Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1142: 3000 Jin Yu doesn't ...

Many people know about Xiao Yunli's defeat of Kirin.

However, this Peng Aotian is the top ten son of the last term, and its combat strength is by no means comparable to casual generations.

Therefore, everyone in this war is full of expectations.

"Please!" Amid the uproar, Peng Aotian made a gesture to Xiao Yun.

"Please!" Xiao Yun also made a gesture.

Then he walked away and set foot on the edge of the Tianyuetai.

& n * pig * pig * island * small * say ww.huzu; hum!

Light and shadow flickered, and Xiao Yun did not enter the Tianxiu Terrace.

Then, the crowd saw two young people confronting each other on a platform.

After stepping into the Tian Yaotai, Xiao Yun felt the pressure of an inexplicable rule.

Then the true element in his body was restricted and he could not exert too much combat power.

But he didn't care about this limitation.

Opposite, Peng Aotian smiled, and stared at Xiao Yun lightly.

There was a bit of scent in its smile.

Although it defeated the Skyfinch just now, it did not bring a glimmer of joy to the winner.

Now that Xiao Yun has taken the initiative to come to his door, it is just to vent the anger.

"Jiuwen Xiao Gongzi has different talents and defeats the strong in my demon domain. It is also a great pleasure to get a chance to learn from below." Peng Aotian is still indifferent, with a smile on his lips, looking personable, but There was a cold light flashing in his eyes.

It's just that Xiao Yun's next words made this Peng Aotian look pale,

"Oh, but I believe that after you and I had a war, you wouldn't think it was a happy thing." Seeing that Peng Aotian smirked, Xiao Yun raised her eyebrows slightly, and raised the corners of her mouth a few times. With a slight arc, he frowned, and said, "Because I will teach you well on behalf of my brother, so in the future you will be afraid of fighting with me."

Xiao Yun's words were low, but he was full of domineering.

The sound came out through the teleportation pattern on the sky demon platform, and fell into the ears of the spectators outside.

Suddenly, the millions of monsters on the Peacock Terrace changed their colors.

"This young man of this ethnic group is so arrogant!" Some people sighed, feeling inexplicable, and some people were inexplicably awed by the tone of the youth. How many people in the world dare to speak to Peng Aotian so? How many people dare to say that they can crush Peng Aotian?

But this young man dared to open his eyes under these eyes.

This is arrogant, but it also makes people excited after hearing it.

Who doesn't want to go up and challenge the top ten boys?

Who doesn't want to tell the top ten boys that I want to crush you.

But who dares?

"I hope he has the ability!" Someone said coldly.

On the high platform, the son of Kirin's eyes was a little stunned, and he was also watching the evolved battle platform.

It was defeated by Xiao Yun.

That battle made it unforgettable, but it made it feel queasy.

"Can Xiao Xiaozi fight with Na Peng?" At this time, Kong Yingying and others were all nervous.

Although they know Xiao Yun is strong.

But after all, Peng Aotian is a powerful quasi-supernatural power, and he can set foot at any time!

Such characters do not know how long they have accumulated in the quasi-supernatural powers. Is that physical strength and blood-powered supernatural powers comparable to ordinary people?

But for all this, swallowing the sky **** seems indifferent.

It just glanced at the battle platform slightly, and then continued to refine the spirit extracts of fire.

It seems that Xiao Yun is also very relieved.

There was no sign of worry in its eyes.

"It's two weird people," said the peacock princess and others secretly.

Xiao Yun was so indifferent because he had swallowed the sky finch and Peng Yuan.

Almost didn't say a word.

But after defeating Tianque, Xiao Yun immediately shot to challenge Peng Aotian.

Nothing seems to need to be expressed in words.

For them, action is the best proof.

"This is the tacit understanding they have brought together for many years." Kong Qigongzi secretly murmured.

At the same time, it is full of expectations for this battle.

At this moment, Peng Aotian's complexion on the platform was completely gloomy.

There was even a sense of serenity in its eyes.

How powerful it is, ranking seventh for the top ten boys.

Now it can set foot on the royal road at any time, and the bloodline supernatural power is gradually perfected.

But how dare this ethnic young man dare to say that this war will make him afraid?

What does it mean?

Is it Peng Aotian destined to lose?

"Oh, actually Xiao Gongzi has this confidence, so he will see the real chapter!" There will be no sympathy. "

Then there was a burst of domineering momentum on it.


Under this momentum, its robes hunted.

At the same time, the dazzling golden light bloomed, and the blood of its golden-winged Dapeng was constantly erupted.

The blood-blooded air soared into the sky, like a golden light blade burst forth.

The light blade shook the void.

A mighty Shenpeng majesty from ancient times flooded the battlefield.

That kind of breath is released to the outside world through the transmission lines, which makes many young people of the demon horrified.

"This Peng Aotian intends to try his best!"

"This young man of this ethnic group is so arrogant that Auntian's son naturally wants to take a shot and teach it."


"But I don't know if Xiao Yun can fight with one another?"

Under that momentum, everyone in the field felt their blood was boiling.

At this moment, everyone is full of expectations for Xiao Yun. They want to see if this young man is ignorant or arrogant or really powerful.

Peng Aotian ’s momentum keeps rising. The blood behind it seems to have a Dapeng that is about to evolve at any time. His eyes are sharp like a blade, and he has the potential to penetrate the void. "Go ahead!"

The momentum ahead swept through, like countless sharp blades fell on his body.

Xiao Yun's face was indifferent, just like that hill, letting the breeze blow.

Today, his physical strength has reached an astonishing level.

At that time, the state of the half-step king of the unicorn boy could not hurt him, not to mention the momentum of this Peng Aotian?

But he did not underestimate this opponent.

Just now he also saw the means of Peng Aotian, and that 3000 Jin Yu was really strong.

Therefore, when the momentum of Peng Aotian was urged, the momentum of Xiao Yun's body began to condense a little bit.


The majestic momentum burst out like a flash flood.

During the civil war in Xiao Yun's knowledge of the sea, the martial arts pattern flickered, and there was a surge of warfare.

This combat intention blessed himself, making Xiao Yun's momentum rise in vain.

The rising momentum instantly offset the momentum from the other side.


When Peng Aotian's eyes were condensed, he strode forward, his hand moved, and a flash of light behind him, evolved into three thousand golden feathers.


These three thousand golden feathers evolved, and immediately made a sound of crickets, as if the long sword was striking.

Immediately afterwards, each golden feather flickered, and from behind it became a golden light. When it was empty, it was chopped down towards Xiao Yun ahead.

This Peng Aotian used a killing move as soon as he shot, almost giving Xiao Yun a little chance.

Such a momentum, it makes the practitioners outside see the blood boiling.

"It seems that Peng Aotian intends to crush Xiao Yun in one fell swoop!" Many people secretly thought.

Jin Yu cut it, the momentum is like a rainbow, like an endless sword rain, each one reaches the limit, enough to cut the heavy repair of the baby market. When this Peng Aotian shots, it is Mantian Jin Yu cut. Strong, few rivals in the same level.

In the face of such an attack, Xiao Yun's face was completely calm.

At this time he also felt the power of Peng Aotian deeply.

Palm Splitting the Stars!

When Xiao Yun's eyes condensed, the step was to move forward.

Then he moved his palm and slashed away.

The palms cut the stars, a simple hit, but tortured the sky's golden feathers to tear a crack.

Ding, Ding!

Xiao Yun's hands are like gold and iron, extremely hard, and they collided with that golden feather, and immediately made a crisp sound of gold and iron clash.

Seeing this, many people couldn't help holding their breath.

It's hard to imagine how dare this young human race cut into the golden feathers with a pair of fleshy palms.

That Jin Yu has reached the level of Wang Bing!

Can his palm survive this confrontation?

"Will this Xiao Yun be cut into a meat sauce?" Someone even secretly wondered.

However, after the clash of gold and iron came out, everyone saw that the young people of the ethnic group had not been cut off their palms. The light patterns on their palms bloomed, emitting a vast martial arts momentum, directly directing the golden feather Give a few back.

Then the young man flickered and fell into the golden feathers that had been cut down.

Ding, Ding!

The sound of impact kept coming out, nearly thousands of gold feathers fell, and the void was distorted, and there were cracks torn apart. This momentum was enough to level the mountains, but Xiao Yun split it out with one palm, unstoppable. Thousands of golden feathers could not hurt him at all.

If you look closely, there is a flicker of fire on his body.

Xiao Yun's palm is as fiery gold as fire jade.

Under that blow, the void was torn.

On the battle platform, Jin Yu was defeated, and Xiao Yun's body kept approaching Peng Aotian.

At this time, Peng Aotian finally changed color.

"This kid can actually resist my 3,000 gold feathers?" Peng Aotian was surprised.

How powerful is this three thousand golden feathers?

Each one was tempered like a kingly spirit soldier.

Furthermore, with the blow of its mighty Dapeng blood, it is powerful enough to kill many strong ones.

Although its realm is suppressed ~ ~, even the savage people in the infant market cannot resist this attack.

But the young man in front of him actually broke into that golden feather like no one?

"How could he be so strong?" Peng Aotian was shocked and had to show his face with vigilance.

By this time, Xiao Yun had deceived Peng Aotian.

"Three thousand gold feathers, but this is also the case." Xiao Yun stepped forward. Although facing the endless golden feathers, his face looked very indifferent. He had a kind of charm in his body, and that temperament Like a martial arts master.

Xiao Yun's charm was natural between walking.

The sky was merged by him, and Peng Aotian's severe offensive was resolved ingeniously by him.

Cooperating with Zhan Wuhun and his powerful physique, Peng Aotian's 3000 gold feathers could not hurt the slightest.

[Outbreaks for two consecutive days, brothers see it? My Da Xiao Yun is going to crush the demon domain genius, everyone's monthly ticket is soaring]

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