Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1360: Man in the sky

Xiao Yun and others set foot on the ancient road and finally crossed the Xinghe into the broken ancient city.

Although the ancient city is broken, it is already in ruins, but fortunately there is an ancient formation on it that has not been destroyed, and there is a jade Jane left by its predecessors.

This gave the kings hope.

Xiao Yun and others waited in the ruined ancient city.

The starry sky was dim, and only the dim light flickered above the ancient city.

Waiting a little, night seemed to come.

& nbsp $ 猪 $ 猪 $ 岛 $ 小说 (www). (zhu) (zhu) (). (); An extremely cold meaning began to wreak havoc on this ancient city.

In this chill, many people could not help but snore.

"Why is it so cold?" The kings were shocked.

This chill, even they felt a little irresistible.

As night fell, it was getting colder.

At the moment, everyone quickly urged Zhenyuan to resist the cold.

"Icy starry sky ... is this icy starry sky?" Xiao Yun felt the chill, and a faint smile smiled at the corner of his mouth.

This chill even moved him.

You know, at this time, he was half-walking through the heavens, and he was also building a Binghuo Wuhun and knew the meaning of Bingzhi.

How can ordinary people resist this power?

At this time, some ordinary kings frowned.

There are many people here, and people with a supernatural power want to try their luck.

But at this time, under this chill, they already felt they could not bear it.

It's not just as cold.

In this starry sky, there is an inexplicable force that oppresses his true element and soul.

In this way, there are originally 10% of combat power, but here they can only play 30% to 60%, naturally it is greatly reduced.

As time passed, those people finally had to urge Wang Bing to shield themselves.

However, even at night, seven stars did not appear above the void.

In this way, everyone has to wait.

This wait lasted for half a month.

During this period, many people were depleted of a lot of true elements and had to be replenished with spirit stones.

Fortunately, half a month later, the stars changed, and many stars appeared over the ancient city.

"Appeared, appeared!" When this star appeared, someone couldn't help but shouted.

"One, two, three!" Even many kings counted the stars that appeared in the starry sky.

Because they are so excited.

Waiting half a month in this starry sky.

This half month was accompanied only by icy and blankness.

There are also many kings here. If you are alone, it is not difficult to imagine how lonely and hopeless it should be.

The stars blinked.

Looking up occasionally, you can see a star appear in the dark sky.

"The seventh appears, the seventh appears!" When the seventh star appeared, everyone exclaimed.

After that, countless people set their eyes on that platform.

At this moment, the starlight flickered in the starry sky, dazzling.

That Xinghui sprinkled and fell on the platform.

"Whoever repairs the power of the stars, quickly pulls them down!" Seeing this, someone shouted.

"I!" At this moment, a young king stepped forward.

This is a king with a star martial spirit.

This person's surname is Lin, and the first name is Lin Jiuxing.

Lin Jiuxing stepped forward and walked to the front of the Guzhen platform.

Then his eyes flashed, his eyebrows flashed, and a vision evolved.

A star was suspended above his head.

When this star emerged, a vast force of stars pervaded.

Among them is the star mystery.

"With the patterns of my stars, the power of the stars!"

As soon as Lin Jiuxing's eyes condensed, he was pulling with both hands, and began to gather the power of the stars.

Suddenly, the martial spirit above his head bloomed out of the avenue, a ripple of light diffused, a ripple rippled in the void, the stars in the starry sky flickered, and there was a dazzling brilliance falling down. This is the starlight, but also contains a The mighty power of the heavens and the earth fell down like a waterfall and a sky of stars.

Xinghui sprinkled, covering Lin Jiuxing.

All he could see was that he was pulling with both hands, and the stars were shining like rivers, injecting into the seven stars spar on the platform.

When this starlight was injected into the star spar, the divine pattern next to it squirmed, and the light patterns were intertwined, and an ancient and vast divine power immediately burst out from it.

Then, the divine pattern turned into a cyclone and automatically connected to the stars on the starry sky.

Seven beams of light soared into the sky, connecting seven stars.

The vast power of the stars was immediately absorbed by this pattern.

At the center of the large array, the **** pattern wriggled, and a light gate evolved.

A portal is slowly opening.

"It's amazing!" Seeing this scene, all the kings felt eye-opening.

Previously in Tiandu Realm, everyone used Yuanshi and Lingshi to start the formation.

But it would be so wonderful at this time.

As long as the spar is touched, the **** pattern pulls the stars themselves.

"Is this the starry array method?" Even Xiao Yun was surprised by the mystery of this large array.

Such a means is unbelievable.

The person who created this large array is definitely the master in the array.

"This is just a path." The Supreme Master said lightly. "And the masters of the world use the stars as their array to trap and kill the enemy. That is the real big way."

"As the stars?"

Xiao Yun's eyes flashed, his heart shook.

What amazing magical powers should this be!

"The size of this world is far from what you can imagine," said the supreme old man who swallowed the sky, "you can work hard, boy, and the road is still long."

"Um." Xiao Yun nodded, his eyes flashed, and his eyes fell on the ancient array ahead.

Under the mighty divine power, the light gate in the ancient array was finally opened.

This is like the same domain gate, which seems to connect another world.

And when the light gate was opened, the star beam still attracted the mighty power of the stars.

This is to maintain a large array of operations.

"The front door was opened, we can enter inside!" When the front door was opened, Lin Jiuxing turned to everyone.

Then he stepped into the light gate first.

"Go!" Xiao Yun and others followed.


"I don't know what's ahead?" At present, the kings of all races moved forward with full-faced expectations.

Just a moment later, more than 20,000 kings entered.

After half an hour, this large array of light patterns was restrained, and the array of doors disappeared.

At this time, Xiao Yun and others were dragged by the power of the mysterious formation.

They seem to be moving through time and space.

After a while, the crowd finally lost their strength and got rid of the power of this formation.

However, as soon as the power of the formation method broke free, Xiao Yun quickly released his mind.

After all, he didn't know what was ahead, so he had to be prepared for danger.

Otherwise, what if it is teleported into a galaxy storm?

The mind was released, and Xiao Yun's eyes opened with it.

"Is this a continent?" As far as he could see, he saw a vast area.

There are ancient trees here, mountains and rivers.

However, deep down, he felt a little dreadful.

"We're in the Star Road?"

"There seems to be a city ahead!"

"Someone is there!" At this time, as the monks stepped out of the transmission cyclone, their eyes moved and they discovered what was ahead.

At the moment, an exclamation sounded.

"Is this another stop?" Many people were curious about the way ahead.

Then, as soon as the kings moved, they darted to the land ahead.

But, invisibly, they felt a breath of rejection.

That breath turned into shackles, making them inexplicably uncomfortable, and even breathing harder.

"Repulsive power?" After feeling this power, Xiao Yun and others frowned.

"Different worlds and different interfaces will naturally have different rules. I don't know whether this continent is ancient or left in ancient times. It is normal for you to be excluded." The Supreme Master said faintly.

"Exclusion of the power?" Xiao Yun frowned slightly.

"That's natural." Tengtian Supreme said, "Not only is the power, but also the large area, not in one plane, it will also be rejected, and it needs continuous adaptation and integration."

Xiao Yun nodded.

"But I don't know what monuments are in this continent?"

At this time into the starry sky, he also broadened his horizons.

Then, as soon as he moved, he passed the invisible repulsive force and entered the area where the continent was ahead.

The edge of the continent is the vast starry sky.

At this time, Xiao Yun and they fell into a wide area on the mainland.

There is an ancient city in front of it.

The ancient city is very tall and is made of dark iron stones.

Xiao Yun and others fell outside the city.

Because the city has a team of black armored iron guards, and there is a force of restraint.

Obviously, some people in the city are not allowed to rush in.

"Someone!" After seeing the man who guarded the ancient city, the king's eyes showed joy.

"Are these indigenous peoples of this continent?"

"I wonder if they can get information about the ancient road from their mouths?" Everyone's eyes were full of expectations.

How can you not be pleased to meet human beings in this vast starry sky?

"Just, but I don't know if these people are easy to get along with?"

"Since someone can enter the sanctuary, it will not be too difficult for us to come to these people."

But most people are not very pessimistic.

Then, everyone walked towards the ancient city.

The ancient city is very tall and can have hundreds of feet. Above the gate, there are several ancient characters carved.

"Jufeng City!" Whispered inside the devouring tower ~ ~.

"Ju Feng City?" Xiao Yun frowned slightly after hearing the words.

Not only that, above the city wall, he also saw a pattern.

This is a giant, holding a tomahawk, looking into the void pattern.

"Is it the ancient city left by the giant spirits?" Muttered Supremely Tuntian.

"Ju Ling Clan?" Xiao Yunmu curious.

"This is a protoss, very mysterious and powerful." Tuntian Supreme said.

"Protoss?" Xiao Yun said with a frown, "There are protoss in this starry sky? But I don't know if there is a god?

Just at this moment, above the giant city, a black armored iron guard with a cold face and a tall body moved down to walk, his pace moved, his body fell like a giant mountain, and a powerful force trembled. Opening up, it caused an invisible wave to appear in the void, and that kind of wave was like rolling waves, causing the king's body to be shaken back.

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