Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1380: Divine Wing [for monthly ticket ...

Behind Yan Shuangying, a pair of wings extended.

On this wing, there are faint lines flowing, and there is a trembling shock.

When this divine shock broke out, Kirin's face suddenly changed.

"This man actually has a pair of divine wings?" Beside, several geniuses of the Qilin tribe were surprised.

"Divine Wing?" It was Princess Kirin's face that changed and changed.

Although she obtained a unicorn **** bone.

But she hadn't had time to fuse this **** bone into her own use.

In this way, she could not exert the power of this **** bone at all.

But this Yan Shuangying seems different.

Look at him like that, the pair of wings have been completely merged by him and become part of himself.

This is tantamount to the fact that he is in control of a magic soldier.

A quasi-passive heavenly powerhouse also has a magic soldier. How many people can compete with it?

So Princess Kirin's face suddenly changed.

"Yan Shuangying possesses the two eagle martial spirits, and also gains a pair of divine wings. Nourished by the blood of this divine wings, his two eagle martial spirits have also reached the level of flawlessness." Later, the genius of the spirit realm also blinked and showed awe in awe. "He is very powerful at this moment among the geniuses in my spiritual realm. There are few people on the road who can compete with him, and he will rise in the sanctuary. "

Everyone has a very high opinion of Yan Shuangying.

In the first battle of Soulbreaker, Yan Shuangying did not urge Shenyi.

Because although this God wing is fused by him, it also belongs to a God soldier.

If he urges Divine Wing, he will attract more powerful spirits.

Rao is forty-two wins in a row without encouraging Divine Wing, which shows how powerful he is.

People in the spirit realm all agree that if they are ranked by true strength, this bird's wings will not be worse than that of the mysterious realm.

Now that he has unveiled Shenyi Shi, how can the Qilin clan compete with them?

So when they were in awe, everyone looked at the Kirin people with a joke.

In their opinion, the key to the monument was already in the bag.

"Sister, this person has a strong heritage, I'm afraid we have no power to fight!" Kirin said with a bitter expression on his face.

It was still preparing for a war just now.

But when the swallow wings exhibited the God Wing, the Unicorn Prince was discouraged.

This person has Divine Wings, and even if his bloodline has reached the end of his life, it is difficult to fight against one another!

"Do you dare to fight me?" Princess Qilin's eyes narrowed and she stared at the Yan Shuangying ahead.

How could she, who was always proud, lose so easily?

"Fighting with you?" Seeing Princess Qilin's heroic beauty and a proud look, Yan Shuangying first stunned, and then a smile arose from the corner of her mouth, "Oh, since the beauty is invited, Yanmou should be accompanied." After that, he took a step forward and walked forward, while Princess Kirin was walking with a spear.

Seeing this, the boy Kirin frowned, and finally had to let his sister do the same.

The two walked high.

The people in the spirit realm looked up and looked at each other with a playful smile.

In their opinion, this Qilin woman's move is undoubtedly superfluous.

How can she compete with Yan Shuangying by virtue of her supernatural powers?

At this time, high in the sky.

Princess Kirin was holding a spear and the sea of ​​fire rolled behind her, and the momentum of Kirin was completely motivated.

"It's a rare sight to see the blood of Kirin!" Feeling the momentum of Princess Kirin, Yan Shuangying's eyes were slightly squinting, and she was not very sighing.

This unicorn princess is really strong, and the blood that rolls over, the evolved unicorn is so amazing that it is by no means ordinary people to fight against.

"Although I have no time for Shuangying Wuhun, if I haven't reached the quasi-god realm, I really can't compete with you, but I have merged the wing of God, how can you fight me?" Yan Shuangying's eyes narrowed and smiled Said, "I think you are beautiful, and you are a beautiful woman with personality. How about you and me as partners?"

"Fantasy, look at the gun!" Seeing this Yan Shuangying making a joke, Princess Kirin's eyes were cold.

At the moment, her jade hand was raised, and when the spear moved, she was heading towards the Yan Shuangying ahead.


The pike stabbed, flickering with fire.

The strong blood flew out and turned into a unicorn.

This unicorn is strong, aggressive, and has a mighty power.

This is a treasure gun made of unicorn bone.

Although it is not yet god-level, it is also a pseudo-god level.

This shot came out, the momentum was amazing, the unicorn flew, accompanied by the hot flames.

But from a distance, Princess Kirin was walking forward, and the spear in her hand had penetrated the void and shattered the front.

"It's just a puppet soldier!" Yan Shuangying smiled, and swept away with his wings behind him.


The wings are like blades, and a faint pattern runs across the void.

The dark lines passed, and the fire of the unicorn was annihilated.

Not only that, the wings smashed the unicorn evolved directly from the blood.


Then the two wings collided with the Kirin Gun.

A crisp voice sounded.

Then the crowd saw that the woman holding the spear fluttered and retreated.

The unicorn princess with supernatural powers cannot fight the Yan Shuangying at all.

"This practice is, even if there is no time for blood?" The practitioners in Lingyu are sneer.

"Recall red!"

"Sister!" Princess Kirin was repelled as soon as she met, everyone in the Kirin tribe frowned.

"Divine Wing?" Seeing the Yan Shuangying directly urged Divine Wing, Princess Kirin's mouth evoked a sneer, full of contempt for this person.

Without the Divine Wing, how can this Yan Shuangying fight against it?

How could her unicorn bloodline be defeated?

This made her even more reluctant to hand over the key.

Because if she gets the divine fluid, and practice again, she will surpass this person.

In that case, how can we fail?

"Even if the realm is not enough, I will fight to the end!" Princess Kirin's eyes condensed, and there was a hot light flashing in it.

Then she had some jade hands and a unicorn appeared.

This is a unicorn frontal bone.

There is a strong Qilin blood in it.

Not only that, the bones are intertwined with divine patterns.

It is a pity that this is the bone of God, which contains the mystery of God.

"Taking Qi as the guide, condensing Qilin's mighty power!" Princess Qilin's eyes lightened, and she spit out Kirin's essence directly.

This is the essence of blood.

There is a hint of her mind in her spirit.

Essence is injected into the unicorn bone.

Suddenly, the unicorn bone **** pattern wriggled and began to have a hidden power to be excited.

The vastness of the mighty sky rose.

When this divine power shook, the distant practitioners all stared at him.

"This girl actually used her own energy to urge the power in this bone."

A king frowned.

This essence, even if it takes a bite, will affect the foundation of people!

If it costs too much, it will hurt Daoji.

"She doesn't control the bone, but she hastily dragged the divine power in it, which is very likely to be hurt by the divine power."

Still others hurried back.

If the divine power is not controlled and spreads, everyone nearby will suffer.

The Kirin boy was also worried.

It knew that his sister was desperate.

"This girl has a bit of personality." Seeing this, Yan Shuangying's eyes lightened.

But it's not too worried.

It has long been fused with Divine Wings.

Although the level of the Divine Wing is not high, the spirit of the Divine Wing has been lost, but under his nourishment, the Divine Wing has begun to give new life to him.

He stared at Princess Kirin so lightly, waiting for her shot.

It's a kind of confidence.

He is confident that he can crush all enemies.

Seeing Yan Shuangying so indifferent, the people in the spirit realm could not help but envy.

What awesome it would be if you reached this point yourself!


At this time, the **** bone trembled, and the blood above it was soaring.

In this blood, there are intertwined patterns.

A mighty spirit was stunned.

Under this will, Princess Qilin's face was pale and her heart was almost broken.


Although the spirit of the gods was tyrannical, it soon subsided.

It was just that kind of oppression against Princess Kirin.

Then, the blood gas squirmed, and the unicorn flickered into the blood.

That blood is intertwined with the divine pattern of the unicorn **** bone.

At present, a unicorn is evolved.

The unicorn evolved, and it was shocking.

This is the unicorn formed by the blood in the unicorn's bone and the unicorn's will.

Although it is not the real body, but at this time its scale armor is sensational, and there is still flame flaming around, those eyes flashing fiercely, it really came here like a unicorn.


The unicorn roared, moving his wide soles forward.

Kirin stepped forward, just one step, appeared in front of Yan Shuangying.

On it, Kirin's magical fire rolled, as if the dragon rolled away in anger.

Under this flame, heaven and earth will be drowned.

The void was burned and twisted into a world of fire.

That momentum is too powerful.

The giant palm of the unicorn is like the stars that can be broken.

That flame can burn the world.

It also has the tail of Kirin fluttered.

The light pattern of the unicorn angle flickered, and various supernatural powers evolved.

How many people can resist this attack?

"Even if the emperor can't resist it?" Many people secretly thought.

People in the spirit realm are also shocked.

Especially those who have hunted down Princess Kirin.

They are all in fear.

If this princess unicorn had spared no effort and shot hard, how many people could survive?

However, Yan Shuangying is still very cold.

"The Condor is cracked!" Only a flash of his eyes was seen, and that step was to move forward.

Then his wings agitated behind him.

The wings cracked, creating a faint pattern.

The dark lines flickered, as if turned into a world, immediately covering the fire of the unicorn.

The dazzling flare suddenly faded.


The loud noise shook the sky, and God Wing rolled up, stirring a storm.

Under this storm, the unicorn **** fire broke up, and all kinds of attacks were directly submerged as if they encountered a flood of rage.

Then, this **** wing directly confronted that unicorn.

Divine wings flickered and struck Kirin.

At first the unicorn was still in flames.

But under this divine wing, the flames are restrained, and the Qilin blood and divine power are constantly consumed.

This entanglement lasted for a quarter of an hour.

Where Divine Wing and Kirin meet, there is a continuous ripple in the void ~ ~ This kind of ripple seems to be peaceful, but it has the tendency to wipe out everything.

Under the ripples, the nearby void was crumbling.

That mountain top is also shaking.

Kirin and others burst out.

Only after their retreat, a muffled noise came out.


Then they saw the unicorn in the void crumble.

A piece of divine bone was given to Zhenfei by an amazing divine power.

When this **** bone was shaken, Princess Qilin was also drowned by the amazing aftermath.

Even if she urged Arcana, it was useless.

That treasure was broken.



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