Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1350: Tian Gong Ming

"Is the inheritance of Jiuyang?" Xiao Zhantian murmured.

"Yes, the Jiuyang Holy Palace is indeed the inheritance of the Jiuyang Holy King. The Jiuyang Holy King is a Gaidai figure among the gods in ancient times. He is a hegemon. If you move me, the Jiuyang Holy Palace will not let you go. Hehe, it is said that the Jiuyang Shengjun didn't snore, he claimed himself in a forbidden area and waited for his birth.

"Mo said that you are not a descendant of Jiuyang. Even if you are his descendant, dare to move my son of Xiao Zhantian to be killed!" Xiao Zhantian stared at the light and hummed, "In these nine days and ten places, Who dares to touch the son of Xiao Zhantian will kill without amnesty! "The low voice spit out from Xiao Zhantian's mouth, his dark and long flying flew, and he had a world-wide prestige.

Seen from afar, his `pig`pig`island`fiction`www`huzud` seems to be really a king who ruled for nine days.

In this world, he is fearless.

"You ..." After hearing the words, Chu Lao Palace's eyes flashed, "You, aren't you afraid that the Jiuyang Holy Palace will destroy your door?"

He was surprised.

Who is Jiuyang Shengjun?

It is said that in ancient times, he was also a character of Gaidai.

Had it not been for the change of heaven and earth, would he have claimed himself in the sanctuary?

However, now that the road of God is about to open, such a Gaidai character will eventually be born.

Who dares to move the people under him?

Even if this temple is not a sacred line of the Jiuyang Holy Palace, it is still attached to the Jiuyang Holy Palace.

Whoever touches the Heavenly Palace is undoubtedly hitting the face of Jiuyang Holy Palace.

How can Jiuyang Holy Palace tolerate such things?

But this Xiao Zhantian is not afraid?

It shocked him.

"Haha, the Jiuyang Holy Palace destroyed my door? Even if the kid from Jiuyang came out, he dared to touch my child, and I Xiao Xiaotian would kill it, let alone you?"

Xiao Zhantian smiled.

Then, his eyes narrowed, his steps moved forward, and he held his war halberd to the front.

"Hum, you're going to kill me, then the old man will fight with you!" The eyes of the old man of Chu Lao Gong condensed, and then his face was gloomy and began to burn the essence in his body.

Suddenly, his whole body glowed, and the whole person seemed to be a sun, and the essence in his body was burning like a flame.

The divine half-step deities burned Jingyuan to fight to death, but I was afraid that few people could resist it.

At this moment, that heaven and earth is almost completely turned into a sea of ​​sun.

That day, Yang and the palace exuded supreme power.

The dazzling light bloomed, and when viewed from a distance, it seemed that a round of the sun was burning.

That kind of prestige and earth-shattering made the practitioners thousands of miles away feel cold, as if they were going to be burned at any time.

The mountains near him have been burned to nothingness under these fluctuations.

This power is too terrifying, it is no longer mortal.

"Burning essence?" Xiao Zhantian evoked a faint smile.

"Battle!" At this moment, Xiao Mu's jade hand clenched slightly.

This old palace owner is too cruel.

"This combat power, isn't demigod able to resist it?" At this point, even Zuo Xunshuang was dignified.

Such a horrible power contains the power of the avenue.

Even the half-step deities of the sanctuary had to retreat.

After all, demigods burn sperm and can continue to inspire their own Shinto power.

Whether it is its own magical power or the power of the magic soldier will reach a limit.

With this power, almost no one can resist.

At this moment, everyone was staring forward, his eyes tense.

"Father should be able to win this person!" Xiao Yun secretly murmured.

For his father, he was confident.

"Lao Gongzhu!" However, at this time, the people in Tiangong were crying sadly.

The master of the old palace burned the essence, apparently desperately.

Even if this battle is won, the realm is afraid to fall.

Not only that, he will hurt the foundation in the future and it will be difficult to improve.

"Looking at this Xiao Zhantian, he is still dead!" Some people looked at Lu Yan, looking forward to the obscurity of Xiao Zhantian.

At this time, Xiao Zhantian still seemed calm and calm.

All he saw was a big hand move, and in that palm, the mixed coffin of heaven appeared.

Then, a hazy cyclone evolved.

The volume of the cyclone was connected to the heavens and the earth, as if the volume of the cyclone covered the old emperor in the palace in front of him.

Under the agitation of the cyclone, the power of the sun was resolved a little bit that day.

Not only that, the cyclone was like bamboo shoots, and it engulfed the palace.

The attack that even the demigods must evade, could not even pose a little threat to Xiao Zhantian.

Then, the emperors of the Heavenly Palace watched the magical powers evolved by the old palace masters.

In the end, Xiao Zhantian made a move.

The palace was split up.

The next moment, a flash of halberd light split the old master of the Chu Palace in half.

With a mighty shock, the old palace turned into a fan.

Except for the magic soldier, all the treasures on him were turned into gray fly.

A half-step deity, at the expense of burning Jingyuan to fight, but still ridiculed.

"Lao Gongzhu!" Seeing this, the emperor of Tiangong lamented.

"How can this be, how can this be, how shocked is the old palace master who is absolutely brilliant, how can he still lose the battle when he burns the essence?

Tiangong's contemporary palace owner also lamented.

"Is this Xiao Zhantian a god?" Exclaimed the emperor.

"How is this possible? In this world, can a **** be born?" Some emperors shook their heads.

Now that gods cannot be born, how can these Xiao Zhantian be gods?

"Then how could he be so powerful?" The emperors frowned, his face puzzled.

It is hard to imagine that there will still be such horrible people in the contemporary era.

"Tian Gong does not need to exist anymore!" After the master of the old palace fell down, Xiao Zhantian strolled and slid deep into the palace.

With a big move, War Halberd cut directly to a forbidden ground.

There, there is a formation in Tiangong.

The war halberd passed, and the large array was destroyed.

Then, Xiao Zhantian continued to stroll.

"Go!" Xiao Yun's eyes were hot and quickly followed.

In the rear, many practitioners who came to watch also quickly followed.

They were enthusiastic about the war just now.

Although far apart.

But the power released by the Tiangong old emperor burning Jingyuan in the First World War was even trembling.

"You ..." When Xiao Zhantian came, the emperor of Tiangong was angry.

"You are the palace master of the Chu family of Tiangong!" Xiao Zhantian held the war halberd and pointed obliquely at the front.

There, Chu Gongzhu appeared.

He is also an emperor of Heaven and Heaven.

The talent to become a contemporary Tiangong Palace is also amazing.

If he continues to cultivate, he can set foot in the realm of God.

But now that Xiao Zhantian is here, he has felt despair.

"Do you really want to do this?" Chu Gong's eyes glanced down, "If you destroy my heavenly palace, the people in the sanctuary will not let you go!"

"In the beginning, Yebatian attacked my child, and you must have supported it, too. In this case, you should all be embarrassed!"

Xiao Zhantian didn't say much. He stepped out and killed the past.

The war halberd passed, and the master of the Chu palace was cut.

Many elders couldn't resist Xiao Zhantian's blow.

The emperors of Tiangong shuddered, and many old emperors wanted to escape.

But how powerful is Xiao Zhantian?

Moreover, Xiao Yun was also nearby.

Who can flee if this father and son take a shot?

Just a moment later, there were more than 20 emperors ridiculed.

Within Tiangong, there are already a lot of scars.

Xiao Zhantian shot and shot down the suspended palace.

This is the core of Tiangong.

But no one was there.

The palace fell to the ground, exuding divine power.

Under Xiao Zhantian, the temple was darkened.

In the end, the temple shone with magnificent light patterns that shook Xiao Zhantian.

"This temple has a spirit." Xiao Zhantian's eyes flashed and murmured, "Because of the power of heaven and earth, it will not shoot, but if I forcibly destroy this temple, the instrumental spirit may also fight desperately. Now that the emperors of the Chu Family have fallen, this revenge can be counted. As for whether the Heavenly Palace can resurrect, it does not matter. "

Then he turned to Xiao Yun.

"Now, let's go to Yuwen's!" Xiao Zhantian said.

"Good!" Xiao Yun nodded.

For example, the palace is considered to be playing today.

The emperors fell down, and it was too difficult for them to rise.

Xiao Yun is not afraid even if there is still a sin.

Whoever dares to commit it will be cut off.

Later, Xiao's father and son left the Tiangong area.


When Xiao's father and son left, the news of the destruction of Tiangong immediately spread throughout the sky.

"Did you know that Xiao's father and son came to the Temple of Heaven and pushed everything side by side? The 72 Peaks of the Palace collapsed that day. The Heavenly Palace that inherited ten thousand years was pushed down from the main peak. If the emperors of the Palace fall today, the disciples flee, It's really over! "When it comes to the news, the person who spread it is not very sighing.

This is Tiangong ...

A force that has dominated Tianduyu for thousands of years was pushed by Xiao's father and son?

If it had been before, who would have thought that the Temple would be destroyed?

When the news came out, Tiandu made a wave.

"This day, the palace was domineering. When Xiao Yun was attacked in the name of Yao, everyone knew that he was for the magic soldiers and to show his dominance." Some people looked cold.

"Oh, now his heavenly palace can also be regarded as a self-eating evil. In this world, since ancient times, he has been able to produce many people, how can he always dominate the Quartet?"

Many people even feel happy.

Tiangong has dominated this world for too long, and it is time to change it.

"If today's palace is destroyed, who will be the next?" While lamenting the destruction of the heavenly palace, some people's eyes were exposed.

"This Xiao Zhantian first defeated the Emperor Xiao's emperor, and then destroyed the Heavenly Palace. The next one should be Yao, but Yao has only one Snow Emperor, and is still the old love of the King of War. At the time, Xiao Yun let her go. Isn't she going to be after all, then, their next goal should be that of Yuwen's. "Some people analyzed," After all, Yuwen's not only ambushed the King of War, but also sent someone to Yao's team to ambush Xiao. Yun, who did you turn to before revenge? "

"I want to come.

"Oh, it should be lively next day."

Countless people are full of expectations.

Many people feel happy.

Now those guys who used to be aggressive are finally getting their due!

When the news came out, Yuwen's heart was already trembling.

"Xiao Zhantian destroyed Tiangong. The next one may be my Yuwen family. What should I do next?"

"Everything is caused by Langya ~ ~ I think Langya you should bear the result."

Within the hall, the emperors sat, and two emperors said in a panic.

Now Yuwen's has only four emperors.

One of them is Yuwen Langya who has just stepped into the royal road.

"Hand over Langya?" Within the hall, Yu Wenhao flashed his eyes.

"Do you really think it's enough to surrender me?" At this time, Yu Wenlangya was also gloomy.

"What should we do?" The other two emperors looked dull.

To this day, they want to leave Yuwen's.

However, if they leave, Yu Wenshi will be over.

If you don't leave, you are still waiting to die.

"Continue to ask for monthly tickets to sweep the sky."

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