Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1359: Duxinghe

The kings of the sky are advancing along the ancient road, but unfortunately there is a galaxy waiting.

Although you can see a ruined city ahead.

But wanting to cross the Xinghe, it is obviously not so easy to set foot there.

So the kings stopped and did not dare to rush forward.

At this moment, all the people understand why their predecessors were awed when they talked about the ancient road.

"It is indeed an ancient road!" Xiao Yun secretly thought.

This is by no means comparable to ordinary forbidden areas.

Because of a poor pool, there will be no place for burial.

It's hard to imagine, if it was swallowed up by this galaxy, where would it fall?

"Brother Xiao can be sure to spend this place?" Xue Qianye next asked.

"Here is the power of the starry sky. That kind of power is elusive, but it is like the force of the avenue oppressing me. We are now on this platform. Once we step into that starry river, that power will be even more terrifying. Going away, it is easy to be suppressed by this kind of power, and thus fall into the whirlpool of the Galaxy. "Xiao Yun said.

At this time, he did not dare to cross the galaxy.

The kings next to Xiao Yun also felt this situation.

However, although everyone frowned, they were not discouraged, and they were watching the galaxy carefully.

Since some predecessors successfully entered the sanctuary, it means that this place can move forward.

Although they don't know the specific situation.

However, Murong Jingyun was also mentioned at the beginning. Indeed, some people successfully entered the sanctuary by the ancient road.

And there are still a lot of people.

The same is true, so many people want to come here for a visit.

At this time, Xiao Yun was also carefully watching this galaxy.

"Looking at this star river turning, it seems to have a certain law." Xiao Yun secretly thought.

Star River turns ahead.

The air flow was like a hurricane agitating.

At this time, the airflow was very rapid, and even turned into a vortex in some areas.

But there are some places that are gentle.

But this situation is beyond human control.

Because you don't know when this galaxy will change.

If you rush into it and encounter a storm, you are finished.

So if you want to understand this galaxy, you must observe it carefully.

"Xinghe River turns, there are certain rules!" At this time, Supreme Master Tun said, "You see, when the Xinghe vortex rotates from left to right, there will be a force of vortex. At that time, a vortex will be condensed. This kind of Xinghe vortex will condense seventy-seven times before it will gradually decline. Only after seventy-seven rotations can it cross the Xinghe. "

"Oh." After hearing that, Xiao Yun began to observe the Xinghe carefully.

"Furthermore, this vortex is every one hundred miles. Only in the middle of this gap is the safety zone. Look at that ..." Tuntian Supreme said in detail.

Xiao Yun walked away carefully.


Beyond the whirlpool, there is a gap where the air flow intersects, it is violent, but there is also a little gap for people to pass through.

Of course, if you cross here when the vortex is not dissipated, you will be crushed by the horrifying galaxy force.

You have to wait for the power of that vortex to dissipate.

"So it is." Seeing this, Xiao Yun's eyes were stunned.

Then he waited secretly.

When the cyclone stopped, he continued to observe.

"The cyclone stopped, but it only stopped for two quarters, that is, within two quarters of the time, it was necessary to fly to the stubble city ahead.

Xiao Yun secretly said.

If you can't fly to the opposite side in time, you will be engulfed by the power of Xinghe.

Then he continued to observe.

After the Xinghe vortex spins seventy-seven times, it begins to ease.

Then he paused and started again.

"Sure enough." After being verified, Xiao Yun nodded, knowing in his heart.

"Follow me later!" Xiao Yun said to Zhao Zheng, Xiao Feng and others.

"Um." Everyone nodded, convinced Xiao Yun.

After waiting for two hours, the cyclone finally stopped spinning.

Of course, although the rotation has stopped, the power of the galaxy is still very strong, which makes people dread.

Many people have actually seen some clues, but are afraid to break in.

"Go!" At this moment, Xiao Yun's eyes were frozen.

He sacrificed an imperial flying boat.

The flying boat flickered and appeared before him.

As soon as he moved, he stepped into it.

At the same time, Zhao Zheng and others stepped in.

Liu Hanyan and others also entered.

In addition, Xue Qianye sacrificed the flying boat by herself, loading the people in Xuetianmen.

The kings urged this boat together.

call out!

When Xiao Yun's mind moved, the flying boat swept forward.

Behind him, Xue Qianye and others followed closely.

"Xiao Yun moved, and we followed along?" When Xiao Yun left, someone immediately looked at each other and asked what the other party meant.

"This Xiao Yun has different talents. He is a rare talent who has never been seen in Tianduyu for thousands of years. He has great opportunities and knows a lot. It is not wrong to follow him."

Immediately the king made a decision, and then the kings immediately urged the flying boat and hurried forward.

In their hearts, Xiao Yun suddenly became that leader.

For Xiao Yun, they have a blind worship.

Right now, flying boats are passing by in this starry Hanoi.

The flying boat passed, but the speed was not as fast as everyone thought.

Even though the galaxy vortex is not there, the power of that galaxy is still there.

Under this power, the speed of the people drastically decreased.

"The power of the galaxy is affecting the flying speed!" Xiao Yun immediately sensed the anomaly.

Of course, he had already expected this.

Right now he tried to spur the flying boat.

Today, although he only walks through the heavens, the power of the soul is stronger than ordinary people.

With his efforts, Feizhou was finally regarded as a stable Fei Fei.

Fortunately, this galaxy is not too wide, only a thousand miles away.

However, Xiao Yun was still enough for nearly two quarters.

If it was before, half an hour is not necessary.

After Xiao Yun tried his best to urge, Feizhou finally flew out of this galaxy.

Then, the flying boat flickered and landed in the remnant city suspended in the sky.

"Over!" When Feizhou landed, everyone above him was relieved.

Then everyone turned around and looked down.

Below the remnant city is a vast galaxy.

Where the power of the galaxy swept, although the vortex was not there, the power of the galaxy was still daunting.

At this time, flying boats were coming one by one.

Xue Qianye and others landed safely.

Many people fell to the ground, all secretly relieved.

"It seems that Xiao Yun is following, indeed!" Many people fell from the flying boat with emotions in their faces.

However, when these people were feeling, the starry sky in front of it, the power of the starry sky suddenly became sharp.

Stars and whirlpools are formed again.

At present, each flying boat was towed by the power of that galaxy.

Then everyone watched as the flying boats were swallowed up.

When Feizhou was swallowed up, he was drawn into the unpredictable Xinghe.

The next moment, the flying boat was gone.

Then, a flying boat in the rear was engulfed.

"This ..." Seeing this, everyone's relaxed heart tightened.

Every king was stunned, and there was a chill on his back.

"These people were hesitant just now, so they finally followed, so they missed the opportunity." Seeing this, Zhu Aotian took a breath.

Someone who was engulfed by Xinghe.

There are also some remnants of the King of Heaven.

In short, many people have a bad opinion about Xiao Yun, so they missed the best time.

Those who did not care about Xiao Yun spent the first time here.

Others stayed where they were.

"It's a pity." Many people sighed, shaking their heads again and again.

There were hundreds of kings on those flying boats just now.

But it was so ridiculous.

This is sighing.

At the same time, he was secretly grateful.

If they hadn't followed Xiao Yun, would they have been ridiculed here?

"The ancient road is indeed dangerous!" The kings took a breath.

At this time, they can be regarded as the horror of this ancient road.

In this regard, Xiao Yun looked indifferent.

Everyone has his own destiny, he can't dominate.

Those who believe in him can, of course, make a little disaster.

As for the others, he has no obligation to help.

After all, what if it was wrong?

Hasn't he become a sinner?

Withdrawing his eyes, Xiao Yun turned towards the residual city ahead.

This is indeed an ancient city.

Is a giant city suspended in the sky.

Looking ahead, you simply cannot see the end of this giant city.

It's just that the city has long been broken, and even the city walls are gone, as if it had suffered a devastating blow.

Even the ground they stepped on was cracked.

It's hard to imagine what kind of giant city this is, which will actually be suspended in the starry sky.

It is also difficult to imagine what disaster happened that year, making this huge city destroyed like this.

Xiao Yun moved forward and stepped over many gravels and remnants.

The stones here are weird, exuding an ancient atmosphere.

It was a pity that everyone picked it up, and the stone broke and turned into dust.

"Already decayed?" Seeing this, Xiao Yun shook his head and had to move on.

Everyone keeps moving, what they want to search for.

Because the front put is a ruin, you can't see anything at all.

In addition, there are few records of this place among various ethnic groups.

"Where is a battlefield?" Finally, at the center of this disability, Xiao Yun saw a battlefield.

This stage is full of vicissitudes.

Looking closely, there are seven diamond-shaped spar above the array.

These spar flicker like stars, blooming with dazzling light.

There is an ancient **** pattern carved near this star.

"This is an ancient teleportation array!" Seeing this, the eyes of the Supreme Lord swallowed up.

"Here are the tips left by the predecessors!" At this time, someone found a piece of jade Jane.

This was left by the predecessors.

"On the sky, there are seven stars flickering ~ ~ Starlights gather, and when corresponding to the platform, the force of the stars can be pulled to trigger this array!"

Many eyes brightened.

"Is this how to use the power of the stars to open the formation?" Everyone was surprised.

This starry sky is different!

"It's extremely difficult to build a teleportation array in this starry sky. The power of the heavens and earth required to start a large array is also extremely amazing. The ordinary spirit stone can't start this large array at all." Supreme Master Tun Tian explained, "The power of the stars to pull the stars opened A large array is obviously the best way, but this star spar is also a rarity and not for everyone. "

"So it is." Xiao Yun nodded, and he knew something about it.

"The power of the seven stars?" Then he looked up.

At this time, the stars were sparse, and there were no seven stars corresponding to the city.

"It seems to be waiting for some time." Xiao Yun secretly murmured.

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