, who to see If it is not pleasing to the eye, I can also lead Tianjie to suppress the person well? "There was a secret in the heart of the demon girl, and she showed playfulness to Xiao Yun.

"Cut, Xiao Xiao will not care about you anymore." Some banshees have begun to jealous.


"Brother Kong Ye seems to be very familiar with Xiao Gongzi, but I can let it poke me back, maybe this Xiao Gongzi will like me?" The peacock woman smiled like a flower, her eyes blinked, and Xiao Xiao Clouds with colorful ripples.

At this time, more and more monsters gathered by the peacock pool.

Of course, the most people are Peacock people.

Because at this time there are still many people from the big clan who have not arrived.

Bang, bang!

In the void, Kirin's son was constantly struck.

At this time, everyone didn't know how many times it had vomited blood.

The youth of the Kirin family directly retracted their eyes, and it seemed that they could not bear to see the wolf howl of the Kirin boy at this time.

"Oh, my god, this time the son is ashamed and home!"

At that moment Lin Lin wrinkled her face, her heart glum.

"How could this little thief be so powerful?" She looked up at the void, and at this time also had to admit that this ethnic youth was really strong.

You need to know, which is not the whole effort when others are crossing the robbery, for fear of not being able to resist the power of the robbery that day, hurting themselves.

But this little thief is better, actually hurting the enemy by robberies?

Look at it, this day's robber has become his arm, which can be pulled as he wants.

"This youth is indeed a human being!"

"So genius, growing up in my demon domain can also be honored!"

"Oh, these little guys have opponents this time!" At this time, those big monsters who were watching this battle in the distance were also convinced by Xiao Yun's ability, even the emperor praised him so much, Such characters are afraid that they can already compete with geniuses like Longteng.

"Tianming has a good brother." On the top of the mountain, Master Si Si and Chu Chu smiled slightly.

"It's terribly terrifying!" There were many big demon beside him who nodded slightly.

"If he is not human, he wants to give him my granddaughter." A big demon laughed.

"Oh, this is okay." Some old men echoed and laughed. "What kind of demon and tribe are we divided into?



Clouds over the sky are already extremely thin.

At this moment Xiao Yun banged and hit the Unicorn Prince to the ground.

Then he moved his foot and stepped directly under it.


The unicorn boy roared and wanted to break free.

Unfortunately, its momentum is unknown, and the blood gas in the body is exhausted too much, leaving only the momentum of the infant market.

After stepping on Xiao Yun's feet, his unicorn real body has dissipated and turned into a humanoid youth.

But at this time, it was scarred and bloody.

The handsome and imposing Kirin boy is now embarrassed.

At this time, Jieyun dissipated in the void, there were flashes of Jiewen on Xiao Yun's body, and those martial arts souls did not enter the sea.


At the same time, there is a vast vitality in the heavens and the earth coming to him.

"Can you still have a fight?" The foot boy Kirin, Xiao Yun's eyes are as bright as a sword, with a sharp flash of light. , His momentum is much stronger than before.

"I ..." After being stepped on, Kirin's son became angry and angry.

But at this moment his eyes blinked, looking at the young man who looked down at it, but his taste was not so good.

It knew that it was defeated, and it was extremely defeated.

Before that, it was forced to evolve into the real Kirin.

Reaching this point has shown that he is inferior to this young man.

At this time, its evolution Kirin true body is still being stepped on.

Even though the heart was unwilling, even though the heart was angry, the Prince Kirin was unable to say a word for a long time.

It wasn't until now that it understood that it was wrong from the start.

It underestimates this young human.

Terran ...

Weakness was not imagined.

"Son ..." After seeing that Kirin was stepped on by Xiao Yun, with a bitter look on her face, Liner was also distressed, "I shouldn't have let you shoot!" She regretted it so much that she never thought of it This youth club is so powerful.

She used to think that Xiao Yun was only relying on Yi Yi.

But at this moment it seems that this youth is also a genius of evil level.

Such characters are placed in the demon domain and few people can compete with them.

"Human race is not weak!" Many people shook their heads at this time, apparently they did not expect the result to be so.

"I ... lost." The boy Kirin sighed slightly and said quite weakly after taking a deep breath.

At this point, it will not be defeated.

In fact, it cannot deceive itself.

"Yes, you also know that you lost." Seeing this, Xiao Yun put his feet away.

"From now on, wherever you are, Yang Yang has no time to avoid retreating from the kilometer!" Prince Kirin stood up and said to Xiao Yun.

Xiao Yun shrugged, his face indifferent.

The boy Kirin took a deep breath, and then left.

"Brother Yang!" Kong Danchen quickly followed.

"My son!" The Kirin tribe also followed.

In this way, the team left dimly.

On the other hand, the people in Qianyi Shenpeng's veins did not taste very much.

Originally they wanted to see Xiaoyun learn from Xiaolin.

Do not want Xiao Yun but enough to fight Kirin boy.

Later, I wanted to watch Xiao Yun look like he was chopped to death.

But at this time it was the glorious record of this young man.

What a brilliant record to defeat the boy Kirin with the dual power of the infant market?

"In the Demon Realm, the only one who can beat this person in the same level is afraid of only one hand." Qing Ziyao sighed slightly and left, and at this moment even it feels ashamed, the strength of this young people is no longer General genius is comparable.

Xiao Yun remained still.

At this time, the Zhuangwen was continuously fused, and his breath began to be restrained ~ ~ In his body, the life and soul of Wushun light flashed and began to repair his body.

The bones of his palm have long been reshaped.

"Oh, congratulations to Brother Xiao. After this battle, your name will be spread all over the Demon Realm!" Kong Qigong stepped forward, laughing loudly. At this time, he was also surprised by Xiao Yun's power. How powerful but still lost.

It is also suspicious in its heart. If it can win a battle with this young man at the same level?

"I still don't have enough strength today, I have to go further!" Xiao Yun said, taking a deep breath.

Although this battle was won, he also knew the power of the demon tribe.

If this time is not his physical strength, I'm afraid he can't compete with this unicorn boy.

Moreover, it would be difficult for him to defeat the Kirin boy so easily if he did not drag the sky robbery.

So he did not feel complacent because of this record.

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