Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1368: War Hero

Soulbreaker evolved, Xiao Yun frowned, glanced at the suspended battle platform and walked up.

When he stepped on the moment of the Broken Soul Platform, there was an uproar immediately among the group of Xuanyu practitioners beside Broken Soul River.

At this point, there are still seven thousand kings in Xuanyu.

Only less than 6,000 people successfully entered the Broken Soul Bridge.

There are more than 3,800 people who are ridiculed.

With this data, the king of Xuanyu has dared not take risks.

= 猪 = 猪 = 岛 = 小说 ww.zhuzh In addition, there are still some kings in Xuanyu who have not come here.

Rao is so, there are too many ridicules.

So at this time everyone was afraid to move.

When Xiao Yun came forward and stepped into the soul-breaking platform, the people in Xuanyu were naturally full of curiosity.

They want to see, what kind of genius do people in this domain have?

Maybe the people inside are comparable to their Genius?

"The sons of Dugu and Peerless Sons, Yuan Gongzi and others are shocked and brilliant. The first two people refused to enter the sanctuary and set foot on the ancient road of Tianjiao. These characters are not ordinary people, I ’m afraid that no one can create their record on this day, hehe, I think it ’s already against the sky if someone in Tiandu Yu wins 20 games in a row. ”

Some youth laughed.

This is not that they look down on the people in Tianduyu.

Rather, people who have always set foot on ancient roads have no time for constitution.

But what kind of character is this dugu son?

But he has no time for the star **** body, and he can naturally consolidate the power of the stars and strengthen his body.

Not only that, he also got the opportunity to oppose the sky, possessing the core of a remnant star, and the power of infinite stars to make up for it.

His strong combat ability is that there are few people in Xuan Yu.

This time he will come to this ancient road and also learn from ancient books that there is a magical material in it that can repair his incomplete star core crystal.

If it is repaired, he can be blessed by the power of the stars. That combat power is by no means comparable to ordinary people.

In addition, he is unparalleled, but he has twin Wushu souls.

This Wuhun has no time,

His combat power is stronger than that of Duguxing.

That Tian Tianyuan's **** body is also extraordinary.

All three of them are arrogant and arrogant, and it is difficult to get a few in 10,000 years.

How can the people in Tiandu Yu compare with them?

Therefore, although the people in Xuanyu were staring at Xiao Yun who stepped on the Soul Soul Terrace with a little curiosity, they were just curious.

Of course, the people in Tianduyu are full of expectations at this time.

"Mr. Xiao Yun must be able to break Xuanyu's record," a woman of Feng's muttered.

That Feng Yuyao and Feng Yixue both stared forward.

The same is true of Liu Hanyan.

For Xiao Yun, they have changed from worship to obsession.

In their hearts, no one can match Xiao Yun.

Even others have flawless bodies.

This is not just because Xiao Yun is powerful.

The most fascinating thing is Xiao Yun's experience.

You know, Xiao Yun came out of a lack of vitality!

His rise is full of danger, and it can be described as a life of nine deaths.

How can those who grew up in the clan from a young age be comparable?

Zhao Zheng and others also stared tightly forward.

At this point, the two hundred and seventy-seven people were paying attention to the front, and no one activated the soulbreaker.

This is not to say that they dare not fight.

Instead, they all wanted to see Xiao Yun's peerless style.

Above the platform, Xiao Yun set foot.

At this time, the broken soul of Hanoi below was stirred, and immediately a man appeared.

The man rode out of a firescale unicorn, holding a war rifle.

As soon as this talent appeared, there was a strong breath of volatility.

The kind of fluctuations made the kings jealous, and they suddenly reached the half-step world.

Even many half-step practitioners feel palpitated.

"This person has a half-step through the heavens!" At this time, Xuan Yu's eyes were frozen.

The spirits pulled by the soul-breaking platform will correspond to the cultivation of the practitioner.

Now that the spirit of this spirit is so strong, it is clear that the youth of this metropolis should have reached the half-step world.

Although there are many people in Xuanyu who have set foot in the sky, half of them are young as Xiao Yun.

Therefore, after feeling the momentum of the hero, the light in Xuan Yu's eyes began to change slightly when he turned towards Xiao Yun.

A desired light began to emerge.

The hero came on a strange beast and was very aggressive.

The strange beast also stunned, although it was an English spirit, but it seemed real, and there was a huge ancient might shake on him.

The hot flames turned into air waves, and there was a ripple from the battlefield of Dena.

"Firescale Unicorn?" Xiao Yun stared at the light, staring closely.

The fire beast has a strong momentum, like the pure blood fierce beast of the same ancient.

Fire Lin Unicorn ...

This is definitely an ancient spirit beast on the hegemony side.

It is said to have the blood of a unicorn.

That hero could actually surrender this fierce beast as a mount.

It was just that Xiao Yun had the blood of Kirin, and there was not much shock to him.


The ancient beast landed, and a wave of tyrants swept away.

The Ying Ling raised a brow, his eyes stared at Xiao Yun tightly.

Although it was only the heroic spirit, it had already been ridiculed, but this man still had a mighty power of the king.

It is not difficult to see that if this person is placed in the contemporary era, he is definitely a proud man.

His eyebrows were stared, and there was a flame burning in his eyes.

The shock of his long gun triggered a radian and swept towards Xiao Yun in a hurry.

One shot was accompanied by a hot flame.

The fire was so hot that it seemed to burn the void.

Obviously, this is an ancient hero with real fire.

The fire was very hot, worse than many real fires, and Wang Bing could be incinerated.

Not only that, but under His Majesty, the ancient beast also shot.

It opened its mouth wide, spitting out a fire.

A roll of flame, instantly zoomed in, like a world of fire covering Xiao Yun.

Just momentarily, the entire soul-breaking platform was shrouded in flames.

People outside can't see Xiao Yun's body, all he sees is the fiery flame that burns the void.

"This hero is so strong!"

"This is a powerful opponent. Not only is he powerful, the ancient beast is fiercely powerful. Shooting them together is like two half-strength heavenly powers. Relatively speaking, this young man in Tianduyu is a disadvantage. Now. "Xuanyu's youth frowned slightly, feeling a bit shocked.

"This battle of the Soulbreaker would have been a slightly stronger opponent than the challenger, otherwise how could it be called the Soulbreaker?"

Someone said lightly.

If not, how could there be so many people here?

This is because the heroes who fought are very strong.

And one is stronger than the other.

"But I don't know if the youth of this capital might win?"

At this time, people kept coming here.

Latecomers are also paying attention to this soul-breaking platform.


Within the Battle Soul Terrace, Xiao Yun stepped forward.

All he saw was a big hand move, when the air hit.

There was a fire pattern around the hand, and the unicorn scale armor emerged.

This makes his arm look like the hand of a unicorn.

With one stroke, it contains the mysteries of the martial arts of God.


The huge palm fell and shot the long gun.

Even if the opponent has a gun, they still cannot take advantage.

Because of Xiao Yun's physical strength, he has surpassed many Wang Bing.

Furthermore, after entering the cage of God, his perception of the martial arts of God also increased a little.

This made his martial arts accomplishments no longer confined to the three styles of that town.

Simplicity is a clan but there is a hint of mystery of God.

This is a trend to be thoroughly understood.

Only from real understanding can we go from complexity to simplicity.

The spear was blown away, and Xiao Yun was not afraid of the firescale unicorn's attack.

There was a flash of light and shadow on his body, with wings spread by the Phoenix.


A clear chime sounded, and only saw the wings of the Phoenix swept away, as if a sharp blade slashed towards the hero.

This phoenix slammed too fast, making it inevitable.


When the light and shadow flashed, the hero was chopped off and broke up.

Suddenly, the spirits on the soul-breaking stage dissipated, and the vast aftermath suddenly receded like a tide.

However, a soul pattern flickered, turning into a stream of light toward Xiao Yun.

This light pattern contains a strong soul spirit, and also contains the avenue breath, which is a reward to the winner.

Absorbing this soul pattern can make up for the energy consumed in the war.

"Can make up the spirit of the soul." When the spirit of the soul rolled in, Xiao Yun absorbed it.

This is not a soul.

It is a spirit, as a reward.

It is just that this essence does not significantly improve Xiao Yun's increase in soul.

At this point, the flames on the soul-breaking stage had dissipated, and Xiao Yun's figure appeared.

"Did you win?" After seeing the indifferent youth, the practitioners of Xuan Yu's eyes were all wrong.

How long has this been?

Just for a moment, that amazing hero lost?

"This person has good fighting ability." Xuan Yu's person nodded.

But that's just it.

"But I don't know how many games he can win?" Many people secretly thought.

"Xiao Gongzi must break the record." Seeing Xiao Yun's instant victory, the practitioners in Tiandu Yu are full of confidence.

After World War I, you will get a quarter of an hour's rest.

"I'll try it too!" At this moment, Xiao Wu's eyes lightened, and he also touched the soul-breaking monument, preparing to break through the soul-breaking platform.

After the information was entered into the soul tablet, a soul-breaking platform evolved.

Then, Xiao Wu also started to face it.

He reached the level of Shentong Ninefolds at this time, although it was a little worse than Xiao Yun, it was quite good.

Stepping on the stage, a hero who cultivated the power of thunder appeared.

The two did not fight long, and Xiao Wu won.

"This person's combat power is also good." Xuan Yu's person nodded.

By this time, Xiao Yun's second game had already begun.

Everyone focused their eyes on his soul-breaker.

Because by comparison, they have seen that Xiao Yun's combat power is stronger than Xiao Wu.

Everyone naturally prefers to follow the battle of the strong ~ ~ hum!

Broken soul Hanoi, light and shadow flicker, a barefoot man strolled out.

The man was very tall and full of muscles like a dragon.

As he stepped forward, the void was about to shatter.

A force of terror burst out from him.

"So powerful!"

"Is this heroic man from Hercules?" When the man appeared, an exclamation came out immediately.

"Today is September 1st. Everyone has a monthly ticket. I hope that your brothers and sisters will support you with fire. Because now entering the big story, you need to rethink and arrange a lot. Originally, you need to stop and consider the subsequent plot, but because everyone is in Wait, so the old demon has been writing, although it is slow, but I hope everyone can understand, and the old demon also wants to write more every day, because it will be better to write more grades, but I want to write this perfectly, I hope everyone understands that there is a monthly pass Just give it to the old demon. "

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