Princess Kirin confronts Yan Shuangying.

Two people fight.

Yan Shuangying took a strong shot, he did not hesitate to urge Shenyi, and directly defeated Princess Kirin.

The mighty divine prestige swept away, causing the void to set off a terrible storm.


A bite of blood was also spit out from Princess Kirin's mouth.

Her body flew out uncontrollably.

The attack just now seemed to be beyond her ability.

"Remember red!" Seeing this, the son of Kirin shouted.

Several other geniuses of the Kirin tribe are also frowning.

"Hehe, the prince Yan has merged the **** wing, who can compete with it?" Seeing this, the people in the spirit realm laughed aloud.

Now that this unicorn princess is defeated, isn't that the key to capture?

"Give away the key to the monument!" At this point, Yan Shuangying walked away, his eyes flashed, and he stared at the unicorn princess that was flying upside down.

A powerful momentum burst out.

At this time, Princess Kirin's body had not yet stabilized, her eyes were raised, and she looked at the Yan Shuangying who was walking.

There was endless unwillingness in her eyes.

If you fuse this **** bone yourself, how can you fail?

At this moment, Yan Yan's twin eagle eyes flashed, and his big hand moved, and he went toward the unicorn princess ahead.

From a distance, it seems that there is a huge claw with the size of a hundred feet, and it falls directly to the head of Princess Kirin ahead.

"Yihong!" Seeing this, the son of Kirin and others exclaimed.

The Qilin tribe's blood flew into the sky, and the momentum burst out.

call out!

The unicorn boy turned into a unicorn and flung forward.

Several people followed behind.

"Go!" Yan Shuangying's eyes were cold, and his wings vibrated behind him.


Then, the ripples on the wings bloomed, and a storm swept away with the vibration of the wings.

This storm directly drowned Kirin and others.

The next moment, everyone was rolled away thousands of meters and hit the top of the mountain.


The top of the mountain was broken, the boulder shattered and turned into dust by the aftermath of terror.

The children of Kirin and others vomited blood, and the wolverine fell down.

When the son of Kirin and others spit blood, Yan Shuangying's mouth sneered, and the big hand moved to continue to grab Princess Kirin ahead.

Just then, in the void in the distance, a ripple appeared.

Then a young man appeared out of thin air.

The young man was wearing a purple robe and his thick long hair was dancing in the wind.

After the young man appeared, the blink of his eyes locked the front.

And this young man is Xiao Yun.

After getting a message from Princess Kirin, he tried to fly.

Relying on the magical soldier, Xiao Yun broke through many places that are Jedi for ordinary people.

"Princess Kirin!" When his eyes flashed, he saw the princess Kirin flying upside down.

Then, the huge palm was also touched by his sight.

Xiao Yun, who was hit by the fly, was also seen by Xiao Yun.

The situation here was immediately clear.

"Stop!" A deep voice immediately spit out from Xiao Yun's mouth.

Then, all he saw was his stride, and he walked forward.


Xiao Yun's voice was thunderous, ringing the world.

The billowing sound waves shook the void, and the souls of the spirit kings were shaken for a while.

Suddenly, all the practitioners in the spirit realm had misgivings, gazing towards the sound wave.

"Who is it?" Even Yan Shuangying's pupils suddenly shrank, and his movements paused slightly.

When his eyes moved, he saw a figure walking forward.

The figure walked, but just appeared in a flash.


A large hand came out of the air.

The big hand appeared, but it seemed like a cyclone swept away.

A force of devour burst out, and immediately pulled Princess Kirin into the cyclone.

In this way, everyone was watching the princess Kirin disappear from the hands of the Yan Shuangying.

And all this just because Yan Shuangying paused for a moment.

Half-step through the sky shot, this instantaneous delay is enough to happen too much.

"Want to save people in front of me?" When Princess Kirin dissipated, before the large cyclone retreated completely, Yan Shuangying's eyes became cold and cold.

Only saw his wings swept behind him, as if the sharp blade cut across Xiao Yun ahead.

The reason why he did not take the Thunder just now and took Princess Kirin down is that he believes that no one can save people under his hands.

The same is true, when Xiao Yun appeared, he would have such a momentary pause, instead of taking down Princess Kirin directly.

It's a kind of confidence.

He believes that in this ancient road, below the emperor, there are ants in front of him.

Even some emperors could not compete with it.

People in the spirit realm think so.

"This man actually dared to save people under Yan Gongzi's hands, it's almost death!" Many spirit geniuses sneered and looked like a play.


The wings swept across, extremely fast, and the void was torn.

"Divine Wing?" Xiao Yun's eyes narrowed as the wings swept across.

At this point, his palm had been withdrawn, and Princess Kirin appeared beside him.

"Trapped in the **** pattern!" In a hurry, Xiao Yun immediately urged the trapped **** pattern.

At this time, the divine wings swept across the air.

If they looked from a distance, everyone would see Xiao Yun directly cut off by the Divine Wing.

"Is it directly turned into dust?" Some practitioners in Lingyu stunned.

"Is this ridiculed?" Even Yan Shuangying was surprised.

At this point, the sons of Kirin and others have stabilized their bodies.

"It seemed to be Xiao Gong?" Qilin Gong looked forward, his eyes skeptical when he blinked.

When the aftermath of the void in front disappeared, a ripple rippled.

And in that void, Xiao Yun appeared.


"Not dead?" Seeing this, all the practitioners in the spirit realm were surprised.

"Ha ha, it really is Xiao Gongzi!" When Xiao Yun appeared, the geniuses of the Qilin tribe were all excited.

Even Kirin's son couldn't help but laugh out loud.

"Surprisingly escaped that blow?" Yan Shuangying's eyes lightened, and Xiao Yun was locked by a powerful air machine.

At this time, Xiao Yun appeared, and he took Princess Qilin's waist with his left hand.

At this time, Princess Kirin was seriously injured, and she was almost unstable.

It's the same. Xiao Yun chose to avoid the sharp edge by trapping the **** pattern at first, for fear that the war would affect Princess Qilin.

At this time, the waist was caught, and the hanging heart of Princess Kirin was also relaxed.

At this moment, she didn't care much about the situation here, but the beautiful eyes blinked, but she was secretly looking at the man around her.

Today Xiao Yun is overwhelming, with cold eyes, staring at the Yan Shuangying.

There was a sensational chill in his eyes.

This chill is dreadful.

But when Princess Kirin felt it, her heart was extremely warm.

"Is he angry because of me?" Princess Kirin secretly murmured.

"This person is the old lady of Princess Kirin?" At this moment, the twinkles of Yan Shuangying's eyes flashed, and she saw the fascination of Princess Qilin when she looked at Xiao Yun.

Suddenly, a cold light flickered in his eyes.

"Who are you?" Yan Shuangying's eyes lightened coldly.

"Who am I?" Xiao Yun frowned, and said, "You are a quasi-strength heavenly powerman, but you hurt my friends with a **** wing. It is really shameful to do this!

With a flash of phantom eyes, he took into account what happened just now.

Just now Princess Kirin invited to fight, this person actually directly oppressed people, it was too much to look down on.

"Why! You're going to help her?" Yan Shuangying looked cold.

Those practitioners in the spiritual realm next to it are also gloomy.

"Moving my friend is like moving me. In this case, fight!" Xiao Yun frowned, the eyes flashed, and the cold voice spit out of his mouth.

At the same time, a powerful momentum erupted from him.

With a big move, he sent Princess Kirin to a distant mountain.

Accompanying them is the Phantom Worm.

After sending out the unicorn princess, Xiao Yun stepped forward toward this double eagle.

On him, a great deal of warfare burst out.

His long hair fluttered, and there was a flicker of fire behind him, and the blood was sweeping out.

Xiao Yun at this moment was almost like a **** son coming to the dust, with a world-wide prestige permeating.

Those monks who were oppressed far away were frightened.

"This man is so imposing!"

"How do I feel like a pure-blooded beast has stepped out of the flood?" Many geniuses in Lingyu could not help but snored.

Especially those who possess the spirit of the monster race or the bloodline are shivering.

Xiao Yun walked out, the powerful momentum forced him away.

This momentum not only scared people in the spirit realm, but even the Yan Shuangying frowned.

His pair of eagle martial spirits shivered as if they had met the king, feeling awe in heart.

"This person's blood is stronger than that of Princess Unicorn!" Yan Shuangying's eyes flashed, revealing his face dignified.

Princess Kirin's bloodline has made him feel daunted.

The same is true, he did not fight with Princess Kirin in the realm, but crushed directly with the wings of God.

"But I have divine wings, why should I be afraid?" After a little while, Yan Shuangying cast aside the fear in his heart.

But he blended with the **** wing and was destined to swept his peers. Is it just that ordinary people can be enemies?

"Since you're looking for death, then I'll fulfill you!" Yan Shuangying's eyes were cold, and the steps were taken in vain.

When he took that step, the momentum of Zhun Tongtian seemed to be pressing down towards Xiao Yun ahead.

At the same time ~ ~ The divine pattern behind his wings flickered, and a divine majestic burst out.

The divine mighty shock was accompanied by a faint pattern, which was sweeping forward like a horrible wave.

In front of him, there seems to be a faint pattern world evolving.

Throughout the world, the sky became dark.

"Shenwei?" Feeling this powerful momentum, Xiao Yun's mouth turned a touch of radian. He frowned lightly and glanced at the Yan Shuangying Road. "He possesses the quasi-passage of heaven, but dares not communicate with others In the realm of the war, I only knew that using the wings of God to crush people, so how can you become a strong one? Besides, do you think you have a magic soldier? "

When that divine mighty shock opened, Xiao Yun's eyes were cold.


A word swallowed, and then the hurricane agitated around him, and the gleam flickered, turning into a huge cyclone.

This cyclone is connecting heaven and earth.

... ()

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