Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1369: Streak


Only to see the man step forward and land on the soulbreaking platform.

His feet fell to the ground, and he almost broke when he stepped on the soul-breaking platform.

"Strength?" Xiao Yun's eyes narrowed, feeling a smile appearing on the corner of his mouth.

An immense amount of warfare permeated from Xiao Yun.

The heroic spirit hit directly to Xiao Yun with a punch.

This punch is too aggressive.

A punch blasted, and the wind blew into a squall.


The void ahead collapsed directly.

This was really broken, with the power of space spreading.

"Is it really a Hercules?" Xiao Yun's eyes narrowed.

There are many ancient clans, each with magical powers.

It's just that Xiao Yun met too little in Tianduyu.

Slightly surprised, Xiao Yun shot.

"Even if your strength is shocking?" Xiao Yun glanced at him.

A great deal of warfare burst out.

Xiao Yun fought for the sky.

He punched out with a punch and fought against each other.

The fists of the two were seen as if meteorite impacted in the void.


The loud noise shook the sky, and the fist was bursting out.

In the light of fire, the hero's body trembled, and the originally thick and powerful soles of the feet actually trembled and began to back again and again.

"The two fought each other with fists. This hero was actually repelled?"

"This person actually has this kind of power?" Many kings of Xuanyu were surprised, obviously shocked by Xiao Yun's stance.

"This is not so simple as power, it is martial art upright." Someone said.

At this moment, many of the kings showed their faces when they looked at Xiao Yun.

Many people are now in awe of this young man.


After repelling the hero, Xiao Yun moved his feet, and he shot.

With blessings of war will, the war will never die, his long hair flying, just like a sharp blade usually cuts a crack in the void.

Xiao Yun today. There is an invincible trend condensing.

I saw his hands move, and the town's three-style palm-split stars came out.

Xiao Yun swept his peers with this style.

Today, he has a deeper understanding of martial arts after stepping into the sky.

This style splits out, carrying a general trend of the world.

He seems to be completely integrated with this martial art, but from a distance, he seems to be a simple shot.

This accomplishment has suddenly reached the level of master.

That hero shot. Shi displayed a mysterious handprint.

With a flick of his hands, a streak of light appeared.

There seems to be a world between the hands.

When he shot. Hands held down like a piece of heaven and earth.

In those hands, there is a terrifying power.

This is a powerful martial art.

When this shot came down, the void of the Soulbreaker was trembling.

It was only Xiao Yun's style without stagnation.

Palm across, like the same Jinghong across the sky.

He then touched the mysterious seal of the hero.


At this moment, it was like hitting a world,

The loud noise shook, and Xiao Yun's palm was like a bamboo shoot, smashing the hero's hands.

The evolved Lingyin Heaven and Earth then collapsed.

then. Xiao Yun hit the air with his big hand, as if the sky fell and hit the hero.

The loud noise came out, and the light pattern burst.

The next moment, the hero was defeated and turned into nothingness.

"Again?" Seeing this, Xuan Yu's mourner was surprised.

This win is too easy, right?

The two are just fighting. It's over.

"This person is a genius." Many practitioners of Xuanyu secretly.

"I don't know how many games he can win in a row." At this moment, the king of Xuan Yu is also full of expectations for Xiao Yun.

Because in the last two games, Xiao Yun won too easily. This is not something that ordinary people can do.

At this time, Xiao Wu also opened the second game.

Not only him, Xiao Yifei also opened the soul-breaking platform.

After seeing Xiao Yun's streak. The kings of the heavenly realm are also eager to move.

Such as Xue Qian Ye, Feng Yi Xue, and others are planning to fight.

Liu Hanyan also opened the soul-breaking platform.

For a time, there were more than a dozen soul-breaking platforms being evolved.


Xiao Yun's third game was also opened.

The hero this time is an ancient beast.

This ancient beast is tall and has a waist like a cow, but has a rough skin and thick meat. There is a large mouth, which seems to be able to swallow mountains and rivers, and the nostrils breathe out like a dragon.

This ancient beast is too bully, and it is obviously much stronger than the heroic spirit of the Hercules.

Xiao Yun took the shot and responded to the enemy with the power of fighting Wuhun.

This battle is fierce.

The ancient beast had a strong defense and amazing strength.

Supernatural powers are even more bully.

It's easy to take, but it's hard to cope with.

This is a hard battle.

"This ancient beast is so strong!"

"This seems to be an ancient barbaric beast called a roaring beast. It is a very powerful ferocious beast that once made the geniuses of all races frightened."

Someone exclaimed.

"No, this beast should just have the blood of a rhinoceros."

Someone said immediately.

The real roaring beast is very strong, it is a fierce beast that can swallow the heavens and earth, and even the sky is broken.

If such a spirit really appeared, it would probably not be an ordinary enemy.



I saw the light lines on the broken soul platform flicker, Xiao Yun was like a dragon, soaring for nine days.

Then the three types of sky were suppressed, and the repression of heaven and earth fell.

The giant palm fell, the void was broken, and a wave of warfare raged.


The giant beast glowed like a god, and penetrated through the void, resisting Xiao Yun's giant hand stiffly.

"Is that so, you can't beat it?" Xiao Yunmulu was surprised.

How powerful his blow was, but he couldn't beat it.

"It seems that the power of martial arts must be really used!" With a movement of his mind, he knew the sea and the war martial arts emerged.


The sky shuddered, and the sky of war fell over.

Xiao Yun's combat power increased by 20%.

Under the blessing of this war, the one-horned **** of the ancient beast began to shatter.

Then, the giant hand dropped and hit the ancient beast firmly.


As soon as the soul-breaking platform trembled, the ghost of the ancient beast collapsed.

In this battle, Xiao Yun won.

Then on the soul-breaking stele appeared Xiao Yun's victory.

at this time. He can set foot on the Broken Soul Bridge.

"Many of the spirits in Hanoi are from ancient times, and they have magical powers that they have never seen before. If you fight here, you can open your eyes and sharpen the fighting power." Xiao Yun absorbed the power of the soul pattern, and then his eyes flashed. , Showing fiery colors. At this point, his warfare began to rise.

He is also full of expectations for this kind of heroic war.

only if. Only then can he see the vastness of this world.

How could he set foot on the Broken Soul Bridge?

So he chose to continue the war.

The fourth war started immediately.

This is a strong man for the ancient spirit.

This man owns the Hailing celestial body, his feet move like the sea capsizes.

The sky and the earth seemed to be drowned by the sea.

The water is soft and doesn't look overbearing.

But when it falls down, the feeling of suffocation that submerged the world will make people feel the terrible water.

In this regard, Xiao Yun deeply felt.

"Is the meaning of the water right?" Xiao Yun was still very calm. "Then I'll become water, how can you drown me?"

I can only see Xiao Yun letting the sea fall down, as if she were water.

Xiao Yun, who owns the Wuhu Wuhun, also knows the meaning of the water.

Even, because of the yin and yang qi, he has deeper insights into the meaning of water.

He is like water. Swim in the sea, and even borrow that kind of momentum.

The uprising failed, and the ancient spirit naturally lost its advantage.

At this time, the fire uprightness of Binghuo Wuhun suddenly burst out.

The flames rolled, sweeping the four sides, and the sea would all evaporate.

The hero was caught off guard.

Frostfire Seal!

then. Xiao Yun shot with Binghuo Ling.

Above this spirit mark, ice and fire flowed.

The Upanis of Ice freezes the other Upanis of Water.

Then, the flames swept away it.

The next moment, the hero collapsed.

In the fourth game, Xiao Yun won.

"Does this person know the meaning of Binghuo?"

"Oh my god, what kind of monster is this? He seems to have a lot of mysteries!"

When Xiao Yun won again, the people in Xuanyu could not help exclaiming.

Because it's so shocking.

Four battles.

This young man showed several different magical mysteries.

How can this not be shocking?

To know. Even if one of the several upheavals displayed by Xiao Yun is enough to stand on the world, the men on the soul-breaking platform in front of him have several.

However, in the next battle, the people in Xuanyu were completely stunned.

In the fifth game, Xiao Yun encountered another ancient beast.

This time he defeated him with a unicorn magic power.

"Is this the trend of Kirin?" Xuan Yu exclaimed.

In the sixth game, Xiao Yun met a sacred bird.

This is a golden-winged Dapeng.

As soon as this bird came out, the people in Xuanyu were completely shocked.

This Dapeng is too powerful.

It spreads its wings, glitters with gold, and shrouds all sides.

The wings swept, and the sky seemed to be torn.

"This is the ancient sacred bird Golden-winged Dapeng!"

"Is this Dapeng reaching the level of pure blood?" Not only the people in Xuanyu, but also the king of Tianduyu was shocked.

The momentum of this golden-winged Dapeng is too strong, even if it does not reach the level of pure blood, it is fast, and it is definitely not an average person to compete with.

"Golden-winged Dapeng?" Xiao Yun frowned. "However, it seems that the distance from the pure blood is worse!"

When that Dapeng struck, Xiao Yun's wings evolved from Xiao Yun's body.

The mighty shock shocked Dapeng directly.

Golden-winged Dapeng, how can it be compared with the Phoenix?

"This seems to be a phoenix?" And when the wings of the phoenix were revealed, the people in Xuanyu were completely stupid.

"How come this man has so much magical power?"

"This ... is this guy hanging up?" Xuan Yu's man was speechless for a while.

A young man of ethnic origin, it just seemed weird to show the unicorn magic power just now.

The wings of the Phoenix were also displayed at this time.

It almost made people want to vomit blood.

This is really more than human, irritating!

In this way, Xiao Yun won the sixth game.

Next, seven games, eight games, nine games ...

Xiao Yun became more brave the more he fought, the more powerful he became.

"My soul is constantly strengthening." Xiao Yun absorbed the essence of a soul.

This is a reward for the winner.

After twelve games in a row, the soul spirit he absorbed became stronger.

The Tao contained in it makes his soul stronger.

He then resumed his thirteenth game.

"This guy is about to start the thirteenth game!"

"You said he would still win?" Xuan Yu's people were watching Xiao Yun's every move at this time ~ ~ When the spirit of Broken Soul River appeared again, the argument began.

Everyone is full of expectations.

"I think he should have a chance to win!"

"I think so." Now Xuan Yu's people no longer despise Xiao Yun.

"From the battle just now, it seems that this person did not try his best to shoot, there is still a lot of potential, and it should be possible to start eighteen games!"

"I think he can win 20 games in a row!"

"Twenty games is the limit!"

Many people speak their judgments.

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