Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1347: Reunion

"I have such a strong person in the Xiao family. Who will be comparable in the future?"

In the void, the old emperor Xiao Xiong and the old emperor Xiao Yuan spoke.

They are now very excited.

It is not difficult to imagine how prosperous Xiao will be in the future.

"Cut Yeba Tian? Really?"

When the words came out, a loud noise sounded.

Many people know that Yebatian has stepped into the half-pig \ pig \ pig \\ island \ fiction www. (Zhu) (zhu) (). Om step **** spirit realm, and went to fight Xiao Yun again a few days ago .

Who can defeat such a character?

"Look, isn't that Xiao Yun?"

"Since Xiao Yun is safe and sound, presumably that night tyrant was ridiculed!" Within Wucheng, countless practitioners vacated, and people with bright eyes saw Xiao Yun. After seeing this young man, they were also inexplicably excited. This is a rising star who has been talking the most about Tianduyu recently!

"Now that I have these three talents in Xiao's family, why not worry about dominating Tiandu?"

"That's right, that Xiao Wuya and others have been fumed, which can just regenerate my Xiao family!"


Countless people cheered.

Many people have even seen Xiao's future prosperity.

"Welcome to the king, Fenghuang, and Xiao Yun, son of the city!" Someone bowed at the moment.

"Welcome to the king, Fenghuang, and Xiao Yun, the son!"

Within the Xiao Wu City, countless people shouted in unison, and the sound rang for nine days.

The millions of practitioners are looking up at the void.

"Let's go to the city!" Xiao Xiong and others looked at each other and laughed.

Xiao Zhantian's eyes flashed, and then he walked away.

For the Clan of Xiao, he didn't have much feelings.

However, the pulse of Xiao Wuya was so rotten that he had to come here to rectify it.

Then, Xiao Yun and others entered the core of Xiao's Wucheng.

"Xiao Wuya, get rid of the Xiao clan!"

The emperors discussed in the hall, and came to such a result.

A rectification begins.

Xiao Yun is not very interested in these things.

Emperor Xiao Feng chose to retreat.

Xiao Yun gave him elixir.

In the previous battle with Yebatian, he fought more and more fiercely, as if to reach a half-step spirit state.

Originally, if Ye Batian continued to shoot, he would hurt the foundation.

Fortunately, Xiao Yun and Xiao Zhantian shot, allowing him to breathe.

Although the old man was injured, it was not too serious.

Now just hit the half-step divine realm.

Xiao Yun and Xiao Zhantian are reuniting.

"Unexpectedly, in a blink of an eye, Yun'er and Ling'er were so big." Within a large hall, Xiao Zhantian looked at the two juniors with a sneer expression.

"Yeah!" Xiao mother laughed. "In a blink of an eye, Yun Er was so big."

Consider that when she left with Xiao Zhantian, Xiao Zhantian was in his early thirties.

But now, his son is twenty-seven.

"Daddy Xiao, do you know my parents?" Xiao Linger blinked his nimble eyes and inquired in a frown.

She had long wanted to ask about her own life.

"Your parents?" After hearing the words, Xiao Zhantian's eyes narrowed, revealing the color of memory.

Xiao Linger next to her was listening.

She held her jade hand tightly and looked very nervous.

She seemed to be expecting and she was afraid.

Fear of hearing bad news.

You know, if her parents were alive, how could they be taken over by Father Xiao?

Seeing Xiao Linger's appearance, Xiao Zhantian also sighed.

"I went into the forbidden area of ​​God that year and happened to meet your father ..." Xiao Zhantian told the past.

Regarding these things, Xiao Yun had already expected it.

With the phantom eyes, he has seen many things pass by.

"Unfortunately, your father was frozen, and I couldn't rescue him then." Finally, Xiao Zhantian sighed.

"So my father has been frozen for more than 20 years?" Wen Yan said that Xiao Linger had injuries in his eyes.

Frozen for more than 20 years, can I still live?

"Linger, rest assured, this time I entered the forbidden area of ​​the shrine, and met a few people in the ice and snow palace. Listen to their words, your father's soul card left in the sanctuary has not been extinguished. Therefore, he must be alive." See Xiao Linger looked sad, Xiao Yun said what he saw and heard.

"Really?" Xiao Linger's eyes beamed.

"Will I lie to you," Xiao Yun said.

"Um." Xiao Linger nodded.

Xiao Zhantian also took a serious look, saying, "You can rest assured that soon, I will go to the forbidden area of ​​the gods and rescue your father."

"Thank Daddy Xiao!" Wen Yan said that Xiao Linger's heart was slightly relaxed.

If Father Xiao had taken the shot, he must have some confidence in rescuing her father.

"In these years, you and Yun'er have suffered." Father Xiao took a deep breath.

"I'm not bitter, brother Xiao Yun is suffering." Xiao Linger said, "He has protected me since he was a child."

"Oh, what, shouldn't you be an elder brother to protect your sister?" Xiao Yun spread his palm and smiled.

"Come, Linger, tell your father's story when you were young!" At this time, Xiao Zhantian also smiled and asked.

"Okay!" Xiao Linger smiled, saying something about his childhood.

"At that time, my brother was looking for Huo Yuanguo to suppress the cold ..." From Xiao Yun's youth, Xiao Linger talked a lot.

"It's really hard for you." Xiao Zhantian shook his head, and even though his pride was like him, he had the heavens and the earth, and the arrogant war king felt inexplicably sad.

This junior should have the last cultivation resources between heaven and earth.

It is a pity that because of the change, she has suffered many ordinary people.

So is his son Xiao Yun.

"Later, my brother worshiped Tian Yuanzong in order to come to Tianduyu ..." Xiao Linger continued to speak.

Xiao Zhantian sometimes frowned, sometimes heartbroken.

The son of his war king should have been born better than him.

But they have experienced so many ordeals.

"Yes, Dad, I have a surprise for you." When Xiao Linger mentioned those past events, Xiao Yun suddenly spoke.

"What surprise?" Xiao Zhantian's eyes flashed.

Xiao Linger was also curious.

Xiao Yun smiled mysteriously.

All he saw was a flash of cyclone in front of him.

Then a personal figure appeared.

The man headed by it was Mr. Xiao, Xiao Yuanshan.

In addition, Xiao Hong and Xiao Hai also appeared together.

"Father!" When Xiao Zhantian appeared, Xiao Zhantian's eyes flashed, and some surprises appeared.

"Battle ... Zhantian!" No one is more surprised than Father Xiao.

In recent years, he has been staying in the space inside Tuntian Tower for hard work, but he is also worried about Xiao Yun's situation.

Will also wonder if this grandson can find his son.

In recent years, Xiao Yun has rarely communicated with grandpa.

Because these years have been too stressful.

Only after entering Tiandu domain, they fought with Yao.

Then, Tiangong came to crusade.

Although Xiao Yun didn't show it, the pressure can be imagined.

"Third brother!"

"Battle days!" After appearing in this hall, Xiao Hong and Xiao Hai were both excited.

Xiao Zhantian is still in full swing.

Although he was nearly sixty years old, his face had not changed much from that year.

"Father, elder brother, second brother!" Xiao Zhantian was very excited to see the three relatives.

Although he awakened the life pattern, he knew many things.

But these people are indeed his brothers.

The memories of that time could not help but come to my mind.

At least when he was young, it was these people who grew up with him.

"Haha, Zhantian, you are still alive!" Xiao Hai stepped forward, embracing Xiao Zhantian directly.

In addition, Xiao Hong also walked and looked happy.

"It's nice to see you." Xiao Zhantian seemed quite happy.

"I didn't expect to see you again!"

"Last time Yuner deduced, I saw you in a forbidden area. Did Yuner rescue you?"


Xiao Hai and Xiao Hong kept asking.

They were all very excited at this time.

Mr. Xiao next to him was also very excited, and his eyes were misty.

But he stood by, watching the three sons meet.

The gathering of the three brothers made the hall a joyous event.

After a while, Xiao Zhantian separated from his brother, and his eyes flashed on the old man next to him.

Today's old man, the two wives have turned pale, although they are still ruddy, they are a bit old.

Fortunately, he has already set foot on Yuan Yu's perfection and is about to hit the palace.

"Father, Zhan Tian's filial piety makes you worry all the time." Xiao Zhantian's eyes flashed, even as a Tiehan, he knelt down with his left leg after walking forward.

Even if he was so arrogant, when he set foot on the royal road, he would have a smile on the sky. Who is the king?

But in the face of this old father, he still couldn't help his moods.

Even though he has a life pattern, he is different from ordinary people.

But he can be regarded as Xiao Yuanshan's son after all.

When he was young, his father took refuge in himself.

His father's love, his father's expectations, made him continue to chase the peak of martial arts.

"My son ..." Looking at Xiao Zhantian kneeling on one knee, Father Xiao couldn't help tears, and he quickly stretched out his wide palm to lift it up.

"It's like dreaming to see you in my lifetime!" The old man sighed.

He had hardly thought that he could see his best son again.

But who would have thought that Xiao Yun could become famous in the sky.

Who would have thought that Xiao Yun could really rescue Xiao Father.

"All these years have made you worry." Xiao Zhantian sighed when he saw his father did.

In pursuit of martial arts, he really alienated the father.

It's just life, it's hard to do both.

"Oh, you can return safely, everything is fine!" Father Xiao Xiao looked very excited, "It's bitter Yuner."

Within the hall, the family greeted, all looking very happy.

Xiao Zhantian then introduced Xiao mother to the father.


Three days passed in a blink.

During the period ~ ~ Xiao Zhantian and others met together and talked about many things.

On this day, Xiao was overwhelmingly powerful.

"This is only a wave of deities in half a step!" Xiao Zhantian's eyes narrowed.

"Is that the old emperor Xiao Feng stepped into the spiritual realm of half a step?" Xiao Yun was also a joy.

At this time, in the Xiao family, countless people were alarmed.

The elders rushed to the residence of the old emperor Xiao Feng.

At this moment, there was a mighty shock in this old emperor's residence.

"Sure enough, I'm going to take a half step in the spiritual realm." Xiao Zhantian murmured.

"After this, this world is afraid that there will be more and more half-step gods."

Xiao Yun's eyes condensed.

Now, he needs to improve even more.

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