Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1372: Gu Tiangong

Xiao Yun's 47-game winning streak caused an uproar.

The people in Xuanyu were shocked, and when they turned to Xiao Yun, they were full of awe.

Only the geniuses of their own domains were suppressed. They were naturally unhappy, and they all looked forward to the opportunity of peerless peers to crush Xiao Yun.

However, many people in Tianduyu seemed indifferent to Xuanyu people's indifference, and didn't bother too much.

Everyone in Tianduyu knows Xiao Yun's strengths.

Especially at this time, with his own combat power, he won forty-seven games in a row, and also proved his strength from [猪] [猪] [岛] 小说 www.huhu.m.

Even if he did not use the magic soldier, he Xiao Yun was the same person in his generation.

Not only in Tiandu Realm, but also in Xuan Realm.

"If the supernatural powers are merged, my combat power will be stronger." At this time, Xiao Yun crossed her knees, and the feeling of the first battle just poured into her mind.

In this battle, he shot as a unicorn, but what about the vast warfare, he used the martial arts of the gods to split the stars and defeat the hero of the giant spirit family in one fell swoop.

This is a fusion of three means.

One is not the power of unicorn.

The second is the Zhanwu soul.

Third, it is the martial arts of the gods, Zhentian three styles.

This integration made him seem to have touched a new world of martial arts, which benefited him greatly.

You know, although Xiao Yun seemed to be able to fuse various supernatural powers before.

But that's not true fusion, it's just showing it together.

That looks very powerful, but the strength is single, cannot be superimposed, and it is futile.

But in the first battle, the three kinds of upheaval superimposed, so that his combat power soared, and even the heroes of the giant spirit clan could not be beaten.

This is the benefit of supernatural fusion.

However, Xiao Yun's integration was not perfect just now, he just touched the fur.

It was oppressed during the battle and was realized invisibly.

This realization is sometimes like a flash in the pan, and it was never found in the past.

At this moment, he is constantly experiencing, comprehending, and thoroughly understanding it.


More than two hours passed and the forty-eighth game continued to open.

In this battle, the spirit was very strong, and the momentum made all the powerful people in Zhuntong Heaven fear.

But Xiao Yun did not take long to defeat it.

It is not that this spirit is not strong, but that Xiao Yun is getting stronger.

Fighting continued and records were broken.

Fifty games ... fifty-five games.

"He broke the record and has won 55 games in a row." In the superstar city, the iron guard's eyes of the giant spirit clan were surprised.

At this moment, even Zheng Jing couldn't help taking a deep breath.

"This person is strong." Zheng Jing said so.

Tie Wei next to him looked so stunned that he was full of awe when he turned to the soul-breaking platform.

Being able to be so solemnly praised by his son-in-law shows the potential of this young man.

You know, his son is a rare genius for the giant spirits!

After entering the fifty games, Xiao Yun started to struggle a bit.

The hero he encountered was no longer able to defeat him with the unicorn magic power alone.

This is not to say that Kirin's supernatural powers are not strong, but that these heroes are too powerful.

During this time, he met many powerful men and showed various magical powers.

Some means are completely beyond his imagination.

Some magical powers, which are not available in the world, have been cut off.

Time passed quietly.

The battle of Xiao Yun has reached the 71st game!

Above the platform, was a man with golden light all over his body.

He is very strong, his skin is like golden jade, and his eyes are like blooming, which makes people dare not look straight.

When he shot, he was very strong. With a palm of his hand, the golden light flashed, and the light was so powerful that it could tear everything.

This is an extremely powerful force.

Xiao Yun greeted, Zhang Xing stared against it.

However, the opponent's hand is like Jin Tie, and his physique is stronger than Xiao Yun's, and he is already comparable to senior imperial soldiers.

Not only that, the golden light blooming in that blow turned into a golden vortex, which seemed to shred everything.

Under this kind of power, Xiao Yun's combat intention contained in that blow was crushed.

The blow was too strong, Xiao Yun was Zhenfei, and blood was spit out in his mouth.

"This person is so strong!" Xiao Yun backed away, his eyes staring.

"This person should cultivate an indestructible golden body tactic!" Said Tuntian, inside Tuntian.

"Do not destroy the golden body tactics?" After hearing the words, Xiao Yun's eyes were surprised.

The name of this exercise is so overbearing.

"This is an ancient Tiangong. If you practice to Dacheng, you can keep the golden body intact, tear the sky between your hands, and suppress all directions!" Said Tuntian Supreme.

When talking about this ancient Tiangong, even the Supreme Devourer is respected.

Obviously, this Heavenly Gong is very against the sky, and it is also quite famous in the **** world.

"This indestructible golden body tactic is very strong, but this person obviously has not practiced to the point of success, but only touched the fur." ​​Supreme Supreme said, "You still have a chance to fight."

"Um." Xiao Yun nodded.

The opponent was really strong, but he was not discouraged.

After stabilizing the blood, Xiao Yun stepped forward again.

He tried his best this time.

"Supernatural power, fusion!" Behind him, there is the evolution of the wings of the Phoenix.

The wings rolled and swept towards the hero.

At the same time, he turned into a unicorn and patted it with a single palm.

At the next moment, the unicorn horn flashed through the void and took the hero directly.

Only momentarily, Xiao Yun unfolded the magical power.

Such an offensive, he seems to be going all out.

Because this hero is too strong.

At this time, the people watching the game were also holding their breath.

They also knew the power of the hero.

This is the 71st game!

However, the hero's body shone in gold, and he was not afraid of all kinds of magical attacks.

He walked straight away, his hands broken.

A golden light pattern trembled, annihilating everything directly.

"This is the golden swirling power!" Said Tuntian Supreme, "This power is evolved from the golden body, and then transformed into a magical power, which can extinguish many magical powers."

"Golden pattern swirling?" Xiao Yun frowned lightly, "There is no invincible law, only invincible people, I don't believe it, I can't beat a hero?"

Xiao Yun was fearless, and he tried his best.

The golden veins agitated in front and shattered his unicorn magic power.

But he was still fearless.

Frostfire Seal!

Under the collapse of the unicorn magical power, the ice and fire seal fell down.

The chill was lingering, and the world was to be frozen.

The chill was so strong that the Battle Soul Terrace was frozen.

However, the hero was really strong. His hands were as big as a blade of gold, as if shining with dazzling light.

From a distance, his palm cut open the void, as if cutting tofu.

Even though the chill lingered in the front, the ice crystals condensed in the void, but the ice crystals were broken under his big hand.

Not only that, the golden lines swirled around his hands, turning them into golden lines, and constantly crushing the ice crystals.

Then, he rushed towards Xiao Yun like a bamboo shoot.

The Frostfire Seal is crushed.

Xiao Yun frowned.

The other party is really too strong.

"You do not destroy the golden body, I have the indelible war!" However, Xiao Yun is still not afraid.

The body of Kirin dispersed, he directly urged Zhan Wu soul.

All he saw was that his feet took a step forward, and he slashed forward.

At this time there was no unicorn magical power, some were just endless warfare, and there were profound martial arts uprights.

Of course, on Xiao Yun's arm, there is a Kirin pattern evolved from Kirin's blood power.

Covered by this unicorn scale, his defense is also extremely strong.


The two palms clashed in the void, emitting a dazzling light.

Then, everyone saw that Xiao Yun's palm was cracked and blood was flowing out.


He stepped back and forth, and the viscera was tumbling with a great force.

This spirit is too powerful.

Fortunately, he swallowed the God of God and worked to resolve the kind of internal shock.

Otherwise, if it is ordinary people, this blow will be enough to seriously hurt.

"Why is this hero so powerful? It seems that Xiao Yun cannot compete with it at all?" Many people were shocked.

"The heroes in the 71st game are really unimaginably strong. I am afraid that this person was also a Gaidaijie in the ancient times." In addition to surprise, the crowd was not very impressed. Are the ancient times the ancient times comparable?

There were no shortage of gods in that era.

There are even many ancient Tiangongs.

With the cooperation of the two, how bad is it?

How can contemporary people compete with them?

"This Xiao Yun is able to come to this step is already very strong." Although Xiao Yun is in a disadvantage, everyone's respect for him is even stronger.

How many of these ancient heroes can fight?

But Xiao Yun can fight with it.

"But if this battle is defeated, he may be ridiculed!" Someone was a little worried.

Soulbreaker is very dangerous. Generally speaking, defeat will be ridiculed.

Many people consciously couldn't continue the war, so they retreated.

It can be said that stepping on the soul-breaking platform is extremely risky.

"My son, what is the origin of this spirit? It seems to be invincible !?" In the superstar city, the iron guard's eyes showed curiosity.

At this time, they were also shocked.

"This spirit seems to have ancient Tiangong cultivation," Zheng Jing murmured.

At this moment, there are still elders in the superstar city watching this battle.

"This young man is good. If this battle can be won, it will break out of the sky." An elderly man stroked his beard and laughed.

This person is very ordinary and does not seem to be a giant spirit.

"Oh, it's a good young man, but this hero seems to have the immortal golden body secret that was lost in ancient times. I'm afraid that the descendants of Duyu want to win this day!"

The tall elder should laugh next to him.

This is the elder of the giant spirit tribe.

"Oh, although the spirit is strong, but it is only the spirit after all, I am optimistic about this Xiao Yun." The man in Jinyi laughed, "Maybe, he still has no way out?"


At this time, on the soul-breaking stage, the hero was killing.

And Xiao Yun's palm flickering in the palm of his hand has been repaired.

When Ying Ling came, he continued the battle.

The spirit of Zhan Wu's spirit has not diminished, but has become more powerful.


Xiao Yun shot to meet the enemy with the martial arts of the gods.

But the hero was too strong, and once Gu Tiangong came out, Xiao Yun couldn't fight at all.

He fought back several times.

It is also his unparalleled physique, otherwise he would have been ridiculed.

However, after a long battle, the hero started to shoot with all his strength.

The golden light of his whole body shone and turned into a huge vortex to engulf everything.

The blow was strong.

It is accompanied by the power of fear.

The golden light like a blade turns into a vortex to smash Xiao Yun.

Under this golden light, heaven and earth will be annihilated, and the blazing light is extremely strong.

Xiao Yun's warfare was shattered, and even if it was immortal, it was a stun.

His understanding of indomitable warfare only touched the fur.

It is not as good as this hero's understanding of the immortal golden body tactics.

Under that golden light, Xiao Yun's clothes were shredded, revealing a solid chest.

His palm was cracked and his bones were visible.

Xiao Yun was blown up and vomiting blood.

And that Ying Ling continued to shoot ~ ~ His hands changed, the cyclone agitated and swept away.

Not only that, but the palm of the cyclone evolved.

This is a serial killing trick.

The golden vortex is enough to wipe out everything, making it inevitable.

Now when Xiao Yun is exhausted, there is still a golden light flashing out of the palm.

This is like a Buddha's golden hand, and once it is out, there are hundreds.

Obviously ...

This is a killing move.

Seeing this, the people watching the war couldn't help holding their breath.

"Will Xiao Yun be killed?" The kings stared closely at the front of the battlefield, tightening their nerves.

[Continue to ask for monthly tickets, I hope everyone will support Xiao Yun]

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