Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1370: Eye-catching

On the soul-breaking stage, Xiao Yun won twelve games in a row.

At this point, the people in Xuanyu had already looked at him.

Many even started betting to see who could guess right.

"Gong Xiao must break the record!"

At this moment, Feng Yuyao's eyes blinked, staring at the soul-breaking platform in front.

She has opened the Soulbreaker and has won five games in a row.

But after five games, she did not continue the war.

Although her blood was almost immaculate, she was still worse after all, and she was already satisfied with this result.

After winning, she did not rush into the Broken Soul Bridge, but stayed in place and continued to pay attention to Xiao Yun.

Like her, Xiao Wu, Xiao Lingyun, Liu Hanyan, Xue Qianye ...

They also want to see to what extent this young man can reach?

At this time, more and more people are gathered here.

The people of Xuan Yu gradually come together.

Tiandu Yu also began to appear.

"What, someone has won twelve games in a row?" Immediately after hearing the news, someone showed an unbelievable look.

"It's him!" However, someone blinked.

It was Naada Aoyama and others.

They also came here.

As soon as their eyes moved, they found Xiao Yun.

"Do you know this man?" Someone asked immediately after seeing Tian Qingshan and others with surprised eyes.

"This person is very strong, and there are few people in my Xuanyu comparable." Tian Qingshan said.

Then he was silent and began to watch the battle.

With such a wonderful battle, many people choose to watch it.

As for whether to open the soulbreaker, it is not so important.

After more than three games, the rest time will be longer and longer.

After half an hour, the thirteenth game started.

This is a strong man with a flawless physique.

The moon evolved above him.

This is a man with the body of the **** moon.

The moon was suspended, containing Tianwei.

The man, dressed in white, with long hair flying, looked dusty and elegant, like a god's presence.

This person is strong enough to crush many fellow practitioners.

Xiao Yun tried his best.

That Zhan Wuhun urged and plundered from the sea of ​​knowledge.

Infinite warfare swept through the soulbreaking platform like a stormy sea.

Xiao Yun fought this man for hundreds of rounds.

The kind of war was so amazing that people of all races were frightened.

It's not hard to imagine that if you fight one by one, you will definitely be killed.

"This guy is so strong!"

"His attainment to martial arts has reached an amazing level!"

Xiao Yun, a quasi-passage repairer, highly praised Xiao Yun.

In this battle, Xiao Yun won.

Then he fought all the way.

Eighteen games, nineteen games, twenty games.

"Twenty games have been won!" When Xiao Yun won twenty games, the people in Xuanyu exclaimed.

When everyone was exclaimed, Xiao Yun was like a bamboo shoot.

The more he fought, the more he fought, but only when the Wu Wu soul dispatched, he swept the past.

Immortality is constantly being improved.

Combining war will with martial arts has brought martial arts to a new level.

With one hit, he was as if the monument had given life.

"Thirty games!"

After a day, Xiao Yun won 30 games in a row.

But at this time, the hero became stronger.

Every victory becomes difficult.

Moreover, if there are some who are not heroes or deities, they must pay a price to win.

Rao is so, such a record is also amazing.

"Does this person really want to fight with Dugu son and others?"

"Does he have a flawless body?" Xuan Yu's people felt inexplicable.

"Perhaps, he can really break the record." Tian Qingshan murmured.

At that time, he had fought with Xiao Yun and felt that the other side had flawless eyes.

At that time, he already knew that this young man was very strong and not an ordinary person to mess with.

But after watching dozens of games at this time, he realized that the original Xiao Yun's strength was only the tip of the iceberg.

At this time, Xiao Yun suddenly started to shoot.

When Xiao Yun opened the 31st game, he was on the other side of the Broken Soul River.

There is a huge city there.

The city is suspended in the starry sky, like a starry city.

This is the superstar city.

At this moment, on a school ground in the superstar city.

There is a huge monument there, showing a lot of data.

"Zheng Gongzi, Zheng Gongzi, someone has won 30 games in a row and has started the 31st game!"

Next to the school ground, a man in a battle armor with hot eyes hurriedly exclaimed.

In a pavilion next to the school yard, there was a man in a Jinyi sitting and sipping fine wine.

Beside him, there are beautiful women.

In addition, there are several iron armored men on the side.

"Someone started the thirty-first game again?" The man in the Jinyi heard the words, his eyes flashed immediately.

At that moment, the person's eyes flashed, and the spiritual knowledge locked on the spar monument in the school yard below.

"Tiandu Yu, Xiao Yun?" A smile emerged from the corner of the man's mouth. "Unexpectedly, Xuan Yu has three geniuses, all winning more than 30 games in a row. This day, Du Yu also appeared in such a character, yes, Yes, so maybe there is a little chance for that. "

Right now, his eyes glowed, "but I don't know how many games this person can win in a row?"

After showing his delight, his big hand moved.

A gleam flickered into the spar.

Then, a soul-breaking platform evolved immediately in the void.

On the soul-breaking platform, Xiao Yun is fighting a hero.

This spirit is very strong and amazingly powerful. He evolved a supernatural power, which is a world of fire.

There is actually a firebird in the middle of the day.

The bird has three legs and emits a hot breath.

"Is this the three-legged Jinwu?" After seeing the vision evolved by the hero, several iron guards in the attic showed surprise.

Three-legged Jinwu, this is a **** bird in ancient times!

This existence is too bad, and it can be compared with Phoenix.

It is even more legendary than Phoenix.

"This person is an ancient person, and he has the idea of ​​Jinwu concept, condensing the image of Jinwu Fa!" Beside him, said the glory of Zheng Gongzi.

"Xiu has the idea of ​​Jinwuguan?" Wen Yan said, all the iron guards next to him were curious.

"In ancient times, there were thousands of people, capable people, and all kinds of magical powers. Now many inheritances are cut off, and we have lived in the sky for a long time. You don't know these are normal.

Hearing the words, the person next to him nodded slightly, and then paid attention to the soul-breaking platform.

Their Zheng Gongzi, named Zheng Jing, is the arrogant son of the giant spirit tribe. For rare geniuses, he knows more than them.

In the giant spirit clan, there are many ancient books!

It's just the kind of ancient books that only core children can view.

On the soul-breaking stage, Xiao Yun fought with that hero.

The spirit was too strong, and as soon as the magical power came out, a world of fire fell down.

The fire of Jinwu is really hot and can burn the world.

This is the fiery fire between heaven and earth, few people can compare.

The golden urn rushed, the claws were empty, and contained amazing power.

Heaven and earth can be torn apart by its claws, and the hot flames permeate, and Wang Bing will be melted, and no one can resist it.

Countless people were frightened by this attack.

"Jinwu magical power?" Xiao Yun's eyes lightened, he turned into a phoenix and fought against the hero.

Nirvana's fire revolves around the Phoenix to resist the Jinwu's fire.

But his Nirvana fire is not enough.

Because of his lack of blood, he could not spawn too much Nirvana fire.

It was also Xiao Yun who understood the meaning of Nirvana, otherwise it would not have been possible to generate such a magnificent Nirvana fire.


The Phoenix and Jinwu confronted each other, sending a violent impact.

The two kinds of flames are entangled, such as the fire dragon entangled, and it seems that the divine bird is flapping and tearing, and it is necessary to compete.

At the same time, the wing of Phoenix evolved from Xiao Yun and the wing of Jinwu fought.

The bright light blooms, as if a sharp blade is striking.

This collision was too fierce, and just the flame that burst out seemed to wipe out everything.

At this moment, those who watched the battle were holding their breaths, showing their faces completely.

Because this flame is too scary,

Even those practitioners who are allowed to pass through the heavens are shocked.

Although only half a step through the heavens, Xiao Yun's combat strength is already enough to defeat the quasi-tong heavens strong.

On the soul-breaking stage, the hero was trying his best to fire, and the power of Jinwu was burning.

Under this Jinwu fire, Xiao Yun's Nirvana fire could not support it.

"My Phoenix hasn't got enough blood, so it's hard to fight with one another." After this fight, Xiao Yun felt his deficiency.

Although he blended Phoenix's blood.

But it was just a little flesh, which made the power of the Phoenix insufficient, and the power of the magical powers could not be really exerted.

Under the fire of Jinwu, the flames on Xiao Yun's body began to weaken.

Not only that, his Phoenix body could not support it anymore.

The body was floating, and it was about to fall apart.

Before that, he had been in a state of strength, but at this time when he met the real strong man, the disadvantages of the Phoenix body were revealed when he replaced the character.

"With Phoenix's blood, I can't defeat this person." Soon, Xiao Yun made a decision.

Today, the only thing to give up is Phoenix.

The next moment, above the soul-breaking platform, Xiao Yun's phoenix body squirmed.

Concentrate on my unicorn body.

He spit out softly, and immediately turned into a unicorn.

This transformation is almost instantaneous.

Such a means, it seems that ordinary people can not do it.

It was also when Xiao Yun reached the half-step Tongtian realm and he had a deeper understanding of the avenue.


The unicorn evolved, with the same true fire.

This is Kirin Real Fire.

Although Kirin's real fire reputation is not as good as Jinwu's fire.

But Xiao Yun's Qilin's blood was too strong.

He once obtained the blood of Kirin.

Today, after reaching the half-step through the heavens, Kirin's blood is constantly fused.

At this moment, he really looks like the same pure-blooded unicorn.

Although the hero is strong, he is only a hero after all, without the support of flesh, his Jinwu fire is not as strong as before him.

Xiao Yun took a shot, and the pattern was dazzling ~ ~ Five Kirin immediately flew forward.

This is the evolution of the five unicorn **** patterns.

Now that unicorn's momentum is getting stronger.

Five Kirin shot together, and some hit with a huge palm.

Some pedal mountains and rivers.

Some unicorns evolved magical powers to penetrate the Jinwu.

There are giant tails, like whip, swiping away.

Under such attacks, the fire of Jinwu above the soul-breaking platform was completely shrouded.

A powerful force shook the hero's body.

Then, Kirin's giant palm fell, crushing the hero.

So, in the thirty-first game, Xiao Yunsheng.

"Ask for a monthly ticket to cheer Xiao Yun and break the record."

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