Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1375: Ancient **** continent

In the superstar city, Xiao Yunguan read ancient books and listened to Zheng Jing's explanation.

After learning that the ancient **** continent has the magic fluid that can make people transcendence, Xiao Yun's eyes are hot.

Today, he is in need of this divine fluid quenching body.

"Can these divine fluids reach the true **** level?" Xiao Yun asked after a little excitement.

"Although the ancient **** continent fell from the divine realm, the divinity has been suppressed by the heavens and the earth, but there are still some **** rules on this continent that have not completely dissipated, so these divine fluids still carry a little divine power, although they are not comparable The real divine fluid, but the effect is already against the sky for mortals. "Zheng Jing said.

Hearing that, Xiao Yun nodded slightly.

Although the cold crystal spirits in the forbidden area of ​​the deities are also divine extracts.

However, the Jiuxiao Mountain in the forbidden area of ​​God is only a small part of the remains of God, and there is not much divine breath left in it.

In this way, this cold crystal spirit has insufficient power.

But this ancient **** continent is different.

Although many divine breaths have dissipated.

But it still has a trace of divine breath. In this way, the **** that is bred or left is naturally stronger than the gods.

Just like the giant spirit continent.

It also fell from the sky, but still retained the power of all the rules of the giant spirit continent.

The same is true. Xiao Yun and others will be oppressed by invisible forces when they enter this continent and have to go to the Lingchi Pool.

Divine fluid!

It can be said that many people who set foot on ancient roads came for this purpose.

Because once you get the Shenye quenched body, you can really turn into a dragon and fly into the sky.

This is a rare opportunity that is worth the adventure of countless people.

At this time, Xiao Yun also planned to find this magic liquid.

"Of course, it's difficult to get the divine fluid." Zheng Jing's son smiled.

Xiao Yun nodded.

Since this thing exists, the giant spirit tribe will certainly search.

The rest of it is hard to obtain today.

"In the superstar city, there is a teleportation array to the ancient **** continent. If you want to go there, you just have to go there." Zheng Jing laughed.

"Thank you very much." Xiao Yun held his fist towards Zheng Jing.

So Zheng Jing left.

"I will go here." Zheng Jing left, and Xiao Yun and Xiao Feng discussed the route.

"I followed Brother Xiao!" Zhao Zheng said without thinking.

Coming here, he knew it was dangerous, and it was not easy to get the chance.

Only following Xiao Yun has such a chance.

So he spoke directly.

"Me, too." Many people said so, and only a few took the other risk.

"So, we leave in three days!" Xiao Yun said.

Only then did they experience the Battle of the Soulbreaker, and it was the kingly way to continually integrate the feelings of the war.

"Um." Everyone nodded, without rushing to the ancient **** continent.


"Grandson Zheng, why are you so polite to Xiao Yun?" At this time, Zheng Jing was walking towards his mansion.

Beside him, an iron guard asked.

The next few iron guards were suspicious.

You know, this Zheng Jing is the genius of the giant spirit family, and he has the best resources to cultivate since childhood.

Today, he is almost comparable to some ancient characters.

Although Xiao Yun's talents are different, he hasn't reached this point yet?

Why should his family son be so polite to win over this person?

"After a while, I will go to Xunhai Xinghai, which is among the falling stars. At that time, I still need a few helpers. This person has a bit of potential. If he gains more in the ancient **** continent, he should be one of those helpers. Zheng Jing smiled and said, "Of course, I see Xiao Yun's potential is unlimited. If you give some opportunities, it will be extraordinary in the future. At this time, it is okay to associate with it. Hehe, maybe the **** road will open in the future. We still have Goodbye opportunity. "

"That's it." After hearing the words, everyone nodded.


In the superstar city, people of all ethnic groups are temporarily settled here.

However, someone immediately left and went to the ancient **** continent.

These are mostly Xuan Yu people.

Because many people have already traveled to the ancient **** continent in Xuanyu. After receiving the news, they can't wait to go to that continent.

It is said that there have been found ancient ruins, which contain anti-sky opportunities.

Xiao Yun is in a stable state.

At this time, not only did his various magical powers improve, the realm became more stable.

Now he can step into Zhuntong Heaven at any time.

"Entering the Zhuntong Heaven Realm has to be natural." Xiao Yun was not anxious for the improvement of the realm.

At this point the most important thing is to lay the foundation.

If there is no invincible means, how can we compete with others?

Only when the body is unparalleled and the martial arts soul is in the world can it crush the enemies.

This is the feeling brought by Xiao Yun after the war with the ancient heroes.

That kind of existence, solid foundation, how many people are comparable in the same generation?

Enough foundation, will be truly fearless, proud of peers.

Three days, blinked.

Superstar City is calm.

The big family children who come here rarely go out to hang out, so there are not many conflicts.

Almost some people also went to the ancient **** continent and some ancient ruins.

Three days later, Xiao Yun and others walked out of the house together.

Then, the crowd gathered near the teleportation array in the superstar city.

This is a starry teleportation array, and a large number of spirit stones are delivered each time it is opened.

In Tianduyu, Xiao Yun, a team of 112 men, entered the teleportation team together.

When the light and shadow flickered, everyone stepped into the portal.

The starry sky teleportation feels as if you are traveling in the sky, and occasionally you can see the twinkle of stars.

After two minutes, the crowd came to an ancient continent.

This is a continent suspended in the stars.

At this point, Xiao Yun and others landed on a suspended platform.

This is a specially formed battlefield.

The battlefield platform is very high, overlooking Xinghe, as if it is located on the top of the sky.

At this time, Xiao Yun and others looked away. The former convenience was the ancient **** continent.

Next to it is the endless Xinghe, and the shining stars.

The galaxy is vast, and people standing here feel extremely small.

"Frontly convenient is the ancient **** continent!" Beside the battle platform, an elder of the giant spirit clan said, "We will send you into the ancient **** continent by a starship."

A star battleship can resist the power of the starry sky and shuttle through the starry sky. The general flow of starry air will not affect the progress of the starry sky ship, unless it encounters the horrific star river storm. Paying a lot of spirits, just to travel to the ancient **** continent Xiao Yun and others.

When the spirit stone was paid, an elder of the giant spirit family sacrificed a star battleship.

The battleship is made of silver.

This is a completely enclosed battleship. It looks like a huge ship. Open the hatch and everyone enters.

Then, the elders of the giant spirit clan urged the battleship into a light and flew forward.

Inside the battleship, everyone could see the stars shining.

Flying in the stars is dangerous because it is suppressed by the power of the galaxy.

Once the real yuan is exhausted or suppressed, it is easy to snag.

This battleship is a thing of the ancient times. It not only has special materials and can resist the power of Xinghe. It is also engraved with a mysterious pattern of starry sky. It will merge the battleship with the power of the starry sky and minimize the kind of oppression. It was gentle, only half an hour later, and it flew near the ancient **** continent in front.

The battleship flies and slowly falls forward.


There was a ripple in the void.

This is the collision of the power of rules.

The warship passed through that area and then fell towards the ancient **** continent.

From the window of the battle, everyone can find out some things about the ancient **** continent.

Here, mountains and rivers are everywhere, and in some places, cracks are spreading and swollen.

You can see the abyss and the misty Lingchi.


When the battleship landed, all the people took their sight back.

"You can go out!" The door of the battleship opened, and the old man said, "I will wait for your return here, of course, the reward for leaving will be higher, because you can return safely, and you will definitely gain something and leave Conditions are not only spiritual stones, but also have a spirit level of pseudo-god level. "

"Um." Xiao Yun nodded, and then left.

He also knew about the rewards for coming here.

After returning, one hundred people must pay for a pseudo-god-level spirit extract.

He has no objection to this.

How can others leave if walking in this starry sky without giving enough benefits?

"Is this the ancient god's continent?" When walking out of the battleship, Xiao Yun and others felt a special breath.

It was an avenue.

It is also called the breath of God.

This breath is intoxicating.

"There is still some divine breath left here." At this time, within Xiao Yun's knowledge of the sea, Changsheng's turtle eyes condensed.

It releases consciousness and senses the waves here.

"But this breath is not enough to make a god!" Then he sighed slightly.

Although there is still a divine breath here, it is also oppressed by the power of the rules of heaven and earth.

"That is to say, there will be no **** here?" Xiao Yun asked with a heart.

"It stands to reason," said Longevity Turtle.

In any case, as long as it is oppressed by the power of heaven and earth, no **** can stand on it.

Unless the **** is professing himself in a dense place.

However, according to Zheng Jing of the giant spirit clan, the ancestors of their clan entered the sanctuary, and presumably no one remained on this ancient **** continent.

Otherwise, why do n’t the gods of their giant spirits stay here?

Obviously, it is safer to hide in the sanctuary than here.

In front, there are mountains and rivers, and you can't see the end at a glance.

It was only the aura emanating from that continent that made the kings eyes fiery.

In this aura, it seems that there is an avenue. UU reading makes people yearn for it.

With the gradual weakening of the power of today's rules, absorbing a little God's breath will no longer lead to condemnation.

"Go!" As soon as Xiao Yun's eyes condensed, he locked in one direction and marched towards the depths of the ancient **** continent.

Beside him, the kings followed.

When walking to an area, someone started to separate.

They also have their own goals.

These people are all geniuses, and this visit to the ancient road is naturally unwilling to be ordinary.

But Zhao Zheng and Ji Wuwu chose to follow Xiao Yun.

Although they also want to gain the opportunity of anti-sky, they know in their hearts that they have their own details.

Alive is the greatest creation.

Because only by being alive can we meet that future opportunity. ()

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