Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1144: Doll Kirin [...

On the platform, Xiao Yun stood proud.

On his arm there is a unicorn godline.

This is exactly one of the five unicorn **** patterns that he integrated into the body at the time.

This unicorn **** pattern absorbs the real spirit of the unicorn, and there is also the most intense unicorn real fire.

Now that he urged the unicorn **** pattern out, how could Peng Aotian compete with it?

Seeing that Peng Aotian was repelled and he vomited blood in his mouth, many of the demons' children felt shocked.

& (Pig) (pig) (island) (fiction) www.zhunbsp; "This is a unicorn **** pattern, how can this human youth have it?" Many young demons are staring at the front with incredible faces, which makes people feel too Surprised, just a human race, how could there be such a powerful unicorn pattern?

Look at the momentum that Kirin just emitted is comparable to pure blood Kirin!

"This little thief!" At this time on the high platform, Princess Kirin's eyes were raised, and she could not help sighing when she turned to the front of the empty battle platform. The mood seemed quite depressed. She once entered the Kirin Pool Several Kirin Ethereals are also fused.

Based on this, she also merged five unicorn **** patterns.

But the fifth one was not constrained by Xiao Yun.

Fortunately, after returning to the clan, she entered the forbidden area of ​​the clan, and made up the unicorn **** pattern with the spirit left by some ancestors, but this is the case. Her unicorn **** pattern lacks the nourishing power of the spirit of god. Xiao Yun is not as powerful at all.

So after seeing the power of Xiao Yun's unicorn **** pattern, she grindned her silver teeth.

"This little thief got the blood of Kirin. If I take it down, I will surpass the predecessors." Princess Kirin secretly murmured, a little smile appeared in the corner of her mouth, and the fiery light flashed in those eyes, only in Thinking of the little white beast beside Xiao Yun was a bit discouraged.

The little beast can suppress even the emperor, and it is too difficult for her to seize the blood of God.

"If only I could lie to that little beast?" Princess Kirin murmured secretly.

If she takes down the little beast, she can not only get a little beast that is fused with the temple, but she can easily take down Xiao Yun.

So, is n’t the Qilin God Blood in her bag?

"Hehe, this Xiao Xiao child has repelled Ao Tian, ​​why is my sister so happy?" Just as Princess Qilin groaned secretly, thinking about how to conquer the blood of the Unicorn God Blood obtained by Xiao Yun, the Phoenix girl smiled Yingying. , Cast a joke of eyes.

"Isn't it really my sister's intimate contact with Xiao Xiao?"

At this moment Princess Kirin was grinding her teeth secretly. After hearing the words of Phoenix Girl, her heart was even more depressed.

"You just got involved with this little thief." Princess Kirin looked down with contempt, and looked at her, she could not wait to slap this Phoenix girl severely, but if so, she would be regarded as embarrassed and angry , I really think what happened to them.

All the unicorn princesses had to endure, only ironically.

"So how did your sister laugh and laugh?" Phoenix Girl laughed.

"Am I laughing?" Princess Kirin asked.

But she didn't know that she smiled when she was thinking about the unicorn blood.

The same is true, Phoenix Girl is suspicious.

"That's natural." The Phoenix Girl laughed, "But this human race Xiao Yun is also very powerful. He actually blended the gods of your Kirin tribe, shouldn't her sister teach him?" She stared at Kirin with a smile. Now, looking at this, it seems that every opportunity to laugh at each other is unwilling to miss.

"This little thief does have some skill." Princess Qilin muttered, but did not continue to tease with the Phoenix Girl.

Her eyes moved slightly, and her eyes fell on the platform.

At this time, Peng Aotian on the battlefield was gloomy, his expression constantly changing.

How powerful was its blow just now?

Such a powerful attack was defeated by this young man.

"You actually got the inheritance of the true God of Kirin?" Peng Aotian's face was extremely gloomy. The golden light in his eyes stared tightly at Xiao Yun in front of him. There was a bit of anger in his heart. Obviously, he did not expect the youth youth society to have the details ?

Not only it, many big monsters in the field did not expect it.

Who would have thought that a young human race could actually inherit the demon race?

Look at the prestige of the unicorn **** pattern, obviously there is a trace of Qilin **** blood essence!

"Sell with all your strength!" Xiao Yun looked calm, staring at Peng Aotian faintly: "If it's late, you won't have a chance." In this faint discourse, there is a bit of tyrannical flavor. If this discourse had been made before, it would certainly be criticized.

But now the young children of the Yao tribe are staring at this tribal youth with awe.

After seeing Xiao Yun's methods, they also realized that this young man may really have the capital to compete with the top ten sons of the Demon Realm, so no one mocked Xiao Yun any more, but only the eyes of awe and the expectations expression.

Just after hearing this, the pride of Peng Aotian, who was still so proud just now, that was going to crush Xiao Yun, was constantly twitching, and his eyes became extremely gloomy. He had previously fought against the swallowing tits. It was extremely depressed.

It was meant to make the young man laugh at the world.

But the fearlessness of the swallowing queen has won the respect of many people.

Instead, it lost some glory.

Now if we fight against this human race, if it still loses, how will it stand in this demon realm?

By then, this will definitely become a stain in its life.

"Even if you incorporate the unicorn **** pattern, but this is not your **** pattern after all, how long can you be strong without the support of the unicorn veins?" The mood in that heart was depressed a little, then Peng Aotian's eyes narrowed, and the corners of his mouth Evoked a sneer.

"Now let you see the power of my golden-winged Dapeng!"

Waiting for that smirk to fall, he could see Peng Aotian's whole body flashing with gold immediately.

Then his body moved into a golden-winged Dapeng hovering on this platform.

At this time, Peng Aotian apparently evolved Dapeng's true body.

"This Peng Aotian actually urged Dapeng to be true!"

"It seems that it is going to do its best to fight!" Seeing this, many of the demons' children showed shocked faces.

The urging of the real battle means that this battle is about to have a final confrontation.

"But I don't know who can be stronger?" Everyone was full of expectations.

"I see that Aotian has a seven-point victory. After all, its real power has evolved soaring. With the continuous support of the blood, it can continue to fight, but the human race Xiao Yun is only a human body. How can we continue the war? "

Someone said.

Although Xiao Yun showed extraordinaryness just now, after all, there is no Qilin bloodline.

This is just as powerful as the Devouring Sky Sparrow, but without physical blood support, it still cannot compete with that Peng Aotian.

"The body of the Golden-winged Dapeng?" On the battle platform, Xiao Yun's eyes were gazing at him, staring at Peng Aotian who suddenly evolved the body of the Golden-winged Dapeng, but his expression still seemed very indifferent at this time. " The momentum has risen a little bit, but how can you evolve into Dapeng? "

He stared at Peng Aotian like that, letting it go.

This indifferent appearance made Peng Aotian angry.

"Look how I can pack you!" Under Xiao Yun's attitude, even though Peng Aotian, who has always been deep, couldn't help anger, his wings flickered towards Xiao Yun ahead. A wild wind raged on.


The raging winds on the battlefield seemed to destroy the world.

This wind is like a sharp blade, but it can tear the mountains and rivers. The void is all distorted by your hurricane and distorts the unicorn. It seems to be destroyed.


Golden light flashed on the battle platform, but a pair of golden wings came across, chopped to Xiao Yun.

Each golden feather in this golden wing is like a princely spirit treasure, extremely sharp.

Not only that, but there are dazzling lines on the wings, which contain powerful bloodline power.

With the blessing of this blood, the power of that wing has reached an astonishing level, and it is ready to break the mountain.

The void ahead was torn apart under this blow.

Otherwise imagine how many people below the King can compete with Peng Aotian at this time?

"Today, let me teach you on behalf of my brother." Seeing that Peng Aotian was attacking with the potential of Dapeng, Xiao Yun's eyes also had a sharp flash of light, only to see him step forward violently, and then Red light flickered all over.


A light pattern bloomed, with endless fire patterns rising on Xiao Yun's body.

As soon as these fire patterns appeared, a force of terror erupted.


At the same time, a roar came out.

This sound wave shook the sky, causing the void on the battle platform to tremble, and the hurricane from the wings of the Golden-winged Dapeng collapsed.

"This is the roar of Kirin?" Suddenly countless eyes fell on Xiao Yun.

Then, everyone saw the fire patterns on Xiao Yun's body flashing, as if there was a respectful unicorn roaring.

How many fire patterns are on him?

There are hundreds of thousands of them, and they just appear in front of them.

Suddenly, the sea of ​​fire rolled around Xiao Yun, and the mighty unicorn's might came out.

His momentum seems to have risen to the signs.

But these fire patterns are the patterns of the Heavenly Fire God's armor condensed by Xiao Yun.

At that time in the Unicorn Pool, he not only condensed the five unicorn **** patterns, but also reunited the Celestial God armor.

A lot of Kirin's real fire and Kirin's spirit blood are absorbed in these **** patterns.

Now that all these fire patterns have erupted, how terrible is that power?

Today Xiao Yun is just like the same pure-blooded unicorn.

"Golden-winged Dapeng?" After the fire pattern was all excited ~ ~ Xiao Yun also felt that he had a huge power to bless him. Suddenly, his eyes rose, and the corners of his mouth were a little bit With a playful smile, the step was taken, and a big hand moved as an air scout.


At this time, Peng Aotian's wings were coming across.


At this moment, Xiao Yun's hands reached out, and there was a fire pattern on it.

If he looks from a distance, his hands look like a pair of unicorn arms.

You can take a closer look. At this time, Xiao Yun's fire pattern flickered throughout the body, and numerous unicorns evolved.

This makes him look like a unicorn.

Under the gaze of countless eyes, the only hands that could be seen tightly grasped the pair of dazzling wings that were like gold and iron, and a breath of domineering swept out of him. , Peng Aotian's eyes blinked constantly.

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