Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1348: Crusade of Heaven

Xiao's majestic shock, the old emperor Xiao Feng suddenly wanted to set foot on Shinto.

In his martial arts room, there are mysterious lines around him.

His breath became like God.

A force of heaven and earth pervaded him.

It was a breath of heaven and earth.

"Half-step spirit state!" Xiao Feng's eyes flashed in the training room.

At this moment, his temperament was dusty, and Meiyuma {hog} 猪 岛 {小} said that 3.zhu has an inexplicable dusty temperament.

His long hair fluttered like a god, and there were ripples around him, and there was a ripple, which made him feel like he was going to be in this world at any time.

Now he is full of energy, and people are not so dry, his eyes are shining as bright as stars.

The old emperor Feng Xiao went into prison by mistake, where he learned the martial arts of God, and touched Shinto long ago.

When he came out, it was natural to break through.

And after he stepped into the realm of half-step gods, his realm was more stable than that of Yebatian.

A day later, he walked out of the training room.

"Congratulations, Maple Emperor stepped into a half-step spirit state!" When Xiao Feng, the elder, stepped out of joy.

Xiao Zhantian also slightly raised his fist.

"I never thought that someone in this world would set foot in this realm."

Zuo Yanshuang's beautiful eyes blinked and whispered.

Because of Xiao Linger, she has been following.

Although the heavenly region is barren, after seeing the war outside the forbidden area of ​​the gods, she also looked at the people in this region.

Especially Xiao Zhantian.

The man couldn't see her through.

The same goes for the young man named Xiao Yun.

The news that the old emperor Xiao Feng took a half-step in the spiritual realm quickly spread throughout Xiao's family.

Suddenly, the Xiao family was happy.

In particular, those elders who have seen the old Emperor Xiao Feng in World War I are extremely excited.

At that time, he had not yet stepped into the spiritual realm of half a step, and he could fight against the night dominator.

Now that I've set foot in the realm of God, how many people can fight against it?

I'm afraid there are few rivals in the half-step deities!

"Haha, I have a half-step deity in Xiao's. Now in Tiandu Yu, I'm Xiao's first!"

"But I don't know what state of war is?"

"The king of war is killing Yebatian between turning hands.

Someone was curious.

But Xiao Zhantian didn't say, no one knew what his realm was.

At this time, within the Xiao's hall.

Within the hall, Xiao Xiong was seated, several elders and several elders from Xiao Yuan.

"Next, I am going to Tiangong!" Xiao Zhantian said.

"Go to the Heavenly Palace!" After hearing the words, the old emperor Xiao Xiong looked fiery.

"Yes, Tiangong dares to do something to me, how can you let them go?" Xiao Zhantian's eyes flashed coldly.

"May I go with you?" Xiao Feng said.

"You don't have to stay in the Xiao family." Xiao Zhantian waved his hands, confident.

"Okay!" Xiao Feng said nothing.

"Father, I'll go with you!" Xiao Yun said.

His childhood dream was to fight alongside his father.

Now that my father has returned, I finally have this opportunity.

How could he not be excited?

"Good!" Father Xiao nodded.

Later, Xiao's issued a essay against the Tiangong.

This is a crusade against the scriptures, written for Xiao Zhantian.

Tiangong lost his morality, and in the name of justice, to cruel my child, he really wanted to seize the magic soldier ...

The obituary is not long, but it has a mighty shock, showing the worldly power of the king of war.

He is going to crusade Tiangong.

Of course, he didn't call for the world to fight together.

This obituary just shows his attitude to the world.

That is, he is the son of the King of Fighting!

Soon, the content of the scriptures spread to all the ethnic groups in Tiandu.

At the moment, this has become a hotly debated topic among the various ethnic groups in Tiandu.

"Do you know, the return of the king of war, he not only beheaded Yeba Tian, ​​but now he is going to avenge Tiangong and shame his son Xiao Yun forever!"

"The king of war is really domineering!"

"A father is so happy!"

"Haha, Xiao Yun is not bad, how old is he? But it is only twenty-seven, but he can be cut off. Even outside the forbidden area of ​​the shrine, he is also resistant to overnight domination. How many characters are there in this world? Afraid Is it true that the King of War could not reach it when he was young? Haha, I think Xiao Yun's future will not be worse than that of King of War. "

"It was natural. It is said that the king of war fell into the forbidden area, or Xiao Yun rescued him."


"The King of Wars crusade Tiangong, there is a good show here!"

When this scripture came out, it immediately aroused many people's discussions.

Some good people even rushed to the area of ​​Tiangong Palace early to want to watch this timeless battle.

You know, Tiangong is the master of Tiandu Yu. For thousands of years, no one has dared to slay them.

However, at this time, some people crusade Tiangong.

How can this not be expected?

Of course, there are clan concerns.

Such as Yuwen's.

Such as the ancient clan, Zhu clan, and other clan who have dealt with Xiao Yun.

Now that the King of War is going to slay the Heavenly Palace, will they be the next one?

It can be said that the emperors in these clan are all panic at this time.

"Well, you should regret it!" Sighed the emperor of many clan.


And three days later, Xiao Zhantian, Xiao Yun, and Xiao mother, all left Xiao,

Along with them were Xiao Linger and Zuo Yanshuang.

Now this girl, I really want to see this father Xiao Xiao angry for Xiao Yun brother.

Xiao's father and son were dispatched.

At this time, an old emperor wearing a gold crown was sitting in the hall of a palace in Tiangong.

The golden eyes of this old emperor flickered, as if there was a heaven and earth evolved from behind.

Within that heaven and earth, there was a round of Jinyang flashing.

This is the old emperor of the Chu family, and he just got out of the customs and got the bad news that Yeba Tian ridiculed.

"I didn't expect that such a big thing happened in Tiangong after a hundred years of old retreat!" Chu Old Emperor's eyes flashed, his face full of anger.

Within the hall, all the emperors were like chills.

"Old ancestor, this incident is also an accident. Who would have thought that a junior junior would be so embarrassed." Chu Gongzhu looked helpless.

The emperor in the hall also sighed.

Who would have thought that the demon domain would come when they first went to the crusade?

Who would have thought that after the night emperor stepped on the half-step spirit realm, he had already broken the Xuetianmen God Formation, but would encounter the guy called Xiao Zhantian when he was against Xiao Yun.

Who would have thought that this person could already cut a half-step deity?

You know, Xiao Zhantian is only sixty years old!

Moreover, everyone knows that he has been in the forbidden area for more than 20 years.

Everyone thought he was ridiculed.

Who would have thought that he would be so powerful?

"Now that Xiao Zhantian has sent an obituary, he will come to slay my heavenly palace. It is estimated that he will come here within a few days." Chu Gong's eyes flashed.

"Old man, can you be sure of dealing with him?"

Suddenly, the emperors of the Heavenly Palace greeted the ancestor.

"My heavenly palace has a strong foundation, and now this seat has also entered a half-step spirit state. If he comes here, this seat will just meet him for a while to see how strong this rising star is, but you must also prepare Let some genius children leave Tiangong. "The Chu ancestor's eyes flashed, and a deep voice sounded.

Although he was trembling with warfare, he did not lack absolute confidence.

Obviously, he was still afraid of Xiao Zhantian.

"Well." After hearing the words, the emperors looked dignified.

This night emperor is also very talented, but not much worse than this Chu ancestor!

Even the Emperor of the Night was beheaded. Can Chu's ancestors really fight one?

There is obviously no confidence in everyone's hearts.

At this time, Tiangong up and down was also frightened.

Many disciples are talking.

"Do you know that the King of War is coming to slay the Heavenly Palace?"

"This king of war can easily kill the night emperor. It seems my Tiangong is about to be over!"

"While the future of King of War, let's run away!" At this time, many people began to run away.

Even the night emperor was beheaded. Who else can fight with the king of war?

Even some emperors secretly let their people go.

"Well, Tiangong, it's actually the same day." Some elders watched the disciples running away.

But they only sighed.

At this moment, even they want to run away.


Two days later.

The area where Tiangong is located has a rainbow passing by.

Then, Xiao Zhantian and his son appeared.

Beside him, Xiao Mu and Xiao Linger followed by Zuo Yanshuang.

"Who is it? How dare you break into my Tiangong area?"

"No, it's the king of war, run away!"

This is a patrol.

At first, when they saw the sudden appearance of the crowd, they looked upright.

But after seeing the appearance of the person, he immediately turned into a ray of light.

In this regard, the King of War looked indifferent, and did not intend to chase.

Now that I am here, I am not afraid that Tiangong has any means.

In this world, he did not believe that someone could threaten him.

This is self-confidence!

If today Godless was born, his warlord would be the master!

Flying all the way, almost unobstructed.

No one dares to stop.

Even the emperor dare not.

Even the night emperor in the half-step spirit realm was cut off. Who dares to fight?

In this way, Xiao Zhantian soon came to the core area of ​​Tiangong.

Here giant mountains stand up into the clouds.

The seventy-two peaks are extremely majestic.

The spirit veins here are like waterfalls, with strong vitality.

Xiao's father and son did not find anyone in Tiangong.

You know, Tiangong has hundreds of thousands of disciples.

This situation is surprising.

Xiao Yun came as if he had come to a deserted land.

"Did all the people in Tiangong run away?" At this time, even Zuo Xunshuang who was accompanying him was surprised.

Not only that, there are still people following Xiao Zhantian at this moment.

These are the people who want to watch the war.

"no one?"

"It seems that Tiangong is also afraid of Xiao Zhantian!" Many people secretly thought.

"This Xiao Zhantian cuts Yebatian, who is not afraid?"


In this way, Xiao Zhantian directly entered the 72 peaks.

This is already the core area of ​​the Temple.

In the past, others were simply unable to enter here.

But also at this time ~ ~ a light pattern appeared, with a mighty shock.

Amazingly a **** array opens.

"Are you finally going to do it?" Xiao Yun frowned, glancing around.

Beside, Xiao mother and others seemed very indifferent.

They all carry divine soldiers, so naturally they will not fear this so-called divine array.

Unless there is a half-step deity.

It's just that Xiao Zhantian is there, what about half-step gods?

The array of gods was opened, and the light ripples veiled over the world.

At this moment, there was a flicker of people in the depths of Tiangong.

The man headed by it is an ancestor of the Chu family in Tiangong.

"It's all against Tiangong. How about the monthly ticket? Let's get up!" Xiao Yun said.

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