Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1384: Breaking the array

"Did you reach the level of a false god?"

Hearing the words, everyone was hot.

Even if it is a false god, it is also the fiery existence of the emperor!

Even the half-step deities need this spiritual extract to consolidate the realm.

"Go!" Xiao Yun led everyone forward.

This Changhezong's aura is too strong, even though the mountain gate has been broken, many spirits are still found during the walk.

Although [pig] [pig] [island] novel ww.zuhm did not find the spiritual extract of the pseudo-god level, but there were many spiritual extracts of the royal level and the royal level.

Most of the people here are spiritual masters, and taking royal spirit level extracts can help to improve.

That royal spirit level can help people to improve, touching half-steps and even heavens.

So everyone is very happy after getting those spirits.

However, there are not many opportunities here, and many places have been explored many times.

So Xiao Yun went directly to that destination.

Finally, after walking for three days in this monument, he came into a forbidden area.

In front of it is a huge pool.

Above the pond, a Tianhe is suspended.

Within this river of days, many lotuses grow.

"This is the colorful lotus!"

Beside this ancient pond, someone suddenly appeared.

Immediately after these people appeared, they were surprised.

There is a colorful lotus in the long river suspended in the pond in front.

At the center of that lotus, there is a lotus plant that is particularly eye-catching.

This lotus shimmers with multicolored light, and there are road patterns lingering.

A boulevard air permeated the air, and the dazzling lights were dazzling like Ruicai.

These lights shrouded the pool below, making this place look holy to everyone.

"Colorful Shenlian!" Xiao Yun blinked at the colorful Shenlian in front of her eyes.

"The goddess inside is very high-level." Princess Qilin next to her face was also fiery.

"But there is a force of restraint beside this pool!" Xiao Yun's eyes condensed, his eyes fell on the front.

"Unfortunately, so many lotuses in this river, and other spirits, have at least reached the rank of emperor." Looking at the pond in front, Xiao Feng sighed.

In addition to the colorful lotuses hanging in the long river above, there are also spirits in the pond.

They were not dared to move forward just because of the prohibition.

"Is it forbidden?" Xiao Yun's eyes narrowed, but he stared at the pond tightly.

"Give this deity some time, and you can crack this pattern!" Said Tuntian Supreme within the Tower of Devouring Heaven.

Xiao Yun nodded.

At the same time, he was watching the vicinity of the pool.

"There is a forbidden pattern here, as long as you don't touch it, you shouldn't touch the forbidden?" Xiao Yun's eyes moved and he found some very obvious ancient runes.

"However, maybe there is the hidden pattern next to it."

Xiao Yun continued to sense.

With the experience of going in and out of Jiuxiao Mountain, he also knew a little about the ban on Shinto formations.

At first, Zuo Shaoqin touched the hidden **** pattern and was frozen.

Hey, hey!

Just when Xiao Yun was groaning secretly, suddenly there was a flicker of people.

It is the genius of Xuan Yu.

"A lingering pond?" Yuan Tianzhang landed, his body shattered, and his robes tore through the void.

A flash of light in his eyes turned toward the Lingchi ahead.

"Are these people ...?" After glancing at the Lingchi, his gaze fell on Xiao Yun not far away.

"That's the demon domain!" There was a flicker of youth's eyes next to him, and he looked at Princess Qilin and others.

"I don't know if these people are from Tiandu Realm or Spirit Realm?" Everyone whispered.

Just when Yuan Tianzheng came, another figure flickered.

This is unparalleled.

There is no pair of white clothes fluttering, the wind is flying, and he is like a fairy.

Beside him, Genius Genius followed.

He glanced slightly at Yuan Tianzhang, and then went straight forward.

"There is a formation!" There was no blink of his eyes, and he found that the Lingchi in front had a formation protection.

"It's him!" At the side of Wushuang, Tian Qingshan's eyes flashed, and his eyes fell on Xiao Yun, not far away.

In addition to him, many people are also surprised.

At the same time, there was a strong awe in their eyes.

The kind of awe that made Wushuang look surprised.

"Who is he?" Never looked surprised.

"This person is named Xiao Yun. He is a native of Tiandu. He once won seventy-one games on the soul-breaking stage." Tian Qingshan said.

"Seventy-one games in a row?" Wen Yan said, no eyes flashed.

At this moment, even Yuan Tianzhang was moved.

He heard these words too.

Similarly, some of his team have seen Xiao Yun fight in Broken Soul Terrace.

"This person is really strong!" Those people said to Yuan Tianzhang.

"Oh." After hearing the words, Yuan Tianzhang's eyes were fiery, and when he rushed to Xiao Yun, he showed wariness.

"People in Xuanyu!" At this moment, Xiao Yun's eyes lightened, and he looked to the side.

After seeing Yuan Tianzhang and others, his eyes were frozen.

Especially the temperament emitted by Wushuang, even Xiao Yun moved slightly.

"It seems that these two people are the two geniuses of Xuan Yu." Xiao Yun secretly thought.

However, he only glanced at the two of them, then retracted his gaze and continued to look forward to the pond.

For him, getting this colorful lotus is the first thing to do now.

"This guy!" Seeing Xiao Yun glanced lightly, he retracted his eyes, Yuan Tianzhang's eyes were unhappy.

Look at this, obviously the other party does not look at himself at all!

"This kid is so crazy, don't you know what Yuan Gongzi is so good at?" Someone around Yuan Tianzhang was also shameless.

This Yuan Tianzhang was originally a proud man of the sky, and now he has gained a chance in the ancient **** continent, and his strength is even stronger.

Such characters can already compete with Peerless.

What are the pride of the young people in Duyu that day?

However, some Xuanyu geniuses who have seen Xiao Yun vs. Ying Ling are bitter smiles.

In their hearts, this young man in Tiandu domain is also unfathomable!

There was no flash of eyes, but it seemed very calm.

He had a dusty temperament, and soon fell his eyes on the Lingchi.

Although he has reached the level of quasi-passage, this spiritual extraction is also important to him, if he can be promoted to practice.

Although Yuan Tianzhang was not in his heart, he was also looking at the Lingchi.

"There is a hidden pattern here." At this time, within the Tower of Devouring Heaven, the Supreme Devourer opened his mouth.

Just now he released the divine thoughts, and he had already figured out the formations by the pool.

"Is there a way to crack it?" Xiao Yun asked.

"If it is a complete array, it is naturally difficult to break, but this large array is already incomplete, but you can find a few gaps." Tuntian Supreme said, "Look there, there is a hidden pattern, it is defective and contains The power of the ban has diminished, and only with this as a gap can you enter. "

"Where?" Xiao Yun's eyes lightened.

Confidence went away, the atmosphere was really different.

"When you step on it, it will also inspire this **** pattern." Supreme Heaven Swallow said, "But I will urge the God Swallow Tower to obliterate the forbidden force. Then, you will extract those spirits."

"Are you sure you can resist this **** array?" Xiao Yun asked.

"This array of gods has been around for too long, and the power is insufficient, so the deity can naturally resist a little strength." Supreme Master Tun Tian said, "As long as you move quickly, there will be nothing."

"Um." Xiao Yun nodded when he heard.

Then he took a step forward and went forward.

"You step back!" As he moved forward, he said to Xiao Feng and others.

Suddenly, everyone backed away immediately.

"This guy is going to that Lingchi?"

"There seems to be a divine pattern near Lingchi!"

"Isn't he afraid to touch the restraint of God?" When Xiao Yun stepped away, everyone in Xuanyu looked surprised.

"Is he sure?" Even Tian Qingshan took a breath.

As for that unparalleled, he was still aloof and stared at him.

From that look, it seemed that he was also very concerned about it.

The obscure fluctuations emanating from the Lingchi were scared even by him.

But the man dared to move forward?

It made him curious.

I also want to see what kind of means this young man has won in 71 games on the soulbreaking stage.

Yuan Tianzheng was grim.

Xiao Yun stepped out step by step and came to Lingchi by sight.

At this time, he set foot on the pool-like platform.

It's just here that there are obviously obscure fluctuations permeating.

Xiao Yun's eyes flashed, his sight fell in one direction.

Immediately, he strode forward and set foot forward.

When he stepped on, none of his eyes suddenly shrank, "Did you fall?" He stared tightly forward.

At the same time, the body was backing.

Xuan Yu's people stepped back, seemingly afraid of being affected by the might of God.


When Xiao Yun's feet fell to the ground, a divine pattern bloomed immediately.

The divine pattern bloomed, and a light mask evolved to envelope this spiritual pond.

At the same time, a wave of seemingly annihilable worlds oscillated.

Between the divine patterns, there were one divine pattern rising beside the Lingchi, just like a water dragon whistling.

A force of restraint was triggered.

And at this moment, Xiao Yun was completely shrouded in that glory.

If you look at it from afar, it seems that a water dragon is coming, and it will be swallowed up.


Just at this moment, Xiao Yun's body flickered and a cyclone appeared.

This is swallowing weather.

A divine force pervaded, resisting the force of restraint.

Not only that, but within the swallowing weather circle, there are one by one God pattern evolved, covering Xiao Yun.

This divine pattern shocked a kind of divine power, preventing the fusion of divine power of restraint.

The entanglement of several forces prevented the formation of the attack from completely banning the attack.

"It's all right!" Seeing this, Xiao Yun was glad.

Then, his eyes fixed, his gaze fell forward.

The big hand immediately reached out and took the colorful lotus on the Linghe in front.

At the same time, the longevity turtle shot.

The turtle's palm evolved and immediately swept through a spirit.

Several flashes of phantoms also appeared in Linghe.


Just an instant, they didn't know how many times they shot.

When the light and shadow flashed, Xiao Yun withdrew it, and swallowed many spirits into the tower.

The longevity tortoise and the phantom worm belonged to Shihai ~ ~ the next moment, Xiao Yun stepped out and exited.

As he exited the Lingchi, the Devouring Heavenly Pattern gradually converged.

At this time, the God array had no resistance and began to merge.

Hey, hey!

Every sharp blade is cut to Xiao Yun.

At the same time, Shenwen squirmed and turned into a long river.

This river contains divine power, like a python swallowed up, and like a storm, it seems that it can wipe out the world.

Such an attack is dreadful.

"This attack should be able to obliterate the Emperor of the Heavenly Nine Realms?" Seeing this, Xuan Yu's geniuses were all horrified.

"This man is so bold, see how he gets away." Someone snorted, and wanted to see Xiao Yun's end.

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