Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1349: King of War

The master of Chu Lao Palace led the emperors of Tiangong to walk.

This old man is also nearly nine hundred years old.

He has a flawless body of heaven.

If it had not been for the gate of the sanctuary, he would have been afraid to enter the sanctuary.

If the power of the local rule is gradually weakening today, he has also set foot in a half step.

Although he entered this realm later than Yeba Tian, ​​it does not mean that he is worse than Yeba Tian.

Moreover, the Tianyang deity is obviously stronger than the Night Spirit celestial body.

The same is true, Ye will always be attached to Chu.

The emperors of the Tiangong Palace appeared and looked forward, all with a look of solitude.

"Why does your lord come to my heavenly palace?"

At this moment, a palace was dragged in his palm.

The palace is dazzling with light and trembling.

This is a temple reserved for the ancestors of the Chu family.

This is also the treasure of Tiangong.

"Oh, why are you here?" Xiao Zhantian laughed loudly. "You Tiangong crusade against me twice. Today I came here to destroy you."

The words fell, and his sole stepped forward, stepping forward,

An immense amount of mighty power also burst out from Xiao Zhantian.

"This ..." Seeing Xiao Zhantian saying nothing, he shot directly, and all the emperors in the palace were shocked.

"Let's go!" Xiao Zhantian said in a deep voice, "Dare to touch my son, you should pay for it!"

"Cultivating madness, look at what you can do today, dare to threaten to destroy my heavenly palace!"

Chu Lao Gong's eyes sank.

The golden light flickered behind him and evolved into a golden world.

The golden sun was suspended in this world.

A hot breath permeated.

Throughout the world, the temperature has doubled, and it seems that there really is a round of the sun appearing out of thin air.

This round of the sun emits a breath of almost avenue, which seems to burn the sea.

The emperors of the Tiangong Palace retreated, and did not dare to stay beside.

The half-step power of the gods is not what they can bear.

Moreover, this level of war is not that they can intervene.

The half-step divine realm, like a god, can overlook all beings.

In this existence, the emperors are like ants.

Unless the kind of emperor has touched the mystery of Shinto.

Such as Xiaofeng Laohuang.

Otherwise no one can compete with it.

After the celestial body of the sun **** was urged out, the main palm of this Chu Lao Palace moved, the palace flashed, and the divine pattern dangled in it.

Then, the palace was suspended under that round of Tianyang.

In this way, within the heaven and earth he evolved, a landscape of Tianyang suspended above the palace was formed.

That day, the sunlight was twinkling, and the power of the avenue kept pouring into the palace.

Under this power, the momentum of the palace continued to multiply, turning it into a giant temple with thousands of feet.

The power of the magic soldier suddenly appeared.

This is the mystery of Tianyang deity and this palace.

This is the supreme means of the ancestors of Chu's Tiangong.


Without much words, the master of this old palace of Chu moved a lot, and the magical world behind him flashed into a golden world that swept away towards Xiao Zhantian, and a situation of heaven and earth immediately blocked the Quartet, shrouded in glare Heaven and earth make this area completely become a sea of ​​golden sun.

Xiao Zhantian was shrouded by the light pattern blooming from that golden sun.

The emptiness is burned into nothingness.

The power of the sun is the power of the sun. It is more terrifying than many real fires and can burn everything.

"Tianyang Deity?" Feeling this power, Xiao Yun's eyes narrowed.

This old momentum is really more tyrant than that night tyrant.

Especially when the Tianyang repressed, it really seemed like there was a round of sun setting.

Not only that, under the sun, the huge palace with a height of one thousand feet is also suppressed by Xiao Zhantian, who carries the mighty divine power forward.

The palace fell and shattered the void.

A huge mouth spread, and there was a rift in the space.

This kind of attack cannot even bear the void, and the strength has reached the extreme.

However, Xiao Zhantian was indifferent.

He strode forward, and his body was submerged under the golden sun.

After that, he moved his hand and hit the air.

With just one palm, Jin Yang was hit.

The next moment, his eyes flashed, palm light flashed, the hazy cyclone emerged, a halberd appeared.

This war halberd is very old, and it is engraved that ordinary people can hardly recognize the ancient text.

Holding the war halberd, Xiao Zhantian's popularity soared.

In his eyes, there was a hint of recollection.

In his mind, a man emerged, holding a halberd to kill the Quartet.

In the picture, there are countless gods and demons falling down.

Only he stood for nine days.

"Ask Cangtian with a smile, who is the king in the world, but I fight the sky!" When Xiao Zhantian's eyes moved, when the palm of the hand was turned, the glow of the war halberd was beveled towards the suppressed palace. When the war halber cut to the void, a picture emerged in Xiao Zhantian's mind, which was also the appearance of a man holding a war halberd.

Under this halberd battle, the two figures seemed to merge.

An inexplicable feeling poured into his heart.


That is, at this time, the war halberds across the void, the mansions swallowed, tearing the mansions blooming from that palace.


Then, when the war halberd flashed, it was chopped on the palace,

A crisp voice sounded.

The sound wave was crisp and accompanied by a ripple.

I saw that the golden light of that palace swayed like a wave, and a vast divine power shook with it, as if the storm of the world swept across the square.

Under such fluctuations, the nearby mountain peaks were cut off directly.

Moreover, there are many mountain peaks that have been crushed and turned into powder.

The palace shuddered and was cut off directly.

The next moment, the divine power shocked and extinguished the light blooming from that golden sun.

An astonishing force swept away, with an unstoppable momentum.

Under this momentum, the emperor Chu of Tiangong was shocked.

His body exploded quickly, with a look of surprise.

"How could this person be so powerful?" He looked horrified.

The emperors of the sky palace in the distance were also shocked.

How powerful was this old Chu emperor?

That day, the Yang suppressed the world, and the world seemed to be burned.

The palace is down, and the gods are so powerful. Who can resist?

But such a powerful attack, but was so easily defeated by the opponent?

"What kind of realm did Xiao Zhantian reach?" The emperors of the Tiangong shivered, and turned pale when they turned to the man in the distance.

How can there be such a person in heaven?

Even the old emperor Chu was terrified.

"Father's combat power is indeed not comparable to half-step deities." Xiao Yun secretly murmured.

"Daddy Xiao is so amazing!" Xiao Linger looked upright.

"This Xiao Zhantian, has it really reached the state of quasi-god?" That is, Zuo Youshuang also looked suspiciously. "But just now, the power of this world of heaven and earth still exists. How could a quasi-god appear? In my sanctuary, those people are also stuck in the half-step divine realm, and only those ancestors claimed themselves in the forbidden land. "

However, the strength of Xiao Zhantian's combat power has exceeded demigods.

"Tian Gong should be destroyed!" Xiao Zhantian's eyes were condensed and his pace moved forward to continue his shot.

All he saw was killing forward with his war halberd.

The war halberd across the void looked like a shooting star to catch the moon.

But after the halberd, the ripples appeared with a breath of avenue.

Although Xiao Zhantian's shot seems simple, it always gives people a feeling of avenue.

"It doesn't seem that half-step gods can feel this way!" Zuo Xingshuang murmured, "This obviously contains the mystery of God."

She was suspicious.

Such martial arts should be unique to the gods.

Xiao Zhantian killed, the emperor Chu had to shoot.

Tianyang evolved, palaces suppressed.

However, even if he tried his best, he was still unbeatable.

He and Xiao Zhantian don't seem to exist at all.


A crisp voice sounded.

The palace was chopped and flying, and the main body of Chu Laogu spit blood, and his body was shaken back by a mighty force.

With every step he took, the void was crushed.

The force of terror shook.

"Lao Gongzhu!" Seeing this, all the emperors were shocked, and a kind of fear poured into their hearts.

Even the master of the old palace, who has stepped into the half step, is so vulnerable, who can fight against Tiangong?

At this moment, everyone finally knew why he was so afraid when referring to Xiao Zhantian.

Xiao Chutian continued his shots before the shot of Chu Lao Gong.

The war halber was chopped down to slay the old palace lord.

Frightened, in the depths of the Heavenly Palace, several emperors quickly urged the Shen array.

Suddenly, the divine light bloomed in the void, and a round of sun emerged.

As soon as the sun flashed, it suppressed down towards Xiao Zhantian.

Along with it was a golden mansion.

The gods are broken, and every shot can kill the emperor.

At this time, Xiao Yun and others were also shrouded in this attack.

But he evolved to swallow the weather.

The void was stirred by the cyclone and swallowed up the gods.

Xiao Linger and others did not move at all.

This attack is already unable to hurt Xiao Yun.

As for Xiao Zhantian!

A streak of light bloomed on his body, and a horrific war sent away.

This warfare has passed, just like the wild waves, actually drowning the gods.

This attack can't hurt the slightest.

After all, although this **** array is strong, it is only indirectly urged by some emperors.

This attack is much worse than that of Chu Chuhuang.

Xiao Zhantian almost ignored the attack of the God array and directly killed the old emperor Chu.

Such a scene, the emperor of Tiangong was stunned.

"It's too tough!"

"Who can fight with me in this world?"

The emperors of Tiangong are all shocked ~ ~ While the emperors are amazed, Xiao Zhantian has killed the past.

The old Chu Palace master frowned.

It was drowned by that monstrous intention.

The war in the midst of it made him chill.

The man in front of him is like a **** of war and cannot be resisted.

"I am the Lord of the Heavenly Palace, you must not kill me!" The old emperor of the Heavenly Palace was terrified, "I have Chu in the sanctuary Jiuyang Holy Palace. If you kill me, the Jiuyang Holy Palace will not let you go." With Xiao Zhantian so imposing, the old emperor suddenly felt that the breath of death was approaching, and he quickly threatened.

At this moment, he had to move out of the backstage of Tiangong.

"Jiuyang Holy Palace?" Xiao Zhantian's eyes murmured and murmured, "Is it the inheritance of Jiuyang?"

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