Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1374: Superstar City

Xiao Yun won seventy-one games in a row, breaking the record of the ancient road.

This shocked the people in Xuanyu and Tianduyu.

At this moment, he suddenly became the most dazzling existence on the ancient road.

"Let's go!" After Xiao Yun stepped on the Broken Soul Bridge, Tian Qingshan and other practitioners in Xuanyu also followed.

They have also been watching Xiao Yun's battle.

Suddenly, people from Xuanyu and Tianduyu stepped on the Broken Soul Bridge.

Because of the rune protection of the broken soul monument, everyone set foot on the broken soul bridge and was not attacked by the spirit.

Just set foot on this broken soul bridge, everyone is still frightened.

The bridge was filled with soothing air and cloudy winds, and the quiet water of Hanoi was rolling, and some corpses appeared from time to time.

There was an ancient atmosphere permeating the corpse.

The breath made the spinal cord chill, fearing that some spirits would come.

Fortunately, everyone has a ghost pattern that masks the breath, and those heroes will not shoot.

In this way, Xiao Yun and others finally walked to the end of the Broken Soul River after walking for an hour.

At the end of the river, there is still a dark curtain of light.

However, there is an ancient monument there at the moment.

The light streaks on the ancient monuments evolved into a cyclone.

This cyclone seemed to connect the stars.

"This is the door to the superstar city!" Xiao Yun looked at the cyclone, his eyes flashed.

Then he stepped into the cyclone.

Beside Xiao Yun, Liu Hanyan and others followed closely.

Stepping into the cyclone door, everyone felt like stepping into the starry sky.

In front of him, light and shadow flickered, with stars flowing.

After a little while, everyone's eyes brightened, and a huge city appeared.

Near this city, stars flickered.

From a distance, this looks like a city among the stars.

This city is also called the Superstar City.

Said to be a city, but also a large continent.

Xiao Yun and others landed. Directly out of the city by a vast force.

"Welcome everyone to the superstar city!" When Xiao Yun and others appeared, there was a man floating down on the city wall immediately.

There were eight iron guards beside the man.

These iron guards are like iron men one by one, giving an unshakable feeling.

The headed man is the genius of the giant spirit clan, Zheng Jing.

Today, he has set foot in Zhuntong Heaven.

"Superstar City!" At this moment, everyone's eyes were frozen. Not very sighing.

There were originally two hundred and seventy-eight people following Xiao Yun.

But now there are only 111 people.

Most of them stunned at the soul-breaking platform, and the remaining thirty people did not dare to fight.

These people will only try to return later. Look for the chance again, and then break through the soul-breaking platform, otherwise you will only be living on the giant spirit continent.

"Under the giant spirit clan, Zheng Jing!" Zheng Jing stepped forward and walked to Xiao Yun.

He volunteered.

"Tiandu Yu, Xiao Yun!" Xiao Yun also arched.

"I've seen you fight at the Soulbreaker." Zheng Jing laughed loudly. "Winning seventy-one games in a row, huh, even the first in ten thousand years!

For Xiao Yun. He is also very bullish.

"Oh?" Xiao Yun was slightly surprised when he heard it.

"Please!" Then Zheng Jing personally welcomed Xiao Yun into the superstar city.

He will come here, naturally because of Xiao Yun.

Otherwise, the general genius cannot alarm him at all.

Xiao Yun and others entered the city with him.

"Superstar City is an ancient city left over by ancient times and was discovered by my giant spirit clan ..." Zheng Jing began to explain to Xiao Yun some things about Superstar City.

Based on this, Xiao Yun knew many secrets.

It turns out this ancient road. Has long been discovered.

But it is the giant spirits who occupy this place.

Of course, there are also giant spirit people in the sanctuary.

Because in ancient times here, there was also a limit to the power of rules.

The gods of the giant spirit family also immersed themselves in the sanctuary.

"Why do you giant spirits stay here?" Wen Yun said, Xiao Yun curious.

So many big races are hiding in the sanctuary, why are giant spirit races here?

"Oh, I don't know the specific situation." Zheng Jing grinned. Did not say much.

"Where's the way to the sanctuary?" Xiao Yun asked.

"If you want to go to the sanctuary, you must set foot on the Xinghai!" Zheng Jing said, "In the depth of the Xinghai, there is a gate to the sanctuary, but that gate is blocked by a storm of stars and wants to step in. But it has to wait for the storm to disappear. It is still a while before the storm disappears. "

"Oh." Xiao Yun nodded slightly.

"Besides, there are still some monuments left in this starry sky." Zheng Jing continued to explain to Xiao Yun.

There are some monuments near the falling star sea.

It was also the continental plate that fell from the sky. Now it is suspended in the air and turned into a monument.

I just want to take the same adventures to those places.

Listening to Zheng Jing's explanation, Xiao Yun also knew something about it.

At this point, they have reached the end of the ancient road, not far from the end.

Stepping into the sanctuary is simple. As long as you are alive and enter the gate of the sanctuary, you will have the opportunity to step into the sanctuary.

Of course, those who want to worship the sanctuary have to look at their strength.

After entering the sanctuary with the domain gate, you will enter an ancient city.

Elders from all ethnic groups are gathered there.

Those who have successfully entered the sanctuary will also be there for the final showdown.

All ethnic groups will select the talents with huge potential.

"Before the Xingyuan storm dissipates, you can go to explore various historical sites and look for opportunities." Zheng Jing laughed. "In the superstar city, there are various materials."

What is the heritage of the nearby monuments, they are all clear.

Xiao Yun was then led into the city.

This superstar city is huge, but not many people.

In addition to the people who live in the giant spirits, there are also some people who have set foot on ancient roads and did not enter the sanctuary, but have survived here.

They also settle here.

"This is the soul-breaking monument?" When the crowd passed by the school ground, someone's eyes lighted up and immediately found the soul-breaking monument.

"This Broken Soul Monument has something to do with Broken Soul River," Zheng Jing laughed. "But this monument has data from various domains."

The Broken Soul Monument at Broken Soul River will only show data that challenge the Broken Soul Taiwanese.

At this point, that data has been refreshed.

Xiao Yun ranked first in 71 games.

Second: Underworld, Underworld.

Third: Xuan Yu, unparalleled


Eighth: Demon Domain, Seven Killing Son. White Seven Kills.

"Seven Killers?" Seeing this, Xiao Yun's eyes moved slightly. "He also came to the superstar city?"

"People in the Demon Realm had arrived at the Star City 12 days ago." Zheng Jing laughed. "Now they have gone to the ancient ruins near the Xinghai Sea."

Xiao Yun nodded, then looked at the monument.

"Yang Yihong, Kong Yan ... Chu Tianzhao ..."

After seeing the familiar names, Xiao Yun was slightly relieved.

Some friends in this demon domain finally entered this place successfully!

These people used to go to Xuetianmen to help out. Xiao Yun naturally did not want them to be ridiculed.

Xiao Yun was arranged to Star City.

Then, Zheng Jing directly ordered. Fetched information on those monuments.

"These are the data collected by my giant spirits. You can look for opportunities to choose from," Zheng Jing said.

Zheng Jing of this giant spirit clan is very tall and can have five feet, but he has good facial features and looks handsome.

He glanced at Xiao Yun with a smile on his face, looking very approachable.

"Thank you Father Zheng." Xiao Yun smiled.

Then he began to look at the information carefully.

The information is clearly divided.

First of all. A place for inheritance.

There is also the inheritance of the demon tribe.

There is also the inheritance of the Hades.

In this way, you can quickly and easily choose the place you want to inherit.

This will not delay too much time.

"Continent of ancient gods!" As soon as Xiao Yun's eyes condensed, he focused his eyes on a document.

Said to be the mainland, in fact, this is just a piece of land falling from the divine realm.

But there are many ancient ruins on it, so it is called the ancient **** continent.

In addition, there are some ancient ruins.

Such as some falling stars, there are special magic materials inside.

just. Every time people who set foot on the ancient road, they chose to go to the ancient **** continent.

"Go to this forbidden area!" Xiao Yun secretly murmured.

There are too many ruins in this ancient continent.

"Phoenix nest?" As soon as he watched, Xiao Yun saw the ruins that brightened his eyes.

This is the legacy left by Phoenix.

Similarly, there are many records inside.

"Are there any remains of the Phoenix?" Seeing this, Xiao Yun's eyes brightened.

If corpses remain, there is likely to be Phoenix blood there.

After the battle through Soulbreaker. Xiao Yun deeply knew his deficiency.

First, Phoenix's magic power is insufficient.

Phoenix is ​​strong.

Not only is the Nirvana fire of the Phoenix, but also the speed of the Phoenix's flying speed, can become a major combat force of Xiao Yun.

Unfortunately, his phoenix is ​​too weak.

If you get the Phoenix Divine Blood, it will be different. He can continue to improve the Phoenix Divine Power.

Secondly. He felt that he was not physically fit.

It didn't reach the point he wanted.

Wu Hun is not perfect yet.

At this time, he has many places to improve.

Wu Hun is perfect and will be more powerful.

Physically strong, can fight with the strong.

If you are strong enough, even if you encounter the hero who last practiced the immortal golden body method?

He can still use his martial arts to shake it with his bare hands, instead of relying on the magical power of the heavens to give the opponent's power a little resolution.

Although swallowing magical powers is strong.

But what if the other party is capable of resisting the power of devour?

Therefore, the power of the bully is the means to crush the opponent.

Xiao Yun is eager for strength.

"There are still a few places on the ancient **** continent, there are some relics there, and even there is a divine fluid that helps people wash their souls and transcend people." Zheng Jing smiled.

"Washing spirits out of the ordinary?" After hearing the words, Xiao Yun's eyes brightened.

"Some divine fluid can make a person's body flawless ~ ~ directly comparable to the divine body." Zheng Jing said, "some divine fluid can temper the soul ..."

Hearing Zheng Jing's words, Xiao Yun's eyes were hot.

These are real divine fluids, which can create a supreme body for people.

This is not as simple as the lotion of the giant spirit continent.

"If I had this divine fluid, I would go one step further." Xiao Yun's blood began to boil.

At the beginning, Father Xiao gave him the cold crystal spirit.

Xiao Yun, who has this spirit, also took it.

However, this has not yet made his physique immaculate.

Because the spirit of Jiuxiao Mountain has already lost the divine breath, it is not the true divine spirit.

"But I don't know how the divine fluid of this ancient **** continent?" Xiao Yun secretly murmured. To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for a monthly pass for recommendation. Your support is my biggest motivation. ()

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