Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1373: No one before

That hero shot.

The power of the indestructible golden body turned into a golden pattern swirling and strangling away.

This has made many people unable to resist.

But after this killing move appeared, he continued to shoot, and a golden hand evolved in the vortex.

This is a powerful martial art that evolved from the Buddhist monk.

This is called Qianxuan Buddha Hand!

At this moment, Xiao Yun was trying his best, not only the palm of the hand was cracked, but the bones were full of blood.

How can he resist this horrible attack?

"Brother Xiao!" Seeing this, even Zhao Zheng couldn't help but exclaim.

"Gong Xiao!" At this moment, even Liu Hanyan frowned.

Because the hero is too powerful.

The golden light was cracked, making it irresistible.

Such characters must be heroes in ancient times, and they can overpower their contemporaries.

How does Xiao Yun fight with them?

"Ancient man is terrible!"

"It's true that ordinary people can challenge it." Many people were afraid.

On the soul-breaking stage, no one dared to say invincible.

Because no one knows what kind of ancient freak will appear later.

When they were shocked, everyone stared forward.

At this moment, the palm that was cast like gold has been found out, and it is about to hit Xiao Yun's chest.

Other palms turned into sharp blades, cutting the void.

Many people are stunned, otherwise imagine that if such attacks fall on themselves, will they be directly stunned?

At this time, countless people held their breath, and even the people in Xuanyu were extremely nervous.

Although Xiao Yun is not from their large territory, they are also full of respect for this young man.

It would be a shame for such a genius to scorn.


The flash of golden light shrouded Xiao Yun, his brows froze, and the soul of life flickered within the sea.

Hey, hey!

Each branch was like a gun, striking at the giant hand that was shining with gold.

It was just that the thousand vortex bergamots were too strong, and the golden light shone, cutting the branches of Wuhun.

Gold light turned into a cyclone, making it inaccessible.

But in an instant, those branches were cut off.

However, Xiao Yun stepped back quickly.

Rao is so, the golden light flashes, the giant hand has split.


The iron-clad strike sounded.

Then, the crowd saw a giant hand flashing golden light on Xiao Yun's chest.

His body was shaken fiercely.

The bones on that chest were broken, and the blood flow was endless.

"Xiao Yun!" Seeing this, Feng Yuyao couldn't help crying.

"This Xiao Yun will most likely scorn here." Xuanyu's people sighed.

Even some of the followers of Tianduyu also frowned.

Because on the soul breaking platform can not use the magic soldier.

If this thing is used, it will directly lead to the attack of Broken Soul River.

At that time, even if you are half a step, the gods will fall.

Not even God dare.

You know, this river is buried with ancient gods!


Xiao Yun was blown away, and blood spewed from his mouth.

This attack was too fast, so fast that Xiao Yun had no strength to resist.

He also has many means, and the life Wuhun shots in time, otherwise he would really be ridiculed.

Rao is so, he is not bad.

However, the injury was not enough to ridicule him.

As soon as the soul of life marched, the blue light flickered, and the flesh and blood between his chest and abdomen wriggled and began to recover.

Not only that, the broken bones also healed again.

The palm of his hand was restored.

After reaching the half-step Tongtian realm, the recovery power of the life Wuhun also became stronger and stronger.

In this way, Xiao Yun's injury has been recovered in an instant.

"His injury has recovered?" Seeing this, Xuan Yu's eyes were surprised.

"Does he have the legendary Wuhun soul?" Someone murmured.


Also when Xiao Yun's injury recovered, the hero continued to shoot.

Still a powerful attack, the golden light flickered, as if the world was suppressed.

When the thousand swirling Buddha hands came out, it seemed like the gods with the sky shot.

This attack was stronger than the last.

"Then, let you and me have the final decisive battle!" Xiao Yun's eyes condensed, and a powerful momentum burst out from him.

At this point, scales spread over his skin.

Above him, Zhan Wu soul is suspended, with a vast blessing of war intentions.

Not only that, he also began to have faint lines around him, the space around him oscillated, and a cyclone evolved.

"Enjoy the heavens!" When the space oscillated, a soft drink was also spit out from Xiao Yun's mouth.

The next moment, the wrinkles spread around him, and instantly turned into a huge cyclone.

The cyclone swept through, as if connected to heaven and earth, and seemed to communicate with Jiuyou.

The force of terror devoured.

In it there is a sense of Tao Yun permeating.

Not only that, this devouring cyclone actually caught an inexplicable mystery.

That upheaval is like a warrior of war martial spirit.

But it seems like this is all swallowed up.


A roll of cyclone completely covered the entire soul-breaking platform, and everyone could not see the figure of Xiao Yun.

Even as soon as the cyclone came out, even the golden light from the blooming of that hero was gradually shrouded.

At first, the golden light from this spirit was still resisting the power of swallowing the weather.

However, as the weather swelling continued to weaken the spirit, the golden light was dim and completely swallowed by the weather swelling.

Within the cyclone, Xiao Yun shot.

At this moment, he killed the hero.

This spirit was not completely swallowed up, and still had amazing combat power.

However, with the passage of time, he can no longer crush Xiao Yun.


Within the cyclone, the war began.

Xiao Yun took the shot and hit the hero with the Supreme Martial Art.

After a few rounds, he started to gain the upper hand.

Finally, the figure of the hero was dim, weakened by swallowing weather, and then defeated.

When the hero was defeated, another set of data appeared on the broken soul tablet.

Tiandu Yu, Xiao Yun, won seventy-one games in a row.

"Victory?" When this data appeared, the people in Xuan Yu and Tian Du Yu froze.

Xiao Yun was just beaten with a broken bone just now.

In any case, it won.

"That cyclone?" At this time, the evolved cyclone on the Broken Soul platform was restrained and finally dissipated.

Seeing this, many people looked completely astonished.

Because they know that this cyclone is the key to Xiao Yun's turn to victory.

"This man has such a profound heritage that there is no ancient man before him and no one comes after him!" Many kings of Xuanyu were caught.

At this moment they felt inexplicable.

There was an unbelievable feeling when everyone turned towards Xiao Yun.

It's hard to imagine that a person can combine so many skills in one.

Who can fight against such a character?

When the cyclone dissipated, a strong soul spirit submerged into Xiao Yun's body.

Suddenly, he began to cross his knees, blending this energy.

At the same time, he was feeling, summing up.

"I won a battle just now, but I was far from enough." Xiao Yun murmured, "If this hero is not in the form of a soul, he has enough blood and should be stronger. It is indeed a powerful Tiangong. "Although winning, Xiao Yun didn't mean a bit of arrogance, he knew the opponent's power.

After a little while, he merged that spirit.

"My soul is already so powerful that it is about to reach the level of heaven."

At this point Xiao Yun had been fighting for ten days in the soul-breaking platform.

The constant fighting in these ten days not only inspired his potential, but also improved his fighting spirit.

Fighting these days has made him realize a lot about Wu Xue uprightness.

However, Xiao Yun felt that he was inadequate.

At the same time, he also saw the power of those heavenly pride in ancient times.

"I still need to keep accumulating." Xiao Yun's eyes lightened, then he got up and walked off the battle platform.

Although he still has the winning streak, Xiao Yun still doesn't think he can be invincible to the end.

Because he still needs promotion.

"Isn't he going to continue the war?" When Xiao Yun stepped off the soul-breaking platform, someone immediately said.

"Seven consecutive games are enough!" Someone nodded and said so.

This has broken records, so why fight?

"Seventy-one games!" At this moment, in the superstar city, the elders of the giant spirit tribe's eyes condensed and were shocked by this record.

"Oh, I don't think anyone has won seventy-one games in a row in the past 10,000 years, right?"

"The record is that three thousand years ago, someone won sixty-nine games in a row!" Said the elders of the giant spirit clan. "The descendants of Dudu are really good today."

"I think he has more power." Elder Jinyi laughed.

"The magical power he used last was similar to that of the ancient swallowing magical power. Did he devour the soul of the heavenly martial arts again?" The elder of the giant spirit tribe murmured, "but not like a martial arts soul, it seems to be just magical , The juniors also have Phoenix, Kirin, and so on. They are really a guy who can't see through! "

"If you are giving some opportunities, it must be that he also has a place in the sanctuary." The elder Jinyi laughed.

"Um." The elders of the giant spirits nodded slightly, "It's a seedling."

"Seventy-one games!" At this moment, in the loft, the iron guards of the giant spirit tribe were shocked.

"This person is a person!" Zheng Jing said with a flash of light.

At this moment, even the genius of the giant spirits glanced at Xiao Yungao.

How powerful was that hero?

Even he was unsure of winning.

But Xiao Yun won.


By the river of broken souls, Xiao Yun strolled down.

A soul pattern plunged into his brows from within the broken soul tablet.

At this time, Zhao Zheng and others came one after another.

"Congratulations to Brother Xiao for winning seventy-one games in a row!" Zhao Zheng said with excitement.

"Congratulations, Xiao Xiao!"


Everyone is here to congratulate.

The kings of Tiandu looked very excited.

Seventy-one games in a row.

They are witnessing a miracle, how can they not be excited?

Even the people in Xuanyu are inexplicably excited.

"Did you all set foot on the soul-breaking platform?" Xiao Yun smiled, and then greeted everyone.

"I have succeeded!"

"I also won three games in a row!" Xiao Feng and others began.

"Well, some people are ridiculed." However, some people sighed.

"The ancient road is dangerous and the future is not optimistic." Xiao Yun said.

In this regard, he also expected.

If the ancient road is not dangerous, how can the elders talk about it?

So for these Xiao Yun has been bearish.

Everyone has his own way, and he cannot change anything.

The way of life ~ ~ need to go step by step by yourself.

Outsiders help the village, after all, can not last long.

"Let's step into the Broken Soul Bridge!" Xiao Yun said to the crowd.

"Um." Suddenly, Xiao Feng and others followed Xiao Yun to set foot on the long bridge.

Some people remain here.

This is someone who dare not set foot on the soulbreaking platform.

They were not confident enough to dare to fight.

Because there are too many people falling on it.

Looking at Xiao Yun as they moved forward, everyone felt desolate, but there was nothing they could do.

Such is the practice.

If you can't catch up with others, you just have to watch others move along this path.

And you are watching silently. ()

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