Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1362: Giant Spirit Power

Xiao Yun and others entered the city and quickly purchased information about this continent.

After reviewing these materials, everyone was calm.

"I want to step into the gate of the sanctuary, I have to pass through these dangerous places."

"This ancient road is indeed dangerous, but it is also accompanied by chance!"

"Behind that, there seem to be many monuments?"


After viewing these materials, some people have eyes such as Lu Ning, Zhu, Pig, Island, and Novel.

However, some people look forward to it.

Because after risk comes chance.

If luck is against the sky, you can really transform here and fly into the sky.

"It's dangerous to go to Xilingchi. There are many ancient beasts and poisonous insects in it." After reading the information, Xiao Yun was completely ashamed.

The washing pool is located in a mountain range.

This soul-washing pool is not good for the natives of the giant spirit continent.

So few people go in and out.

As a result, poisonous insects were spreading there, and the ancient animals were dormant.

"You have to find someone to lead the way." Xiao Yun murmured.

Even if they have a map, trying to get there is troublesome.

Only those looking for giant spirits can lead the way.

However, according to the information, it will charge a high fee for the giant spirits to lead the way.

One person gets 100,000 fine stones.

Of course, these people have a half-step through the sky.

As for the Zhuntong Heaven, it is 200,000 top grade spirit stones.

The emperor did not dispatch.

This is the rule of the Giant Spirit.

Outsiders come here only to obtain resources and opportunities by themselves.

Even these people can only bring outsiders near the washing pool and then have to leave.

"Spirit stone is a trivial matter, as long as it can reach the Lingchi Pond safely." Xiao Yun secretly thought.

"Yes, only by entering the Lingchi Pool, we can better adapt to the breath of this continent." Zhao Zheng and others nodded.

Then, Xiao Yun and others went to a mercenary pavilion.

Here, there are many giant spiritual monks waiting for foreigners to hire.

"Are you going to hire soldiers?" Outside this mercenary pavilion, guarded by a three iron guard.

His eyes flashed and he sank.

Giant spirits are inherently tall and powerful.

Legend has it that the ancestors of the giant spirit tribe could rely on that body to support the heavens and the earth, and to split the stars.

"Yes, we need to hire soldiers to wash the pond!" Xiao Yun said.

"A half-step warrior in heaven needs 100,000 top-quality spirits, and a warrior who passes through heaven needs 200,000 top-quality spirits!" Said the man.

"I want to be familiar with the fighters in the area of ​​the Lingchi Pool," Xiao Yun said.

"So, a team came back to finish the task." The iron guard waved his hand, and then said, "Zheng Qi, there is business!"

Immediately after his voice came out, a mercenary man walked out of the Mercenary Pavilion.

This is a man with a cold face.

There was a wild air in his eyes.

And his momentum has obviously reached the quasi-pass heaven.

"How many people do you have?" The man blinked and asked Xiao Yun.

At this time, many people were gathered around Xiao Yun.

Among them are the king of Xiao and the king of Xueqianmen.

There are also Liu Hanyan and Feng Yuyao.

Add up, there are already 278 people.

"That's all," Xiao Yun said.

"So two hundred and seventy-eight people?" The Zheng Qi eyed his eyes and said, "Just so, there are seven people in our team. Can you hire all of them?"

"There are five half-step through heaven, two fighters who can pass through heaven."

This is their team.

"Seven?" Xiao Yun glanced at him, "then let's hire them all!"

Hiring these seven people costs a lot of spirits.

But for Xiao Yun, this is nothing at all.

"So, please pay 70% of the commission first, and give the rest after completing the task." Zheng Qi said.

"Good!" Xiao Yun took out the spirit stone.

"When does it leave?" After taking over the spirit stone, this Zheng Qi said.

"Tomorrow!" Xiao Yun said for a moment.

At this time, someone in the Xuan Yu successfully entered the Xiling Lingchi and went to the ancient road.

If they delay again, they may miss many opportunities.

"OK!" Then Zheng Qi nodded.

"Let's go tomorrow!" Xiao Yun said to the kings.

"We have no opinion!" These people all nodded and had no opinion.

After resolving this, Xiao Yun returned to his home.

The following day they were gathered together.

And Zheng Qi was waiting early with his six brothers.

In addition, from the forces of Heaven, almost many people began to hire fighters to go to the Lingchi Pool.

There are hundreds of people in a team, and there are almost a hundred teams.

After all, it's difficult for them to keep themselves safe unless they leave in groups.

"Can the soul-washing pool be used for so many people to wash their body breath?" Xiao Yun asked the Zheng Qi when he saw the teams ready to go.

"The spirit-washing land is very wide. There is more than one spirit-washing pond. About one spirit-washing pond can hold three hundred people to wash spirits. Once they have been washed, it must take one month to give birth to a new spirit-washing solution. These new spirits have only a tenth of the original effect of a pond, "Zheng Qi explained.

This spiritual pool is also judged by the year of the spiritual liquid.

The higher the year, the better the effect.

Relatively speaking, the older the sink, the more dangerous it is.

If you enter it, you will have to wait for a month if you cannot get the Spirit Pool immediately.

"Let's go!" Zheng Qi said to Xiao Yun and others.

Then they came to the teleportation array in the city.

To open the teleportation array, you must use the spirit stone.

This is a short-range teleportation array.

After the transfer, Xiao Yun and others came to a transfer station area.

There are transfer tables here, which are specially designed for people to travel from Jufeng City to the Lingling Pool.

Here, there are also guardians of the Giant Spirit City.

When I walked out of this area, I looked around, but I saw the mountains in front. The peaks were very high, almost three thousand feet.

There are even many peaks.

"The soul-washing pond is in the depths of this mountain!" After the crowd emerged from the formation, Zheng Qi said, "the soul-washing pond is in a valley of soul-washing."

The Valley of the Washing Spirits is large.

It is almost like a kingdom with many spiritual pools.

There are different paths to these pools.

There will also be different bugs during this period.

Regarding this, although there are data descriptions, only the talents of the giant spirits know this.

Especially these fighters.

They knew that someone would have known the situation in this area in the future.

"Last time the people of Xuanyu came here, many soul-washing ponds have been depleted, but our brother also knows another place and will take you there. Regarding the specific situation, we can not guarantee that we will not enter the Valley of the Washing. "

The Valley of the Washing is forbidden.

The reason they knew about it was the result of a spirit bug detection.

Under the leadership of Zheng Qi, Xiao Yun and others began to march towards the mountains ahead.

At this time, other kings also chose their own routes.

Xiao Yun and others went forward.

The mountains and forests are dense and the old trees are towering.

Just entered it, and encountered a long-haired beast.

This beast is very tall and looks like a wolf, but it is really too tall, with three feet in length, and long hairs falling down, exuding a sense of ancientness.

As soon as the wolf appeared, he rushed towards everyone.

When it came, it turned into a huge wolf shadow and fell down, with hair like a mang on his body, actually piercing the void and stabbing everyone.

This long hair extends out, which is comparable to the power of supernatural powers and can hurt people thousands of miles away.

"This ancient beast still has magical power!" Seeing this, Zhao Zheng and others were all surprised.

"This beast has the appearance of magical ninefold realm!" Xiao Feng blinked his eyes.

Not only that, when this giant wolf appeared, a dozen such fierce wolves suddenly appeared in the mountains and forests ahead.

The fierce wolves shot together and shattered the ancient trees nearby.

Every shadow of a wolf fell over.

Those wolf hairs, such as the gods, came through to everyone.

That offensive, terrifying as well.

If in peace, the kings of heaven are naturally fearless.

But in this giant spirit continent, their cultivation is suppressed, and they can only exert 30 to 60% of their combat power. How can they compete with this kind of fierce wolf?

"This is a giant wolf. It is an ancient beast. Although it has no human form, it has powerful magical powers. The blood is also amazing. If they burn the power of wolf blood, it can increase the combat power by about 30%. The giant wolf can exert a combat power comparable to that of the half-strength heavenly powerhouse. "

Zheng Qi's eyes flickered and he said, "Fortunately, there are only seventeen heads here. If you encounter wolves, you will be in trouble."

Subsequently, seven members of their squad stepped forward.

"Juling Battlefield!" Seven of the Julings stepped forward.

These people are also very tall.

Each has a Zhang Er.

This is the minimum height of the giant spirit race.

But at this time Zheng Qi took a step forward, his body was arrogantly elevated.

Originally, Zhang Er's body was immediately changed to 12 Zhang.

At the same time, the armor of his body also became wider.

All seven are brothers.

Zheng Qi is the youngest, but has reached the level of quasi-passage.

At this moment, he shot violently, and the big hand seemed to fall down with an obscure supernatural power.

Under the power of this supernatural power, the void in front of it was frozen, and the wolf hair penetrated by those fierce wolves immediately slowed down.

Then, the seven brothers shot together.


All they saw was holding a tomahawk and splitting in the air.


The tomahawk fell, splitting the void.

In one blow, the void broke, and the huge tomahawk was unstoppable, and the wolf hair was broken, and then killed towards those fierce wolf deities.

At present, a fierce wolf headed by ~ was split directly into two.

In just a few moments, four fierce wolves fell and three were seriously injured.

The ten heads behind were also shaken back by a huge force.


The fierce wolf growled, his eyes horrified.

However, waiting for these fierce wolves to react, the seven brothers were already killing.

Especially Zheng Qi, whose tomahawk fluttered in the palm of his hand, chopped three fierce wolves in a row, the momentum was shocking.

Just a few breaths, more than a dozen fierce wolves snore.

"This giant spirit clan is so powerful!" Seeing this, Xiao Yun's eyes flashed.

If such a character is placed among the kings of the heavens, few people can be rivaled.

"Is this the fighting power of the giant spirit clan?" Not only Xiao Yun, but Xiao Feng, Xiao Wu and others also looked completely at this time.

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