Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1361: Giant Spirit Continent

The black armored man was two feet tall, and his feet fell to the ground, so that the earth was shaking, and a force of tyrants burst out.

This force came in, like a stormy sea, and even the king was shaken back.

"This is pure power?" Xiao Yun frowned.

This power is powerful and shocking.

However, Xiao Yun did not step back. He swallowed the magical power in his body to dissolve the power of the opponent.

In fact, the oppression of this world is not too serious for Xiao Yun.

Because his devouring magical powers resolved most of the repulsive forces.

However, the king around Xiao Yun is different.

These people all had their eyes closed, and they took a few steps back before they got back.

Afterwards, the crowd stared at the tall man with a little stubbornness.

"This person is so strong!" Everyone was surprised.

This is just an iron guard defending the city.

How powerful would it be if it were a man in the city?

This makes everyone's face slightly dignified.

They know that on this ancient road, no king can stand side by side.

"You are practitioners from Tianduyu?" The black armored iron guard's eyes were like bronze bells, he glanced at the kings behind Xiao Yun, and said in a loud voice.

At this time, behind Xiao Yun, there were more than 20,000 kings.

Such a battle cannot be described as modest.

If it is placed in Tiandu, the appearance of so many strong people will definitely cause a sensation,

But the black armored iron guard looked very indifferent, just glanced at everyone casually.

"Exactly!" Xiao Yun said, "I don't know how you call it?"

"Under the giant spirit tribe, Zheng Tong!" The man's eyes flashed, "This time is good, there are more people who can cross the Galaxy than here last time."

"Last time?" Said the kings secretly, "It seems that the predecessors did come to this city."

Thought of this, everyone was slightly relieved.

In this way, they can learn more about this ancient road.

"If you want to enter the city, you have to pay 10,000 top-grade spirits!" The iron guard looked stern and said to everyone.

"Pay 10,000 fine spirits?" After hearing the words, all the kings were shocked, showing an incredible look.

One thousand spirits!

It is still a top-quality spirit, which is definitely a large number.

You know, one top-grade spirit stone is equal to one hundred top-grade spirit stones.

In this way, this 10,000 top-grade spirit stone is equivalent to one million top-grade spirit stone.

Such a huge amount is definitely a huge wealth.

It is difficult to obtain such spirit stones without the ancient ruins.

Fortunately, these people have prepared for the ancient road. Many kings have gathered a lot of spiritual stones.

It's just these spirit stones, they are all used to supply the true elements consumed.

If it is exhausted at a glance, the true yuan will be exhausted in the future, and it will be difficult to survive in this starry sky.

"If you don't pay the spirit stone, you can't enter the city!" Tiewei said coldly when he saw the crowd.

"This is 10,000 top-quality spirits!" Xiao Yun frowned, and took out 10,000 top-quality spirits.

"That's right." Seeing Xiao Yun hand over the spirit stone, Zheng Tong showed a meaning you knew.

"There are still 100,000 spirits here!" Xiao Yun smiled and took out 100,000 spirits.

"This is ..." Seeing this, Zheng Tong was hesitant.

"I wonder if there is a way to the sanctuary in this city?" Xiao Yun asked.

Since these people know Tiandu Yu, they must know why they came.

So Xiao Yun asked this.

To Xiao Yun, this spirit is really nothing.

You know, there are countless king soldiers in his hands, even fake soldiers.

At first I did not know how many spirit stones were replaced.

At this time, he was described as wealthy, rich, and willful, with no scruples at all.

"So you want to know about this." Then Zheng Tong finally showed a faint smile. He took over Lingshi, and later said, "We do know about this."

"Oh?" Xiao Yun asked, hearing the words.

"I think you have a bit of eye contact, and I'll tell you later!" Said Zheng Tong lightly.

Then, he turned towards the people behind Xiao Yun.

At this time, people around Xiao Yun also took out the spirit stone.

Like Liu Hanyan them.

Seeing that Xiao Yun was out, everyone took out the spirit stone.

Moreover, from the Zheng Tong mouth just now, they also knew that there was news about the path of the sanctuary in this city.

At this time, Zheng Tong made a move in his palm, and immediately there were twelve iron guards falling down on the city wall, and began to collect spirit stones.

Soon, more than 20,000 people turned in the spirit stone.

Although distressed, they want to set foot in the sanctuary.

"You can rest assured that after entering the city, you will definitely find that this is worth the money." Said Zheng Tong.

Then the city gate opened and everyone was welcomed into the city.

Naturally headed by that is Zheng Tong.

Xiao Yun followed him.

Stepping into the city, it was a wide field, and then the avenue extended.

On both sides of this avenue, many ancient buildings can be seen.

The ancient vicissitudes permeated from that building.

Totems with giant tomahawks can be seen in some temples.

"I don't know if there is a **** in your city?" He glanced around, and Xiao Yun asked.

"Spirit?" The man turned back, looking down at Xiao Yun, with a surprised eye, "Spirit? For many years, this has become a legend!"

The man sighed.

"No god?"

Xiao Yun froze.

"There is no god, but the emperor does." Zheng Tong nodded, and then said, "Although this place looks like a starry sky, it actually belongs to mortal world. This is just an ancient continent that fell from the divine realm. Special forces will repel outsiders, but people here want to become gods, but they are still bound by the power of the rules of this heaven and earth. "

"Still belongs to the mortal world?" After hearing the words, Xiao Yun understood.

Although this is a starry sky, it has not left the realm and is bound by the power of heaven and earth.

"Is there a way to the sanctuary here?" Xiao Yun asked.

"There is a detailed map in the city," said Zheng Tong. "However, I suggest that you don't rush forward, you should go to the washing pool first."

"Xiling Lingchi?" Xiao Yun asked, hearing the words.

"You are outsiders. When you come to this continent, you are suppressed by the power of the rules and your strength cannot be exerted. If you encounter any ancient beasts, it is easy to ridicule, let alone to raise the realm here, but if you go to wash Lingchi, soaked in the water of the Lingchi, and merged with the spiritual fluid in it, so that your breath is fused with this heaven and earth. In this way, naturally you will not be excluded, this can also allow you to absorb the vitality of this heaven and earth to improve Zhenyuan has the opportunity to break through the realm, and only then can he move on. "Zheng Tong said," Hey, in this way, you can save a lot of spirits. "

"Xiling Lingchi!" Xiao Yun's eyes brightened when he heard that.

If there is such a place, it is definitely a good thing!

"It does exist in the Lingling Pool," said Supreme Master Tun Tun.

"Most people ascend from the lower realm. To adapt to the power of that realm, they must be washed in the spirit pool and thoroughly merged with the power of this realm. Although this continent has fallen into the dust, it still has the power of remaining rules. Therefore, you also have to enter that washing pool. "Supreme Supreme explained to Xiao Yun.

This continent is very strange. Although it fell into the dust, it is still in the starry sky, so it retains some of its original characteristics.

"This Lingchi Pool, but can everyone go?" After understanding the Lingchi Pool, Xiao Yun continued to ask.

"As long as you enter our city, you can naturally go to that washing pool, but the washing pool is not in the city, and whether it can be reached in a dangerous place outside the city depends on your ability, huh, although it is dangerous, But for you, it may be a sharpening. "Zheng Tong smiled, and seemed to have a good opinion of Xiao Yun.

"In this city, in addition to my Tiandu domain people, can anyone come here?" After slightly nodding, Xiao Yun continued to ask.

From Murong Jingyun's mouth, Xiao Yun learned that when the ancient road opened, not only the people in Tiandu domain would enter it.

It also includes people from other large domains.

"Naturally there are other people," said Zheng Tong. "This large area, such a city is still in another direction, but as it happens, our giant front city this time accepted the people of Xuan Yu and your Tiandu Yu Counting it, it has been ten days since the people in the Xuanyu entered the city. Not only that, there have been people who have successfully entered the Lingling Pond and returned to the ancient road the day before yesterday. "

"Some people have set foot on the ancient road." Xiao Yun frowned, and there were people who arrived before them.

"I think it's because we were delayed for half a month in that remnant city." He murmured secretly.

"You can settle in this area, but everyone has to pay a hundred top-quality spirits every day!"

Not only afterwards, this Zheng Tong brought the Kings of the Heavens to a vast building complex.

Here, there are a lot of palace halls.

Those people lived here 800 years ago.

"In the city, you must not fight or destroy anything ..." At this time, Tiewei told the rules of the city to everyone.

"If you want information about this continent, you can buy it at Yiwuge!"


After some explanation, these iron guards left.

There are also guards in this complex.

These people are all tall and tall, one by one, who are immensely powerful and are giant spirits.

If you want to settle in, you have to pay the spirit stone.

Xiao Yun and others settled in and immediately went to buy a map.

As a result, many people know when buying, this map is only a one-time, and it will be destroyed immediately after viewing.

Of course, as a king, you can remember these maps.

It's just troublesome to circulate to each other.

"A piece of information requires 10,000 pieces of spirit stone, but to understand this continent, it takes more than a dozen points of information. That is to say, it takes tens of thousands of spirit stones. What a pit!" Zhao Zheng murmured, they all went to buy the map data, because this thing, it is very troublesome for everyone to burn down with the sense of God, it is better to buy it clearly.

Even ~ ~ some things can not be branded at all. It is a mixture of some ancient and contemporary texts, which was inexplicably banned.

This is what people in the city do in order to earn spirit stones.

"Oh, people outside our country have only appeared once in 800 years. They naturally want to make more money." Xiao Yun smiled slightly.

Then he began to read various materials.

After a while, he took a deep breath and knew something about the continent.

This is the giant spirit continent, owned by the giant spirit tribe.

At the same time, these materials also detail the route of the ancient road.

If you go through what area, where you want to reach, what level you meet, you can finally enter the domain gate to the sanctuary.

These are explained in detail.

"These spirit stones have no white flowers!" After getting these materials, Xiao Yun was determined.

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